In i 20 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Mar. 9. 1989 APARTMENTS ICDNDDMiNIUMS Merchandise | 3 T ] f A l e FOR RENT I FOR RENT DownfaH Upbeat Relief MANCHESTER. Two Spccioli^D^*' MANCHESTER. Two IMISCELLANEDUS 1981 CHEVETTE Sport, bedroom flat, first bedroom Townhouse red ond silver. Body i floor, air conditioning, with family room In FDR SALE good. Needs repairs. Wounds are deep .Coventry five Bounces Back Cure your cold fully appllanced kit­ convenient area. $695 $600. Keep trying. 643- chen, basement, gar­ IBOOKKEEPING/ PAINTING/ 1 ^ MISCELLANEOUS per month. Coll D.W. 6135. By fooling virus /24 I HEATING/ age. $700 per month, Fish, 871-1400 or 643- after Tower fight /7 . with state tournament victory /13 INCOME TAX PAPERING l£lJrSERVICES plus security, plus utili­ 1591. ENDROLLS 1976 FORD Von, E-250, PLUMBING ties. Available April Clubwogon. Excellent 2Vh w idth • 25$ 1st. No pets. 649-5678 condition. $800, negotl- 13V. w idth - 2 for 25$ Complete accounting services M & M O IL Spring is coming after 7pm.___________ rri HOMES oble. 649-5007, including A/R. A/P. P/R. GA.. PAINTING & MUST be picked up at the evenings. PLUMBING & HEATING For all your cleanup IMMACULATE, P le a ­ I s U fo r r e n t Herald Office Monday thru PftL Statement and Quarterly sant, aulet, four room tax returns Can design WALLPAPERING chores call Rudy, Thursday before 11 a.n. only Froe E$tlmat0$ • Oil Burner Service & Sales apartment. Lots more. BOLTON. Beautiful, six additional applications • Automatic Oil Delivery 647-9925. Mature, working fe­ room Ranch, three tailored for your business Call John Reasonable, reliable, There's someone out • Wall Pumps Sales & Service male preferred. Non- bedrooms, I'/? baths, CLYDE needs. Call 644-6191. and references. smoker. No pets. 649- garage, many extras. there who wonts to buy A 649-3331 5897.________________ Two months security your power tools. Find CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. IN C O M E TAX * Bathroom & Kitchen and references. No that buyer with o low-cost ROUTE 83, VERNON Remodeling Angelic Home MANCHESTER. Two PREPARATION ROOFING/ bedroom, 5 room, se­ pets. $950 per month. od in Classified. 643-2711. 84 Bonneville 4 Dr. *5995 I • Senior Citizen Discounts Care Registry Available March 15. In Your Home Lora! rrgislry offers quality cond floor, carpeting, 84 Century LTD wagon *6695 SIDING • Electric wort( by stove, parking, 649-7725. Inicuding: Rental and Sola Precision Electric care... lower coat to patients... (WANTED TO 84 Skyhawk wagon *5995 Propiiatoratilp. Call Jim Whaalar monthly tenancy. No MANCHESTER. Five LEAKY ROOF? FREE ESTIMATES companions, home makers, pets $600 plus utilities. room Ranch with gar­ IBUY/TRADE 84 Camaro Blue *5995 nurses. ^ a ^ -m ^ 85 Century ♦ Dr. (2) mianrhpBtpr Mpralb 645-6808.____________ *8995 •* 742-1009 Most roofs can be rspsirad. Phone: 649"2871 , 6 4 7 - 1 9 5 6 age, centrally located, In plact of total rarooflng sxpsnssi MANCHESTER. Four Bowers School district, W ANTED: Used furni­ 85 Spectrum 4 Dr. *5195 Compisis rsroofing ot all types. rooms, first floor, oulet street, pets ac­ ture of any type. Coll 85 Century wagon *8595 EJJ. MANA6EMENT 293-2900. mee esTimres parking, near 384, bus, cepted. Available April 86 Cutlast Clara wgn. *8995 SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS shopping. $550. 645- 1. $725. 646-7655. 30 Cents Tax Return Manchester Roofing 86 Grand Am 2 Dr. *8395 Friday, March 10, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm | 2 J SERVICES [s H i^ ndscaping 8251. Proparatlon/Payrolls 645-8830 Automotive 86 Merkur XR4T *9495 BooKkeeping COVENTRY. Available ■qeJ STORE AND 86 Thunderbird *8995 Immediately. 6 Vs 1^01 OFFICE SPACE Mark P. Mornaiult ... lust dial 643-2711 and luwKj^asaviK PHILS LAWN CARE rooms, two bedrooms, 86 Celebrity 4 Dr. *7695 Z89-4S73 we ll help you word and Bucket, truck & chipper. Stump Spring Cleanup. one both, wolk-out place your ad. EAST HARTFORD. New (CARS removal. Free estimates. Weekly services. basem ent, laundry office space In restored 872-9111 Special coneldsratlon for hook-up. $750 per I FOR SALE ICARPENTRY/ Call for free estimates house, spectacular elderly and handicapped. month.. Security plus cathedral celling, Haggling produces April 1 tax REMODELING To clean coffee stains first and lostmonth. No 83 SUBARU GL wagon 4 from china or plastic, rub 742-7476 Burnside Avenue. 3800 647-7553 utilities. Adults pre­ souore feet with base­ door. Under 70,000 ITRUCKS/VANS stain with baking soda. miles. 