) •' y A V. PAGE TWENTY-FOUR iroA Y , SEPTEMBER 28, 1962 * ^ H attrljpatpr lEufttitts H w alh Avenge Daily Net Preae Ron The Motherhood of Mary MolS^ I than Democrajls in their concern crease in educktlon budget ity have allowed thd board of edu- of our interest -In good schools and ' For the Week Ckided The Weather, <. ers Circle will meet Monday at 8 Conrad Cites GOP ever the need.s of education. during the present Republican catlcm an increase In funds of improved education for our future Beptember SS, 186S ForeeMit of U. 8. Weutbef B m M About Town p.m. at the home of Mrs. EMward NOW 2 BARBERS ! “ Although the Republican admln- Administration, their own record eitlzens.” Kosak. 304 E. Middle Tpke. Mrs. $^,B 65 in the. past two years. AT ALL TIMES AT Aid to Education listration has cut department re- • office disproves their sincerity, Thus, the Republican directors IkHXHnlng fWr and u HttIo eooler Ml*. Neal TyllBr, '21 Comstock Edward Cwighlin will be co-host­ RUSSELL'S 13,628 I Quests, it has always generously “The past Democratic admiiri- hkve ,allowed $1)8,848 more than After woodwork has been re­ fligh t. I»w in 4Aii.^8aiidAy'moet- Rd.. and Mrs. Satmiel Pierson. 57 ess.," increased the board of edfucatlon istratlon increased the education painted, wax the places that get Mensiber o f She Audit .Arvlne PI., will be ho.ste.sses Sun­ Republican Director Donald Con- the Lemocrats for a similar .period, BARBER SHOP •y nanny, Httle tempervM're md, who Is a candidate for re-elec­ budget,” he said. budget by $639,717 in a two-year the hardest wear. The wax pre­ Boreun of OIrcaUtlou day from S' to 6 p.m. at the U it* with practically no increase in pu­ COR. OAK and SPRUCE ST. elHMige. High 60 to 66. The Ladies of the Assumption period. vents the paint from spotting, and Junior Museum,. tion to the board of directors, said "Despite Democratic claims that pil population. Plenty Of Free Parking M anchegter^A City o f VUlage Charm ___ _ \ will meet Monday. M ^ b e re will the Republicans are more sincere they favored ah even greater in­ “The present Republican major­ "W e think this U ample evidence washing off. make a Novena at 7:3v p.m. In The VFW Auxiliary will spon­ the church. There will be a "Sing VOL. LXXXL NO. 306 ‘ (SIXTEEN PAGES) sor a card party tonight at 8. at Along" with pefreshments and CHESTER, c o n n :, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1962 (Claostfied Advertiaing 'on Fage It) PRICE n^E CENTS the poet home. Members of the prizes in the church hall. poet and auxiliary are reminded of a fall conference meeting Sun- Maji E. Walter Lamie. Salvation 'day at 1:30 p.m. at Oakville I^st. Army, will conduct chapel services BUSHELS OF BARGAINS EVERYWHERE! Tuesday Deadline Blaze Damages 85 Davis St.. Oakville. Mrs. Og- Sunday morning at fi;40 at Man­ lore White, patriotic instructor, chester Memorial Hospital. recently presented a new flag to ALL NEW FALL MERCHANDISE! Argentine Ship the Boy Scout Explorer's TYoop of South Methodist Church. The 1&64 Confirmation Class of Center Congregational Church will ALL MARKED WITH BRIGHT At N . Y e Dock meet Tuesday at 6:45 p.m. at the U.S. Challenges church. RED “ BARGAIN” TAGS! . NEW YORK (AP)—Flames CAN ' Sunset Rebekah Lodge will severely damaged an Argen­ MAKE. ! meet Monday at 8 p.m. in Odd WE I Fellows Hall. Mrs. Sedrick J. tine cargo-passenger ship Totle.Shoee Longer or Straughan and a comrriittee will berthed at a pier here— And at .Wider serve refreshments. There will be one point the 549-foot vessel entertainment after a business to Reds I'Onrafe and Haadbaga threatened to sink— before the Repaired meeting. NEW ORLEANS, La. (A P)f until >»« *>«* comply with the blaze was put out early today Open Monday^-aoee4 Wed. Ampl« A federal appeals court has 2. Direct him to pay a fine of Manchester Lodge of Masons thrown down the gauntlet to by more than 200 firemen. will meet tonight. Lodge will open FREE $10,000 a day until he complies During the more than four-hour at 6:45 and proceed to the Holmes Parking Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett with the orders. battle to save the 11,340-ton Rio SAM YULYES Funeral Home. 400 Main St., tO — either stop interfering with The Justice Department said it Jachal, 29 firemen were injured rear of was ready to enforce the sanc­ 2 of Soviet Mission conduct a Masonic memoxial serv­ or sickened by dense smoke. Sev­ S3 OAK STREET attempts, by James H. Mere­ tions. Same Side As Watkins ice' at 7 for the late Lester P. our store enteen of them were ho.spitalized, Dewey, a member of Corinthian dith, a Negro, to register at At Jackson, the governor sent