VILLAGE OF ALGONQUIN VILLAGE BOARD MEETING June 20, 2017 7:30 p.m. 2200 Harnish Drive -AGENDA- 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL – ESTABLISH QUORUM 3. PLEDGE TO FLAG 4. ADOPT AGENDA 5. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION 6. (Persons wishing to address the Board must register with the Village Clerk prior to call to order.) 7. THE VILLAGE OF ALGONQUIN PROCLAIMS JUNE 19-25, 2017 AS POLLINATOR WEEK 8. APPOINTMENT – PRESIDENT SCHMITT (All Appointments Require the Advice and Consent of the Village Board) A. Economic Development Commission Member - Robert Smith 9. CONSENT AGENDA/APPROVAL: All items listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Village Board and may be approved/accepted by one motion with a voice vote. A. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES: (1) Village Board Meeting Held June 6, 2017 (2) Committee of the Whole Held June 13, 2017 B. VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT FOR MAY 2017 10. OMNIBUS AGENDA/APPROVAL: The following Ordinances, Resolutions, or Agreements are considered to be routine in nature and may be approved by one motion with a roll call vote. (Following approval, the Village Clerk will number all Ordinances and Resolutions in order.) A. PASS ORDINANCES: (1) Pass an Ordinance Establishing Prevailing Wage Rates for the Village of Algonquin (2) Pass an Ordinance Accepting the Glenloch PUD Amendment and Final Plat of Resubdivision B. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS: (1) Pass a Resolution Accepting and Approving an Agreement allowing the use of MFT Funds for the Completion of Engineering of Sleepy Hollow Road in the Amount of $250,00.00 (2) Pass a Resolution Accepting and Approving an Agreement allowing the use of MFT Funds for a Portion of the Engineering and Construction Management of Harper Drive in the Amount of $10,379.00 (3) Pass a Resolution Accepting and Approving the Purchase of a Ford Interceptor Sedan (Taurus), in the Amount of $30,844.00 (4) Pass a Resolution Accepting and Approving the Amendment of the Employee Policy Manual (5) Pass a Resolution Accepting and Approving the Amendment of the Employee Travel Policy DISCUSSION OF ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AND/OR OMNIBUS AGENDA 11. APPROVAL OF BILLS FOR PAYMENT AND PAYROLL EXPENSES AS RECOMMENDED BY THE VILLAGE MANAGER A. List of Bills Dated June 20, 2017 totaling $ 939,925.09 12. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: A. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1 - Approve a Special Event Permit for Founders’ Days July 27-30, 2017 B. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION C. PUBLIC WORKS & SAFETY 13. VILLAGE CLERK’S REPORT 14. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS/REPORTS, AS REQUIRED 15. CORRESPONDENCE 16. OLD BUSINESS 17. EXECUTIVE SESSION: If required 18. NEW BUSINESS 19. ADJOURNMENT PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING JUNE 19-25, 2017 AS POLLINATOR WEEK WHEREAS, pollinator species such as bees, birds, bats, and insects are essential partners of farmers and ranchers in producing much of our food supply; and WHEREAS, pollination plays a vital role in the health of our national forests and grasslands, which provide forage, fish and wildlife, timber, water, and recreational opportunities as well as enhanced economic development opportunities for communities; and WHEREAS, pollinator species provide significant environmental benefits that are necessary for maintaining healthy, biodiverse ecosystems; and WHEREAS, the monarch butterfly is an iconic North American species whose multigenerational migration and metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly has captured the imagination of millions of Americans and is representative of pollinators; and WHEREAS, the monarch butterfly is the state insect of Illinois as approved by the General As- sembly in 1975 and as such is the icon species for pollinators; and WHEREAS, the Village of Algonquin promotes wise conservation stewardship, including the pro- tection and maintenance of pollinators and their habitats in parks and open spaces; and WHEREAS, cities, towns and counties have a critical role to play to save the monarch butterfly and pollinators in general, and the Village of Algonquin has played a leadership role by launching a part- nership with the Algonquin Area Public Library District; and WHEREAS, every citizen of Algonquin can make a difference for the monarch and pollinators by planting native milkweed and nectar plants to provide habitat for the monarch and pollinators in locations where people live, work, learn, play and worship; and WHEREAS, on behalf of the people of Algonquin who have already joined in creating healthy habitat for these magnificent butterflies, I am honored to lead the way by signing the National Wildlife Federation’s Mayors’ Monarch Pledge; and I encourage other city officials across our great nation to take a stand with me so that the monarch butterfly will once again flourish across the continent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Algonquin, McHenry and Kane Counties, Illinois that the Village of Algonquin does hereby proclaim the week of June 19-25, 2017 as Pollinator Week, and urges all citizens to recognize this observance. Dated this 20th day of June, 2017 (Seal) Approved: Attest: __________________________________ ________________________________ John C. Schmitt, Village President Gerald S. Kautz, Village Clerk Village of Algonquin A P P O I N T M E N T I, John C. Schmitt, duly appointed and qualified President of the Village of Algonquin, Illinois, Counties of McHenry and Kane, do hereby proclaim and make the following appointments and request the Advice and Consent of the Board of Trustees. