Jesse Jackson set to announce his candidacy, A3 GREATER RED BANK EATONTOWN N.Y. has a winner In Freehold LONG BRANCH San Francisco falls Broadcasters Hall of Fame to the Jets, 27-13. inducts noted performers. Today's Forecast: Page B3 • 1 Page B1 Partly sunny, warmer Complete weather on A2 The Daily Register VOL. 106 NO. 102 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER . SINCE 1878 MONDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1983. 25 CENTS Grenada military leader is captured BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (API up after the Oct. 19 killing of Prime Coard. another architect of the in $20,000 worth of food, medicine ving as police The central market munications were being repaired. — Grenada's citizens began re- Minister Maurice Bishop bloody coup tht ousted Bishop and other supplies, but the food area, usually quiet on Sundays, was In an address to the nation late storing order to their battle-scarred No further details of Austin's Coard. a Marxist economist and shortage on the island was not as even quieter than normal Saturday on state-run Spice Island island today as defenders' guns were capture were immediately avail- deputy prime minister, led a faction bad as expected The problem, the "We see the real truth about Radio, the British-appointed gov- silent and the leader of the short- able. Austin had been reported on that believed Bishop's pro-Cuban report said, had been distributing Americans and we sec how they're ernor general of the island. Sir Paul lived Marxist military regime was the run in various locations across regime was not radical enough food from warehouses to stores interested and we see the real truth Scoon. urged stores and schools to reported in custody., the 133-square mile Caribbean In St. George's, there were no during the invasion and during the when they arrived because they open and government employees to . The American death toll in the island since the US-led invasion reports of further fighting Sunday junta's 24-hour curfew for several didn't want to see us get com- report to work today. Grenada campaign rose to 16. with last Tuesday and reporters were allowed to walk days earlier munistic," said Benedine Charlotte, The United States and its Carib- 77 wounded and three missing Some reports said he had with one the streets without military escorts Reporters saw smashed windows carrying a two-week-old baby bean allies have recognized Scoon as A man who claimed to be Gen or more women hostages, and he for the first time and empty store shelves as a result The AID report said there was the only "constitutional authority " Hudson Austin and was carrying reportedly made at least one abort- "There is no life-threatening situ- of looting after the invasion The extensive shelling damage to on Grenada Austin's identification papers was ive attempt to escape from the ation at the present. ' said a report only restaurant open in the area was bridges and roads, and. a broken In Barbados, high-ranking police captured by U.S. paratroopers, the island on a yacht. issued by U.S. representatives of the selling beer, but no food water main had lowered water said a contingent of U.S. Marines Pentagon said Sunday. Austin was On Saturday. U.S. Marines in the Agency for International Develop- Patrols of soldiers and sailors pressure Electricity was working in captured an undisclosed number of chairman of the 16-member suburbs af St. George's, the capital ment from the 400-member. seven-nation some parts of the city, according to Cuban resisters Sunday on Car- People's Revolutionary Council set of Grenada, captured Bernard The report said AID had shipped Caribbean security force were ser- the report, and telephone com- II.H.III a 13-square mile island Documents show Red plans: U.S. WASHINGTON (AP) - With the Pentagon lowering its estimate of Cuban troop strength on Grenada, the Reagan administration is weighing the release of a treasure trove " of captured documents de- tailing purported Soviet-bloc in- volvement on the island Pentagon officials reported yes- terday that 16 American soldiers have died since the US -led invasion of Grenada six days ago, an increase of five over the previous figure Four of the dead had been listed as missing in action. The officials reduced by about 300 their estimate of the number of Cubans on Grenada Initially, the estimates of the Cuban presence were about 1.100 but now officials are saying that Cuba's own figure of 1 Aitocmcd Prttl pholo IN ACTION — Members ol the 82nd Airborne ol Grenada. The picture was released by the 784 may be about right Division are shown firing field artillery into the hills Department of Defense. The State Department, mean- while, says it has new evidence of a different kind of Cuban and Soviet- bloc involvement on Grenada Deputy Secretary of Stale Ken- 2 cops shot, suspects held neth Dam. appearing on CBS's "Face the Nation ' yesterday, said SOUTH AMBOY <AP> - Two The suspects, whose identities intensive care unit but refused to American forces have uncovered police officers assigned to extra were not immediately released, give any other information. secret documents showing that the Soviet Union, Cuba and North Korea patrols for the Halloween weekend were caught in Old Bridge Town- The officers were in their patrol were shot last night 'when they had entered into military supply ship, officials said car when they spotted the two men. relationships with Grenada s de- approached two men in a residential Officer Frank Dziekin. 