HP Volume 75, Number 15 ThWRESHEe Sunrise Special Friday, JanuaryR 15,1988 Rooms at Wiess, Hanszen burglarized over holiday break by Lisa Gray and Anu Bajaj the time of the burglary of Rawlins* were unhelpful. A radio and a bicycle was exactly as I had left it." burglary on January 6. The Rice Campus Police and the suite. were stolen from Eichner's room. Wiess College was not the only "There was no damage done to the Houston Police Department are in- Rawlins' roommate, in Houston Rawlins complained to college to experience burglaries over room, and nothing else was stolen. vestigating the burglaries of ten over the holidays as a member of the Voswinkel, who told her that the offi- break. A TV set was stolen from the However, it does appear that the room Wiess College rooms and one swim team, left the room ai 9:30 p.m. cers had been mistaken. room of Hanszen senior Suzanne was burglarized by someone who was Hanszen College room. The burgla- on January 2 and returned at 11:30 "I don't know how unified, how Fitzpatrick. familiar with the setup. ries occurred between December 21 a.m. on January 3 to find that the suite well-informed that department is." The TV was stolen between De- "It appears that whoever took the and January 6, during Rice's semester had been robbed. Rawlins said. "I suggested to Chief cember 18 and 26. Fitzpatrick and her TV knew what he was coming for. We break. Rawlins complained about the Voswinkel that she set up a training loommate left on December 18. just got a new remote control which Students' losses include an esti- campus police's handling of her case. program to let her officers know what Fitzpatnck's roommate returned on we keep in a box on the end table next mated $2,500 in jewelry, three bi- She says that Campus Police Officer their policy is." December 26, noticed that the TV was to the sofa. The remote control was cycles, two radios, a television set, a Howard Miller, who handled her A Rice class ring was stolen from missing, and assumed that Fitzpatrick gone," Fitzpatrick said. typewriter, and two billfolds contain- case, did not file a report with the Wiess senior Laurie Nyveen's room had hidden the TV. ">Tie_y reported the see Burglaries on page 7 ing a total of $320 in cash. Houston Police Department. When although the stereo was left un- Chief of Police Mary Voswinkel she checked with the Campus Police touched. said that the campus police believe Department three days after reporting The door was apparently kicked thieves kicked in the doors to two the burglary, she says that Miller and open, and there was minor damage to suites, and entered another through a another officer told her that it was not the room. broken window. In two other suites, the department's policy to report "They messed the room around. she said, the doors were locked when burglaries to the Houston Police and They moved our desks and some the students left Rice, but unlocked that she should report it herself. boxes, and they tore up my suitmate's when they returned. "To me, the campus police at that build-up," Nyveen said. The burglaries seem to have taken point were not helping at all," she Eichner's door had also been place on different days, according to said. kicked open and replaced, according burglary victim Melissa Rawlins. Steven Eichner agreed with Rawl- to the Campus Police. Eichner found Police have been able to pinpoint ins and felt that the Campus Police no damage in his room and said, "It Grade reception creates confusion ri-i3 Campus Police share this building in the stadium lot. -H.Turner by Samantha Hendren informed beforehand about the home addresses. The sending of students' grade change because the Registrar's Office One student remarked, "The regis- reports to their home addresses for the was not certain until the last minute as trar obviously didn't realize what an fall semester does not reflect a change to whether or not the reports would be important issue this is to Rice stu- New building complete in Rice policy, and henceforth stu- ready in time to send to student's dents." by Jim Low vehicles," Voswinkel said. dents will have the option of choosing Campus Police will begin The Navy and Army ROTC, who where their grades will be sent each operations in their new building on share the upper floor of the building, semester, according to Registrar We be jamming!!! Monday. The facility also houses are also enjoying the increased space. James Williamson. Navy ROTC and Army ROTC, which "We are very pleased with the new The student body was surprised, moved into the facility over the facility. We have much more space," and many were alarmed, to find that semester break. said NROTC instructor Lt. Downey. their grades for the fall semester were In addition