Mathematics Calendar Please submit conference information for the Mathematics Calendar through the Mathemat- ics Calendar submission form at http://www.ams.org/cgi-bin/mathcal-submit.pl. The most comprehensive and up-to-date Mathematics Calendar information is available on the AMS website at http://www.ams.org/mathcal/. May 2013 ond order linear and nonlinear partial differential equations with non-negative characteristic form, Geometric problems related to * 21–24 Encounters Between Discrete and Continuous Mathemat- ics, Institute of Mathematics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, the underlying algebraic, geometrical or topological structure, ap- Hungary. plication to complex geometry and CR manifolds. These fields are Description: Our goal is to bring together researchers from different the objects of active research and development, and possess a re- fields, build new connections and highlight cooperation possibilities. markable degree of interrelation in their pure and appllied aspects. There will be special sessions devoted to time integration of partial Information: http://lanconelli2013.dm.unibo.it/. and delay differential equations, operator semigroups and evolution * 27–June 1 5th Women in Mathematics Summer School on Math- equations, and dynamic processes on networks. ematical Theories towards Environmental Models, The Abdus Main speakers: Wolfgang Arendt (Ulm), Etienne Emmrich (Berlin), Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, László Erdös (München), Sergey Korotov (Bilbao), Balázs Szegedy (To- Italy. ronto), László Székelyhidi (Leipzig), Gerald Teschl (Wien), Vincenzo Description: The school aims at approaching different core prob- Vespri (Firenze), Zahari Zlatev (Roskilde). Organizing committee: András Bátkai (Budapest), István Faragó lems of pure and applied mathematics in a multidisciplinary per- (Budapest), László Lovász (Budapest), Rainer Nagel (Tübingen), Al- spective. It will consist of short courses focusing on four topics exander Ostermann (Innsbruck). of current research: 1. Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations; 2. Information: http://www.cs.elte.hu/applanal/events/ Dynamical Systems and Bifurcation Theory with Applications to encounters/. the Dynamics of Planet Earth; 3. Isogeometric Analysis; 4. Numeri- cal Analysis of Environmental Flows. Each short course consists of * 27–31 Geometric methods in PDE’s: Indam meeting on the occa- sion of the 70th birthday of Ermanno Lanconelli, Cortona, Arezzo, an introductory part, a more advanced one, together with problem Italy. solving and tutorial sessions. The European Women in Mathematics Description: The scope of this conference is to celebrate the 70th summer schools aim at providing a stimulating intellectual environ- birthday of Ermanno Lanconelli and to bring together Italian and ment for Ph.D. students and post-docs from different countries and foreign mathematicians to favour the discussion in the areas of re- different mathematical disciplines. A major scope is to encourage search where Ermanno Lanconelli has been particularly active. Sec- the active participation of women in higher mathematics. Partici- This section contains announcements of meetings and conferences in the mathematical sciences should be sent to the Editor of the Notices in of interest to some segment of the mathematical public, including ad care of the American Mathematical Society in Providence or electronically hoc, local, or regional meetings, and meetings and symposia devoted to [email protected] or [email protected]. to specialized topics, as well as announcements of regularly scheduled In order to allow participants to arrange their travel plans, organizers of meetings of national or international mathematical organizations. A meetings are urged to submit information for these listings early enough complete list of meetings of the Society can be found on the last page to allow them to appear in more than one issue of the Notices prior to of each issue. the meeting in question. To achieve this, listings should be received in An announcement will be published in the Notices if it contains a call Providence eight months prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. for papers and specifies the place, date, subject (when applicable), and The complete listing of the Mathematics Calendar will be published the speakers; a second announcement will be published only if there are only in the September issue of the Notices. The March, June/July, and changes or necessary additional information. Once an announcement December issues will include, along with new announcements, references has appeared, the event will be briefly noted in every third issue until to any previously announced meetings and conferences occurring it has been held and a reference will be given in parentheses to the month, year, and page of the