25(i IICAG S SON3* DOOK BINDER, cprk: MOPORr, miciiica.'I 49284 The Lowell Volume 17, Issue 17 Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, March 10, 1993 \Along Main Street i 'V - •• z n wl THE T(K;ETHER LOWELL CARES COMMITTEE HOLDS FREE SEMINAR L The Together Lowell Cares Connnittee is offering a free miliar, Thursday, March 11 from 7 to 9 p.m., al Ihe Lowell '"^^1 iddle School, and will introduce the widely acclaimed parent ucation program called Active Parenting. 7*. This discussion will be led by Suzy Schwark, the area s presentative of Activc Parentimi. She will present informa- tion on ways to build effective family communication skills. i" > / For more information contact Sue Burt or Karen Latva at 97-8471. YMCA OFFERS YOUTH SPORT PROGRAMS The Lowell YMCA is now taking registrations for its spring >uldoor soccer program It is open to boys and girls grades cindergarten through eighth. John Gahrion, Dave Clark and Jim Wood, left, the City's Board of Review for property assessments, hear from It is also registering boys for the "new" T-ball/baseball and I^owell residents Neva and Wayne Johnson, right. softball program for ages four years through sixth-grade. For further infonnation call 897-8445. • Assessment reviews are up; HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETING The annual meeting of Fa llasburg Historical Swiety will be held at Schneider Manor March 15 at 7:30 with potluck at 6:30 Angered taxpayers look for answers p.m. The Kent County Bureau ments will reflect a two-year walks asearly as ihis summer. sit in on the Board of Review There will be an election of Trustees and 1993 member- of Equali/ation^says that the growth at seven percent a year Hill also stated thai he can. History shows most ships are $5. The program will be "Barns and More Bams," by freeze on assessments in 1992 or 14 percent over two years. believes Ihe Board of Review people don't want to, and those Jim Bonnstra. Guests are welcome. has accounted for the high Lowell City Assessor, Jim should be open to Ihe general who have a hearing scheduled number of board of review Marfia said two years ago a public. don't want an audience." LOWELL AREA FIRE DEPARTMENT S appointments scheduled for reappraisel was done on ihe Cily Manager Dave Pas- Hill concluded by saying PANCAKE BREAKFAST townships and cities in 1993. assessments of the residential quale said I hat is subject to ihe the hearing is not set up for an The number of appoint- area. "This year a complete open meetings act. "Thai audience and that he would The Lowell Area Fire Department's all-you-can-eat pan- ments are at there highest re-appraisal of non-residen- means, anvbodv who wants to like to see that changed. cake breakfast will be held Saturday, Maah 27 at the Look levels in the City of Lowell, tial areas has been completed," Memorial Fire Station, 315 S. Hudson. 113, Lowell Township, 148. he explained. "We want both They will be serving from 7 to 11 a.m., prices are adults $4; According to Lowell to be assessed by the same Nominating petitions being children $2. All proceeds go toward fire equipment. Clerk, Betty Morlock, the City formula." held Board of Review meet- The change in the assess- accepted for Board seat SKYWARN/TORNADO SPOTTER ing on March 8, 9 and 10th. ment of non-residenital areas Nominating petitions arc "Pressing issues facing the TRAINING SEMINAR Lowell Township also had means assessments will be now available for candidates Board obviously starts with meetings scheduled for the 8th based on the square footage interested in filling the Low- whal Ihe State Legislature On Monday, March 22 Jack Cooley, meteorologist in and 9th, along with meetings and what that square footage ell Board of Education seal does with school financing and charge of the Grand Rapids office of the National Weather from 6 to 9 p.m. on March 11, has been selling for. "As it that will open up in June. property lax cuts," Wilcox Service, will be putting on a Sky warn/Tornado Spotter train- 12, 16, 18, 19 and 23rd. All did with the residential areas, The scat is currently being says. ing seminar. the days are filled except for this will help put everybody filled by Marcia Wilcox. The Persons interested in run- The seminar will be held at the Lowell High School from the 23rd. to the same footing." Lowell resident was named in ning for this position must be 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the auditorium. Special invitations were Township receptionist/ Marfia said those non-resi- Februarv of 1992 to