E124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 6, 2004 FLOOR ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE important to note that this controversial initia- begin a walk of growth and love that will re- HON. DAVID DREIER ON THE tive has not garnered the support of even a main constant throughout their lives. The AMENDMENT PROCESS FOR CON- majority of U.N. members. Only 90 states, church should take pride in its hard work and SIDERATION OF H.R. 1561, none of them democracies, voted in favor of commitment to civic involvement that has UNITED STATES PATENT AND the resolution. spanned the past 125 years. We wish the best TRADEMARK FEE MODERNIZA- Israel is a small democratic nation with myr- for the future of FUMC-Lewisville and hope TION ACT OF 2003 iad adversaries bent on its destruction. The that the next 125 years will be as blessed as undeniable truth remains that Israel, as with these 125 years have been. HON. DAVID DREIER any other nation, has the right and responsi- f bility to protect the lives of its innocent civil- OF CALIFORNIA TRIBUTE TO ARTHUR ELLIOTT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ians from brutal terrorist attacks. Con- sequently, the question of the preservation of Friday, February 6, 2004 due process with the General Assembly and HON. JOE KNOLLENBERG Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, the Committee the preservation of the integrity of the ICJ is OF MICHIGAN on Rules may meet the week of February 9 to essential. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grant a rule which could limit the amendment f Friday, February 6, 2004 process for floor consideration of H.R. 1561, the United States Patent and Trademark Fee 125TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise Modernization Act of 2003. The Committee on FIRST UNITED METHODIST today to pay tribute to Arthur Elliott, a dear the Judiciary ordered the bill reported on July CHURCH IN LEWISVILLE, TX friend and mentor of mine who passed away. 9, 2003, and filed its report with the House on Art attended Michigan State University and July 25, 2003. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS fought for our country during World War II in Any Member wishing to offer an amendment OF TEXAS the U.S. Army for 5 years. Following his edu- should submit 55 copies of the amendment IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cation and service, he continued an expansive career in real estate development and build- and one copy of a brief explanation of the Friday, February 6, 2004 amendment to the Rules Committee in room ing. Holding in high regard civic responsibil- H–312 of the Capitol by 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ities, Art led by example, actively engaging February 10. congratulate The First United Methodist himself in Michigan’s political affairs. Members should draft their amendment to Church of Lewisville on its 125th anniversary. Art served as the chairman of the Repub- the text of the bill as reported by the Com- The First United Methodist Church is dedi- lican Party for both Oakland County and the mittee on the Judiciary. cated to developing a haven for Christian be- State of Michigan. In 1960 and 1964 he rep- Members should use the Office of Legisla- lievers to be able to explore their professions resented Michigan Republicans as a delegate tive Counsel to ensure that their amendments of faith in Jesus Christ. to the party’s national conventions. Also, Art are drafted in the most appropriate format. Through its constant growth over the last was a delegate at the Michigan State Con- Members are also advised to check with the 125 years, FUMC-Lewisville has helped the stitutional Convention. In addition, he played Office of the Parliamentarian to be certain extended Lewisville community to live a more an instrumental role in the election of Michigan their amendments comply with the rules of the active lifestyle of worship, education, spiritual, Governor George W. Romney. House. mental, and physical development. FUMC- Art was an admired counselor and advisor. Lewisville serves as an example of a long- f He shared his wisdom, good judgment, and standing organization that seeks to help others advice with many, and his political instincts ON THE UNITED NATIONS GEN- while continuing growth within the church were unparalled. Still, his reputation tran- ERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION CON- itself. scended political lines because of the relation- CERNING ISRAEL AND THE The Lewisville chapter currently has diverse ships he fostered with all individuals he knew INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUS- groups for every member of the community. and worked with. TICE The motivated individuals who continue these An advocate of community service, Art on-going ministries are the