St. Edmund’s Chronicle St. Edmund of Canterbury Catholic Church Tel: 020 8894 9923 Email: [email protected] Website: parish.rcdow.org.uk/whitton Parish Priest: Fr Nigel Griffin Parish Safeguarding Representative: Vivien Rimmer Safeguarding Administrator: Anne Jones If you have any concerns about the safeguarding of children and vulnerable people in our parish call 07779 288 867 Divine Office: Psalms Week 4 ST FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 31 JANUARY 2021 We meet in Christ’s name from many different backgrounds and circumstances to acknowledge our complete dependence on him and to receive from him the strength we need to serve him faithfully in the world. First Mass of Sunday 18.30 Robert Spindler (RIP) PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Sunday 31st January 9.30 Sushila Kalyani (RIP) Leona Chris, Baltasar Domingues, Ann Doherty, FOURTH SUNDAY IN 11.15 Trevor Mendes (RIP) Ann Singleton, Richard Pereira, Katherine Pereira, ORDINARY TIME 18.00 Pro Populo Emily Cleary, Connie Hewson, Riky Langham, John Monday 1st February 9.15 Terence McShane (RIP) Simpson, Roy Edwards, Rachael Boyle, Phillip Tuesday 2nd February 9.15 Kathleen O’Halloran (Sick) Dear, Peter & Anne Rutzler, Min Wilde, Jacqueline THE PRESENTATION OF Turner, Michael Garvey, Pat Scammell, Bridget THE LORD Martin, Mary Hepworth, Colm Brennan, Brigid Wednesday 3rd February 9.15 Desmond McGinley (RIP) Lonergan, Justina Nathan, Kevin O’Neill, Jim Tobin, Ss Laurence, Dunstan & Parul Peters, Charmaine Peters, Ken Stalder, Steve Theodore (Blessing of St Blaise) Simpson, Veronica Lapworth, Mollie Cundy, Neri Thursday 4th February 9.15 Judith Vasanthakumar (RIP) Fernandes, Anna O'Keeffe, Rose Fox, Patricia Friday 5th February 9.15 Jeff de Haas (RIP) Corry, Christian Gibbins, Phyllis Walsh, Geraldine S Agatha Mullan, all who are sick and the families who care for Saturday 6th February 10.30 Theresa Samuel (RIP) them. S Paul Miki & Comps. Please pray for the repose of the souls of Norman Wearing, Bishop Padraig O’Donoghue, Teresa First Mass of Sunday 18.30 Jeff de Haas (RIP) Gilbert, Jeff de Haas, Mgr Mark Langham and all Sunday 7th February 9.30 Luisa & Clive Bullock (Anniv) those whose anniversaries occur at this time, all who FIFTH SUNDAY IN 11.15 Pro Populo have recently died and the families who mourn. ORDINARY TIME 18.00 Terence McShane (RIP) During the month of February we pray for the priests and people of Ashford MESSAGE FROM FR NIGEL AN ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION The people who listened to Jesus’ teaching in My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the today’s Gospel were used to hearing scribes and Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all teachers in the synagogue. But with Jesus they things, and I desire to receive You into my were hearing something new. We don’t know soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You what Jesus was teaching that day, or what kind sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my of language he was using, but what struck the heart. I embrace You as if You were already people was that he taught them with authority. there and unite myself wholly to You. Never Jesus had drawn them in, but they could not permit me to be separated from You. Amen. quite put their finger on it. ‘What does it all mean?’ they probably asked each other. He MGR MARK LANGHAM (RIP) made them think and they recognised that Jesus Many parishioners will wish to know the funeral was offering something new, something arrangements for Mgr Mark Langham (made in different. Jesus had made a deep impression on accordance with protocols necessary due to the them. ‘Here is a teaching that is new’ they said coronavirus pandemic and with only invited ‘and with authority behind it’. There is so much mourners). Bishop John Arnold will preside in babble and nonsense poured out at the moment the presence of Cardinal Vincent Nichols and Fr through the media, but if we will listen to the Ambrose Henley OSB will give the homily at the voice of Jesus in the Gospels, then we will Funeral Mass on Thursday 18 February 2021 at recognise truth and authority. 