Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner REQUEST FOR POLICE & CRIME COMMISSIONER DECISION - (N° 007 / 2016) TITLE: Cumbria Constabulary Estate and Fleet Strategy Executive Summary: The Estate and Fleet Strategies have been developed by Cumbria Constabulary and are attached for consideration by the Police and Crime Commissioner. Both strategies set the plans and strategic direction for estate and fleet activities across both the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Constabulary. This covering paper provides the annual update to both the 2013 – 2017 Estate and Fleet Strategies. Both strategies are live documents which are updated annually to capture the changing operational requirements of the Commissioner and the Constabulary. The strategies set out the current and emerging issues together with the strategic priorities for the year. Recommendation: The Commissioner is asked to approve the annual update to the 2013 – 2017 Estate and Fleet strategies. Police & Crime Commissioner I confirm that I have considered whether or not I have any personal or prejudicial in this matter and take the proposed decision in compliance with the Code of Conduct for Cumbria Police & Crime Commissioner. Any such interests are recorded below. I hereby approve/do not approve the recommendation(s) above Police & Crime Commissioner / Chief Executive (delete as appropriate) Signature: Date: 24th February 2016 -1- PART 1 – NON CONFIDENTIAL FACTS AND ADVICE TO THE PCC 1. Introduction & Background 1.1. The annual updates of the Estate and Fleet Strategy were presented to and approved by the Chief Officer Group (COG) on 02 February 2016 and are now submitted for consideration by the Police & Crime Commissioner for Cumbria. 1.2. Both the Estate and Fleet strategies are for the period 2013 – 2017 and updated annually. 1.3. The Estate Strategy aims to provide a link between the strategic objectives of the organisation and our priorities for the estate. It outlines the current and future requirements of the estate and documents the changes that are required to meet these. 1.4. The Fleet Strategy will allow the fleet to meet the current needs of policing and to support the implementation of new and changing Constabulary strategies. It is an enabler to provide effective and efficient policing services. 2. Issues for Consideration 2.1. Both the strategies outline the current and future direction of travel for Estates and Fleet. They set out what is required to enable both the estate and fleet to achieve the aims of the Police and Crime Plan and the Chief Constables operational policing plans in order to meet the needs of the citizens of Cumbria. 2.2. They are developed to actively enable the Constabulary to Keep Cumbria Safe and to support the priorities set out in the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan 2013 – 2017. They also recognise dependencies with the Internal Change Programme, ICT and procurement and the requirement to delivery services within challenging budgetary constraints. 2.3. The Estate Strategy outlines nine key objectives; Delivery of a Strategic Command Centre and improved North Cumbria estate resilience at Police HQ. Undertake programme of flood recovery, refurbishment and post flood review to impacted sites. Improvements to power infrastructure to HQ site. Complete the disposal programme of the previously agreed station closures including the sites at Barrow, Maryport and Ulverston. Land purchase for new police station in West Cumbria. Procurement of new Cleaning and Catering contracts. Disposal of NTU site and provision of new vehicle workshop for North Cumbria. Review and update Estate and Facilities approved contractor list. Review the requirements for the discrete operational premise in Cumbria. -2- 2.4. The strategy aligns to best practice and builds on the work already undertaken by the Constabulary’s Estates and Fleet Department, notably on the delivery of new fit for purpose police stations in the North and South of the county. 2.5. The Fleet Strategy outlines three key objectives; Undertake a review of Fleet Assets to determine if the size and type meets operational requirements, with the aim of reducing the demand on the capital programme by 10% in the year 2016/17. Review and make recommendations for improving adverse weather capability within the fleet. Explore options for new garage facility for North Cumbria (link to Estates strategy). 2.6. The Estates and Fleet Department is fully supportive of collaborative working with other Blue Light forces / agencies in order to achieve best value. In fleet the team are now part of the North West buying group which is delivering excellent value for money in vehicle procurement. The majority of fleet contracts are collaborative frameworks. In Estates the team are actively engaged with regional forces on sharing best practice and exploring options for collaborative procurement. The team have retained the contract to provide professional estate services for North West Ambulance Service. 2.7. Both teams are critical enablers to operational policing. The success of previous estate strategies is evident in the asset portfolio. There has been significant investment which has delivered a fit for purpose estate with two of the main operating bases being class leading in both their design and operating costs. This investment has been underpinned by disposals of surplus non fit for purpose property which has brought notable levels of capital receipt. This sustainable investment strategy has underpinned the success of the Estate Strategy. 2.8. The widespread flooding which hit the county in December 2015 served a timely reminder that some of the police estate is within flood risk areas. An objective of this annual update is to reinstate these damaged properties and begin to explore a long term strategy to reduce this risk. 2.9. The inclement weather also highlighted a weakness in the all-weather capability of the vehicle fleet. An objective of the fleet strategy is to put forward a financially sustainable all weather vehicle capability. 3. Financial Comments 3.1. The strategy has been produced in consultation with the Constabulary’s Chief Finance Officer. -3- 4. Legal Comments 4.1. There are no specific legal implications although to progress some of the objectives there will be a requirement for the Legal Services department to be consulted and offer professional support. Both Estates and Fleet works very closely with the Senior Legal Advisor on a number of matters, the dependency is fully understood and shared programmes of work are reviewed monthly. 5. Risk Implications 5.1. Specific risks are documented within the Estates and Fleet risk register. Project risks are recorded within the project documentation of each project / initiative as required. 5.2. There are a number of challenges faced by the by department specifically regarding the volume and complexity of current works programmes. These are recorded and regularly reviewed. 6. HR / Equality Comments 6.1. None identified with the endorsement and approval of the Strategies. 7. ICT Comments 7.1. The teams work closely with the ICT Department when undertaking projects and the dependencies between the teams are understood. 8. Procurement Comments 8.1. The teams work closely with the Procurement Department and a procurement business lead is actively engaged in procuring and supporting purchasing for both estates and fleet. Larger projects are undertaken in conjunction with the Head of Procurement. 9. Backgrounds / supporting papers (List any relevant business case, EIA, PID, Media Strategy and append to this form; list persons consulted during the preparation of the report) Fleet Strategy 2013 – 2017 Annual Update – Part 1. Estate Strategy 2013 – 2017 Annual Update – Part 1. Estate Review 2016 – 2017 – Part 2. Persons Consulted: The Extended Chief Officer Group Ruth Hunter, OPCC Chief Finance Officer Stephen Kirkpatrick, Director of Corporate Support Members of Corporate Support SMT Michelle Bellis, Deputy Chief Finance Officer -4- Public Access to Information Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and other legislation. Part 1 of this form will be made available on the PCC website within 3 working days of approval. Any facts/advice/recommendations that should not be made automatically available on request should not be included in Part 1 but instead on the separate Part 2 form. Deferment is only applicable where release before that date would not compromise the implementation of the decision being approved. Is the publication of this form to be deferred? NO If yes, for what reason: Until what date (if known): Is there a Part 2 form - YES Appendix – The Estate Review 2015-2017 contains commercially & operationally sensitive information regarding the OPCC and Constabulary business affairs and the prevention and detection of crime. ORIGINATING OFFICER DECLARATION: I confirm that this report has been considered by the Chief Officer Group and that relevant financial, legal and equalities advice has been taken into account in the preparation of this report. Signed: S. Kirkpatrick Date: 15th February 2016 OPCC OFFICER APPROVAL Chief Executive / Deputy Chief Executive (delete as appropriate) I have been consulted about the proposal and confirm that financial, legal and equalities advice has been taken into account in the preparation of this report. I am satisfied that this is an appropriate request to be submitted to the Police and Crime Commissioner / Chief
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