issue in which the complete information within the twelve-month period following the month of those issues. appeared. Asterisks (*) mark those announcements containing new or New information about meetings and conferences that will occur later revised information. than the twelve-month period will be announced once in full and will In general, announcements of meetings and conferences carry only not be repeated until the date of the conference or meeting falls within the date, title of meeting, place of meeting, names of speakers (or the twelve-month period. sometimes a general statement on the program), deadlines for abstracts The Mathematics Calendar, as well as Meetings and Conferences of or contributed papers, and source of further information. If there is any the AMS, is now available electronically through the AMS website on application deadline with respect to participation in the meeting, this the World Wide Web. To access the AMS website, use the URL: http:// fact should be noted. All communications on meetings and conferences www.ams.org/. 650 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 60, NUMBER 5 Mathematics Calendar pants and lecturers will be of both sexes. This Summer School is part Registration: Is free. Participants are requested to register on of the international initiative “Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013”. the website of the conference: http://www.crm.sns.it/ Information: http://agenda.ictp.it/smr.php?2468. event/272/registration.html whence further details and updates can be retrieved as well. Some funds are available to offer * 28–31 ESF Exploratory Workshop: Noise in Decision Making: financial support to a number of selected young researchers and Theory Meets Experiment, Sant Fruitós de Bages, Catalonia. students for their participation in the Workshop. Applications can Organizers: Albert Compte, IDIBAPS, Barcelona; Gustavo Deco, be made on-line through http://www.crm.sns.it/event/272/ Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Jaime de la Rocha, IDIBAPS, Barcelona; financial.html. Planned activities include a few contributed Alex Roxin, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica; Klaus Wimmer, IDIBAPS, talks. Those who wish to propose a talk should send title and ab- Barcelona. stract to: [email protected]. Information: http://www.crm.cat/2013/DecisionMaking. Deadlines: For application for financial support and talk proposal: * 29–June 2 The Fourth Conference on Computational and Math- March 31, 2013. For Registration: May 25, 2013. ematical Population Dynamics (CMPD4), Taiyuan, China. Information: http://www.crm.sns.it/event/272/. Description: The previous joint conferences were CMPD1 (Trento, * 13–15 30th Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology, Calvin Col- Italy, 2004); CMPD2 (Campinas, Brazil, 2007); CMPD3 (Bordeaux, lege, Grand Rapids, Michigan. France, 2010). Description: Pedro Ontaneda of Binghamton University will give a Goal: Of this international conference is to bring together leading series of three one-hour lectures on “Riemannian Hyperbolization”. researchers from different fields (applied mathematics, biology, Attendees are invited to contribute talks. Funds, provided by the computer science, ecology, epidemiology, medicine, public health, NSF, are available to support travel by graduate students and those etc.) to report and communicate with each other about their current without other sources of funding. work on computational and mathematical population dynamics. Information: http://www.calvin.edu/~venema/ The conference will also provide a unique opportunity for graduate workshop13/. students and postdoctoral fellows to interact with leading research- * 17–20 7th Annual International Conference on Mathematics, Ath- ers in these areas. ens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece. Information: Description: The conference is soliciting papers (in English only) June 2013 from all areas of Mathematics and other related areas. Selected (peer-reviewed) papers will be published in a Special Volume of the * 3–7 Workshop on Slow-Fast Dynamics: Theory, Numerics, Appli- Conference Proceedings. cation to Life and Earth Sciences, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Information: http://www.atiner.gr/mathematics.htm. Bellaterra, Barcelona. Speakers: Freddy Dumortier (Hasselt University), Jean-Pierre * 17–21 Conference on Variational Problems and Geometric PDE’s, Françoise (Pierre & Marie Curie University), Olivier Faugeras (INRIA Granada, Spain. Sophia Antipolis), G. Bard Ermentrout (University of Pittsburgh), Organizing committee: Joaquín Pérez, Universidad de Granada; Antoni Guillamon (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), John Guck- Antonio Ros, Universidad de Granada; Francisco Martín, Universi- enheimer (Cornell
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