A New Species of Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) from the Mexican YucataÂn Peninsula IvoÂn M. RamõÂrez M. and German Carnevali F.C. Herbario CICY, Centro de InvestigacioÂn Cientõ®ca de YucataÂn, A.C., Calle 43 # 130, Colonia Chuburna de Hidalgo, MeÂrida 97200, YucataÂn, Mexico. [email protected]; [email protected] ABSTRACT. A new species of Tillandsia is pro- Species haec T. brachycaulos af®nis, sed plantis major- posed. It is similar to Tillandsia brachycaulos ibus, foliis re¯exis paucioribus, in¯orescentiis scaposis, ramulis pedunculum adpressis diversa; T. balbisiana ra- Schlechtendal and Tillandsia balbisiana Schultes mis in¯orescentiae brevioribus non-complanatis, ¯oribus f., two sympatric species. The new species is most fasciculatis recedit. similar to T. brachycaulos in ¯ower and bract color, but the elongated in¯orescences resemble those of Medium-sized epiphytic herbs, 28±40 cm tall. T. balbisiana, although the branches are much Rosettes erect, with 16±20 leaves. Foliar sheaths shorter. densely lepidote on both surfaces, membranaceous, Key words: Bromeliaceae, Mexico, Tillandsia, green, (4±)5±7 cm long, (2.5±)3±4 cm wide, oblong, YucataÂn. attenuate toward the apex; lamina narrowly trian- gular, attenuate, apex recurved, twisted when dry, The Bromeliaceae of the YucataÂn Peninsula have green on both surfaces, minutely lepidote, (12±)30± recently been reviewed by RamõÂrez and Carnevali (1999). Later, the same authors proposed the ad- 35 cm long, (1.5±)1.8±2(±3) cm wide, somewhat ditional species, T. jaguactalensis I. RamõÂrez, Car- concave. In¯orescence a panicle with short, ap- nevali & Chi (RamõÂrez et al., 2000), bringing to 20 pressed branches, 27±35 cm long measured from species the number of taxa in the genus that were the base of the rosette, erect, cylindric, many-¯ow- thus known to occur in the Mexican portions of the ered, as long as to much longer than the leaves; YucataÂn Peninsula. This makes Tillandsia the larg- peduncle either partially enveloped (1/2 of its est genus of epiphytes in the area, followed by the length) by the primary bracts or completely ex- orchid genera Epidendrum L. (12 species) and Tri- posed; 14±18 cm long measured from the base of chocentrum Poeppig & Endlicher s.l. (8 species) the rosette to the base of the fertile portion of the (Carnevali et al., 2001, and unpublished data). Fur- in¯orescence; fertile portion of the in¯orescence ther exploration and study of the area's Bromeli- 10±15 cm long, with 7 to 9 polystichously arranged aceae will certainly continue to yield taxonomic appressed branches; primary bracts from broadly novelties. elliptic to ovate-elliptic, 17±28 cm long, free por- The novelty here presented is noteworthy be- tion of the primary bract 8±12 mm wide, foliaceous, cause it seems intermediate between two sympatric abruptly tapering into a narrowly triangular acu- species, Tillandsia brachycaulos and Tillandsia minate lamina, diverging and exposing the apex of balbisiana, which are widespread and locally com- the branch, basally red, apically green, minutely mon in most of the YucataÂn Peninsula. lepidote on both surfaces, nerved when dry. Branches appressed to the main axis or slightly di- Tillandsia maya I. RamõÂrez & Carnevali, sp. nov. TYPE: Mexico. YucataÂn: Municipio MeÂrida, verging, with 3±5 ¯owers each, 3±3.5 cm long, 0.9± Parque Nacional de DzibilchaltuÂn, vegetacioÂn 1 cm wide. Floral bract ca. 2 cm long, ca. 0.7 cm de selva baja caducifolia, aprox. 898359490W, wide, narrowly elliptic, acute, densely lepidote in- 21859440N, ago. 2001 [``planta epõ®ta, ¯ores side, green outside, apically red, keeled. Flowers moradas, 1 o 2 abiertas simultaÂneamente, es- 4±4.5 cm long, erect, 1 or 2 open per branch at tigma apenas saliendo por encima del tubo de any given time, thus in¯orescences display several la corola, creciendo con Tillandsia brachycau- ¯owers open simultaneously, each one lasting one los Schltdl., T. balbisiana Schult. f., T. elon- day; sepals 12±15 mm long, 3±4 mm wide, poste- gata (Kunth.) var. subimbricata (Baker) L. B. rior ones connate for 2/3 of their length, the anterior Sm., T. paucifolia Baker''], I. RamõÂrez, G. Car- one connate for 1/3 of its length, white, apically nevali, F. Chi-May & U. GonzaÂlez 929 (holo- reddish, sparsely lepidote; petals imbricate, making type, CICY). Figure 1. a tube-like corolla, 32±34 mm long, 5±6 mm wide, NOVON 13: 209±211. 