ILFITT lenses and optical products are distinguished by their custom quality and have, therefore, found ready acceptance by well-known professional photographers, picture magazines, and motion picture studios. Kilfitt lenses can be readily adapted to practically all miniature cameras or 16 and 35mm motion picture cameras with interchangeable lenses . • :Ie: L :J: :aT G- KILFITT and KILAR are Trade Marks registered with the U.S. Patent Office. and with U.S. Customs at all ports of entry to PHOTO prevent un-authorized importation. KILFIII LENS AND ADAPIER G U IDE Kilfitt lenses can be used with all the cameras listed below, or with cameras ha ving similar lens mounts. To find correct adapter for any camera-and-Iens combination, locate camera in left vertical columl ; locate Kilfitt lens in top horizontal lines. The Catalog Number and Code Word of the correct adapter will be found at the intersec­ tion of the two columns. Write to us for adaptatio ns to cameras not li sted here. 400 Fern 40mm Makro 90mm Makro 135-150mm Kilar 300 Fan·Tele Kilar Kilar 300mm Tele-Kilar 400mm·bOOmm E 0 Sport.Fern (see Note I) (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 5) Alpa 12639 tumal 12609 kilal 12629 tulal 12 619 anal Canonflex vimca vidca 12631 tumca 12601 kilea 12 621 tul ca 12611 anca Contax 0, S vimed vided 12637 tumpa 12607 kilpa 12627 tulpa 12 617 anpa Contarex vimco vidco 12 632 tumco 12602 kileo 12622 tulco 12612 anco Edixa Reflex vimed vided 12 637 tumpa 12607 kilpa 12627 tulpa 1261 7 anpa Exa vimex videx 12633 tumex 12603 kilex 12623 tulex 12613 anex Exakta vimex videx 12633 tumex 12603 kilex 12623 tulex 12613 onex Hexacon vimed vided 12 637 tumpa 12607 kilpa 12627 tulpa 12617 anpa Le ica 1-llIg 12 213 rexop# 12210 repor# 12509 anspi with 12213 rexop# Leica M2-M3 12212 repem# 12214 repmo# 12509 anspi with 12212 repem # Leica with Visoflex 1 12507 cozwi 12513 anso Leica with Visoflex II/l1a 12510 revis 12511 kivis 12514 onvis Minolta vimol vidol 12634 tumol 12604 kil ol 12624 tulol 12614 anol Miranda vimmi vidmi 12635 tummi 12605 kilmi 12625 tulmi 12615 anmi Nikon Reflex 12636 tumni 12606 kilni 12626 tulni 12616 anni Novoflex 12507 cozwi 12513 anso Penta con vimed vided 12637 tumpa 12607 kilpa 12627 tulpa 12617 anpa Pentax vi med vided 12637 tumpa 12607 kilpa 12627 tulpa 12617 anpa Praktica vimed vided 12637 tumpa 12607 kilpa 12627 tulpa 12617 anpa Praktiflex vimed vided 12637 tumpa 12607 kilpa 12 627 tulpa 12617 anpa Praktina 12542 retin 12543 kitin 12561 antis Topcon vimex videx 12633 tumex 12603 kilex 1262 3 tulex 126 13 anex Hasselblad Order lens: Pan Tele : IOOOF 12125 12565 anhas Arriflex • • • • • CineKodak 12512 ansic Special 12556 rekod 12554 kikod 12554 kikod C-mount cameras (reflex type) vimci vi dci 12638 tumci 12608 kilei 12 628 tulei 1261 8 anci # Kilarscope Prism Reflex Housing • Sold only by Arriflex Corporation Note I: 40mm Makro-Kilar lenses are supplied only complete with Note 4: Variable Extension 'Macro' adapters with an auxi liary helical mounts for cameras listed. Specify camera and code word focusing mount for all around photography. lenses can be when ordering. focused from infinity to closer distances than engraved on lens distance scales, extending the near focusing range of the Note 2: 'tum-' adapters have Variable Extension with an auxiliary heli cal 135mm f/3.8 Kilar to 241h" (Reproduction Ratio 1:2.6) mount for focusing from infinity to I: I ratio; built-in tripod 150mm f/3.5 Kilar to 27 lh" (Reproduction Ratio 1:2.7) socket; click stops for turning camera horizontal or vertical 300mm f/5.6 Tele-Kilar to 72" (Reproduction Ratio 1:4) while on tripod, 're-' adapters do not have variable extension, 'tul-' adapters have the same Special Features as listed under nor tripod socket, Note 3. Note 5: Flang e Adapters, locked to the lens with overlapping locking Note 3: Deluxe Adapters for general photography; lens can be focused ring; lens can be focused from infinity to nearest engraved from infinity to its nearest engraved distance. Special Features: distance. Except for Hasselblad 1000F (anhas), and Visoflex I 'kil-' adapters (and kitin) have slot with holder for 2x2" gela· (anso), all Flange Adapters have slot with holder for 2x2" tine filters; built-in tripod socket; click stops for turning cam­ gelatine filters and click stops for turning camera vertical or era horizontal or vertical while on tripod. horizontal while the lens is mounted on tripod'. September '903 Confidential for dealer use Kilar len ses are distinguished not only by their ings to be inserted between lens and camera fine optical performance, but also by their without affecting the full focusing range from light weight and superb mechan ic