ESTABLISHED 1924 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE tOWNSHlP^ND SCHOOL DISTRICT O F HILLSIDE VOL. XL, NQ. 42 • ■>----- ------ :___ T]iEJilJJLaDE.X J ’ Tt^4ES; THDRSBA¥ AtiODST l t M BRICE TEN CENTS PHONE $28-9207 - jylr» Klfnaifliad been enciploy-' ( | | j » • _ Funeral Friday Ad by; the Hesco Machinery. r | C I V Q T O U V I G T r i D T f t Company, NewarK* for more ^ Of Paul Kifner, Shea Stadium - . The annual SiUside P la y softbaU / • 6 * ’ ;... m« i, v . mi. ffTPAilfida*;»•£• Act’ To Control Prominent Here r . ' ^ --ground trip - ffi the New Yorit grounds, the Armv at the ■ / $ $ ! £ £ £ M6t9 baseball game at Shea The buses will leave the Ina Ground Md "o fa ^sulLna will beheldmhlvidnday Central Avenue field house at H5me,iSeO M orris Ave.,Union, age of 57. Interment will to in Ffiaay, August 14 at Ua.m.fcr Hqjlywccd Memnrtni p.,.y Mg. Peter G-^Huffiaa-ite)—the trip .wlU-Jtrteg-elt-her-thelr 'Patti Klfnerrof~946 Salem Ave., Ion. - r.a.-.-K,L,r<- S M i g g Recreation. W & t a O S | L t e EMaftor FergusonKffiier, were There will be'100 youngsters lunoh. at the stadium,. .' ParKing Area honored or. p.jj, Rl frorn Hillside attending this- Mrs. Kay Mllleip, director .of Chief W Police Ernest Voe& ,f Hillside- LodgelSUj B nai s rltn trifeJErloplty for-thetflfT^IT the Central Avenue playgtoundi when they Were GOP To Aid Tax Appeals announced this weeK that he will Don t 'Mention It Toflp's .&nnjjl[~l( -««lrae. ha given to the volleybaii-and—wtll-be In charge of this trip. recommpnd to the Township _______ " -4 ■ Parents.areiM & ^i to attend. w Hillside: Jllg lc a n g «ai-aBW lig,1Kii'..af Ave. POLITICS IL L WET? 'pllque. lor 'servioe to Hillside. Committee an amendment to the PAL. .we^yplunteeredlB-assisttax- corner Bright St. Traffic Ordinance which will TOBM TELLS OFP-FAA Shots Fail To, H$lt Fugitives payers who wish to appeal their Taxpayers are requested to '• -. Mr. Kifner, president of ifSe ' enable the department j chase of throe r s west bound lane qfj assas s ^ s . -t visanneunesa a y Sjgc Bg a ref- force parking' on the public HERLICH ■ MAN OP INTEGRITY ilillKai; Klwaae ejsirin 1957, by. JacK C, Noble, Forms and erenca to the blocK and lotthey . IggaisA, stolen car, punctuated by warn- Route • 22 near 1032 Stuyvesant streets in ecbordance with A LOCAL OFFICIAL appeared to be quite put ou last weeK when he represented the club tog tfhots,. failed to halt fhe Ave., Un on, As the police car notary services will be pro- .own and two "snapshots of the street markings; r vlded free Thursday August IS property. The deadline fo r fil» because, he charged, the Municipal Swimming Pool vas being at organization ol PAL In 1958. fugitive late Friday night’ on' pulle^l ii front of the halted Employee o( the Police De- made ■ potiMoal' IssuerHe was as'night is rain as thesaying'' He - subsequently was named Route 22. CXirfng_the-:CQu-g8fi-ef 'yehidte-i Mha-*ide-e£ Jrom 4;3Q tc'ctSO, and rom ln.g apjSaale is August 15. partment Traffic Bureau, under I f t t ^ t a lt h , he attributed'the t o l l l s ^ the hnard of the pursuit, • the - ear knocked way, 4t w | rammed by the oth- tha direction of Capt, Arthur- j * 9 ogpositlo^And. the opposition, on the other hand, puts the elected an down and slightly injured Pa­ Case In Tribute- Remanded To Jury Seale, Monday marked off parK, S3SE9@HB£ - MBS the office- trolman Anthony MeBsano. The The driver cf the stolen gar lng spaces along North BroadS* This is politics, and as much as it becomes a pafn in the death. v.hlsle wiIS subsequently re- than places it In reverse and To Geo. Herlich In Narcotics Case from Ridgway Ave, to i e Essex a W S tB E a k . He was cpmmasder.tfaur- «veredcoyarad fit Union. tried, to run down Patrolman Sounty line, in a number of Walvlng a preliminary'hear­ S K j y i & ' i | 2 L & | lnferansi,thgt it was unusual, denSLoeKerJMl^OrAmarlcan Messano hSlb hid jumped from U»S. Senator Clifford P, Case Instances curb suits no longer Po11bbi: said Messano was WS cftnt think of too many things, especially With the political Legion in 1948 and was the tha police car, grazing the of­ of Rahway.this weeK paid tribute ing, Paul Palmucci, 20, of .2051 being used for driveways were situation being what it J s in. Hillside thday, that don't get in- post's adjutant at the time of cruising 0n the highway in an Emerson Ave., Union, last re-marked for parking, there, un ma rKe d ficer and causing him to fall, to- the late Mayor_ancLFr.ee- volvec lr. politics, A prominent mar. dies, and the Township his death. 