50. was one of whom was wanted on a area of> this Middlesex County city, posed leftist government reported in fair and stable condition warrant. Kelly said authorities said Dam said the information was RagllMr pholo by Larry P*tna at South Amboy Memorial Hospital State police and officers from The man wa'nted on the warrant part of a "treasure trove " of GHOSTLY SLEEP — Stephen Love . 6 months, of Atlantic with one bullet wound to the left surrounding communities searched drew a gun and fired at the officers documents that have come to light Highlands wasn't impressed with ghosts, goblins or Halloween at shoulder, the nursing supervisor since last Tuesday s invasion Other for the two men, who were caught as they approached. Kelly said the Red Bank parade He went to sleep m his molher Donna's there said officials said the administration and brought to the police station arms. See story on page Bl. here four hours after the 9 p.m. Officer Mike DeLucia. 31. was Frank Newark, a retired police expects to make public some of the shooting at the intersection of brought to Perth Amboy Hospital, officer, said police were still trying documents, possibily early this Washington Avenue and Feltus where the nursing supervisor said he to determine early Monday how the week Street, said Capt. Robert Kelly. was in stable condition in the shooting occurred The administration has main- have privately confided to her their the primary US concern in tained that the invasion by US and concerns about the prospect that Grenada was saving lives, that is hot Caribbean forces was motivated by MiG jet fighters might use Grenada an issue in Nicaragua Beyond that, concern for the safety of Americans as a staging area for military he said, the I'nited States is com- living in Grenada and by an invita- activity. She noted that Venezuela is mitted to solving Central America's Raid Monmouth escort service tion from the Organization of East- less than 100 miles from Grenada problems politically not militarily ern Caribbean States. Disputing suggestions that' the Dam. asked about the same NEWARK <AP) - Police ar- police. Kobus said. But in a secret briefing of the United States surrendered the high subject, said there are no plans to rested three people and confiscated Search warrants were executed at "Our people are going to sift Senate Intelligence Committee on moral ground internationally by invade Nicaragua but. I have no business records, cash, weapons and about 12:30 a.m. on the Venus through the records." said Kobus Fqday. senior administration of- invading Grenada. Mrs Kirkpatrick idea what may be in some drawer in small amounts of drugs yesterday Escort Service on Route 33 in At the home, police confiscated ficials acknowledged that there had said "those nations who seriously the Pentagon during a raid on a Monmouth County Neptune City and a home in a small quantities of cocaine, mari- been no actual threats or overt feel it was an immoral act already escort service and the home of the secluded section of Neptune Town- juana and methamphetamine and a actions directed against the 1.000 thought we were an immoral S<>a liright in I lth owners, officials said. ship, where the owners'of the escort 38-caliber gun. a 22-caliber gun and Americans — many of them stu- power ' The raids were conducted as part service live, said Kobus. a 12-guage shotgun. Kobus said. dents — on the Caribbean island. Undersecretary of State Law- In .i listing of the towns making up of a two-month state police in- At the escort service, police The escort service is owned Increasingly, the administration rence Eagleburger. interviewed on the 12lh Legislative District in vestigation of an alleged prosti- seized $21,000' in cash, records jointly by Michael Bonanno. 41. and has cited the Cuban presence on ABC's This Week With David yesterday a Register. Sea Bright tution ring but no charges-relating to including payroll accounts, accounts Valerie Revoir. 28. both ol whom Grenada as a major source of Brfnkley," rejected the notion that was erroneously listed as one of the prostitution were filed pending prep- payable and receivable, contracts were charged with possession of concern United Nations Am- the invasion of Grenada could be a municipalities in that district Sea aration of a case for presentation to for service with clients and photo- drugs and released in their own bassador Jeane Kirkpatrick.
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