TheThe FortFort WorthWorth JapaneseJapanese SocietySociety July - August 2019 www.fwjs.org Our Mission: Foster understanding between Japanese and Americans by providing an opportunity to learn about Japan, it’s people, language and culture. LUNCHEON: TANABATA AND IZAKAYA Sunday July 21 from 12:30pm to 3:00pm at Yamagata Kaikan Our luncheon will celebrate the Japanese Tanabata Festival and we will set up “Izakaya-like” (small plates) food stations featuring festival foods like yakisoba, onigiri, chicken karaage, takoyaki, taiyaki and red bean ice cream. This festival is one of five festivals which customarily signal the changing of the seasons in Japan. Also known as the Star Festival, Tanabata has its origins in a Chinese festival and concerns the romantic legend between two (literally) star- crossed lovers, Princess Orihime the Weaver and Hikoboshi the Cowherd. We will have a “Kamishibai” presentation telling this story. We will also follow the Tanabata festival tradition of writing our wishes onto strips of paper and hanging them along with colorful decorations, on leafy stalks of bamboo. Adults $15, children 8-12 $12 and children 7 and under are free. There is a 20% discount for members aged 70 years and over. Please RSVP by Monday, July 15th to Harvey Yamagata at 817-737-9166 or email [email protected] or [email protected] Yakisoba Onigiri Taiyaki Takoyaki Chicken Karaage - 1 - SOCIETY NEWS – RECENT EVENTS Shinbokukai (dinner-get-together) at Wabi House On May 10th, over 20 of us met for our dinner get-together at Wabi House. This was our largest gathering for this event and everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves. The conversations were lively and the Wabi House food was excellent. May Luncheon – History of Japanese Americans in North Texas This luncheon was a special treat for the 76 of us who attended. Cori Hallock and David Bakutis presented their first of many videos featuring Japanese Americans who have settled in North Texas. The first interviewee was Al Komatsu. Most of us know of Al’s accomplished background, but it is always amazing to hear how well Al dealt with the harsh conditions of his unjust internment during World War II. After his release from internment, he completed his education and became a successful architect – many of his designs can be found throughout Fort Worth and Texas. Fumiko Coburn made much of our delicious Hiyashi Chuka Soba, and supervised all our other volunteers to make the soba a great success. Thank you Fumiko and all our volunteers – we know its quite a feat to serve over seventy hungry people. Al Komatsu with friend Claire Curry, daughter Sylvia Komatsu and Kenji Nishikawa June Luncheon – Travels in Japan We learned quite a bit about traveling in Japan from the very personal perspective of each of our speakers. Cori Hallock talked to us about her experience teaching in Japan and David Bakutis showed us the fun he and our other Dondoko Taiko drummers had when they visited Nagaoka, Fort Worth’s Sister City. Fumiko Coburn talked about the beauty and bounty of Hokkaido, Japan’s northern-most of the four main islands. Her view was expert since that is where she grew up. Harvey Yamagata then talked about his home region of Hiroshima as well as what it’s like to stay at a “ryokan,” a traditional Japanese style inn. Before the presentations, we feasted on the many delicacies brought by everyone as