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This document is archival in nature and is intended Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et for those who wish to consult archival documents fait partie des documents d’archives rendus made available from the collection of Public Safety disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux Canada. qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles by Public Safety Canada, is available upon que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique request. Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. annual report 1975-1976 Secretariat Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canadian Penitentiary Service National Parole Board Solicitor General Solliciteur général 4 Canada Canada SOLIOVIOR GEelEfet- CAPADA JUL 26 ‘994 Jun- ece B000- . CODA SOLLICVIV1-t OTTAVIA errem annual report 1975-1976 Secretariat Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canadian Penitentiary Service National Parole Board Produced by the Communication Division, Ministry of the Solicitor General © Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa, 1976 Cat. No.: JS1-1976 Solicitor General Solliciteur général U +11 of Canada du Canada To His Excellency the Right Honourable Jules Léger, C.C., Governor General of Canada May it please Your Excellency: I have the honour to submit to Your Excellency the annual report of the Ministry of the Solicitor General for the fiscal year April 1, 1975 to March 31, 1976. Respectfully submitted, 1- eY) I Francis Fox Solicitor General of Canada Contents Secretariat 3 Royal Canadian Mounted Police 15 Canadian Penitentiary Service 39 National Parole Board 61 Ni Organization Chart — Secretariat of the Ministry of the Solicitor General Solicitor General Deputy Solicitor General Royal Canadian Senior Policy Advisory Mounted Police Committee Canadian Penitentiary Service Executive Assistant — — Senior Personnel Policy Advisor Director: Administrative — Senior Financial Policy Advisor Services — National Parole Board Ministry Counsel: — — Management Consulting Services Legal Services Coordinator 5th UN Congress — on Prevention of Crime & Treatment of Offenders Asst. Deputy Minister Asst. Deputy Minister Asst. Deputy Minister Asst. Deputy Minister Police & Security Policy Planning & Research & Systems Communication & Planning & Analysis Program Evaluation Development Branch Consultation Branch Branch Branch Secretariat The present Ministry of the Solicitor General was established in 1966 when Parliament assigned to it responsibility for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Penitentiary Service. The Solicitor General of Canada also reports to Parliament for the National Parole Board. The development and co-ordination of Ministry policy is the responsibility of a Secretariat that reports to the Deputy Solicitor General, Mr. Roger Tassé, Q.C. It was established early in the 1973-74 fiscal year, replacing vvhat had been known as departmental headquarters. The heads of the three agencies, vvho have responsibi- lity for administration and programs in their areas, report directly to the Solicitor General. Policies on police, corrections and parole are deter- mined by the Solicitor General who is advised by the agency heads and the Deputy Solicitor General who together comprise the Ministry's Senior Policy Advisory Committee. The Secretariat has branches responsible for policy planning and program evaluation, police and security planning and analysis, research and systems develop- ment, and communication and consultation. Each of the four branches is headed by an assistant deputy minister. 3 Policy Planning and Program Evaluation — The branch coordinated the work of a Ministry Branch task force to develop the role and organization structure of a new Federal Corrections Agency Planning and Program Evaluation Branch The Policy to be responsible for all the operational and supports the development of the overall promotes responsibilities of the federal government in the Ministry. In fulfilling this role, policy direction of the correctional field. The task force undertook a branch conducts two functions: policy planning the fundamental review of the bases and assump- and evaluation. tions of federal correctional philosophy. Policy planning takes in such activities as the Emerging from this review will be a proposed identification, priority establishment, and analysis of role and a set of basic principles which will be policy issues; and the development of policy proposals. expected to have significant organizational and Under the general direction of the Ministry's Senior operational implications for the new Federal Policy Advisory Committee, the branch assumes either Corrections Agency. The task force will also a project leader or coordinating role, or a supportive propose a basic organization structure which role for specific policy issues. Depending upon the will most likely fit this role. policy issue, the branch coordinates the extent of the — The branch was also engaged in two joint development of policies with agencies within the federal-provincial task forces which reviewed Ministry, with other federal government departments, long-term objectives in corrections and the and with provincial governments. respective federal and provincial governments' In carrying out the complementary function of roles in corrections. These task forces were evaluation, the branch seeks an understanding of the established following the May 1975 Federal- potential effect of policy developments and the degree Provincial Conference of Ministers responsible of achievement of policy implementation. Evaluation for corrections at which provincial ministers activities include the refinement of Ministry long-term expressed the view that the current division of and short-term objectives, strategies and goals; the responsibility has created a duplication of identification of specific policy objectives and facilities, resources and services, resulting in a indicators of results; and the assessment of the loss of economy, lack of consistency and gaps effectiveness of existing and new policy initiatives that of services. The branch coordinated the work of are being implemented to determine the extent to a joint review group with representatives from which they are meeting their planned objectives. several of the provinces to carry out this review. British Columbia, however, requested bilateral The following is a list of major projects undertaken by discussions with the Ministry of the Solicitor the branch in 1975-76: General to identify the implications of a unified or joint corrections system within the — The branch coordinated the nation-wide Province of British Columbia. The consultations on proposals for new legislation branch co- chaired a joint Federal to replace the Juvenile Delinquents Act. These — B.C. task force of proposals were prepared by a Ministry officials to carry out this study. Both joint Committee chaired by the Deputy Solicitor review groups had been requested to complete General and were made public in the form of a their tasks by April 30, 1976. The results of these reviews will be presented report "Young Persons in Conflict with the for discussion at the next Law" on September 23, 1975. Staff members meeting of the Continuing Committee of of the branch served on this committee and Deputy Ministers responsible for corrections and, subsequently, to prepared the report. This report was used as the the next Federal- Provincial Conference of basis for consultation with the provinces Ministers. including law enforcement agencies, judges, — The branch chaired a ministry committee to and organizations and groups in the private identify the range of possible measures and sector that are directly involved in the juvenile alternatives to afford a greater measure of justice process. This consultation phase is protection against violent crime. The branch expected to be completed by June, 1976. The coordinated with the federal Department of next phase will involve assessment of the Justice the preparation of proposed federal reactions to the proposals and alternatives government measures to deal with this policy advanced, and to formulate recommendations issue. for government policy regarding new legisla- tion. 4 — The branch developed a proposed policy state- The branch has three main elements providing direct ment on the issue of child abuse. This state- client services: the Research Division, Information ment, along with supporting material, has been Systems and Statistics Directorates, and the Library. presented to the Standing Committee on Health, Welfare and Social Services. This The major clients of the branch are the Canadian standing committee has been requested to study Penitentiary Service, National Parole Board,
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