12.30pm in Westminster Cathedral. The Funeral Mass will be live streamed: Fr Nigel www.westminstercathedral.org.uk St Edmund’s Whitton is part of WRCDT Charity No.233699 DIAL A MASS CATHOLIC PAPERS The Knights of St Columba offer a Dial-a-Mass We are unable to sell papers directly at the service on 01642 130120 available each day moment but if anyone would like to take out from 12 noon until midnight, lasting around 45 either a print or digital subscription, these are minutes and costing as little as a local call. available. For the Catholic Universe, please visit: www.thecatholicuniverse.com or call KEEP IN TOUCH them on 0161 820 5722. At the moment a The Chronicle will be published each week on special offer is available at £25 for 3 months, parish.rcdow.org.uk/whitton/ and circulated £99 for 12 months, or £55 for the digital to all on the parish email list (to be added please edition. For the Catholic Herald go to: email [email protected]). We have www.catholicherald.co.uk or 020 7448 3607 Facebook: www.facebook.com/StEdmundWhitton/ GUIDELINES FOR COMING TO CHURCH We must all continue to play our part, follow the LIVE STREAMING rules, protect our vulnerable people and control Live streaming of from St Edmund's can be the spread. We are still living with a pandemic. accessed either from the parish website at If someone comes to church and is then https://parish.rcdow.org.uk/whitton/ or else tested positive for the virus, the church must at https://www.churchservices.tv/whitton be closed for 72 hours, so if you are feeling The camera is in operation 24 hours a day unwell, please refrain from coming to Mass. (though at night you will only see the red light The Sunday Obligation is still suspended and of the sanctuary lamp) and there will be sound streamed Masses are available on the patish for all masses and other services. There is a website. Face coverings are mandatory in slight delay built into the system so allow a Church which should be kept on during the couple of minutes after the advertised start of a whole service. We will now record details of all service. This is a permanent installation and will who attend church during the Covid-19 remain available even when we are able to pandemic either by entering details in the return to a more normal situation, which will be register or through the NHS App. Thank you for of benefit to the sick and housebound. your understanding and support. We depend on volunteer cleaners and stewards for this all to WAYS TO GIVE happen, and more are needed so please help if We now have contactless giving using a debit or you can. If you are not at Sunday Mass you credit cards either in church or using this link: should try to spend some time in prayer and https://tinyurl.com/StEdWhitton/. It is also religious reflection. easy to give online from your bank account. The parish account is WRCDT ST EDMUNDS CARITAS CANTERBURY WHITTON, 40-05-20, 61094564. Caritas Volunteer Fair –Online- Wednesday 10 Your generous donations are helping us to keep February 11am -1pm. Whether volunteering for the church running. the first time or are looking for a new role, find out what volunteering opportunities are out UPDATE ON COVID RESTRICTIONS there. Register at https://www.event- We are now in a national lockdown so please brite.co.uk/e/caritas-volunteer-fair-tickets- STAY AT HOME. Places of worship are open for 135713539851 communal worship but people cannot interact BREXIT with anyone outside their household or support If you are an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen, who has bubble. Baptisms are suspended until further been resident in the UK since before the 31 notice. Weddings are not allowed except in December 2020 and do not have permanent exceptional circumstances. right to remain, you and your family members must have applied for the EU Settlement Scheme COVID-19 VACCINES to continue legally living in the UK beyond 30 Catholics may in good conscience receive any of June 2021. We cannot stress how important that the authorised vaccines. The Bishops complying with this legislation is - please if you Conference have issued two statements which have not yet applied; do so. If you require any can be viewed here: supporting information or general assistance, www.cbcew.org.uk/home/our-work/health- we are happy to help. However, we cannot apply social-care/coronavirus-guidelines/covid-19- on your behalf and we cannot complete the and-vaccination/ and here: application for you. https://rcdow.org.uk/news/bishops- Please note: This does not apply to citizens conference-statement-on-covid-19-vaccines/ of the Republic of Ireland www.facebook.com/StEdmundWhitton/ SAINT OF THE WEEK NOTE ON ASH WEDNESDAY Saint Theodore is most often called ‘of Distribution of Ashes in Time of Pandemic Canterbury’ here in England, but elsewhere he The Priest will say the usual prayer for the is called Saint Theodore of Tarsus simply blessing of the ashes, but at the end of the because that was where he was born – in Cilicia mass. He then sprinkles the ashes with holy around 604. Theodore was the sixth Archbishop water. After which he addresses all those of Canterbury after Augustine and was probably present and only once says the formula as it the most important archbishop of Canterbury appears in the Roman Missal, applying it to all between Augustine and Lanfranc, both for his in general: “Remember that you are dust, and organization of the Church and as a scholar and to dust you shall return”.
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