WW-P’S FREE COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER WWPINFO.COM WEST WINDSOR Letters: Release InterCap Financial Analysis 4 & PLAINSBORO WW-P School District Sued By PIACS 14 Record Bid For WW Liquor License 21 The Protinicks: Three Generations of Farming 34 Police Reports 32 Classifieds 35 FOLLOW WWPINFO ON FACEBOOK & TWITTER FOR TIMELY UPDATES NEWS ISSUE DATE: AUGUST 12, 2011 NEXT ISSUE:AUGUST 26 WW OKs InterCap Deal People In The News Despite Some Misgivings by Cara Latham Had the council voted against WW Husband-Wife introducing the ordinances on Au- Teaching Team espite hard feelings over gust 1, it may have had to spend InterCap’s latest ad cam- more township money to defend it- paign and calls for a fiscal by Lynn Miller D self in court against InterCap, impact analysis, the West Windsor which filed a letter to state Superi- inda and Christopher Gay- Township Council moved forward or Court Judge Linda Feinberg lo of West Windsor were with the next step of redevelop- asking her to reinstate its transit Lhonored at Mercer College’s ment of the Princeton Junction village lawsuit against the town- James Kerney recent campus cele- train station area. ship after the council originally bration of achievement night at the By a vote of 3-2, the council in- held off on introducing the ordi- Trenton War Memorial. A science troduced two or- nances on July faculty member at Mercer College dinances on Au- 18. gust 1 that will, for 18 years, Linda Gaylo was an The ordinances will InterCap adjunct instructor for 10 years, then if adopted, ef- CEO Steve a teaching assistant, and has been fectuate the pave the way for Inter- Goldin also full-time faculty member for the terms of its set- Cap to develop 800 launched an last four years. She also enlisted tlement with In- advertisement terCap Holdings housing units, of which her husband, an engineering con- 98 will be affordable, at campaign in sultant, to join her at the Trenton reached last the days fol- campus as an adjunct instructor. month and its site on Washington lowing the According to Linda, there is a avoid continued Road. meeting, sent different vibe at the Kerney cam- litigation. township-wide pus than at the far larger West Now that the mailings to res- Windsor campus. “It’s a more inti- council has introduced the ordi- idents, and conducted telephone mate environment and classes are nances, the Planning Board has 45 surveys asking residents about small,” she says. “There is much days to review the ordinances and their feelings about on individual more opportunity for contact with make any recommendations to council members have handled the students.” She teaches chemistry, council about them. That meeting process (see sidebar, page 20). The anatomy 1 and 2, and biology con- is expected to take place on campaign soured feelings heading cepts. “I am very accessible and I Wednesday, August 17. Once the into the August 1 meeting. like it,” she says noting that her of- Planning Board is done with its re- Councilman George Borek, fice is centrally located on campus. view, the council will hold a public who voted in favor of introducing “At any point in the day, students hearing and possible adoption of the ordinances, was one of those can always find me.” The Family that Teaches Together . : MCCC sci- the ordinances sometime in Sep- soured by Goldin’s campaign. Her students come from varied ence faculty members and West Windsor residents Lin- tember. The ordinances will pave “One of the most frustrating parts backgrounds and span all ages, da and Chris Gaylo, shown here in the lab, teach sci- the way for InterCap to develop of this was the bombardment from those entering college direct- 800 housing units, of which 98 will everyone received from InterCap ence classes at Mercer's James Kerney Campus and be affordable housing, with retail received special recognition at the Kerney Campus’s to be phased in as the residential Continued on page 10 Celebration of Academic Achievement ceremony. units are built. Continued on page 16 DAY-BY-DAY INPLAINSBORO & WEST WINDSOR For more event listings visit A Doll’s House, Princeton Sum- come. Lesson followed by dance. www.wwpinfo.com. For timely up- mer Theater, Hamilton Murray No partner needed. $5. 8 p.m. dates, follow wwpinfo at Twitter Theater, Princeton University, Dance Jam Alive, West Windsor and on Facebook. 877-238-5596. www.pst2011.org. Arts Council, 952 Alexander Henrik Ibsen’s classic story about Road, West Windsor, 609-716- manners, stereotypes, and mar- 1931. www.westwindsorarts.org. riage in the 19th century. $20 to Improvisational dance presented Friday $25. 8 p.m. by Paul Cerna of West Windsor Godspell, Plays-in-the-Park, with musicians on drums, key- August 12 Capestro Theater, Roosevelt boards, flutes, and a vocalist fea- Park, Route 1 South, Edison, 732- turing Afro-Cuban rhythms. Regis- 548-2884. www.playsinthepark.