— 202 — NOTIFICATIONS de peste, choléra, fièvre jaune, variole, typhus et fièvre of plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus récurrente, aux termes de la législation sanitaire and relapsing fever internationale under International Sanitary Legislation reçues du 18 au 24 avril 1958 received from 18 to 24 April 1958 Explication des signes utilisés — Explanation o f symbols used 9 Notification reçue d’un gouvernement aux termes de l’article 3 du Règlement ... Chiffres non encore disponibles — Figures not yet received sanitaire international indiquant qu’une circonscription est devenue infectée à la date donnée. (A) Aéroport — Airport Notification received under Article 3 of the International Sanitary Regulations from the Government that the area became an infected local area on the date (P) Port maritime ou fluvial — Maritime or river port indicated. i Cas importé — Imported case a Notification reçue d’un gouvernement aux termes de l’article 6 du Règlement sanitaire international indiquant qu’une circonscription était indemne à la p Chiffres préliminaires — Preliminary figures date donnée. r Chiffres révisés — Revised figures Notification received under Article 6 of the International Sanitary Regulations from the Government that the area was free from infection on the date s Cas suspect — Suspected case indicated. PESTE — PLAGUE Amérique — America Afrique — Africa ÉTATS-UNIS — UNITED STATES Pasteurella pestls a été isolé chez des rongeurs (Mlcrotus montûnus et Citellut beldingi oregunus} recueillis dans le comté de Klamath, Orégon, le 26 janvier C D et le 6 mars 1958. Pasteurella pestls has been isolated in Klamath county, Oregon from specimens MADAGASCAR 6-12.IV of rodents (Microtus montanus, Citellus beldingi oregunus) collected on 26 January and 6 March 1958. Prov. Tananarive Amboanana ............................... 1 1 CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Asie — Asia Amérique — America C D C D c INDE — INDIA 6-12.IV 13-19.IV BRÉSIL — BRAZIL 23.X n.57 Calcutta (PA)1 ........................... ]161 81 Edo. Pernambuco Madras (PA) ............................... Mun. P anelas............................... 3 1 Exd.: Airport Area. Kottayam Dist. (Kerala St.) B 12. IV Murshidabad Dist. (West Bengal St.) B 19.IV Asie — Asia Nizamabad Dist. (Andhra Pradesh St.) a I9 .iv c BIRMANIE — BURMA 3 0 jn -5 .IV PAKISTAN 6-12.ÎV 13-19.IV Mandalay Division Chaîna ( P ) ................................... Chittagong (PA )........................... i i Meiktila District Dacca (A)...................................... 26 10 Meiktila Town............................... 1 FIÈVRE JAUNE - YELLOW FEVER PESTE DES RONGEURS — RODENT PLAGUE Afrique — Africa C D Afrique — Africa CONGO BELGE — BELGIAN CONGO 22.IV 1 CONGO BELGE — BELGIAN CONGO 23-29.III Prov. Equateur District Congo- Ubangui Province Orientale Terr. G em ena............................... 5 5 Nord-est de B lu k w a................... présent 1 Date du télégramme/Date of telegram. — 203 — FIÈVRE JAUNE (suite) — YELLOW FEVER (continued) c D C D AFRIQUE OCCID. FRANÇAISE [suite) 1-7.IV 8-14.IV Afrique (s u ite ) — Africa (continued) FRENCH WEST AFRICA r continued) c D H aute-Volta LIBERIA 23-29.ÜI Montserrado County................... o 1 o 1 Cercles Bobodioulasso ................................ l l ‘ Correction: Voir/see p. 177, 183, 196. D é d o u g o u .............................................. l 0 D o r i ....................................................... l 0 Ouagadougou ..................................... l 0 VARIOLE — SMALLPOX O u a h ig o u y a .......................................... 2 0 T o u g an .............................................. 9 4 Afrique — Africa A BORD DE NAVIRES M auritanie On board smp Suez (RAU-UAR): Le vapeur « Baluchistan » provenant de Mena el Ahmadi Kiffa Cercle ......................................... 1 0 (11 avril) et Aden (17 avril) a débarqué un cas de variole modifiée le 24 avril. Destination du vapeur: Falmouth (Royaume-Uni). — S.S. “Baluchistan” from Mena el Ahmadi (11 April) and Aden (17 April) landed a case of modified smallpox N iger on 24 April. Destination of the steamer: Falmouth (United Kingdom). Cercles C C M a g a r i a .............................................. 2 0 AFRIQUE ÉQUATORIALE FRANÇAISE 2-8.IV 9-15.IV N i a m e y .............................................. 6 1 FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA Z i n d e r ................................................... 21 0 ................... M o y e n -C o n g o SÉNÉGAL ......................................... 26 3 Région K ouilou........................... 0 11 D a k a r ( P A ) ......................................... 4 0 T c h a d So u d a n .............................................. 31 3 Région M ayo-Kebbi................... 