heats, but was evidently out of order and lost the race, which was won by New House, lUnnn 1 miic.i bv T1nrkr John, limp fnrrrottpn. .... in. , I , 1 I 1. oO ...La., nnrra -O ,,..,,mllafl Unrivalled Attraction. THE TURF HORSE At the b orks 01 iwnorn JMiza was entered against, umci nab, MULLI2TS & KENETT, and repeat, which she won at 2 heats, in 4m 4s "and 3m 49s. AVING purchased of Joliv Shrock, his won purse mue m mi - SIOCK OF MERCHANDISE, which At the same place and next day, Mary the neais, 1 is w-- ll assorted, now offei to iell goods on as fair and lm 52s,; on Mary bets.of 10to were won easy. t. and icasouable terms, as thej can be bought many In tl,Q Gfofo ns Tllinms Tnrnin's rnlt RnmnlnilB. 1)V Columbus; dam by determined to houe in tins market, i'hev are won Jocky Club Purse, 2 mile heats, at Carleton, in spare no pains to accommodate and please those Winter's Arabian, the We r,t qhonk honfincr . rplflirntprl HenrV Mrchv, for whom who may savor them with their pationage. BY OSAM9 ns IQR Dr Tlnrrv's solicit the old friends ef the house to continue he had lately paid 6,000, and who had beat Black Maria , and contended ou jflelr savors, as many new friends as we can and c: ttnilpv. Mnpv MrFnrland. Houston.- Romulus, Remus, Jasper, 31IC uif wi;nuii JJ J ' Long Island 4 mile heats with rost tsoy, in am ods, eacnneai; suumm i get. " first appearance on the I urt this Lex Jan 25,1837 4-- tr and several others who will make their 3 year old colt by Uolumbus, out ol a small vv mtei s yiraoian uiiuu. Spring.) Rp'mns. full brother lo Romulous was entered in a Sweepstake for 2 year Messrs Mux-lin- s I have sold my slock of goods to 80 ol other colts, St pleasure recom- olds, at the same place, carrying pounds to 50 on each the I take great in v noble animal, the last season, Klnfit, T UK vr-r- liberal patronage bestowd upon this whom he mending them to my friends and farmer customers, - - and then lost the'ace only by a lehgtji each heat, and the colt by u.. ii f Fcvofto nnrl iho nrlimninp- r.otinties. implvinH as it did, a de- and solicit for my successors a continuance of their :: pe wus evi- .J i u - n - .jnrl cpntr.i ot was thus beaten, was aiterwarus proven to 3 ycais oia, iveinus patronage. uuu urfu;.ma rrnn- lhf rharacter the sire to acquire h aunic F,"B' 'V i '" . ,. , , - dently able to have won. It is imperiously necessary now for me to clo tne proprietor to piace w Dollars-nets- ! as speedily as possible, tne accountson my Books. location, have induced uuu,MiUt,.uc(.,Nv.-.- Tlie next week Mr Turpin. travelled his celt Romulous to Jacksonville and Dollars! hprftoforeDubliched,atMr. Wm. W. GRAVES', adjoiaing the grounds of 3.2 Prizes of 30,000 I hope all who have accounts with no will adjust him Against 3 of the best nagsin the State, 2 mile heats, which he will have them will marrs until the entered 1 25,000 Dollars' thein without lurther delay; I the Association Race Course, Lexington. He seive os 20,000 Dollars! ready for settlement at the old stand in a feu dajs. mare season, payawe ueiote u.e won with ease, distancing ineiieid.uic second neat; the nrst neat in im 4 " 1st of Julv. at the low price of $30 per the mile ;ihd muddy. in-u- ie and second heat 4m track 60 yards over a very All to be drawn in the month Marah ! JOHN SHROCK, not will be required; and 50 to tolls. in of jseason expires, is $35 CnlnmhiiR was :i miles and repeat, at - - - -- Tnonrr hv entered in swnnnstnke 2 WRrE have never before hart the opportunity Good pasture ol tne Dest uiue-uras- s wm uc iuim3,iCu .. .!..... before our patrons anrt corres- Crab Orchard, 3 nags entered at nSl00 each; Styles wort, the first heat, WW of laying New Concern. him charge or grain fed to then at cost is required. No liability pondents so many BRILLIANT CAPITALS without Francis Ann, won the second heat. Jasper by Columbus took the lead the for accidents or escapes, but eve. yen re will betaken to pre- in any one month as are now offered to the public, nillhe incurred third heat, and kept U during the first roCmd, and though frequently pressed the month of March and we IGCrSNS, COCERAN&00 be they foal, and shall rtceive the utmost to be drawn in & vent either. Mares may sent before Schemes of the 4th Successors to Collins, Timberlake Co.) by both the maie and Styles, he maintained his stride and position, and would particularlywfts to those attention and be kept m separate apartments. 