PARTS XIII-A & B TOvVN 8£ VILLAGE CENSlJS 1981 u4\llEC1_'ORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT SERIES-S GUJARAT DISTRICT KACHCHH CENSUS DISTRICT HANDBOOK R. s. CHHAYA 'Of tile Indian Admioiltrativc Service Direetor of Ce"su, Operatio"s GuJart" CEI'tstIS OF INDIA 1981 LIST OF PROPOSED PUBLICATIONS CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Census of India, 1981 Series-5 Gujarat are being published in the following parts Part Subject Covered Number ·I-A Administration Report-Enumeration I-B Administration Report-Tabulation ·JI-A General Population Tables-A~Serjes .I1-B General Population Tables - Primary Census Abstract III-A General Economic Tables - B-Series (Tables B-1 to B-IO) III-B General Economic Tables - B-Series (Tables B-l1 to B-22) IV-A Social and Cultural Tables - C-Series (Tables C-l to C-6) IV-B Social and Cultural Tables - C-Series (Tables C-7 to C-IO) V-A Migration Tables - D-Series (Tables D-t to D-4) V-B Migration Tables - D-Series (Tables D-5 to D-13) VI-A Fertility Tables - F-Series (Tables F-l to F-19) VI-B Fertility Tables - F-Series (Tables F-20 to F-28) ·VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population VIII-A Household Tables (Tables HH-l to HH-16) VIII-B Household Tables (Table HH-17) VIII-C Report on Households IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes § X-A Town Directory X-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns X-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages XI Ethnographic Notes and Special Studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes XII Census Atlas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK XIII-A Village and Town Directory XIII-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract • Published § Under Print Note: (1) All the maps included in this publication are based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. (2) The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate Base line. (3) (©) Government of India Copyright 1986. ERRATA DISTRICT : KACHCHH ---- Pale Particulars Col. For Read Page Particulars Col. For Read No. No. No. No. 1 2 3 4 S 2 3 4 , Analytical Net.s 31 L.C.No.31 4 Not clear (778) 35 L.C.No.31 16 WE(l30.30) W2(130.00) xiii 2ndHalf-3rd 'ara- L.C.No.40 16 T(6 .00) T(69.00) 2nd Line-4th Word 49 48 L.C.No. 43 16 GE(H.OO) GC (31.00) xxiii 'nd Half-2nd Pal'a- 34 L.C.No. 58 5 P,O 0 4th Line-Last 2 Words facility of facility Note @ Area of @ Area xxv Table-4. Sl.No. 4 2 51 + and included included above 51+ 35 L,C.No.59 12 ~undrn-36 ~undra-36 xxvi Table-5, SI.No. 9 11 Not clear 178 36 Total 7 (RP (35) RP (25) xxix 2nd Ha1f-2nd Une- 40 SI.No. 22 4 48 44 Last Word Wher~as (35) borrow whereas 42 L.C.No. 12 4 (352) L.C.No. 17 4 7;0 700 xxix ?nd Half-3rd Line- 44 L.C.No.26 11 PR KR Last Word tow town 47 L.C.No.40 17 Not clear 1,148.00 V Gandbi- II Gandhi- xxxi Table-II, SI.No. 4 2 GC (302.00) <-ham (~) Ohilll. (\1.1) L.C.No. 41 16 Not clear L.C.No 42 16 Not clear W (4.00) xx'Zviii 2nd Hlllf Last Para- 17 Not cleal' 930.00 4th Line-5th Word he the L.C.No.45 20 N3: M N5: M xxxviii SI.So. 2-Mundra-T 4 63,242 63,224 L.C.No.51 18 79.00 97.0J xl Table-22, Sl. No. l 6 Ill.71 +IR.71 48 L.C.No.70 6 RP(2)'sMP, RP(2\,SMP. CHW Village Directory L.C.No.71 3 436.70 436.76 51 L.C.No. 73 19 10962 109.62 4 SI. NO.7 2 Not clear Baukho 57 SI.No. 6 5 48 52 {Odhejavalo) SI.No, 73 4 71 72 MirUbapar Mirjba.,ar S SI.No. 90 2 61 SI.No.9 14 Bajri, Wheat Rajrl. Wheat, SI.No. 122 2 Not clear Sadhara Rice SI.No. 129 2 Not clear Sarspar LC.No.IO 14 Rajri. Wheat. Bajri,Wheat SI.No. 156 2 Vinehbiya Vinchhiya Rice ~ L.C.No. 13 2 Mbadriyado Misariyado 