none iii serious condition, along Lodge of Bridgeport.. the University of Mississippi, word to newsmen by a secretary with one crew member also over­ or face the prospect of jail shortly after the ruling that he come by smoke. To UN Also Seized and a |10,000-a-day fine. was unavailable for comment. Only 10 to 15 of the 70 pas­ The 64-year-old governor, who sengers booked for sailing Sunday Bight Judges of the Sth U.S. has promised to go to jail rather Circuit Court of Appeals ruled were aboard when the lire bi;oke than see a Negro enroll at Ole out Friday night', and ail escaped NEW YORK (AP)—The FBI arre.sted an American sailor unaminously Friday that Barnett Miss, didn’t attend the all-day Friday night on charge.s of passing Navy secrets to officials YOU CAN VOTE BY was in civil contempt of the without injury. Among passengers hearing that preceded the ruling, fleeing down the gangplank were of the Russian delegation to the United Nations. court's orders when he blocked and did not have an attorney Meredith, 39, from the university. the wife of an Argentine diplomat The .sailor, seized in his car outside a diner on the Boston ABSENTEE BALLOT present to speak for him. and two of their four children. ¥ The court gave him' until 11 Asst. U.S. Atty. Gen. Burke Post Road, Larchmont, N. Y „ was sitting with a Soviet U.N. a.m. Tuesday to purge himself— As tons of water were poured • If you will be absent from the State on October first Marshall, in closing arguments, into the ship, it took on a list of delegation memher. A second Russian was inside the diner at that is, retract his proclamations urged just what the court ordered or November sixth. of resistance, withdraw any force 10 to 18 degrees and threatened the time, the FBI said. Main Street-Phone Ml 3-4123 —sanctions against the governor to sink. he has massed, and remove him­ with a delayed deadline. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover identified the AmericAfras • If yon are ill or physically disabled and unable to vote self from Meredith’s path toward Fire Commissioner Edward MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Hun­ Thompson became enraged when Yeoman 1st Class Nelson Cornelius Drutnmond, 33-year-old in person at the polls. desegreagation of Ole Miss. dreds of U.S. marshals and a con­ Negro, assigned to the U.S. Navy Base at Newport, R. I. lA. Gov. Paul K. Johnson Jr., he leahied that apparently due to voy of Army support troops were language' difficulties the ship’s Drummond is a native of Baltimore, Md. ^ • If you are a member of the Armed Forces. who stoi^ped one of. Meredith's massed and waiting at the naval three enrollment attempts, also bilge pumps had not been turned Drummond, in handcuffs, and the two Russians were taken air station here t^ a y for possi­ on to drain off the water. faces a contempt charge. The ble action in the Mississippi inte­ to FBI headQuarters in Manhattan eHrly today. Arraigned hearing was scheduled for today Four of the ship's engineers, gration crisis. wearing oxygen masks, were then later before U.S. Commissioner Earle N. Bishopp, Drummond To the Republican Town Committee. 511 Main Street, OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9:00! in the same courtroom. The marshals swarmed into the was held on .^100.000 bail and taken to the federal house of sent below decks to put the pumps 4> If Barnett ignores the deadline base on orders of U.S. Atty. Gen. in operation. • detention. ' Manchester, Conn. Please arrange Absentee Ballot for: —as he' has shrugged off other Robert Kennedy, who has vowed Dense' smoke billowed over the The Russians were released by the FBI under their diplo­ federal court desegregation or­ to use all nece's.sary force to have river and was viewed by hundreds Voter’s Name ........................................................................ ders — the appeals court said it James H. Meredith, a Neg^fo, en­ of spectators, among them |K>me matic immunity after they had been identified at FBI offices would impose theee sanctions: rolled at the University o f Mls- of the ship's passengers. by three other Soviet diplomats. The FBI said the two-Rus- SAVE UP TO 407o ON 1. Order him committed to cus­ Only infreQuently was fire seen siansdiad not been- Questioned. tody ot the U.S. attorney general A dd ress.................................................... Tel.......................... (OoBtinaed on Page Fifteen) from the shore—on one occasion HooWr said Drummond, a 16-year Navy veteran, had been ft when the ship's bridge became en­ gulfed by a wall of flame.
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