small screen News Digest of Australian Council on Children and the Media (incorporating Young Media Australia) ISSN: 0817-8224 No. 300 August 2013 300th small screen safe way and both parents and educators ACCM’s news digest small screen has been and know what their children are doing. can help them to develop these. No one in continuous publication since 1986: 27 They should be mentors and not mates. should be on Facebook before the age of 13 years and 300 issues – that’s not bad go- Young people may need guidance until and before a child is allowed on Facebook ing for a national not-for-profit with a big well into adolescence – the brain is not ful- and similar sites, parents should make agenda but a small funding base. ly developed until the age of 23 in women sure that they themselves are experts. It is a good idea to look at the Facebook Family Small screen provides content unique in and 27 in men. Parents who really know their children can decide appropriate ages Safety Centre with your child so that you Australia, with its focus on the latest de- can discuss what happens on Facebook. velopments and research in the children’s for using technologies such as iPhones and media scene. We continue to receive com- these may vary between individual chil- Golden rules for social networking that mendations for our coverage of the latest dren. parents should establish with children in- research on children’s relationship with clude: the media. • Treating others the way you want to be treated ACCM places a great deal of importance • Not posting anything online that on its ongoing collation of worldwide re- you don’t want seen by the “4 Ps”: search, and making that accessible. We Parents, Police, Predators and your believe that a strong evidence base must Principal! underpin our advocacy, and Australia’s systems of protection for the child audi- It is important that children feel confident ence. to tell parents about cyberbullying and that parents know their child so that they Three hundred and not out: better than recognise symptoms of mental problems. Australia’s cricket team !! Sites such as Facebook cannot be blamed For children who are not mature enough for suicides, but it is important to take ac- Seminar report - Managing media in to make good decisions about appropriate tion if you think that your child is being families media use, parents should make use of the harmed by their online activity. Mental ill- On Monday 19 August at Immanuael Col- digital controls available. All gaming con- ness such as depression could definitely be lege in Adelaide, Dr Michael Carr-Gregg soles have controls – parents should make exacerbated by bullying. spoke to an audience of over 300 people - sure these are on. Passwords should be mainly parents and teachers - on the topic well-managed - never give them out and Michael agreed with the US recommen- of media management in families. His make sure they are hard to decipher. You dation for no screen time for babies aged lively and entertaining talk covered a wide can use a program to randomly set your under two. Children under two need inter- range of issues faced by modern families. wireless password so that you are in con- actions with real people, not screens. After trol. that age it is good to set rules such as two Above all, Michael stressed that media hours of other activities for every hour of management in families is about good According to Michael, children need skills, screen time. Not having screens in bed- parenting. Parents need to set boundaries knowledge & strategies to use media in a rooms is important because lack of sleep is becoming a common problem in children and adolescents and may be contributing Fourth Australian Conference on Children and the Media to diabetes and obesity. Media, minds and neuroscience: When asked about video gaming, Michael The developing brain in a media-rich environment said that a recent report had shown links between some gaming and good mental Keynote speaker: health, but warned that parents should ob- serve game ratings and not allow children Baroness Susan Greenfield: New media and young brains to play very violent games, limit time spent gaming and watch for signs of addiction or Where: Parliament of NSW Theatrette other adverse effects. It is also important When: 9am-4pm, Friday 4 October 2013 to play games with your child so that you Cost: $165 know what is involved. Links to some of the main websites Michael Bookings at http://www.trybooking.com/DFRM mentioned can now be found on the ACCM website at: www.childrenandmedia.org.au/events/accm-conference http://childrenandmedia.org.au/ events/accm-seminars 300th Edition small screen August 2013 p2 EDITORIAL Are games good for kids? Ferguson as the often quoted leader We know that there are many games out there of the doubters. ACCM makes the no. 300 August 2013 that are beneficial for children and teens and point that