3 00 c C c D c D CONGO BELGE — BELGIAN CONGO 16-22.IÜ 23-29.Ill AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE FRANÇAISE 1-7.IV 8-14.IV FRENCH WEST AFRICA Provinces E q u a t e u r .............................................. 5 1 h 1 C ôte d ’I v o i r e ........................... 72 6 K a s a i....................................................... 4 1 0 0 Cercles K i v u ....................................................... 1 1 Léopoldville ..................................... 7 1 6 1 Abidjan.......................................... 3 0 O r i e n ta le .............................................. 0 21 1 Treichville.................................. 6 l Ruanda-Urundi........................... l 1 0 Aboisso.......................................... 2 0 Bouaflé .......................................... 12 0 1 Variola minorlAlastrim. Bouaké.......................................... 14 4 D a lo a ........................................... 1 0 C 1 1 Dimbokro...................................... ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA 30.m-5.IV Gagnoa........................................... 2 0 21 3 K orhogo ...................................... Provinces M a n .............................................. 1 0 Sassandra .................................. 12 0 A roussi .............................................. 1 Séguéla.......................................... 2 1 S h o a ....................................................... 1 D a h o m ey FÉD. DE RHODÉSIE ET DU NYASSALAND 13-19.IV Cercles FED. OF RHODESIA AND NY AS ALAND A b o m ey ...................................... 4 1 7 0 N orthern R hodesia C o to n o u ...................................... 1 1 0 0 Savalou.......................................... 2 0 0 0 Provinces B a ro ts e .................................................. 2 W estern .................................................. 2 G u in é e Cercles N y a sa la n d Kankan.......................................... 28 0 Provinces K ouroussa.................................. 1 0 C e n tr a l................................................... 1 1 0 L ab é.............................................. S o u t h e r n .............................................. 1 Mamou.......................................... 2 0 N ’Zérékoré.................................. 10 0 P i t a .............................................. 10 0 S o u t h e r n R h o d e sia Youkounkoun ........................... 1 0 M idlands R e g io n ................................ 4 — 204 — c D C D VARIOLE (suite) — SMALLPOX (continued) NIGERIA (suite — continued) 9-22.in 23-29.HI Afrique (suite) — Africa (continued) E a ste r n R e g io n C Port-Harcourt (P ) ............... 0 0 l 0 GHANA 11.IV Provinces Kumasi District O w erri.................................. 0 0 i 0 Kumasi Municipality . 1 R iv e rs................................... 3 0 3 0 N o r t h e r n R e g io n KENYA Kano (Urban Area) .... 2 0 0 0 Provinces Maiduguri (Urban Area) . 0 0 1 0 Coast............................... 18-21.IV 3 1 Nyanza ....................... 19.IV l 1 Provinces Rift V alley .................... 17-21 .IV 3 1 B auchi................................... i 0 4 0 Benue ................................... 4 0 5 0 Coast Province B o m u ................................... 0 0 1 0 Ilorin....................................... 0 0 2 0 Mombasa District . 13-17.IV 3 1 K a b b a ................................... 29 2 0 0 Kano....................................... 24 5 16 2 Nyanza Province K a ts in a ............................... 4 0 3 1 Niger....................................... 15 0 4 0 Kericho District . 17.IV 4 1 S okoto................................... 7 1 25 0 Zaria ................................... 3 0 0 0 Rift Valley Province Dondorix....................... 8.IV l 1 K ita le ........................... 13-16.IV 3 1 c C OUGANDA — UGANDA 23-29.DI 30.III-5.IV Southern Province Districts N a ro k ........................... 15-16.IV 2 1 B ukedi................................... 3 l 1 Variola minor}Alastrim, Busoga................................... 0 2 Masaka................................... 0 1 M engo................................... 2 2 1 C D T e so ...................................... 0 T o ro ...................................... 1 0 LIBERIA 30.m-5.IV West Nile ........................... 1 0 Coastal Counties Cape Mount............... 9 0 C D Grand-Bassa .... 29 0 Montserrado .... 128 5 SIERRA LEONE 6-I2.IV Provinces Freetown (PA)....................... 8 0 Central....................... 32 3 Provinces Eastern....................... 15 0 Western....................... 15 1 N orthern............................... 0 1 South-Eastern....................... 4 0 c D C D NIGERIA 9-22.ni 23-29.ÜI c D c D W ester n R e g io n TANGANYIKA 23-29 .in 30.m-5.IV Provinces Provinces Abeokuta..................
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