Butler Europe Preview .-Page 8 ' —Page 12 ilurne 39 Fordham College—Thursday, March 12, 1959 401 No. II First Monthly' Students Go to Polls To Hit Campus On Wednesday Today to Vote on SG The first edition of "The Monthly" will be published Officers, NSAs Fate Wednesday, co-editors Sonny Students in the College will go to the polls today and to- Mathias and Don Lyons an- morrow from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to elect four new Student Gov- nounced this week. Printing ernment officers. Voting will be held in Keating cafeteria difficulty forced the staff to for day-hops and in Dealy Hall for boarders. Running on the Maroon Party S> cancel plans to publish the 32- the ballot: "Resolved, that Ford- page issue earlier. ticket are Bob McGrath, presi- dent; Tony Arcuni, vice presi- ham College should disaffiliate dent; Marco Figueroa, secretary; the National Student Association, "By judicious selection of the effective immediately." literary material at our disposal, and Jim Mahoney, treasurer. we have attempted to produce a They are opposed by the Ram The platforms of both parties • d(n> nuis ducks I'ordham students donating blood in annual Party slate, composed of Mike lTni\i'isil\-wide Kloocl Drive. balanced issue," said managing were submitted to the joint Con- editor Tom Martini. Scotti, Sonny Mathias, Roger gress Monday night at the SG Borrello, and Nick Burrlesci. meeting. The major features in Fordham's Future There will be a referendum on McGrath's campaign have been Is Given A satiric study of Fordham's the SG-financed lecture series, future, "The System," by Joe the establishment of personal Buttles, will be the featured hu- SG President contact between SG officers and' morous selection. the administration, and the pur- Drive chase of a student-owned projec- An article on art in the motion Assails NSA tor and screen to be used when By ED GABVEY picture and an evaluation of ser- Tom Butler, Student Govern- needed by the various organiza- Fordham students donated 498 pints of blood last week ious contemporary music, entitled ment president, stated in an in- tions. He feels that his party's • the University Blood Bank, an increase of 82 pints over "Music—'58," have been written terview last Friday that he would primary qualification is their "ex- ,e 1958 total. Students from the campus contributed 345 by Rudy Franchi and Walter Car- continue working to disaffiliate perience in SG, through which we nts as the School of Pharmacy with 128 pints won the inter- roll. Ed Gottsman has contrib- Fordham from the "outmoded, in- have profited by the successes and uted "The Smell of Cooped-Up effectual, and unworkable" Na- failures of past years." hool "Hemo" trophy for the sixth year. Angels," a study of Christopher tional Students Association. Stu- Although Uie drive fell short of ^ ' Fry as dramatist and playwright. dents will vote on a referendum Mike Scotti has campaigned on Maroon Key's 600-pint goal, ri t Tl •. A young boy's reflections on the today and tomorrow whether or the idea of a campus carnival, was termed a success. The Col- death of his father is the theme not to disaffiliate Fordham from sponsored by SG, the organiza- tion of a cooperative student dis- x donated 122 pints; the up- Eastern Rites of George Quinan's "The Wake." NSA. im Business School, 61, and the i count service, and the establish- :aduate School, faculty and Poetry Included ment of a comprehensive file of all, lit, 14. Parley Tonight I Sec Mansfield class and section activities. Scotti The issue will also contain a | Pro-NSA Letter, p. 4 says that his party is "a group The downtown blood drive was The 21st annual Fordham Uni- short selection of verse and a not merely taking care of chores successful as students con- versity Conference of Eastern Bi- number of original cartoons. for the administration, but a ibuted 20 pints fewer than their tes and Liturgy will meet tonight Butler gave three reasons for group that is working for the stu- «total of 193. A photographic satire on the at 8:15 in the Mural Room of disaffiliation from the NSA; first, dents it represents." " present, the Fordham Blood Keating Hall. past year's headline news events "NSA does not represent either mk has 673 pints, but 175 pints, Motivated by the recent call of and a pictorial essay entitled the majority of students at Ford- * remainder of last year's sup- Pope John XXIII. for an Ecu- "Spring Comes to CNR" are other ham or in the United States;" Uvill be donated to city hos- features. second, "matters discussed and menical Council, Pr. Clement En- legislation passed on them at the Language ' at the end of the month. glert, C.S.S.R., professor of theo- The new editorial staff also in- NSA National Congress during hundred forty-one pints logy and oriental liturgy at Ford- cludes associate editors George the summer ranges from the rid- se drawn for private use during ham, will present a paper entitled, Lab Set Up 1 Quinan and Charles Salmon; art iculous to the sublime ; " and, Past year. "Can Catholic and Orthodox editor, Marco Figueroa; photo ed- third, "these conferences are domplete modfern /lan- (Students who contributed to Unite?" Pr. Frederick Chase, itor George Corti and business characterized by a complete lack guage' laboratory will be in- e drive are entitled to free blood S.E.O.D., of St. John's Seminary manager Bob Brand. of organization." 