63 L.C.No.32 14 Riee Rice 8 L.C.No. 36 4 (6 4) (614) 64 L.C.No.47 3 J,015.48 1,015.41 9 L.C.No. 33 16 PC U2.00) PC {32.0r,} 70 L.C.No. 104 2 Varnott Vamoti Nani L.C.No. 34 16 W ( .OJ) W (3.00) Nani 72 L.C.No. 121 3 6.67.57 6,675.57 8 -(5-10 kms) PO to L.C.No.43 L.C.No. 129 JI RP,KK PR,KR L.C.No.44 8 PO -(5-10 kms) 73 L.C.No. 132 17 Not clear 316 •.;2 L.C.No.45 8 -(-5 kms) PO 75 L.C.No. J41 16 W(lI.CO) W5.DO) L.C.No. S5 3 1,6t;o.78 1,680.48 77 L.C.No.158 18 15.00 35.00 11 L.C.No.44 20 R-Lakhas Ra-Lakhas 84 L.C.No.43 5 -10\+ kms) -(10+ kms) Temple Temple 88 L.C.No.71 10 -(10 km.) -(10+ kms) L.C.No.5S 13 EA 90 L.C.No~ 92 2 ~dniara Maniara 12 L.C.No.78 8 -(5-10 kms) -(-5 krns) 96 L.C.No.14 8 PTO,Phone PO, Phone 13 L.C.No.75 16 T( 38.0C) T (138.fO) 99 L.C.No.19 12 Bhuj-76 Bhuj-70 17 L.C.No. 100 16 Not clear T (654.0ll) 101 L.C.No.40 16 Not clear WE (71,00) 19 L.C.No. 116 19 Not clear 1,595.44 102 L.C.No.68 6 PHS,D,FPC PHS, FPC 22 Total 3 +242,518.53 242,518.53 104 L.C.No.86 6 Not clear FPC,RP(3). 107 L.C.No. 104 20 N: N3 I 2 Boagda 30 L.C.No.21 Bagda 114 SI.No.64 2 PalaoK),a Palansva L.C.No.22 6 -(5- kms) -(-5 kms) SI.No· 66 2 Pathapar Pethapur ( i ) ! ! I I ~ Iiiiii~;J:~ © . ....: \ I') ?\ 0\ \. "{" I I U 0 I U .o a "u ~ • 8 . ~ « :. ~ ;;; e~• a: 00 « ~ " J • :JI- Q ~u ex:- l­ Q (/) -o Kandla is the first Major Port to be built by independent India in this Kachchh District of Gujarat Stat~ and was the sixth to join India's Major ports in 1955. When India gained independence in 1947, the port of Karanchi was transferred to Pakistan, in its place Kandla was designed to come over the inconveniency and un-economical of its trafic's diversion to Calcutta and Bombay, and built as a port outlet for the North-West India. The port ot Kandla is an excellent, natural and well projected port and serves as the sea-gate to the North-West India. It has a hinterland as vast as 10 lakh square kilometres which includes North Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Jambu & Kashmir, Western Uttar Pradesh and parts of Madhya Pradesh. The port has been planned on the modern lines to handle different type of Cargo and it has also a Free Trade Zone, the first of its kind in the country established with a view to developing exports through this port. Kandla is the only port on the West Coast of the country which is well connected with its hinterland by Metre guage and Broad guage railway systems and also by all weather roads including !i1 Nationa! Highway, I. a a A T A-C.It'~. Pa •• Particulars Col. Por Read Pa •• Particulars Col. For Rea4 No. No. No. No. , :z 3 " S :2 3 4 116 L.C.No.l 4 (37) (13) Primary Census Abstract L.e.No.7 ~ Mauvana Mauvana (Shivagadb-H) I 4 I . Bhuj Taluka 8 Not c1eaf 66.910 117 L.6:.No. 9 J6 GC(32.0) GC(32.00) 7. Rapar Taluka I Not clear 64.449 L.C.No.16 16 Not clear GC (11HO) 8. Dbachau 1alukl 7 N", cl~ar 86.329 WE (60.0J) 5 I. Bhuj Taltlka 11 Not clnr 1.'98 III L.C.No.21 2 GlIVuripar Ganripar 4. Abda.a Taluka 10 Not clear M,7 119 L.C.No.31 11 Rapaa-6 Rapar-6 10 KACHCHH 114 L.C.No. II 3 '19.19 839.19 OISfRICT -T II Not clear 28.253 L.C.No. 87 :2 Oedarn Otdarv8 10 -U 16 Not clear 23 (Chilrod I. Bhuj Taluka-R 9 ~ot clear 2.S34 Station-H) -U 9 Nvt clear 966 L.CNo. 88 2 Cbitro4 Chitrod (B"la!ari-H) 12 Not "Ie.n 946 13 Not clear 224 L.C.No.91 7 n,R W,Tk,R 14 ~Ol cl~"r 4 125 L.C.No.82 U EA L.C.No. I~ J6 WB (IS.CO) WE (. 5.00) 3. Mandvi 'faluka-R 10 Nc·t clear '87 L.C.No.18 IS 6'32.00 6,932.00 11 Not clear 3,940 ]25 15 NOL clrar :32 L.C.No.88 20 IncrilltiOD Inlcnption 13~ 16 Not clear 138 L.C.No.3 1 kal,.apai Kal,sQPur L.C.No.
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