their potluck contribution to the meal. We were also treated to “kaki gori,” Japanese shaved ice, by Elishia Flowers and Sam Sumner and fresh strawberries prepared by Cori Hallock. UPCOMING EVENTS July Luncheon – Sun. July 21 from 12:30pm to 3:00pm at Yamagata Kaikan July will be our very popular “Izakaya” style luncheon with a variety of small plates. We’ll set up food stations serving popular foods like yakisoba, onigiri, chicken karaage, taiyaki and red bean ice cream. Adults $15, children 8-12 $12 and children 7 and under are free. There is a 20% discount for members aged 70 years and over. Please RSVP by Monday, July 15th to Harvey Yamagata at 817-737-9166 or email [email protected] or [email protected] August – Texas Ranger’s Japan America Friendship Game More information will be forthcoming, but the Texas Rangers will again have a game celebrating the friendship between Japan and America. There is no luncheon scheduled for August – it is our vacation month. September Luncheon – Sun Sept. 15th from 12:30pm to 3:00pm at Yamagata Kaikan For this luncheon we will celebrate “Keiro no Hi,” Japan’s special day set aside to honor the elderly. For food, we will once again have our popular obento. Volunteers will prepare the various foods that each of us will be able to place into obento boxes. This year, we will have two obento contests. One will be for the best obentos made using the food we will have prepared for everyone so it is a level playing field. Some of our members would like to bring in their own obento creation from home so that there are no restrictions – and we would all like to see these as well – so those who wish to bring in their entries, please do so. Adults $15, children 8-12 $12 and children 7 and under are free. There is a 20% discount for members aged 70 years and over. Please RSVP by Monday, Sep. 9th to Harvey Yamagata at 817-737-9166 or email [email protected] or [email protected] - 2 - 日本人会会報 最近の出来事 ワビハウスで親睦会 5月10日、20人以上の会員がワビハウスでの夕食会に参加しました。親睦会としては今までで最高の参 加者数で、皆さんはとても楽しんでいる様子でした。会話は活気にあふれ、また、ワビハウスの料理も 最高でした。 5月の昼食会 - ノーステキサスの日系アメリカ人の歴史 この日は通常とは趣の違う特別な昼食会で、76人の参加者がありました。 コーリ・ハロックさんとデビッド・バクティスさんの二人による「ノーステキサスに移住した日系人」 ドキュメンタリーのプレゼンテーションが行われ、このプロジェクトで最初にインタビューを受けたア ル小松さんのお話が紹介されました。私たちの殆どが小松氏の建築家としての功績を知っていますが、 第二次世界大戦中に日系人が受けた不当な抑留の、その過酷な状況を彼がどれほどうまく対処したかの お話は驚嘆ものでした。抑留から釈放され、教育を修了し、そして建築家として大成しました。彼の設 計はフォトワースだけに限らずテキサス中で見ることが出来ます。この日の昼食は冷やし中華そばで、 殆どの下準備をしてくれた富美子コーバンさん、そして他のボランティアの皆さまに感謝します。(70 余名の空腹を満たすのは容易ではありません。。。) 6月の昼食会 - 日本を旅する 私達は、各話し手の個人的な観点から、日本を旅行するに当たってのかなりの予備知識を得ました。 コーリ・ハロックさんは、日本での教師体験について話してくれました。デビッド・バクティスさんは、 彼と他の「どんどこ太鼓」のメンバーがフォトワースの姉妹都市である長岡を訪問した時の非情に面白 かった話をしてくれました。ふみこコーバンさんは、日本の最北端に位置する島、北海道の自然の美し さと恵みについて話しました。そこは彼女が育ったところでもあるので、彼女の見解は専門的でした。 そして、ハービー・山懸は故郷の広島の話と、伝統的な和風旅館である「旅館」に滞在するのがどのよ うなものかについて話しました。このプレゼンテーションの前には、参加者の皆さんがそれぞれ持ち 寄った食べ物と、エリシャ・フラワーズさんとサム・スマナーさんのかき氷、そしてコーリ・ハロック さんの新鮮なイチゴを楽しみました。 今後のイベント 7月の昼食会 - 7月21日(日)午後12時30分から~午後3時 山懸会館 7月はとても人気のある「居酒屋」スタイルの昼食会です。焼きそば、おにぎり、チキンカラアゲ、た い焼き、小豆アイスクリームなど、人気のある食べ物を提供するフードステーションを設置します。大 人15ドル、子供8〜12ドル、7歳以下の子供は無料です。 70歳以上の会員には20%のディスカウントが あります。 参加希望者は7月15日までに、ハービー山懸、電話 817-737-9166 又は Email [email protected] [email protected] までご連絡ください。 8月 - テキサスレンジャーの日米友好ゲーム 近々詳細がわかりますが、テキサスレンジャーズは再び日米の親睦試合をすることと思います。 8月の昼食会 - 日本人会の夏休みで、予定されている昼食会はありません 9月の昼食会 - 9月15日(日)午後12時30分~午後3時 山形会館 敬老の日をお祝いします。昼食は人気のある「お弁当」です。ボランティアの方々が、弁当箱に入れる 様々な食物を用意します。今年は、2つのお弁当コンテストがあります。