al qual ity infinity to near distance. Anyone Kilar may and finish. F- stop pre-selectors facilitate con­ be used with many different cameras by venient focusing and fast shooting; focu si ng simply using proper adapter-therefore, own­ and aperture controls with large rings assure ers of several still and/or motion picture positive operation even with gloved hands. All cameras enjoy the economy of using just one Kilars have 's hort barrels, ' thus permit adapt­ lens for all cameras! See the complete camera ers, variable extension mounts, or reflex hous- and adapter guide on the opposite page. 13Smm (S 1/4") l/l.8 KILAR. Fine quality long focus lens for portraits and plied complete with deep, screw-in lens shade, medium distance shots, at a moderate price. front and rear len s caps. Helical focusing mount. Threaded for use with Cat. No. 121 01 [1786-33] 'kil' or 'tul' adapters, or reflex housings. Sup- [3M2777-70] .......... (without adapter) 12 9.50 1S0mm (6") l/l.S KILAR. The large aperture of this popular long focus Cat. No. 12102 [2 1109-67] lens provides ample speed for color photog­ [3M6998-70] ......... ... (without adapter) 164.50 r.aphy under all conditions in sports, press, and feature photography. Helical focusing Cat. No . 12583 Series 7 filter adapter mount. Threaded for use with 'kil' or 'tul' for 150mm Kilar [763-17] ..... ............ ..... 4.75 adapters, or reflex hou sin gs. Supplied com­ plete with deep, screw-in len s shade, front Cat. No . 12402 leather Case for and rear lens caps. 150mm Kilar [178-00] .... ........ .. ..... 12 .00 lOOmm (12.") I/S.6 TELE-KILAR. Compact telephoto construction and light Cat. No. 12103 [31131-67] weight ma ke this lens ideal for hand-held [3M71118-50] ...... ..... without adapter 197.50 "long shots" in every field of tele-photog­ raphy. Helical focusing mount. Threaded for Cat. No. 1258 1 Series 8 filter adapter use with 'kil' or 'tul' adapters, or reflex hous­ for 300mm Tele-Kilar [863-17] ..... ......... 4.75 ings. Supplied complete with deep, screw-In Cat. No. 1240 3 leather Case for lens shade, front and rear lens caps. 300mm Tele-Kilar [2710-00] .............. .... 15.00 lOOmm (12.") 1/4 PAN-TELE-KILAR. Duo-Range, high speed telephoto lens of Supplied with deep, screw-in lens shade and unique design with an extreme focusing range front lens cover. from infinity to 5'12 feet, giving full coverage Cat. No. 12 107 Complete with Deluxe even to 2 '/4 x2 '/4 " format. Parallel focus with Carrying Case [21296-33] left and right focusing knobs and detachable [3 M 82266-70] ........ (without adapter) 444.50 fast-focus lever. Helical extension sets close ­ up focusing range (10 to 5'12 ft.) of lens. Cat. No. 12240 lens Cradle for using Built-in tripod socket in rotatable mount with 300mm Pan-Tele-Kilar with Bolex HI6 set screw. Overlapping locking ring for use RX camera. Available on special order with 'an' flange adapters and reflex housings. [833 1-65] ............. 47.50 400mm (16 ") I /S.6 FERN-KILAR. Popular medium speed long focus lens at a Cat. No. 12106 [82 169-67] moderate price, for nature and expedition [3M72 152-70] ....... (witho ut adapter) 254.50 Cat. No. 12410 Travel Case wi t h photography and for special press and fea­ hinged cover and carrying hand le, ture assignments. Helical focusing mount. for 400mm Fern-Kilar [07 13-33] 20.00 Buil t-i n t ripod socket, and slot with holder Cat. No. 12241 lens Cradle for using for 2x2" gelatine fi lters. Overlapping locking 400mm Fern-Ki lar with Bolex H 16 RX camera. Ava ilable on special order ri ng for use with 'an' flange adapters and [933 1-65] ................................................ 47.50 refl ex housings. Supplied complete wi t h deep, Cat. No. 12404 leather Case for screw-i n lens shade and fron t lens cover. 400mm Fern-Ki lar [6925-33 ] ... ... .......... 38.00 Cl September 1963 Confidential 'miM!1 LONG - FOCUS LENSES - MAKRO-KILARS for dealer use 400mm (16" ) 1/4 SPORT-FERN-KILAR. l arge lens elements incorporating rare earth reflex housi ngs. Supplied wit h deep, screw-In glass give this outstanding long focus lens lens shade and fr ont lens cover. extra 'speed' and superior correction over the entire film area to make it especially useful Cat. No. 12108 Complete wit h Deluxe for color photography under difficult light Carrying Case [74323 -00] conditions. Parallel focus with left and righ~ [3M73290-70] .... .... wit hou t adapte r) ..484.50 focusing knobs and detachable fast-focu s CaL No. 12242 lens C radle for using lever. Built-in tripod socket. Slot wi t h holder Sport- Fern-Kilar with Bolex H 16 RX for 2x2" gelatine filters . Overlapping locking camera.
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