2003. 210 Novon Figure 1. Tillandsia maya I. RamõÂrez & Carnevali. ÐA. Habit with in¯orescence, showing also an old in¯orescence from the previous rosette. ÐB. Flower with ¯oral bract and fascicle bracts. ÐC. Flower with sepals. ÐD. Floral bract ¯attened. ÐE. Sepals ¯attened. ÐF. Petal ¯attened. ÐG. Stamen with dorsi®xed anther. ÐH. Ovary, style, and stigma with details of the stigmatic region. (Drawn from holotype, RamõÂrez et al. 929, CICY.) Volume 13, Number 2 RamõÂrez & Carnevali 211 2003 Tillandsia maya from Mexico base narrowly oblong, blade elliptic, obtuse, pur- among several other epiphytic species such as Til- ple, constricted at 14±15 mm from the base, base landsia elongata var. subimbricata (Baker) L. B. narrowly oblong; stamens in two series, white, ®l- Smith, T. recurvata (L.) L., T. fasciculata Swartz, T. aments 4 and 7 cm long, pollen bright yellow; an- schiedeana Steudel, T. paucifolia Baker, Aechmea thers 3 mm long, 1 mm wide, versatile, dorsi®xed, bracteata (Swartz) Grisebach, and epiphytic orchids dark brownish; style 32±35 mm long, stigma con- such as Trichocentrum cebolleta (Jacquin) M. W. duplicate-spiral, with three white lobes, 2 mm long Chase & N. H. Williams and Harrisella porrecta each, surpassing the anthers in anthesis, white, (Reichenbach f.) Fawcett & Rendle. Despite ®ve green±tinged; ovary 5 mm long, 2 mm wide, locules years of ®eldwork in the park, only two plants of 2.5 mm long, 30 to 33 ovules per locule. this new taxon have been found, one of them under cultivation at the JardõÂn BotaÂnico Regional CICY. Etymology. The speci®c epithet honors the Paratype. MEXICO. YucataÂn: Municipio MeÂrida, Maya, the ®rst people to inhabit the area where the Parque Nacional de DzibilchaltuÂn, aprox. 898359490W, plants of this new taxon were collected. 21859440N, ago. 2002 [``planta epõ®ta, ¯ores moradas, 1 o Tillandsia maya belongs in subgenus Tillandsia 2 abiertas simultaÂneamente, estigma apenas saliendo por and seems closely related to Tillandsia balbisiana. encima del tubo de la corola, creciendo con Tillandsia With this species, T. maya shares a similar vege- brachycaulos Schltdl. y T. balbisiana Schult. f.''], I. Ra- mõÂrez & G. Carnevali 956 (MO). tative habit (pseudobulbose rosette) with curled leaves and an elongated in¯orescence. The rosettes Acknowledgments. The authors thank Francisco of T. maya, however, are less conspicuously pseu- Chi-May, Ulises GonzaÂlez, and Filogonio May Pat dobulbose and the leaves are comparatively less for ®eld assistance and specimen handling. We are lepidote, looking greener than in T. balbisiana. The indebted to Ginette Farreny for the line drawing of in¯orescences are proportionally shorter in T. maya the new taxon. Rossana Marrufo drew the dissected than in T. balbisiana. sepals of the new entity. The in¯orescence of Tillandsia maya is similar Literature Cited to that of the recently described Tillandsia maypatii I. RamõÂrez & Carnevali (RamõÂrez & Carnevali, Carnevali, G., J. L. Tapia-MunÄoz, R. JimeÂnez-Machorro, L. SaÂnchez-SaldanÄa, L. Ibarra-GonzaÂlez, I. M. RamõÂrez 1999). Both taxa share a condensed panicle with &M.P.GoÂmez-JuaÂrez. 2001. Notes on the ¯ora of the sessile, appressed branches. Tillandsia maypatii, YucataÂn Peninsula II: A synopsis of the orchid ¯ora of however, features larger (5±5.5 cm long), white the Mexican YucataÂn PenõÂnsula and a tentative check- ¯owers, more numerous leaves (30 to 40) in a more list of the Orchidaceae of the YucataÂn PenõÂnsula Biotic Province. Harvard Pap. Bot. 5: 383±466. open rosette. The in¯orescences in T. maypatii are RamõÂrez, I. & G. Carnevali. 1999. A new taxon of Til- also proportionally shorter and denser. landsia, some new records, and a checklist of the Bro- The habitat where this new taxon occurs is a low meliaceae from the YucataÂn PenõÂnsula. Harvard Pap. caducifolious forest, dominated by Gymnopodium Bot. 4(1): 185±194. , G. Carnevali & F. Chi-May. 2000. Portraits of ¯oribundum Rolfe trees, a member of the Polygon- Bromeliaceae from the Mexican YucataÂn PeninsulaÐII: aceae. Tillandsia maya grows as an epiphyte at rel- A new species of Tillandsia. J. Bromeliad Soc. 50(2): atively low elevations (0.5±3 m) from the ¯oor and 62±67..
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