Astronomical Science DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5065 Exploring the Sun with ALMA Timothy S. Bastian1 18 Space Vehicles Directorate, Air Force and to gain an understanding of how Miroslav Bárta2 Research Laboratory, Albuquerque, mechanical and radiative energy are Roman Brajša3 USA transferred through that atmospheric Bin Chen4 19 National Astronomical Observatories, layer. Bart De Pontieu5, 6 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Dale E. Gary4 China Much of what is currently known about Gregory D. Fleishman4 the chromosphere has relied on spectro- Antonio S. Hales1, 7 scopic observations at optical and ultra- Kazumasa Iwai8 The Atacama Large Millimeter/submilli- violet wavelengths using both ground- Hugh Hudson9, 10 meter Array (ALMA) Observatory opens and space-based instrumentation. While Sujin Kim11, 12 a new window onto the Universe. The a lot of progress has been made, the Adam Kobelski13 ability to perform continuum imaging interpretation of such observations is Maria Loukitcheva4, 14, 15 and spectroscopy of astrophysical phe- complex because optical and ultraviolet Masumi Shimojo16, 17 nomena at millimetre and submillimetre lines in the chromosphere form under Ivica Skokić2, 3 wavelengths with unprecedented sen- conditions of non-local thermodynamic Sven Wedemeyer6 sitivity opens up new avenues for the equilibrium. In contrast, emission from Stephen M. White18 study of cosmology and the evolution the Sun’s chromosphere at millimetre Yihua Yan19 of galaxies, the formation of stars and and submillimetre wavelengths is more planets, and astrochemistry. ALMA also straightforward to interpret as the emis- allows fundamentally new observations sion forms under conditions of local 1 National Radio Astronomy Observatory, to be made of objects much closer to thermodynamic equilibrium and the Charlottesville, USA home, including the Sun. The Sun has source function is Planckian. Moreover, 2 Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy long served as a touchstone for our the Rayleigh-Jeans approximation is valid of Sciences, Ondřejov, Czech Republic understanding of astrophysical pro- (hn/kT << 1) and so the observed intensity 3 Hvar Observatory, Faculty of Geodesy, cesses, from the nature of stellar interi- at a given frequency is linearly propor- University of Zagreb, Croatia ors, to magnetic dynamos, non-radiative tional to the temperature of the (optically 4 Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research, heating, stellar mass loss, and ener- thick) emitting material. By tuning across New Jersey Institute of Technology, getic phenomena such as solar flares. the full suite of ALMA’s frequency bands Newark, USA ALMA offers new insights into all of it is possible to probe the entire depth of 5 Lockheed Martin Solar & Astrophysics these processes. the chromosphere. Lab, Palo Alto, USA 6 Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, Wedemeyer et al. (2016) comprehensively University of Oslo, Norway ALMA solar science discuss the potential of ALMA in this 7 Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO), context. In brief, observations of thermal Santiago, Chile Radiation from the Sun at millimetre and emission from material at chromospheric 8 Institute for Space-Earth Environmental submillimetre wavelengths largely origi- temperatures will be a mainstay of Research, Nagoya University, Japan nates from the chromosphere, the rela- ALMA’s solar physics programme. Multi- 9 School of Physics and Astronomy, tively thin interface between the radia- band, high-resolution, time-resolved University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK tion-dominated photosphere and the observations of the chromosphere at milli- 10 Space Sciences Laboratory, University magnetically dominated corona. The chro- metre and submillimetre wavelengths of California, Berkeley, USA mosphere is highly dynamic in nature as with ALMA will play a key role in con- 11 Korea Astronomy and Space Science magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves straining models of chromospheric and Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea propagate up from the photosphere below coronal heating. 12 University of Science and Technology, and form shocks that dissipate their Daejeon, Republic of Korea energy (for example, Wedemeyer, 2016). In addition, ALMA will be important for 13 Department of Physics and Astronomy, addressing puzzles associated with West Virginia University, Morgantown, The chromosphere remains an out- solar filaments and prominences that USA standing problem in solar physics and, form along magnetic neutral lines. 