11th. leith and 25tit as worthy of especial atten E Subscribers would respectfully re- no doubt would have won the heat and race, 'but at the commencement of they th that the es of this son ot the tion. To ensure , and prevent disap- TH the public that have purchastd This is thf foui time sei'vit tKrt crfr,,irl rr,miil li fVHrirwl hie: rirlprfVir linv mnnnlrrl arrain. and Massis by the present flirw pointment, lose no time (readdressing your orders the ENTIRE STOCK F GOODbof nowned Ocai, have been offered to the fereedeis of Kentucky Timberlake & , and earnestly aoln.it - althougli he was thrown out at least 300 yards, yet in j of'.Ji mile came up Collins, C. owner: The increased patronage ot cacli season irom me nrai 10 uic k.i,u S.J.SYLVESTER, a continuance of the liberal pauonae of the late within uu or vu yaius oi otyies who won. jne near, anu race. occojmiiut New-Yoi- chiefly, for the three nr.n seasons, 138 Broadway firm, with an assurance that the same inducements dicatine an incieaseof confidence, depend- it Tr .1 . xj ors" noi con- tne 'T.i imes, voi cu, pajiu .oi. to puichasers heretoforo extendanded will be ing on the beauty, game, size and bone of hi get; has, at length, put the i, iio. tinued, and they pledge their best exertions to frpm which he can pause awhile; and point the enquirer merit the savor of their old customers. owner at a point ' a itr nj i cw riiKvrara y auu , u. Their stock at this tune is very complete from tosome moic solid inducements, than superior iorm. iuv n.t 1). Thompsoa & Co. VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, recent additional receipts of i;,.i1;no- rrarirr cive tohim stiotic earnest of a same, as durable as the Class l.For the Benefit of the Town of Wheeling, a a retiospect to the Februauy 15, 1837.-D-- 3t Saturday FANCY AND STAPLES annalsof the Turf; the owner can but indulge rromcntiri To be drawn at Alexaidna, Va. n. March 4, 1837. circumstances and difficulties through which tpis distinguished oiauiim m. 3LA0KSMITSI1TO gEJffllJ5rSjgg v, on his way to distinction as a breeder. Jrie was Drqugni to ivcmuthy .i TO WHOLESALE DEALERS the par- blood, native CAPITALS. time when the State was literally crowded with Stallions of sine I stock, as dolls! 6,000 dolls! ticularly invite an examination of their Training Stable in the 25,000 dolls! 8,000 they design to sell goods as low by the piece, as and imported ; when the owners of every established JABES BEACM. -- dolls'. a ot 3,080 dolls' 2 of 2,500 they can be purchased in this inaiket. State sound his affections fixed or his interest involved in the stock other his Coach Repository, has r.oiv on hand dolls'. COCHRAN & CO. of 2.000 dolls' 2 of 1.500 HIGOINS, f,nrit0 StullimiK- - whpn all of.his ("then very tew in number) were too AT COACH equal to any in the State, and 20 of 1,000 dolls'. 20 of Dec 20, 183C 82-- tf first seasons on sour very sine COACHEES, CHARIOTTEES,,. young for the Turf, depending as beforo remarked, the three BAROUCHES first" 500 dolls'. 20 of 400 .... and BUGGIES, all of the Assessors !- -- Licenses ! ! the purity ot his blood, nis penormance anu me bui pacing utmui; .....o.. quality, manufactured at New-Ar- New-Jerse- dolls'. 50 of 200 difficulties which will bt, sold on the lowest terms. HE Mayor and Board of Council- - of his get: yet in the short period that has elapsed, amidst all the dolls! 5S of 100, &c 4c. Any person of descrip- .nen of the city of Lexington will proceed a of experience we find more of his colts upon the wishing a Cainage any mentioned, without trainer can thp for- Tickets only 8 Dollars. Thursday, February 2, 1837, to elect an Assessor have tion, by giving an order,Jiave same of any other stallion in the State during the tme, and all that warded from A Certificate of a packageof 22 Whole Tickets lor the present ear Turf than the mauufactuiers'at New Ark, free and Assistant Assessor one single one, that of will be sent for 100 Dollars Packages of halves, Applicalionlfor been trained not one but has made good running but commission. and eighths seveial, leaves no doubt that Lexington , Sept. 15, 1836 55tf quarters in proportion. LICENSES is not a winner; and of those, the pedigrees of R . Coffee ijc must be made at from matchless sire.
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