' _1933 CONGRESSIONAL _RECORD-HOUSE 4185 NOMINATIONS ACCEPTANCE AND TRANSFER OF CERTAIN LANDS IN SAN DIEGO, CALIF. Executive nominations received by the Senate May 25 (legis­ lative day of May 15), 1933 Mr. VINSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of the bill (H.R. 1767) AsSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY to authorize the acceptance of certain lands in the city of Thomas Hewes, of Connecticut, to be Assistant Secretary San Diego, Calif., by the United States, and the transfer of the Treasury, in place of James H. Douglas, Jr., resigned. by the Secretary of the Navy of certain other lands to said city of San Diego. GENERAL COUNSEL FOR THE BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE The Clerk read the title of the bill. E. Barrett Prettyman, of Maryland, to be General Counsel The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the for the Bureau of Internal Revenue, in place of Clarence M. gentleman from Georgia? Charest, resigned. There was no objection. The Clerk read as follows: COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION Be it enacted, etc., That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he George F. Zook, of Ohio, to be Commissioner of Education, ts hereby, authorized on behalf of the United States to accept vice William John Cooper. from the city of San Diego, Calif .. when said city has been duly authorized to make such transfer by the State of California, free COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS from all encumbrances and without cost to the United States, all right, title, and interest in and to the lands contained within the James J. Connors, of Juneau, Alaska, to be collector of following-described area: Beginning at the intersection of the customs for customs collection district no. 31, with head­ prolongation of the northwesterly line of Bean Street with the United States bulkhead line as established in February 1912; quarters at Juneau, Alaska, in place of John C. McBride. thence southwesterly along the prolongation of the northwesterly ~ John Bright Hill, of North Carolina, to be collector of line of Bean Street to the pierhead line as the same has been or customs for customs collection district no. 15, with head­ may hereafter be established by the United States; thence, north­ quarters at Wilmington, N .C., in place of Mrs. Fannie westerly and southwesterly along the said plerhead line to its intersection with the prolongation of the northeasterly line of Sutton Faison. Lowell Street; thence north_westerly along the prolongation of the northeasterly line of Lowell Street to the United States bulkhead line as established in February 1912; thence northeasterly, easterly, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and southeasterly along the United States bulkhead line as estab­ lished in February 1912, to the point of beginning contai.ning ap­ THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1933 proximately 242 acres; and . also, all of block 16, municipal tide lands subdivision, tract no. 1; said lands being desired by the Navy The House met at 11 o'clock a.m. Department for national defense and for use in connection with The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, DD., offered existing naval activities at San Diego, Calif. the following prayer: The said Secretary of the Navy is also authorized hereby to transfer to the city of San Diego, Calif., free from all encum­ Thou, who art the Creator and the Master of all life, brances and Without cost to said city of San Diego, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the lands contained we pause this moment at the altar of prayer and breathe within that part of the Marine Corps base, San Diego, Calif., de­ the holy word-not unto us, not unto us, 0 Lord, but unto scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the United States Thy excellent name be honor and glory, dominion and power, bu1khead line as established in February 1912, distant 300 feet both now and ever. Here we wait in thanksgiving for the northwesterly from station no. 104 on said bulkhead line; thence north 7° east a distance of 2,160 feet; thence north 60°34'59" renewal of our strength. Gratefully mindful that we are west to an intersection with the prolongation of the north­ Thine, do Thou put sacredness of duty upon all hearts, westerly line of Bean Street; thence southwesterly along the that we may ever frown upon all neglect as unworthy of our prolongation of the northwesterly line of Bean Street to an inter­ high calling. O free us from every fear save that of doing section with the United States bulkhead line, as established in February 1912; thence south 83 ° east along said bulkhead line to wrong. Be Thou that wise presence diffused in all our the point of beginning, containing approximately 67 acres. actions. By faith, love, and energy may we make our way toward the stature of the perfect man. Calm us when vexa­ The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, tions distract and rebuke us, when scanty thoughts turn was read the third time and passed, and a motion to recon­ us from Thy matchless grace. We praise Thee that Thou sider was laid on the table. art our God forever and ever and will be our guide even unto AMERICAN-GROWN APPLES AND PEARS IN FOREIGN MARKETS death. Amen. Mr. BYRNS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and the present consideration of the bill <H.R. 4812) to promote approved. the foreign trade of the United States in apples and/or MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE pears, to protect the reputation of American-grown apples A message from the Senate, by Mr. Horne, its enrolling and pears in foreign markets, to prevent deception or mis­ clerk, announced that the Senate, having tried Harold representation as to the quality of such products moving in Louderback, judge of the District Court of the United States foreign commerce, to provide for the commercial inspection for the Northern District of California, upon five several of such products entering such commerce, and for other articles of impeachment exhibited against him by the House purposes. of Representatives, and two thirds of the Senators present The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the not having found him guilty of the charges contained gentleman from Tennessee [Mr. BYRNS]? therein: It is therefore Mr. BLANTON. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to ob­ Ordered and adjudged, That the said Harold Louderback ject, I objected the other day, but since then I have ascer­ be, and he is, acquitted of all the charges in said articles tained that the majority leader is strongly in favor of this made and set forth. me~sure and seems to think that it is an emergency matter, The message also announced that the Senate agrees to and ought to be passed. I want to be assured of one fact, the amendments of the House to the amendments of the however, and that is that there is no junket of any kind in Senate nos. 2 and 14 to the bill (H.R. 5390) making ap­ this bill anywhere in the United States or in any foreign propriations to supply deficiencies in certain appropria­ country. I intend to try to stop all junkets of every kind. tions for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, and prior Mr. ROBERTSON. I can absolut~ly assure the gentleman fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for of that. the fiscal years ending June 30, 1933, and June 30, 1934, The purpose of the bill is to promote the export of Ameri­ and for other purposes. can apples and pears. During recent years the average ex­ Mr. KVALE. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order that port of pears was 1,650,584 bushels, and of apples 2,593,466 there is not a quorum present. barrels and 8,937,149 boxes. During the past 2 years some The SPEAKER. The Chair will count. 26 nations have imposed restrictions of one kind or another Mr. KVALE. Mr. Speaker, I withdraw the point of order. on American apples and pears by specifying the qualities , 4186 _CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY 25 which may be imported during certain periods, increasing not exceeding 90 days to any person who ships or offers for ship· the rigidity of sanitary requirements and inspection, and ment any apples and;or pears in foreign commerce in violation of any of the provisions of this act. Any person or any common car. through increased import duties. Those interested in this rier or any transportation agency violating any of the provisions large export business desire to have these restrictions dis­ of this act shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $10 ooo cussed at the Economic Conference to be held in London by a court of competent jurtsdiction. ' SEc. 7. The Secretary may make such rules: regulations, and next. month, and to place our Department of State in posi­ orders as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this tion to assure foreign nations that nothing except standard act, and may cooperate with any department or agency of the grades of fruit will hereafter be shipped. This bill was pre­ Government, any State, Territory, District, or possession, or de· pared by the International Apple Association, composed of partment, agency, or political subdivision thereof, or any person, whether operating in one or more jurisdictions; and shall have the leading shippers, shippers' organizations, outstanding the.power to appoint, remove, and fix the compensation of such growers and exporters from coast to coast, and by the East­ ofiicers and employees not in confiict with existing law, and make ern Apple Growers Council, a federation of 19 State horti­ such ~xp~nd.itures for rent outside the District of Columbia, print· cultural societies east of the Missouri River.
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