r'leif- AVEBAOB DAILT OQMJULAnON for the Heath ef AptU, U8S THE WEATHER ForecMt Of D. s. Weather Bmmm. Hartford 6,124 . Btanber ed the Audit Meetly eloady, not much change to temperatare today and tonlgit; Bui'suu «f CbeuMteus " fair Sunday, UtUe change to tem- pesutare. MANCHESTER — A'CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVIL, NO. 186 Advsttwag OB rage u> MANCHESTER^ CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ^ War Mothers Join Hague Cause JAPS’ SUPPLY BASE IL DUCE TO GIVE HITLER IS THREATENED BY FREE HAND IN DEALING GUERRILU TROOPS ~ ® Sorprise Attack May Cot SPEECH PERMIT WITH CZECH PROBLEMS Lines Serving ' 10,000 Men Further North; Rush IS DENIED TO Parents Must Make Rdnforcements To Area. 2 CON^ESSMEN Into Another Tronblo Life, Death Decision Threatening Sitnation As Shanghai, May 7— (AP) —Three Expect Troable In Jersey thousand Chinese guerrilla troops, Mnssolhu Promises To fighting recklessly In the streets of City Toidglit When Repre- For Stricken Infant Nantungchow, threatened today to annihilate the Japanese garrison of Bring Inflnence To Bear that supply base on the north bank sentadves O’Connell And elftiriA PnlAn lav cr,,...riInIn n u— _,__ ITiey re- Helalne Colon lay gurgling In a hos- celved conflicting advice of the Yangtze river, 60 miles north pital crib today whUe her dis- Physicians generally were agreed On Czechs To Be Reasw- of Shanghai. Bernard Attempt To Talk. traught parents wavered on a deci- that no operation could save toe Japanese reinforcements were sion that medical experts said chUd’s sight and that death would rushed from Shanghai In a desper- meant life or death tor her. ensue, probably Mthln two months, able In Meeting Demands. ate effort to save the decimated Jersey a ty , N. J., May 7.— (AP) Should they permit an operation If no oMratlon were performed. garrison and retain possession ot that probably would save their flve- —Two United Stotes RepresenU- Until two weeks ago toe baby waa the Important base town. d r i v e ^ ^ *’**5“ ? !* ^ ?* mllltont fight to weeka-old daughter’s life but leave believed normal In every respect. tlves were denied permission today her blind forever, or should they Rome, May 7.— (A P )— Pr©. The loss of Nantungchow would O’Connell (D Mont 1 and Sfn P®™**®** Jersey City, where Rep. Jerry Then Dr. Hershman noticed a flaw cut supply and communication lines to make public speeches In Jersey forego toe operation and riak cer- mier Mussolini, according to tain death? In toe left eye. BpeciallcU suboe- serving a Japanese army of 10,000 City tonight by Public Safety Di- read. Our sons died for democracy. Preserve It.” Other banners carried by women quently confirmed hU diagnosis— German sources, has agreed to men operating in north K las^u The answer rested Mto Dr. Her- rector Daniel Ctoaey, who described glioma of toe retina ta both eyes. Rive Germany a free hand In province. This army waa lasi. re- man Colon, 30. a dentist, and his The disease attacks toe nerves of ported 00 miles south of the Lung- them as "personally obnoxious to Mfe, Eatelle. 23. too eye, spreading from toe rotlna Czechoslovakia, so far as Italy hal railway, fighting In the vicinity too great majority* of our citizens Dr. Morris Hershman, toe child’s to toe brain. Physicians declare is concerned, of Fownlng. because of their Communistic en- maternal grandfather, said late yea- t o ^ know of no certain cure. Mussolini was said to hav* deavors." terday toe young parents had reach- Foreigners arriving from Yantze LEARY STILL MISSING; FRENCH, BRITISH ’The baby’s grandfather, a ph}ral- promised, during a convenuh* ports said scores of Chinese civil- RepresenUtlves Jerry J. O’Con- ed toe fateful decision to "let nature clan and surgeon, waa torn between ians already bod been killed and nell (D„ Mont.) and John T. Ber- take Its course.” profeastonsl and paternal feelings. tion last night with Reicha* bundreda were hiding In terror nard (FL,, Minn.)—nevertheless car- But today toe father said no final "As a ph)rslcian, I believe nature fuehrer Hitler, to bring diplo- decision had been made. while band-to-band fighting raged ried forward plans to address a mass SPOKE OF TEXAS TRIP TAKE ACTION TO should be allowed to taka Its matic pressure to bear upon Inside the walls of Nantungchow. meeting In Journal Square where Baby Colon is afflicted with course,’’ said Dr. Hershman. “As The Chinese guerrillas Infiltrated Socialist Leader Norman Thomas glioma In both eyes. Physicians a father, and as tota child’s grand- the Czechoslovak govemment Nantunchow three days ago and at- last week made, unsuccessfully, said toe cancerous growth would father, however, I am inclined to to be "reasonable" in meeting tacked by surprise, inflicting many similar attempt. Mayor Hayes Declares Ifis EASE TENSIONS spread to her brain and