5 speed. Well DON'S UWN SERVICE AND ferred. No pets. Coll ment. Con be divided. ]F0R SALE mittee approval. April 1 and go about halfway in liberals on the committee that the tax considered equally along with tional taxes and cuts in O’Neill’s FARRAND REMODELING 742-7494 or 742-8161. maintained. $2200 or Republicans said Thursday’s committee draft and hold a public other tax bills designed to elimi­ proposed 89-90 budget. QARDENIND Terms negotiable. For best offer. Coll 644-2103. Income-tax Bill erasing this year’s deficit. The Room additions, decks, roof­ DISTRIBUTION Call now for: NEWER Three bedroom Information, coll Ruth DODGE 1979 3/4 ton. 24-16 vote in the Democratic- hearing on a bill taxing personal nate the 1988-89 deficit and Liberal leaders said the agree­ ing, siding, windows and gutt­ other half will come chiefly from LABELS Yard clean-up Duplex, wall to wall, oil FIske, 282-0651.______ ISUZU 1986 pickup. 5 Good shape. V8 auto­ controlled Finance Committee the budget reserve, or rainy day income over $100,000. at a rate of 8 balance the $6.9 billion budget for ment to hold a hearing brought ers. All types of remodeling and Shrub & hedge trimming appliances, 1'/? both. speed, many extra fea­ matic. Moving must to get hearing repairs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. Tired of manually addreasinp OFFICE space In Man­ would likely come back to haunt fund, which still contains about percent. the 1989-90 fiscal year, beginning Connecticut another step closer ELECTRICAL distribution malt we can Rototllling and mowing 643-1823.____________ tures. Excellent condi­ chester. 3 rooms. To­ sell $1000. or best offer. Republicans opposed the idea to a personal income tax. automate this process providing 10*^ Sinlor CItIzin dlteeunl tion. $3900. or best Coll otter 5 p.m. 742- Democrats in next year’s $130 million, under the Demo­ July 1. Bus. 647-8509 COVENTRY. Unloue one taling 900 souore feet of such a hearing, saying it would The April 1 package includes: Res. 645-6849 Quality service for a reasonable 646-7011 bedroom apartment. on Spruce Street. Park­ otter. Coll 742-9892. 9813. By Judd Everhart elections. crats’ plan. The April 1 "mini” package DUMAS ELECTRIC price Call 644-6101 The Associated Press The vote culminated weeks of The bill will be handled under be a waste of time, given the will produce $247 million for the ■ a 20-cent-a-gallon tax on Service changes, addi­ $495/month plus utili­ ing, one year lease 1977 MERCURY Cougar. ties. Pets Okay. 742- $700. month. 643-6712 - RX7, V8, 62,000. Excel­ I AUTOS FOR haggling among Democrats try­ an emergency procedure allow­ governor’s long-standing prom­ 1989-90 budget year. non-alcoholic, carbonated bever­ RENOVATIONS tional wiring and repairs on ages, to raise $6 million. That existing homes. Quality AUTO 6976, leove message. 647-0069.____________ lent condition. $450 646- Ir e n t /l e a s e HARTFORD - A bill calling ing to eliminate the current ing both the House and Senate to ise to veto a personal income tax By agreeing to move forward PLUS work at affordble prices. GSL Building Mainte­ 1 2 ^ SERVICES M ANCHESTER. 3 bed­ OFFICES. Prime loca­ 4081. for a new tax on soda and higher year’s budget deficit, estimated vote on it on Wednesday and send bill in any form. on the April 1 “mini” package, would be about 11 or 12 cents on a Complete Home Entirely owner operated. 27 nance Co. Commercl- room duplex. Applian­ tion. Reasonable. The Democratic liberals, led by the Democrats decided to worry six-pack of 12-ouncee cans al/ResIdentlal building 84 CHRYSLER Loser . % FREE Mileage on low taxes on cigarettes and alcohol, as high as $247 million, and some it immediately to Gov. William A. Maintenance years exp. Call Joseph ces. No utilities. No Heat, hot water, lonl- SPEED, AIR, AMAstm cost ooto rental. Vil­ liberals on the committee who O’Neill. Reps. Miles S. Rapoport of West about balancing the 89-90 budget ■ a 14-cent-a-pack increase in Dumas 84S-5263. repairs and home Im­ pets! Security,referen­ tor. $250. 647-9223, 649- designed to raise $118 million in Repair / Renew provements. Interior TIERINN rS cassette. Excellent. lage Auto Rental, 643- the final quarter of this budget wanted serious consideration of a Agreement came after the Hartford. Geri W. Langlois of later. They said they needed $450 the cigarette tax — to 40 cents a Automotivs EngliNsrlng. Inc. ces reoulred. Coll 647- 5334. $4000. 649-2783. 2979 or 646-7044. Callings, Walls, Painting, and exterior painting, 8587, leave message. year, is on its way to the House personal income tax. co-chairmen and other members Thompson and Walter S. Brooks million to $.500 million more Paparing, Carpentry light carpentry. Com­ 276 Hartford Rd., k^anchastar and Senate after winning com­ The new taxes would take effect acquiesced to a demand by some of New Haven, want an income through a combination of addi- See T A X PLA N , page 12 Intund m Senior Oltcounf plete lanitorlal' ser­ I HEATING/ vice. Experienced, rel­ 649-5823 I CONDOMINIUMS "TP! 646-2253 PLUMBING iable, free estimates.
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