'themselves and their immed- in Brighton, Mass., and Prot. stalled next September-'in the le families for one year. Nicholas S. Arseniev, Ph.D., of St. For a cover design, "The Month- basement of Keating Hall, ly" editorial board has chosen a The drive, held last Wednesday Vladimir's Seminary in New York, iccording to Dr. Fernand Vial, Thursday in the University drawing of "Bird in Space," a will also discuss the possibilities piece of contemporary sculpture. chairman of the Department ">• «as sponsored by the Mar- of Orthodox and Catholic reunion. 5JT Society. Marco Figueroa has copied the of Modern Languages. Delegates to the conference will sculpture in a black and white Sullivan, University chair- attend a liturgy in the Armenian design. At present, a temporary lab is in of the drive, attributed the Rite at 11 a.m. in St. Patrick's being set up in Collins basement „es su«ess in part to the ac- Cathedra! at which Cardinal Spell; The next issue of the magazine for the use of students in modern of faculty mem- man will preside. is expected sometime in May. language courses. Equipment in the campaign. Collins includes flight soundproof Assisting Sullivan were Jack booths, a tape recorder, and aud- . president of the Maroon io-visual aids sfich as films and •y Society; Jim Badami, College slides. / ainiwn and GeorBe SprattOi Fordham's Finest chairman. Heading the Dr. Vial, explained that the stu- •iiuwvn dent can;repqat phrases, imitat- committee were Pat ing the voice pf the professor, and k Califano' and Jack To Strut Mar. 17 then replay the recording to de- By VITO O'DERASMO tect his own (errors in pronuncia- tion. I I Sure 'n the luckv pavement along Fifth AvenueMl be Fr. Charles P. Loughran, AssiS" Tix Tom Butler tant Dean^f the College, said these new facilities "would give ts m be „„ ga Even the sky will be tinted® thlg ca to strain to follow the fancy foot- Discussing the negative aspects the student a chance to make tain feteria for the green when the Fordham Band of NSA, Butler said, "Fordham '"*' annual Spring Jibuti «"*-" --•- work of the Army's Pershing great strides in the active use of proudly booms its way aloiu' on Rifles and the Air Force's Arnold has received little if any benefits the language." The opportunity to be held Friday night, this year and in past years from Jain "l tno llorth and east St. Patrick's Dny, remembering Air Society. The trick drill men of acquiring skill in pronuncia- 311 Ou this affiliation." He mentioned tion by listening to proper use of »>« or the Astor Hotel. A always that the bund's maestro. will march along in He style, no the NSA contention that they had w Father Mukiueen, is proud of doubt. the language was also mentioned' >"«ent of $5 Is due with- initiated a scholarship brochure as an advantage of the lab. k wlth the them. And after the march Is over? for seniors. "This is a half-truth,' Ti The band will lead the way for Kelly, ye can bet your foinal he said. Fr. Loughran said that it would' bid t0 be Fordham's high-stepping Army hn'pmny there'll be mnny a Kath- "Student Government initiated be a great aid to both the ad- and Air Force R.O.T.G, and every- rV'nt;,SPOnsorc" d by the leen "walked home again," after the idea, supplied the data, and vanced and the slower student by- inCoIle!!e Alumni Asso-. body who isn't will become as a day of peanuts, potato chips, prodded NSA and NFCCS to putting instruction on a more in- Uortv UM "Ilen to a11 students. Irish as corned beef and ctibtase. pretzels, and oops, pardon me . complete the project. Adding that dividual basis. 'ill BIT te and his orchestra Wally Gogan's gang of Gaelics porter. NSA failed to make available will be "having their dny." Their So grab a coleen, weal' the scholarship information from va- He also suggested that the new' '[);»•;*) the music and Arth- 1 facilities might eventually be used'' ls tno folks will'be "lookln to the auld green and "make the scene." The rious schools to the students, But- ,',, Photographer.
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