一つは、会館でボランティア が用意した食物を使って作るお弁当のコンテストで、もう一つは、皆さまがご自宅で好きな具材を用い て作ったお弁当をお持ちいただいてのコンテストです。大人15ドル、子供8〜12ドル、7歳以下の子供は 無料です。70歳以上の会員には20%のディスカウントがあります。 参加希望者は9月9日(月)までに、ハービー山懸、電話 817-737-9166 又は Email [email protected] [email protected] までご連絡ください。 - 3 - THANK YOU 2019 DONORS! A special “Thank you” to those of you who were able to make a donation along with your 2019 membership dues. As many of you know, our annual dues hardly covers our annual costs of operating our non-profit organization. We continue to believe having our building is key to our success because we are able to support our Japanese Language School, our monthly luncheons and other groups who use our facilities like Dondoko Taiko Drummers, Kurumi Ningyo crafts group, Japanese Classical Dancers, etc. The building means annual property taxes, raising utility costs, and the cost of maintenance. Despite our various events to produce additional income, we cannot exist without your generous donations. Thank you! MAPLE LEVEL GINKO LEVEL SAKURA LEVEL Kikuko & Dee Ekstrom Mitsue Crow & Joann Trimmier Kazuko Hales Michael & Mary Moore Marcia L. King & Joseph & Anna (Haruko) Herness John & Rebecca Powell Julies King-Henry Robert & Yoko Kelly Rolando Reyes Grant & Susan Ogata Karl A. & Nancy B. Komatsu Kaoru Yoshida & Mike & Sandra Prachyl Lisa Meyer Yuri Strzhemechny Michael Ash Makio Nishida Jenny Anderson Nobuko Foshee Kenji Nishikawa Kurt & Charlie Selden Sunako Richey Kenneth M. & Mitsuko Renfro Kirton & Jill Cooper Ron Shader Paul Pass Donald J. & Kathryn L. Cosby SAKURA LEVEL Dr. A.R. & Juana Rosa Daniell Midori Bird GINKO LEVEL Libby Watson Yoko Cotton Ernest F. & Keiko Couch Harvey & Mary Yamagata Hiroki Fukuyama June Everly We need volunteers! Fort Worth Japanese Society members have been visiting local organizations, primarily elementary schools, as part of our mission to bring Japanese culture to our community. Our volunteers have been doing this for over 30 years! Many of them are older now and not able to volunteer. If you are able to demonstrate calligraphy or origami, please let us know. We will send an email to ask if you can help. Thank you notes from Westpark Elementary school in Benbrook. - 4 - Please help using this Easy Way to Donate Every time you buy through Amazon If you haven’t already bookmarked the Fort Worth Japanese Society link in Amazon, here’s an easy way to help us get some more funds. Go to smile.amazon.com/ch/75-2080094 and make your purchase. There is no additional cost to you. Just make your purchase and Amazon donates 0.5% of your purchase price to our society.. Weekly or Bi-Weekly Society Activities Dondoko Taiko (Drum Group) - This group performs at many metroplex festivals and special events. Practice every Sunday 6:00 to 8:30 PM. Contact: Asako Cosby 817-737-6581 or Cassi Southerland at [email protected]. Classical Japanese Dance - Meets at the Society every Monday morning from 11:00am to 1:00pm. The instructor is Mrs. Keio Miyamoto, an accredited master of Fujima School. Please come and join us. The group enjoys dancing with other Fort Worthians at the spring and autumn Japanese Festival. Contact: Teruko Green Cell: 817-723-3213. Ikebana – Learn and enjoy the art of Japanese flower arrangement. Class times vary. Contact Sandra Prachyl at 817-988-6360 or email [email protected] Japanese Language Class - Adult classes Mon.
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