Film Theory – Pacing Guide 1st Quarter TN Standards Lesson Focus Resources Additional Notes Weeks 1-5 HS.2 Respond 3.A Unit #1 – Looking at Movies: Casual Films: The Sandlot, The Day Projects: Form and apply defensible Watching vs. Active Looking After Tomorrow, Beasts of the -Siskel & Ebert Video Review evaluations in the constructive and Southern Wild, Hoop Dreams systematic critique of media artworks Looking at movies Demos: and production processes. -Formal analysis Clips: Moneyball, Scott Pilgrim -TV studio basic training -Form and content vs. the World, The 400 Blows, HS.2 Connect 1.A -Meaning Pan’s Labyrinth, Amelie, The Test #1: Unit #1 Synthesize internal and external Imitation Game, Shattered Glass resources, such as cultural Overview 6 Elements of a film: connections, introspection, research, -Cinematography, Editing, Sound/Music, and exemplary works, to enhance the Mis-en-Scene/Design, Narrative/Story, creation of persuasive media Acting artworks. Element: Narrative/Story -Theme -Character -POV -3 Act Structure -Conflict Weeks 6-9 HS.2 Connect 2.B Unit #2 – Based on a True Story: How Fiction Films: Apollo 13, The Blind Side, Projects: Critically investigate and ethically Alters the Facts The Cove, A League of Their -Personal Diary interact with legal, technological, Own, Pocahontas, The New systemic, and contexts of media arts, -Fitting truth in a narrative World Demos: while considering ethics, media -Fictionalization -iMovie basic functions demo literacy, digital identity, and -Dramatic devices Clips: Secretariat, Selma, Green artist/audience interactivity. -Filmmaker intent Book, The Great Debaters, Paper #2: Based on a True Story -Marketing Captain Phillips, First Man, The HS.2 Create 3.A -Social impact Right Stuff, Rosewood -Q1 Clip Log Due Demonstrate deliberate choices in -Q1 Participation Reflection Due organizing and integrating content, personal aesthetic, and stylistic conventions in creation and production processes. End of 1st Quarter 8/12/20 – P. Ashbee 1 2nd Quarter TN Standards Lesson Focus Resources Additional Notes Weeks 1-3 HS.2 Respond 1.A Unit #3 – Ways of Viewing: The Experience Films: Paper Moon, Indiana Projects: Analyze and synthesize the qualities of Watching a Film Jones and the Temple of Doom, -3D/Virtual Reality Project and relationships of the components David & Lisa, Guardians of the in a variety of media artworks and -Eadweard Muybridge Series Photography Galaxy feedback on how they impact an -Zoetrope/Praxinoscope Paper #2: View a film in the audience. -Kinetoscope/Cinematographe TV Shows: Stranger Things, The theatre -silent to sound Twilight Zone, I Love Lucy, Parks HS.2 Connect 2.A -16mm, 35mm film projection & Recreation Field Trip: IMAX Examine in-depth and demonstrate -Television the relationships of media arts ideas -3D Clips: Creature from the Black and works to various contexts, -Digital projection Lagoon, Super 8 purposes, and values, such as markets, systems, propaganda, and Home Video Formats truth. -VHS/Beta -Laserdisc/DVD -Bluray/4K -Online Streaming, smart phones Weeks 4-7 HS.2 Respond 1.B Unit #4 – Genre Study: Horror Films: Diabolique, Invasion of the Projects: Analyze how a broad range of media Body Snatchers, A Quiet Place, -Horror Screenplay artworks manages audience -Aims / audience effect The Ring, The Others experience and creates intention and -Metaphor persuasion through multimodal -Subgenres: paranormal, monster, slasher, Clips: Poltergeist, The Uninvited, Test #2: Unit #4 perception. parody, thriller Eyes without a Face, M, Ringu, -The unseen/offscreen terror Night of the Living Dead, I Am HS.2 Create 1.A -Implied vs. imagined Legend, Minority Report, AI: Strategically utilize methods to -Universal horror films Artificial Intelligence, Bride of formulate multiple ideas, refine -Box office Frankenstein artistic goals, and increase the originality of approaches in media arts. Week 8 HS.2 Produce 2.B Semester Review Exam Project -Q2 Clip Log Due Demonstrate command of creative -Student choice of second video review, -Q2 Participation Reflection Due and adaptive innovation abilities to horror screenplay, or personal video diary. address sophisticated challenges within and through media arts productions. End of 2nd Quarter End of 1st Semester 8/12/20 – P. Ashbee 2 3rd Quarter TN Standards Lesson Focus Resources Additional Notes Weeks 1-4 HS.2 Connect 1.B Unit #5 – Philosophy in Film: Comedy Genre Films: Life Is Beautiful, Bill and Projects: Explain and demonstrate the use of Ted’s Excellent Adventure, The -Genius Hour media artwork to synthesize new Philosophy King of Kong: A Fistful of meaning and knowledge and form -Value theory Quarters, City Lights, Ferris Paper #3: Watch comedy cultural experiences and connections -Happiness, excellence, and the good life Bueller’s Day Off, Clueless (choice) between themes and ideas, local and -Ethical rules and moral character global networks, and personal -The love of wisdom Clips: Groundhog Day, influence. -The meaning of life Defending Your Life, Stranger Than Fiction, Mostly