BIBLIOGR.APHY OF THE MONO GENET I~ TREMATODE LI TE R i~ Ttr RE of the l\! 0R L 0 l7!j8 TO 1969 SUPPLEMENT 3 MARC:H 1972 VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT NO 55 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MONOGENETIC TREMATODE LITERATURE OF THE WORLD 1758 TO 1967 SUPPLEMENT 3 March 1972 by w. J. Hargis, Jr. A. R. Lawler D. E. Zwerner Special Scientific Report No. 55 Virginia Institute of Marine Scien2e Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062 William J. Hargis, Jr., Director BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MONOGENETIC TREMATODE LITERATURE OF THE WORLD 1758 to 1969 SUPPLEMENT 3 ISSUED MARCH 1972 Preface This, the third annual supplement to the 13ibliography of the Monoaenetic Trematode Literature ... updates the basic publication publishe in 1969. This supplement includes all of those references to Monogenea that have come to our attention through February, 1972. Those citations containing only minimal reference to monogenetic trematodes are annotated to that effect. We would like to thank our colleagues who continue to send us reprints of their work and we encourage others to do the same. We hope to make this bibliography of maximum assistance to those interested in working on the Monogenea and invite your constructive criticism regarding format, errors, or omissions. ~~e clerical assistance and typing services of Mrs . Elena Burbid~re of the Parasitology Section are gratefully acknowledged. w. J. Hargisi Jr. A. R. Lawler D. E. Zwerner 1 Present address: Parasitology Department, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, P. 0. Drawer AG, Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564 NEW ENTRIES (All verified to contain information on Monogenea) Agapova, A. I. 1958. Parasites et maladies parasitaires des poissons au Kazakhstan. [Fr. & Engl. texts] Con£. Regionale Malad. Parasit. Animaux Asie (Alma-Ata, May 31-June 7, 1958). Bull. Off. Int. Epizoot. 49(11-12):335-352. Akazaki, M., T. Harada, S. Umeda, and H. Kumai. 1965. Death and extermination text on the gill trematode, Heteraxine heterocerca, on the yellow-tail. [in Japanese, Engl. sum.J Kinki Daigaku Nogakubu Kiyo (Mem. Fac. Agric. Kinki Univ.) (2):75-84. Allison, R. 1969. Parasite epidemics affecting channel catfish. Proc. 17th Ann. Con£. Southeast. Assoc. Game&. Fish Commissioners, 1969, p. l-3. Anderson, H. G., Jr. 1970. Annotated list of parasites of the bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix. U.S. Bur. Sport Fish. Wildl. Tech. Paper 54:3-15. Arme, C., and D. W. Halton. 1972. Observations on the occurrence of Diclidophora merlangi (Trematoda: Monogenea) on the gills of whiting, Gadus merlangus. J. Fish Biol. ~(1):27-32. Arme, C.,. and M. Walkey. 1970. The physiology of fish parasites, p. 79-lOl. In A. Taylor and R. Muller (eds.), Aspects of fish parasitology-.- Symposia British Soc. Parasitol. vol. 8. Blackwell Scient. Publ. Babaev, B. 1969. Parasites of fish in the Kara Kum canal. [in Russian] Izv. Akad. Nauk Turkmen. SSR, Ser. Biol. Nauk (3):68-70. Bailey, H. H., and S. J. Tompkins. 1971. Ultrasti•ucture of the integument of .Aspidogaster conchicola. J. Parasitol. _?2(4):848-854. Bibby, M. c., and G. Rees. 1971. The uptake of radio-active glucose in vivo and in vitro by the metacercaria of Diplostomum phoxini TFaust) and Tts conversion to glycogen. Z. Parasitenk. 