fill ihe a citizen of the United States, sent to Lowell merchants. City officials and the Lowell and ¥ deputy treasurer, Gladys dential asessments that jump seat left open when Linda be 18 years of age or older, be Alto Fire Departments. The public is also invited. Fletcher said the number of substantially this year have Beers resigned. a resident of Michigan for at Board of review appointments probably been under assessed In June of 1W2 Wilcox least 30 days, and be a resi- BURGER KING TO HOLD BENEFIT FOR YMCA arc a lot higher lhan she ever in year's past. won an election lo fill ihe seal dent of ihe Lowell School remembers seeing. Hill's Shoe Store owner for one-year. District for at least 30 days Burger King of Lowell and the YMCA are joining together VergennesTownship held Gordon Hill says Ihe Lowell The incumbcnt intends to beforc election. to help benefit the YMCA Invest In Youth program. reviews on Monday and Tues- Downtown area is not a viable mn for ihe four-year seat in Nominating petitions may The benefit will be held on Tuesday, March 23 from 4 to 7 day. Reviews were available means to draw people into Ihe J U IK'. be obtained by any candidate p.m. Proceeds from Ihe event will go to Ihe Lowell YMCA on Wednesday and Friday of area. "So why should my as- "I've just gotten my feel from ihe Board of Education Invest In Youth program. this week by appointment sessments jump up if it's not wet," Wilcox said. "I'm inter- office located al 12685 Fore- only. bri ngi ng people i n to t he dow n- ested in staying on ihe board. man Rd. LHS BOOSTERS CLUB MEETING The City's Board of Re- town area. Besides if it was I want lo see ihe curriculum The nominating pe lit ions view, appointed by the business would only be laxed upgraded and that we gel tech- must contain al least 20 signa- The next meeting of the Lowell High School Boosters Club Council was filled by John more." nology in our new high tures of registered school will be Monday, March 15 at 7 p.m. in room 1-Aof Ihe High Gabrion, David Clark and Jim Marfia said Hill's point is school." electors of the district, and not School. Wood. why the Dowtown Authority The Lowell resident, 9654 less lhan one percent of Ihe Lowell Township's board Association has been created. Bailey Dr., said one thing she votes of Ihe candidates who COUNTDOWN TO COLLEGE willconsistsof Richard Bryan, "If people shop in Ihe down- has learned since joining the received the greatest number Richard Buell and Bill town area, then the business Bpard is lh<\l small problems of votes in the last election in "Countdown to College" will be held on March 15 at Wieland. owners obviously make more can take an inordinate amount which Board members were Lowell High School. Students in ihe 9th, lOthand llth-grades Now that Ihe freeze has money." of lime and thai large prob- elected. and their parents will learn why this is a most important time been lifted, the harsh reality The DDA may begin lems are usually solved rather Main St., cont'd., pg. H has set in. The 1993 assess- work on Ihe downtown side- quickly. Board, cont'd., pg. H 1 The Lonell I.edjjer-Wednesday, March 10,1993-Page 2 The l>owell I^rdjjcr-Wednesday, March 10,l993-Pa^e3 Five LHS students recognized with OBITUARIES students-of-the-month honors 1 CZfMINGYN^^ 1 her freshman year wiih BROWN - Meredith M. sity of Michigan, and laught The students-of-the- yearunder her management.' drive and personal motiva- cheeHeading, volleyball and Brown, aged 51. of Saranae. in Lowell High School from month at Lowell High School tion," and adds that she is Notices in The Ledger's EVERYTUESDAY MORN- meetat7p.m.at the Lowell Showboat Network. FRI., MARCH 12: Vaca- TUES., MARCH 16: The track. She has still earned a Cannon Township Histori- died March 3, W^3. Surviv- 1^42 lo 1^47. In lhat year she for the month of Maah are Symmes's favorite classes "outgoing, sharing and car- "Coming Events" are free ING: Coffee break, a City Hall. New members tion is over Cyclamen spot on Ihe honor roll. Her cal Society will hold its ine arc her husband Thomas married David F. Coons of seniors Heidi Silvis Bliss and are business courses, and she ing." of charge to any non-profit community Bible study for welcomed. Membership EVERY SUNDAY Chapter #94 O.E.S. Get Lowell and lived there until Cattanach is the daughter regular meeting at 7 p.m. at A. Brown, daughter Jennifer Charla Symmes; junior Donna plans to attend GRCC next teacher nominator praises organization in the Lowell.
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