reason that the served as president of the local chapter of the HON. W. TODD AKIN church is able to celebrate its 125th anniver- Rotary International, of which he was a life- OF MISSOURI sary today. By sponsoring programs such as long member. He sat on the board of directors IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Trinity Troupe for actors of all ages, 11 music of Lake Superior State University and Trout groups, 8 Bible studies, Covenant group for Unlimited. He was also president of the com- Friday, February 6, 2004 women of the church, My Brother’s Keeper for mittee that renovated Traverse City, Michi- Mr. AKIN. Mr. Speaker, December 8, 2003, men to meet every month for breakfast and gan’s Park Place Hotel. the General Assembly of the United Nations, fellowship, marriage intimacy classes and ath- Art had a passion for traveling, fly fishing, sitting in an emergency special session, letic programs, the church has made an effort photography and family life. As a husband, fa- adopted Resolution ES 10/14, requesting the to ensure that everyone who wants to be at ther, grandfather and friend he will be remem- International Court of Justice to render an ad- FUMC-Lewisville is welcomed with open arms bered for his integrity, dedication, and guid- visory opinion on the legal consequences of and has a place to feel at home in fellowship ance. Israel’s security fence. with other believers. Mr. Speaker, Art was a dear friend who had The placing of this issue before the ICJ as The church was established on January 25, a strong regard for the individual and Repub- the result of a political campaign within the 1879, with Reverend J.S. Sherill as an equal lican ideals. He was admired and will be re- U.N. General Assembly is a highly unsatisfac- to a District Superintendent, along with three membered by all those he knew. tory means of dealing with a profoundly com- preachers: G.W. Jackson, L.E. Joshua and f plex and contentious issue. If successful, this L.D. Addington. The first building was not con- initiative portends an increasingly political and structed until 1881, but the church thrived for THE COUNTER-TERRORIST AND divisive use of the ICJ. three years without an actual place of worship. NARCO-TERRORIST REWARDS There is an increasing concern by many By 1887, Lewisville had the only Sunday PROGRAM ACT countries that the use of the ICJ to obtain an school in the area with a steady attendance of advisory opinion will undermine the stature of 75. By 1910, the church had moved to a new HON. HENRY J. HYDE the court as well as the role of international building, where it survived the wars and de- OF ILLINOIS law. It is also important that the ICJ continue pression. With one last move, FUMC- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to abide by the principle of not addressing Lewisville found its present home. such contentious issues without the consent of We congratulate the efforts of this church Friday, February 6, 2004 all parties involved. To do otherwise could set and hope to increase the participation of oth- Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, today I am very a precedent that could serve to weaken the ers in the community who wish to follow the pleased to introduce, along with TOM LANTOS, stature of the U.N. by encouraging a new level example of FUMC-Lewisville. Through this the Ranking Democratic member of the House of politically oriented activity. church, the members are able to make a dif- International Relations Committee, and my This requested abuse of the ICJ would raise ference in the lives of people of all ages colleague from Illinois, MARK STEVEN KIRK, a the threshold of politically oriented activity. It is throughout the community by helping them to bill, the ‘‘Counter-Terrorist and Narco-Terrorist VerDate jul 14 2003 01:38 Feb 07, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K06FE8.005 E06PT1 February 6, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E125 Rewards Program Act.’’ This bill makes some we have used in the effort to find Osama Bin form of money, a nonmonetary item (includ- major changes and modifications to the long- Laden may be of limited value in some rural ing such items as automotive vehicles), or a established U.S. State Department Rewards areas of Pakistan or Afghanistan where there combination thereof.’’. (e) MEDIA SURVEYS AND ADVERTISEMENTS.— Program. is 30 percent literacy, but a BBC radio slot Such section is amended— The State Department Rewards Program with a rewards offer might just reach the audi- (1) by redesignating subsections (i) and (j) has clearly prevented acts of terrorism in the ence we need. The authority is now there to as (k) and (l), respectively; and past, has helped bring to justice long-sought pursue greater exposure for these rewards.
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