37:187-197. [Mentions Lyons' (1970) study on epidermis of Monogenea, p. 192] Bibby, M. c., and G. Rees. 1971. The ultrastructure of the epidermis and associated structures in the metacercaria, cercaria and sporocyst of Diplostomum phoxini (Faust, 1918). Z. Parasitenk. 37:169-186. [Mentions Lyons' (1969) study on Monogenea sense organs, p. 181] Bodyanitski, v. A. (ed.). 1968. Biology of seas. No. 14. Parasites of marine animals. [in Russian] Kiev: "Naukova Dumka" (Publ.) 134 p. Bogitsh, B. J. 1971. Golgi complexes in the tegun1ent of Haematoloechus medioplexus. J. Parasitol. 57(6):1373-1374. [Mentions Morris and Halton's (1971) study of Monogenea tegument] -2- Braun, M. G. 1889. Die embryonale Entwickelung der Cestoden. Zusammenfassender Bericht. Centralbl. Bakteriol. 5(20):667-671; (21):697-701; (22):727-732; (23):756-760. - Bravo-Hollis, M., and G. Caballero R. 1970. Helminths from fishes of Mexican waters of the Pacific Ocean. XXVI. A new species of Monogenea from Lci Paz, Baja California, Mexico. H. D. Srivastana Commen. Vol., p. 245-250. Bregnballe, F. 1963. Trout culture in Denmark. Progr. Fish-Cult. ~ (3 ): 115-120. Brinkmann, A., Jr. 1971. Hexabothriids (Monogenoidea) from Far­ Eastern skates. [in Russian, Engl. sum.] Parazitologiia 2(6): 532-538. Bruce, J. R., J. S. Colman, and N. S. Jones (eds.). 1963. Marine fauna of the Isle of Man- and its surrounding seas. L.M.B.C. Memoirs on typical British marine plants and animals, Mem. No. 36. Liverpool Univ. Press. 307 p. [Monogenea, p. 73-76] Bllrnheim, U. 1970. Sabre una nova especie do genera Metamicrocotyla Yamaguti, 1953 (Polistomata, Microcotylidae). Atas Soc. Biol. Rio de Janeiro 13(3/4):101-103. Bussieras, J., and J.-F. Aldrin. 1967. Caballerocotyla klawei Stunkard 1962, monogene parasite des sacs nasaux du thon albacore de l'ocean Atlantique. Rev. Elevage et Med. Vet. Pays Trap., n. s., 20(1 ): 105-108. Bussieras, J., and F. Baudin-Laurencin. 1970. Caballerocotyla abidjani n. sp. (Monogenea, Capsalidae) parasite of the gill-covers of the yellowfin Thunnus albacares. tin French, Engl. sum.] Cah. O.R.S.T.O.M. (Office Rech. Scl. Tech. Outre-Mer), Ser. Oceanogr . ..§_(3):47-51. Bychowsky, B. E. 1957. On the life cycles of monogenetic trematodes. [in Russian] 9th Conf. Parasit. Probl., Akad. Nauk SSSR, Inst. Zool., Leningrad, Moscow, p. 28. Bychowsky, B. E., and N. A. Iziumova. 1964. Biological peculiarities of certain dactylogyrids serving a base for prophylactic measures in transportation and acclimatization of fishes. [in Russian, Engl. sum.] Parazitol. Sb., Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR (22): 184-188. Bychowsky, B. E., and L. F. Nagibina. 1970. On the new and little known species of the genus Haliotrema Johnston et Tiegs, 1922 (Monogenoidea). Report 1. Lin Russian, Engl. sum.] Zool. Zh. 49(12):1789-1801. Bychowsky, B. E., and L. F. Nagibina. 1971. New and little known species of the genus Haliotrema Johnston et Tiegs, 1922 (Honogenoidea). Re;>ort 2. Cin Russian, Engl. sum. J Zool. Zh. 50(1):25-40. C.h eng, T . C . 1964. The biology of animal parasites. W. B. Saunders CoTpany, Philacelphia a.:1d London. 727 p. [Honogenea, p. 205- 224] -3- Chien, S. M. 1971. Dactylogyrids from North American cyprinids of the genus Nocomis. The reciprocus species group. J. Parasitol. 57(6):1211-1214. Chubb, J. C. 1970. The parasite fauna of British freshwater fish, p. 119-144. In A. Taylor and R. Muller (eds.), Aspects of fish parasitology.