Martha, No HS.2 Create 3.B Comedy Reservations Refine and take risks with aesthetic -Comedy of manners components to intentionally form -Slapstick impactful expressions in media -Fish out of water artworks for specific purposes, -Parody intentions, audiences, and contexts. -Anarchic comedy -Black comedy -Gross out -Screwball Weeks 6-10 H2.2 Respond 2.A Unit #6 – The Anti-Hero Films: The Dark Knight, Man on Projects: Analyze the intent, meanings, and Wire, The Social Network, -The Dark Knight Trial influence of media artworks, based Origins/Development of Heroes Spider-man (2002) on personal, societal, historical, and -Greek mythology Demo: cultural contexts. -Great man theory Clips: Citizen Kane, Forrest -Acting for the camera -Heroes in fiction Gump, Bicycle Thieves, Rebel HS.2 Connect 1.B -The modern superhero without a Cause, Rudy, The Test #3: The Hero’s Journey Explain and demonstrate the use of LEGO Movie, Harry Potter & the media artwork to synthesize new The Hero’s Journey Sorcerer’s Stone -Q3 Clip Log Due meaning and knowledge and form -Monomyth -Q3 Participation Reflection Due cultural experiences and connections -Call to adventure between themes and ideas, local and -The quest global networks, and personal -The ordeal influence. -The resurrection End of 3rd Quarter 8/12/20 – P. Ashbee 3 4th Quarter TN Standards Lesson Focus Resources Additional Notes Weeks 1-4 HS.2 Connect 2.A Unit #7 – Special Effects Films: The Curious Case of Projects: Examine in-depth and demonstrate -First special effect, The Execution of Mary Benjamin Button, E.T.: The -Create a special effect video the relationships of media arts ideas Stuart Extra-Terrestrial, Inception, and works to various contexts, -Mechanical/practical effects: prosthetics, Interstellar, Pleasantville Paper #4: Special effects purposes, and values, such as puppets, animatronics, pyrotechnics, research markets, systems, propaganda, and models, rear projection, matte paintings Clips: Life of Pi, Dracula (1935), truth. -Optical effects: stop trick, calibrated Dracula (1992), Planet of the camera moves, dolly zoom, compositing, Apes (1968), Planet of the Apes HS.2 Produce 2.C optical printing, motion control (2001), Rise of the Planet of the Demonstrate the skillful adaptation -Visual effects/CGI: 3-D modeling, bullet Apes, King Kong (1933), King and combination of tools, styles, time, digital effects Kong (2005), Star Wars: A New techniques, and interactivity to -Motion capture Hope, The Phantom Menace, achieve specific expressive goals. The Force Awakens, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Execution of Mary Stuart Weeks 5-8 HS.2 Create 2.A Unit #8 – Animation Films: Spirited Away, Fantastic Projects: Apply a personal aesthetic in Mr. Fox, Spiderman: Into the -Create an animated video designing, testing, and refining Animation History Spiderverse original artistic ideas, prototypes, and -Early animation shorts Test #4: Animation production strategies for media arts -Golden age Clips: Bambi, Frankenweenie productions, considering artistic -Renaissance -Q4 Clip Log Due intentions, constraints of resources, -Digital, CGI, motion capture -Q4 Participation Reflection Due and presentation context. 6 Types of Animation HS.2 Produce 2.A -Traditional/cel, stop motion, CGI, Demonstrate command of design, rotoscope, live-action animation, anime artistic, technical, and soft skills in managing and producing media artworks. Week 9 HS.2 Produce 1.A Semester Exam & Review Integrate various arts, media arts -Students will create a 2nd Genius Hour forms, and academic content into Project. unified media arts productions that retain thematic integrity and stylistic continuity. End of 4th Quarter End of 2nd Semester 8/12/20 – P. Ashbee 4 List of Films and Clips to watch if time allows: 2001: A Space Odyssey Planet of the Apes (2001) A League of Their Own Pleasantville AI: Artificial Intelligence Pocahontas An Education Poltergeist Amelie Rebel without a Cause Bambi Ringu Bicycle Thieves Rise of the Planet of the Apes Bride of Frankenstein Rosewood Captain Phillips Rudy Citizen Kane Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Clueless Secretariat Creature from the Black Lagoon Selma David & Lisa Shattered Glass Defending Your Life Spider-man Dracula (1935) Star Wars: A New Hope Dracula (1992) Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Eyes without a Face Stranger Than Fiction Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Super 8 First Man The 400 Blows Forrest Gump The Execution of Mary Stuart Frankenweenie The Force Awakens Green Book The Great Debaters Groundhog Day The Imitation Game Guardians of the Galaxy The LEGO Movie Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone The New World Hoop Dreams The Right Stuff I Am Legend The Uninvited JoJo Rabbit King Kong (1933) King Kong (2005) Life of Pi M Minority Report Moneyball Mostly Martha Night of the Living Dead No Reservations Pan’s Labyrinth Planet of the Apes (1968) 8/12/20 – P. Ashbee 5 .
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