- ter. $10. 8 to 10 p.m. com. Musical. Bring a chair. $7. On Stage 8:30 p.m. Live Music First Things First, Off-Broad- Trenton2Nite, Trenton Down- street Theater, 5 South Green- Family Theater town, South Warren and wood Avenue, Hopewell, 609- Disney’s Cinderella Kids, Wash- Lafayette streets, 609-393-8998. 466-2766. www.off-broadstreet.- ington Crossing Open Air The- www.trenton-downtown.com. Mu- com. Comedy about a couple who ater, 355 Washington Crossing- sic, art, games, and activities. Vis- married thinking the first wife was Pennington Road, Titusville, 267- it website for full list. Most are free. dead. $27.50 to $29.50. 7 p.m. 885-9857. www.downtownpac.- 5 p.m. Rent, Washington Crossing com. $5. Seat cushions and insect Dick Gratton, Chambers Walk Open Air Theater, 355 Washing- repellent are recommended. 11 Cafe, 2667 Main Street, Law- ton Crossing-Pennington Road, a.m. renceville, 609-896-5995. www.- Titusville, 267-885-9857. www.- allaboutjazz.com. Solo jazz guitar. downtownpac.com. Musical. $15. Dancing 6 to 9 p.m. Blankets, seat cushions, and in- Dance Party, American Ball- sect repellent are recommended. Wine and Music, Hopewell Valley room, 1523 Parkway Avenue, Vineyards, 46 Yard Road, Pen- Picnics welcome before show. Ewing, 609-931-0149. www.- Food available. 7:30 p.m. nington, 609-737-4465. www.- americanballroomco.com. $15. 8 hopewellvalleyvineyards.com. Sylvia, Center Playhouse, 35 to 11 p.m. Wine by the glass or bottle avail- South Street, Freehold, 732-462- Folk Dance, Princeton Folk able. John & Carm with classic Afro-Cuban Rhythm and Improvisational Dance: 9093. www.centerplayers.org. Dance, Suzanne Patterson Cen- rock. 6 to 9 p.m. Paul Cerna of West Windsor leads Dance Jam Alive Romantic comedy by A.R. Gurney ter, 45 Stockton Street, Princeton, about a couple and their new dog. 609-912-1272. www.princeton- at West Windsor Arts Council on Friday, August 12, $24 includes dessert. 8 p.m. folkdance.org. Beginners wel- Continued on page 23 from 8 to 10 p.m. 2 THE NEWS AUGUST 12, 2011 Joan Eisenberg Joan Eisenberg Office:RE/MAXJoan 609-951-8600 Greater Eisenberg Princeton x110 Office: 609-951-8600Joan Eisenberg x110 RE/MAXMobile:609-306-1999Princeton ForrestalGreater Village Princeton Mobile:[email protected]: 609-951-8600 x 110 www.JoanSells.comPrinceton Forrestal Village [email protected]:Mobile:609-306-1999 609-951-8600 x 110 Jeremax@aol com www.JoanSells.comMobile:609-306-1999 [email protected] Owner/Sales Associate G VILLAGEracious B GRANDE VALUES Brick F ronted C Views & Opinions olonial To the Editor: School District all parties involved had held high Responds to Lawsuit standards in the preliminary stages prior to opening. he Princeton Regional As pertains to this particular peti- School District, West Wind- tion [the lawsuit filed by the Prince- Tsor-Plainsboro School Dis- ton International Academy Charter trict, and South Brunswick School School – see story, page 14], the District have acted on behalf of Boards are composed of 9 or 10 ALL children and ALL taxpayers members, each of whom was elect- in reviewing and monitoring ALL ed by the voters. It is ironic that a charter school ap- private group of unelected and un- Richard K. Rein plications accountable individuals has initiat- Editor and Publisher brought before us ed legal proceedings challenging Cara Latham over the last sev- News Editor eral years and The School Boards have the right of the Lynn Miller will continue to Community News Editor do so in years a right to be heard. The Boards to make decisions that the ahead. It is clear- Boards will not let this Brian McCarthy Boards firmly be- ly the Boards’ du- lawsuit or anything else Craig Terry ty to not only be lieve are in the Hopewell Twp: silence that right. best interests of Photography sound stewards Vaughan Burton Meticulous and Updated!! All NEW carpeting... of public funds but certainly to also the districts and 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths. the taxpayers. The Kitchen features new granite counters, new ascertain and insure that children Production are traveling on safe bus routes, at- Ultimately, it Martha Moore Jennifer Schwesinger pendant lighting and chandelier. The expanded tending schools housed in suitable is up to the Zon- the commissionering to makeBoard a deci-and Account Executives Family Room with gas fireplace is flanked by facilities with appropriate health sion on final approval of this char- Bill Sanservino lighted custom crafted built-in cabinetry. The and safety standards in place, and ter school, but the Boards have a being provided the promised cur- Production Manager home also features crown moldings, picture right to be heard. The Boards will Lawrence L.
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