5SS car with his partner, ThehBtolan car ;|ped off and * holder George W, Herlich in a Thursday- in Municipal Court by gaining 'several parking Committee unanimously adopts a : ra ssM e n S ^ fly the flags He also served on the UV3. Patrolman. Robert Manzo.when failed to stop whin the patrol­ letter td the Hillside Times* was held for thl Grand Jury on spaces, Capt, So'ale aald. over municipal bulldlrgj at hay staff, regardless of his polltlae, Ww oi Veterans’ Memorial they spotted the stolen vehicle. m an fired sevaal warning Sen* Case said: a charge of having narcotics in Street markings are prellm- There la not one word o' dlsousslon tinged with political over- Building Association and-was They gave chase.and halted the shots. ‘The ’death of George W. « a poseeasipn, Bsll-;W -Iljl0 iniry' to anticipated favorible tones. At- least there is respect for the jJjSd. 2 7 3 i a .i e o r e t a r y f o r several years. Herlich creates a great void iir was continued by .Magistrate action On Chief VoelK’s recom'- ■-. '■ POSTPONE HEARING "" Henry GoUhor. mendatlon for an amendment to nriT oBvciMn itiuaiti , * * * \ - . ^ y = WHe was a past cpmmaaiK of Bnai Brith Lodge Due to Improper service of the public life of his community, BUT BEYOND THAT, almost everything is gristfor the- political the Union County American Le- Dennis A. TroslnsKi, 19, of Traffic Drdlnenos, Many affected property owners, pub­ his County and. his £3ta.' aafflgS iiaiSg tt, and lt'j. politics, .Vou,hiM.to be a little under. g lp rM d m officer In the State p, P Montgomery Ave.,Irving- . motorists, It was noted, had Bowling Session lic hearing oh an application by was a public servant and a pub* Tinman in the very beet sense -- - sentenced to 21 days tocome,careless In dieir perk- now, because oon(a?ol-;of the -Department Legion. He was a Hllslde Lodge B'nai B'rith Raymond Efrus to use the prop­ municipal government is at stake -In the forthcoming election, frequent delegate to the legion of the word. in jtil on charges stemming ing habits, taKing up more than this week announced that the erty at 640 Route 22 as a new from his And it promises to be-t-,iii» * rwf: f l ^ local 'aina laiiiima-iVeinflieMnn'i.'" . -. “ He .was a -man- ot-the high- apprehension_Ih X - the lndtaated spaoe, thusreduc- rthe local and nations! conventions. -Auguat^img£jym4v4U^ artd ttsed car lorsshaduled lifr stolen - car principles and followed ownsd by Stuart the numbs*1 ol parking ----------------- ------- ------- ! HeTecently*was re-elected to bowling for both new and August 4 has beer, adjournedby ^ Wlilner .of 56 So».Munn. Ave< On the local scene, it frequently appears, that no matter what as thj commander Of the La .rageouslyi At the same spaces and increasing the al- experienced bowlers, The pro- the TSWSh1p"'CohMnltrr ' -- 'EasT Orange, according to po- ^ady congested parking along S I f f i r ' W ' a d a i Grande Volture, 40 and 8, Mr. B U M be'held on Monday a*pt.mberl,TheZonlna Board ilhie he was one of the gentlest df ■ i a m b he i . • the street, 90jltrov»rft>. Rj^ ar, also; was Mtlve i s m s ' August 17, T E ® air condl- his recrnnmended approval of The charges Included oper- steps being tsken by the ..3 ? ^ . whtoh| booordlng to the agenda, oolmfy American Legion base- tioced meeting row of‘ “Fun ^ the applic w Knowingly harmed anyone or could fee;over in 30..to 45 minutes,■ M___ g y _lil.0 M 8id5 .ESfcj....... wlndijall league. Fair, North Broad S®j anything# ating a motor vehicle while on pollc. Department were en- “He was a most, loyal and ths revokpd list, unlawful uso^^ couraged by the reaant state- S W- Pr9sWln8 offIcer caliefir,: - -Mr, Kifner, a member of the jpe Adorn, regional manager junior College of-the vehicle and having pos- meat j™ Geraid , steadfast friend* All the thous­ -hoard of difeotors-of th d E liz- of Bowling Corporation^of session pf three lnsulfa jgygj,. Tratfic Safety Servioe the^ stuff begins Committee meetings have, abethtowm Chapter, American America and, Sutorisor of Run- Entrance Exam ands of people who Knew him ringes and‘10hypoderi : need- of the State Department of Mo- b8e0^ thfJ t03mm^T 'W W S li debate. And as far as we oah Red Cross, fur.sixyears,ended P-atr; WUl give bewlihg advice CRANFORD-- An entrance wilt rem em ber him always with les Which were found ii affection and gratitude." Vehicles, who said, " It Is ;en4-tii^,--wlffi-^tii4^i(h8B)- ".Wlmtoiexamination for students inter- j tache case in.
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