cause death too other aide—that of trying to German demands. Casey said his denial waa based RAIN WASHES OUT If an operation were not perform- casualtlea upon the Japanese Garri- save the baby by giving it toe only The (xerman sources said son, which numbered only 300 men on toe ground that said meeting ed. Both eyes would be removed ta chance that science knows—an op- at the outset. Remnants of the would tend to create disorder and Friend Told Him That He Warning Is Sent To Ger an operation. eration.” Mussolini agreed that Itidy garrlaon were last reported fighting disturbance." The parents turned to friends, The (Solans have another daugh- MUSSOLINI’ S SHOW relstlves, brain surgeons and a splr- was a disinterested party in for their Uvea. Two groups of organizations with ter, Sharlene, three years old. Czechoslovakia, and that t|»« Port traffic at Shanghai was opposite objectives planned to ob- Was Thinking Of Visiting many That Roogh-Han* paralyzed this morning when the serve a seemingly Inevitable clash Sudeten German problem waa of Jersey City police and toe Con- Chinese customs staff temporarily The Southwestern State. one which concerned only tha ceased clearing ships after the re- gressmen—war veterans who back- Big Air And Artillery Exhibit dling In Czechoslovalda Germans and Czechoslovakia.' formed Chinese government, set up ed Mayor Frank Hague, vice chairs by the Japanese at Nanking, an- man of toe Democratic National WAGE HOUR PROPONENTS Mussolini was reported to nouncing It was taking charge of committee, in his stand against Waterbury. May 7.— (AP) —The Is CanceDed — Banquet Will Start A Certain War. have expressed hope Germany the customs. "Radicals.’’ and organisations which Waterbury Grand Jury, resting to- would be able to solve the prob* toarged Hague Mth the suppres- sion of olvU rights. day after the ninth week o f ita bi- Is listed For Tonight ASK FOR SPEEDY ACTION lera “ on her own strength.” Ha Th ItoW Paris, May T.— (AP) _ French O’ConneH and-Bernard planned to vesttoatlon into alw> was quoted aa having ax* aver, when Osmsilsslinii UrHi .fcaw- stinTjad np w ordthathad .been a n l British dl(ddmat>, hounff • to. ford, speaking at a mass meeting, «ve* tiom Washington to "New pfWbad the conviction that a York by train and thence to Jersey B ^ e public regarding the where- Rome. May 7.— (A P )—Rain gether like their -two war machines declared be was taking orders from City, Just across toe Hudson river, abouto of ex-comptroUer Daniel J. Arjnie That Uonsoal Rash solution of the German prob- the tospectoraU general; not from washed out the big air and artillery by lost week’s talks in London, took by automobile. Leary at whoaO home a subpoena action today to trsat Europe's war NOTED RUMANIAN the reformed government The cus- show planned today for toe visit- lem in Czechoslovakia would Bxpect Big Crowd was delivered Thursday morning. Jitters. toms staff then resumed work. Officials In charge of the Inquiry ing German Fuehrer Hitler, making To Sign Petition Demon- contribute to the stabilizat!oi$ .. was a posslbUlty that when The first step was Instructions The only foreigner at Nantung- toe Congressmen approached toe declined to discuss toe former city o f European peace. cbow was Miss V. Mushrusb, Amer- tonight’s state dinner at Palazzo to ambassadors of toe two countries CLAIMED BY DEATH appointed scene, mid-town Journal official's non-appearance but his Venezia toe high spot of the day’s Parley b Coatianed ican nurse attached to the United counsel, Joslah H. Peck of Hartford, to deliver notes to Germany and strated Measnre Shonld Square, they would find It too round of lavish festivities. Czechoslovakia, cautioning them After the dictators had ||^ Christian Missionary Society hos- ^owded to permit their entrance. reiterated bla belief that Leary bad pital. Both Premier Mussolini and Hit- agataat vtolenoe In settling toe private for an hour, the Gensoa The last time toe citizens of Jer- left the city Mtbout knowledge that ler were to speak briefly at toe ban- clamor of Nazi Germans In Czechot Be Gven The Preference. foreign minister, Joachim von RH>> While the Chinese and Japanese sey City were caUed upon to sup- the Jury wanted hint He said he Former Premier Octavian battered each other IneffecUvely In quet, and their speeches may reveal Slovakia tor Increased political priv- bentrop, and Italy’s, Count Qaleaaao. l»rt their mayor, nearly 28,000 of beUeved he would be able to reach whatever Is to be made public of lleges. Cteno. were called In and the oen- south Shantung, Chinese reported him Mtotn a short tin)e. them Jammed toethe ArmoryArmorv forf«r a• toe nature of their conversations on The warning carried the Inference versationa continued fbr another ytetorles In Shansi province.
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