14 Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystem- by extension, stellar physics. The central Although they are at chromospheric tem- forschung, Göttingen, Germany question is: why does the Sun’s atmos- peratures, they occur at coronal heights 15 Astronomical Institute, St. Petersburg phere increase in temperature above the and are therefore immersed in much University, Russia visible photosphere as one proceeds up hotter plasma. Quiescent prominences 16 National Astronomical Observatory of through the chromosphere and into the can remain stable for days or even weeks Japan (NAOJ), Tokyo, Japan corona? What are the heating mecha- but may then become unstable and 17 Department of Astronomical Science, nisms? How is energy transported? What erupt. ALMA offers new insights into the The Graduate University for Advanced is the role of the magnetic field? ALMA thermal structure and dynamics of Studies (SOKENDAI), Tokyo, Japan is needed to help establish the thermo- prominences, their formation, and their dynamic structure of the chromosphere eventual loss of equilibrium. The Messenger 171 – March 2018 25 Astronomical Science Bastian T. S. et al., Exploring the Sun with ALMA ALMA observations of non-thermal emis- tion, yet considerable work was needed shape and increased side lobes. There- sion will also be of crucial importance. in practice to implement solar observing fore, while solar filters will be needed for Although observations of small flares or modes — work that is still ongoing. Provi- observations of stronger solar flares, small eruptive events may be observed sions were made to ensure that ALMA the second approach was developed for using the existing modes described antennas could safely point at the Sun quiet Sun programmes. below, observations of solar flares are not without damaging the extremely precise yet feasible with ALMA in general. Unlike telescope hardware; in particular, the sur- Yagoubov (2013) pointed out that the quiescent solar emission, solar flares face panels were chemically roughened ALMA superconductor-insulator-super- produce intense non-thermal radiation as in order to scatter optical and infrared conductor (SIS) mixers could be de-tuned a result of energetic electrons interacting radiation and reduce the radiative heating or de-biased to reduce the mixer gain with the local magnetic field. ALMA will of the sub-reflector and other elements and effectively increase the level at which be sensitive to emission from the most to safe levels. However, there are addi- receivers saturate, thereby allowing solar energetic of these electrons. An impor- tional factors to consider when observing observing without the use of the solar tant discovery by Kaufmann et al. (2004) the Sun. While ALMA’s sensitive receivers filters. This idea is illustrated in Figure 1, is that some flares produce a spectral are not damaged by pointing at the Sun, which shows the SIS current gain (left component at millimetre/submillimetre they saturate when such an intense signal axis) and conversion gain (right axis) plot- wavelengths with an inverted spectrum is introduced into the system, resulting in ted against the voltage bias for ALMA — the so-called “sub-terahertz” com- a strongly non-linear performance. Band 3. The normal voltage bias tuning is ponent, which is distinct from the non- on the first photon step where the gain thermal gyrosynchrotron component. There are two approaches to mitigating conversion is a maximum. However, the Krucker et al. (2013) discuss it at length, the problem: attenuate the signal intro- mixer still operates at other voltage bias yet the origin of the sub-terahertz flare duced into the receiver, or increase the settings. These produce lower conver- component remains unknown. ALMA “headroom” of the receiver to ensure that sion gain but, since the dynamic range will play a central role in understanding its response remains linear by reducing scales roughly inversely with gain, these its origin. the receiver gain. Both approaches are settings can handle larger signal levels possible with ALMA. The first approach before saturating. This operational mode Each of these broad science themes was implemented through the use of a is referred to as the mixer de-biased (MD) additionally informs the burgeoning field solar filter on the ALMA Calibration Device. mode. Observing both the source and of “Space Weather”, which is aimed at The solar filter attenuates the incident calibrators in a specific MD mode obviates understanding the drivers of disturbances signal by a frequency-dependent amount the need to explicitly measure the change in the solar corona and wind and their that allows solar observations in a given in system gain introduced by the mode. effects on Earth and the near-Earth frequency band. However, solar filters environment. have a number of undesirable properties Another consideration, however — for mapping the quiet (i.e., non-flaring) regardless of whether the solar filter or Sun: they greatly reduce the sensitivity the MD mode is used — is that the input Enabling solar observing with ALMA with which calibrator
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