the research on the impacts that can contribute to their wellbeing. This was of violent video games, which show small screen reinforced by the recently released Young and impacts like desensitisation, loss of Well CRC study Videogames and wellbeing: a empathy, increased likelihood of Barbara Biggins Editor: Barbara Biggins OAM comprehensive review. using aggression to solve conflicts OAM Compiler: Caroline Donald (and NOONE is suggesting turns Hon CEO Editorial Board: Barbara But we have problems with the reporting of kids into cop killers), has been Biggins, Jane Roberts, Judy such studies that implies that all is well with conducted in many countries and by a large Bundy, Elizabeth Handsley. videogames and kids. It’s not OK to tell parents group of researchers with good track records of “don’t worry be happy”. original research in this field and published in small screen is published prestigious peer reviewed journals. at the beginning of each It’s really important that parents understand that month and reports on the violent content abounds and is highly accessible To conclude, the Young and Well CRC research events of the previous to children, and that content matters. The changes reveals young people can experience positive month 11 issues per year to games classification in January this year have effects from playing videogames – highlighting (Dec/Jan double issue) not made things any easier for parents- a lot of an opportunity to use videogames for wellbeing. games with frequent strong violence are still Published by being classified MA15+ and higher level violence However, violent games abound and are very Australian Council on can be accessed by minors despite the new R18+. popular, particularly with older primary and Children and the Media early teen boys. (ACCM) The Young and Well study focussed on finding PO Box 447 those studies that showed beneficial impacts and A recent piece in Huffington Post found 8 ways Glenelg 5045 its findings are mainly relevant to teenagers. It in which violent games can be bad for kids. The South Australia didn’t set out to review the downside of games, writer included points like “First-Hand Role [email protected] nor outcomes of game playing in relation to in Killing Process”, “Measure Success through www.childrenandmedia.org.au players under 12. It didn’t go anywhere near Killing”, “Resolve Conflicts through Violence”, “ Tel: +61 8 8376 2111 adequately covering the worldwide research on Desensitises killing, and “Disrespect Women”. Fax: +61 8 8376 2122 videogames. ACCM monitors this very closely Helpline: 1800 700 357 and can see such studies (and some very key (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/laura-st- john/8-ways-violent-games_b_3875846.html) ACCM is a national, ones) missing from the references. non-profit community Content matters. Parents can find rec- organisation. Its mission is So the Young and Well study has its limitations ommendations for age-appropriate games for to promote a quality media in regard to advice that can be given to parents kids at www.commonsensemedia.org environment for Australian about managing their children’s (under 12) use of games, particularly violent ones. ACCM is well children. Johnson, D et al (2013) Videogames and Wellbeing: aware that there are two “camps” in the video A Comprehensive Review Young and Well CRC game research: those who have found that violent No part of this publication http://youngandwellcrc.org.au/knowledge-hub/ games can have adverse impacts, and those who may be reproduced without publications doubt this- with the US researcher Christopher permission of the Editor. acquisitions, on-air promotions and presentation Contributions are welcome. New Deputy Director for Australian Classification Board for the local portfolio of channels including Minister for Justice Jason Clare announced on UKTV, UKTV NZ, BBC Knowledge, BBC 2 August that Ms Margaret Anderson would be Knowledge NZ and CBeebies. appointed Deputy Director of the Classification http://www.c21media.net/archives/124230 Board. She has been appointed for a three year ACCM’s movie review term and began work on 12 August 2013. The Have your say - Children, technology services are supported vacancy arose from the appointment of the and gambling by a grant from the former Deputy Director, Ms Lesley O’Brien, as The SA Government is engaging the community Director from 1 January. to gain ideas and opinions about children’s use South Australian of gambling-like technology, particularly social http://www.classification.gov.au Government media and mobile phone apps which support ABC announces new head of kids’ TV this. Former ABC Kids programmer Deirdre Brennan There are concerns that some social media and is returning to the Australian public broadcaster mobile phone games are encouraging gambling- as controller of children’s TV.
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