--Symposia British Soc. Parasitol. val. 8. Blackwell Scient. Publ. Clayton, N.J., and E. A. Schleuter. 1971. A report on freshwater monogenetic trematodes of Garza-Little Elm Reservoir, Texas. Texas J. Sci. 22(2-3):159-167. Cooper, R. C., and C. A. Keller. 1969. Epizootiology of papillomas in English so1e, Parophrys vetulus. Nat. Cancer Inst. Monogr. 31: 173-185 . Dechtiar, A. 0. 1971. Pseudacolpenteron pavlovskii Bychowsky and Gussev, 1955 (Monogenea) from Great Lakes carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Can. J. Zool. 49(4):571-572. Dollfus, R. Ph. 1968. Les trematodes de l'histoire naturelle des helminthes de Felix Dujardin (1845). Mem. Mus. Nat. Hlst. Natur., Ser. A: Zoologie, 54(3):1-196. Dubois, G. 1970. The Monogenea: an autonomous class or subclass of Trematoda? Annls. Parasitol. Hum. Camp. 45(2):247-250. Ergens, R. 1969. The suitability of arrmonium picrate-glycerin in preparing slides of lower Monogenoidea. Folia Parasitol. (Praha) 16:320. Ergens, R. 1970. Revision of the species of t~he genus Paragyrodactylus Govzdev et Martechov, 1953 (Monogenoidea: Gyrodactylidae). [in German] Zool. Anz. 185(3/4):307-311. Ergens, R. 1970. Synonymy, incidence and distribution of Gyrodactylus shulmani Ling Mo-en, 1962 (Monogenoidea: Gyrodactylidae). Folia Parasitol. 17(3):267-270. Ergens, R. 1970. Monogenoidea from fishes of the genus Noemacheilus (Cobitidae) from Mongolia. Folia Parasitol. 17(4):285-291. Ergens, R. 1971. The species of the genus Tetraonchus Diesing, 1858 (Monogenoidea) recovered from fishes of Mongolia. Folia Parasitol. 18: 139-148. Ergens, R. 1971. Systematic problems of the family Tetraonchidae (Monogenoidea). Folia Parasitol. 18:191-192. Ergens, R. 1971. Ueber die Synonymik, das Vorkorrmen und die Verbreitung von Gyrodactylus carassii Malmberg, 1956 (Monogenoidea: Gyrodactylidae}. Zool. Anz. 186(3/4):299-306. Ergens, R., and A. Dulmaa. 1971. Ancylodiscoides (Monogenoidea: Dactylogyridae) from the gills of the Iv1ongolj~an Parasilurus asotus L. Folia Parasitol. 18:33-39. -4- Euzet, L., and M. H. Ktari. 1970. Larval development and the systematic position of the Calceostomatidae (Monogenea). [in French] C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci., Ser. D: Sci. Natur. (Paris) 271(25): 2332-2335. Euzet, L., and M. H. Ktari. 1970. Heteraxinoides hannibali n. sp. (Monogenea, Polyopisthocotylea), gill parasite of Pomadasys incisus (Bowdich, 1825) (Teleostei) in the Gulf of Tunis. (in French] Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur. (Paris) 42(1):269-279. Euzet, L., and E. Wahl. 1970. Biology of Rhinecotyle crepitacula Euzet & Trilles, 1960 (Monogenea) parasite of Sphyraena piscatorum Cadenat, 1964 (Teleostei) in the Ebrie Lagoonavory Coast). [in French, Engl. & Ger. sum.] Rev. Suisse Zool. 22(4):687-703. Fried, B., and B. E. Stromberg. 1971. Egg-shell precursors in trematodes. Proc. Helminth. Soc. Wash. ~(2):262-264. Gl§.ser, H. J. 1969. Gyrodactylus sp. on carp in the German Democratic Republic. [in German] Deut. Fisch. Ztg. 16(12):372-380. Goldstein, R. J. 1968. The good side of flukes. Aquarium N. J. 1: 32-35, 47-53. Grabda, E. 1965. Current studies on the control of parasitic diseases in fishes. [in Polish, Engl. sum.] Wiad. Parazyt. 11(1/2):323-329. Gray, D. L. 1969. The biology of channel catfish production.
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