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION NAME POSITION TERM Robert “Bob” Smith Member 06/20/2017 – 05/01/2018 Dated this 20th day of June 2017 ______________________________________________ John C. Schmitt, Village President ADVICE AND CONSENT OF APPOINTMENT The members of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Algonquin hereby advise and consent to the above appointments the day in the year above written. (SEAL) ATTEST: ______________________________ Gerald S. Kautz, Village Clerk Y:\Adm Exec Asst\VILLAGE\APPOINTMENTS Advice and Consent forms\Appointments 2017\EDC 2017.docx MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF ALGONQUIN, McHENRY & KANE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS HELD IN THE VILLAGE BOARD ROOM ON June 6, 2017 ________________________________________________________________________ CALL TO ORDER: President Schmitt called tonight’s meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Deputy Village Clerk Michelle Weber called the roll with the following trustees present; Debby Sosine, Janis Jasper, Jerrold Glogowski, Laura Brehmer, Jim Steigert. A quorum was established. Staff in attendance: Tim Schloneger, Bob Mitchard, Chief John Bucci, Deputy Clerk Michelle Weber, and Attorney Kelly Cahill. Note: Trustee John Spella was seated at 7:33 p.m. PLEDGE TO FLAG: Deputy Clerk Weber led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance. ADOPT AGENDA: Moved by Sosine, seconded by Glogowski, to adopt tonight’s agenda, deleting Item 16, Executive Session. Voice vote: ayes carried. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: None PROCLAMATION: Deputy Clerk Weber read the following Proclamation: 1. The Village of Algonquin Proclaims the first full week in September, Payroll Week CONSENT AGENDA: The following items are considered routine in nature and are approved/accepted by one motion with a voice vote: A. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES: (1) Village Board Annual Meeting Held May 16, 2017 (2) Committee of the Whole Meeting Held May 23, 2017 Moved by Spella, seconded by Sosine, to approve the Consent Agenda of June 6, 2017. Voice vote; ayes carried. OMNIBUS AGENDA: The following Ordinances, Resolutions, or Agreements are considered to be routine in nature and may be approved by one motion with a roll call vote. (Following approval, the Village Clerk will number all Ordinances and Resolutions in order.) PASS ORDINANCES: (1) Ordinance 2017-O-21, Approving an Ordinance Amending Chapter 22, Subdivision Regulations of the Algonquin Municipal Code Regarding Letter of Credit Form ADOPT RESOLUTIONS: (1) Resolution 2017-R-25, Accepting and Approving an Agreement with Compass Minerals for the Purchase of Road Salt, not to exceed $68.46 per ton. Moved by Steigert, seconded by Sosine, to approve the Omnibus Agenda of June 6, 2017. Roll call vote; voting aye –Sosine, Spella, Jasper, Glogowski, Brehmer, Steigert. Motion carried; 6-ayes, 0-nays. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Moved by Glogowski, seconded by Sosine, to approve the List of Bills for payment for 06/06/2017 including payroll expenses, and insurance premiums as recommended for approval. Roll call vote; voting aye –Sosine, Spella, Jasper, Glogowski, Brehmer, Steigert. Motion carried; 6-ayes, 0-nays. PAYMENT OF BILLS: General $ 478,498.67 MFT 37,341.85 Swimming Pool 6,099.67 Street Improvement 196,457.56 Park Improvement 250.00 Water & Sewer 201,691.52 Water & Sewer Improvement 100,490.63 Building Maintenance 76,531.84 Vehicle Maintenance Service 25,217.90 Total $ 1,122,579.64 COMMITTEE & CLERK'S REPORTS: Page 1 of 2 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: No Report VILLAGE CLERK ~ Deputy Clerk Weber reported the future Village meeting schedule. STAFF REPORTS: ADMINISTRATION ~ Mr. Schloneger reporting: 1- Skitich audit firm performed internal control audit interviews with staff over the last couple weeks. They will continue their interviews with the Trustees by sending each a letter. You should expect those in the next few days if you have not received them already. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~ None PUBLIC WORKS ~ Mr. Mitchard reported the following: 1- Glenmoor Subdivision Rehab Project is underway. Concrete work is in progress replacing some aprons, sidewalks, and curb patching. Starting the exploratory trenches on the project which is part of the work that has to take place prior to the rototilling of the road subbase to discover any utilities that may be shallower that we anticipate. This work will continue over the next week. 2- Gaslight Subdivision Road Rehab design kickoff meeting was today. Construction to begin summer of 2018. 3- Souwanas/Scott/Schuett design kickoff meeting was held in May and survey work is underway. 4- The LED light change out work is complete.
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