to the Campus Police The Navy ROTC hired fifteen sent home, breaking a long-standing and ROTC, the new $680,000 build- midshipmen to assist in the move, tradition of fall grade reports being ing houses storage for administration which took about one and a half sent to students' campus mailboxes to and the Campus Store, as well as weeks. They were assisted in the be received upon their return to offices for the Rice Press. move by Physical Plant personnel. school. The building was completed De- Other aspects that should add to Williamsonreports that an updated cember 23, after about four months of increased efficiency for the Campus computer system allowed the construction. Landscaping around Police include new training areas Registrar's Office to process grades the outside of the building has begun located in the building. "We will be faster than ever before. The implem- and should be completed in about four able to view new training video tapes entation of "mailers," a different type weeks, according to Jerry Ryan, and increase our training capability," of envelope in which the grade reports manager of Physical Plant Planning Voswinkel said. can be printed and addressed in one and Construction. Roll calls will also be made pos- step, considerably cut down the time The new building features 11,364 sible with the increased space. In the spent in preparing the grades for send- square feet of office floor space, past, the Campus Police Department ing. 2,666 square feet of storage space, has not held roll calls due to space The Registrar's Office felt that and an additional 6,220 square feet of limitations. • students would prefer that the reports warehouse space, according to Ryan. The police were formerly located be sent home because they would The building, located near en- in the Abercrombie Engineering receive them sooner. "If I took people trance seven in the stadium parking Laboratory, and their old office space by surprise, I am sorry," Williamson lot, should increase overall efficency will probably be absorbed by the said. for the Campus Police. George R. Brown School of Engi- Beginning with this semester, stu- "We'll be less crowded, have neering. dents will choose the place to which room to bring people into the station, Ed Samfield, Director of Physical their grades will be sent each time and have places for them to sit. We'll Plant, was unsure as to what the space they register for classes. In the just be able to spread out, now," said vacated by NROTC would be used Registrar's Office, each student will Mary Voswinkel, Chief of the Cam- for. be asked to choose either his home or pus Police. An open house is also tentatively local address for the mailing of his No changes will be made in Cam- planned for later this month to allow grades at the end of the semester. pus Police operation procedures ex- members of the Rice community and Many students were upset when cept for the change in location. The the public to see the new facility. their grades were mailed home, feel- phone number will remain the same, ing thai sending grade reports directly and the new station will be open 24 INSIDE: to the students represented a degree of hours a day. Stadium lot entrance respect between the University and number seven will continue to close at Opinion: Gary Hart-bashing, the student body. Neither the college midnight. pages. 2 and 4. masters, the college presidents, nor As a result of having the police the Student Association was in- News: KTRU silenced tempo- office in the stadium lot, student cars rarily , p. 7. formed that there would be any parked in the stadium lot should be change. safer now. Feature: Survey results tallied, Williamson defended the decision, "A large window overlooking the p. 12. Ron Robertson was at his Frog-stuffing best Wednesday night as he led Rice affirming that "the reports were ad- student parking area is located in the to a 74-69 win over TCU in Autry Court. Robertson led all scorers with 29 points Sports: Owls win twice, no less, dressed directly to the students, and as Rice ran their conference record to 2-1. Their next game is tomorrow night new dispatch center, so we will now p.16. not their parents." Few people were at 7:35 at Autry Court. See story, page 16. —L. Cowsar have 24-hour visibility over those Friday, January 15,1988 THRESHER Opinion Censorship upheld SENATOR. WART, WWASNBATHING 10 WW IF ICOUU? ASK OH NO HO NO- ME- GATOVWTTOE BUNCH# The Supreme Court's 5-3 vote Wednesday to uphold a Missouri high XDUKCDUPUE MOONYASKr school principal's censorship of the student newspaper struck a sad W£l! YOU HAVE ttE C0NFU5EP OF QUESTIONS MEW TO* GAR/HWTVE PERSON.' blow to the First Amendment.
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