NTROBUS VILLAGE NEWS December 2017 Jamie Newby B i Amelia Semp H r A Elyse Hayes t P Hollie Morrell-Tickle h P d Rose Moran Y a Freya Storey y !2 - DATES FOR THE DIARY - SAT 2nd Christmas Market, 11am -4pm Antrobus Village Hall SUN 3rd Carols by candlelight & Tree lighting 5pm St Mark’s Church & Village Hall FRI 14TH SAT 11th Christmas Brew 2-4pm St Mark’s Church MON 25th CHRISTMAS DAY!!!!! THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS AND ARTICLES FOR THE Jan/Feb EDITION OF THE VILLAGE NEWS IS Monday 15th January 2018 - CONTENTS - PARISH COUNCIL 4 COMMUNITY LIFE 7 ANTROBUS EVENTS 12 CAROL SINGING 15 VILLAGE JUNIORS 16 ANNOUNCEMENTS 17 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS 18 LOCAL BUSINESSES 20 ANTROBUS DIRECTORY 24 !3 - PARISH COUNCIL - Minutes of the Antrobus Parish Council Meeting on Monday 16 Oct 2017 at 7:30pm at Antrobus Village Hall Present Mr S Barker (Acting Chairman) Mr S Batey Mrs C Bunn Miss J Graty Mr P Pugh Mrs H Metcalfe Cllr D Hammond (Ward) (from item 10)Mr S Palmer (Clerk) Open forum. No villagers attended. The meeting started at 7:30 pm 1 Apologies for unavoidable absence were received from R Sutton, P Harrison, C Wright, Cllr N Wright, Cllr L Gibbon (Ward). 2 Members’ Declarations of Interest – C Bunn item 5.1 3 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 18 Sept 2017 - (17/57) RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a correct record of the meeting. 4 Matters Arising Fingerpost painting. Arley Broadband – BT quote expected dec. Planning (Arley Hall) – response awaited. Gate padlock - installed 5 Planning 1 (17/58) RESOLVED to note CW&C decisions and comment on new planning applications as appendix 3. 2 Enforcement – none 3 17/01666/FUL 15 Dwellings – Planning Committee and Registration as site of Community Interest. The action was deferred after consulting CW&C. See also appendix 3. 6Highways 1 Pavement on Knutsford Rd – Upper and Lower sections – Highways will be asked to include the pavements in the DVI bid for funding next year. Protruding hedge has been reported. 2 Access to Boyd Walk swing gate overgrown – the landowner will be asked to clear the footpath 3 Tree trimming over noticeboard – the offer to trim it will be discussed with the owner 4 Cheshire 10k – the event is 4 Nov. They intend to comply with previous requests about notices and clearing up. 5 Fallen footpath signpost 32-34 Knutsford Rd – will be re-erected 6 Ragwort throughout a field, Goosebrook Lane – was reported by a villager. The owner will be asked to take action. 7 Traffic Working group site visit – await outcome of 20mph assessment before taking other actions. A road safety day will be discussed with a CW&C officer and the school will be approached about ideas for parking outside the school. 8 Tree trim needed Manley close (Preservation order) – Highways will be approached. The alternative is for the villager to make a planning application. 7 Playground 1 Inspection, repairs & insurance – quotes will be obtained for roundabout repairs and spraying the surface. 2 Lease renewal - Village Hall has started the process – a quote for solicitor costs will be obtained and the insurance situation checked. 8 Accounts & Finance 1 The accounts in Appendix 1 were noted. 2 (17/59) RESOLVED to approve the payments list Appendix 2. 3 Budget 18/19 – projects will be proposed over the next month. 9 Website – the clerk reported that a further application for the Transparency Fund 2017/18 is not appropriate. !4 - PARISH COUNCIL - 10 Land Drainage – A report was received from the working party and it was (17/60) RESOLVED to write to land owners reminding them of their responsibilities. 11 Communications – A proposal for change to the minutes in the village news was withdrawn. 12 Open Forum, Representatives, Committees & Working Groups 1 Issues from the open forum - none 2 Community Garden – provided goods for the harvest festival. Traffic, Land drainage Working Groups – see previously. 3 Village Hall – Tesco grant has been approved and will be used for new seating. 13 Notable Correspondence • CW&C Transport Strategy – consultation open • CW&C are moving staff from HQ to other sites • Police CC – TC & PC meeting 21 Nov • CW&C Budget process – consultation open • Parliamentary Boundary Commission from Oct • Rural crime – letter from Audlem to PCC • Manchester Airport route info 2017 now available from the Clerk • Mersey Gateway Bridge opening The Meeting ended at 9:10 pm Appendix 3 Recent planning decisions by CW&C. Please note comment after first ‘-‘ is Parish Council, comment (if any) after 2nd ‘-‘ is Cheshire West decision. 17/04379/LDC Whitley Reed, Reedgate Lane CW9 6NT - Single storey side extension and single storey rear extension - No objection (Oct) 17/04337/FUL Chestnut Farm Barbers Lane CW9 6JP - Log cabin for dog grooming (Retrospective) - No objection (Oct) 17/03659/FUL - Reedside Cottage Reedgate Lane CW9 6NT - Construction of two storey side extension together with detached garage and store. - No objection (Sep) 17/03413/FUL 3 Knutsford Road CW9 6NH - Removal of existing garage and outbuildings and the construction of a two storey side extension, single storey extension to the rear, internal refurbishment alterations and the construction of a garage with office space over. - ... no objection ... Aug 17/02067/LDC … | The White House Hollins Lane CW9 6NL – see June 17/01666/FUL Land At Knutsford Road - Erection of 15 Dwellings – See May. Oct: We understand the planning officer is minded to refuse on account of the application not demonstrating a need for 6 3-bed houses. The Parish Council will accept that decision. The housing survey is requested to be made public. (see below also) Antrobus Parish Council contact details The next meeting of the Parish Council is on 11 Dec 2017. For an agenda item see below. Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:30pm at Antrobus Village Hall (Dec being the exception). All villagers are welcome to raise any issue at 7:15pm. Agendas and minutes are on the website Antrobus.info. Chairman Vice: Stephen Barker 01565 777687 Councillors Phil Pugh 01565 777454 Simon Batey 01565 777206 Paul Harrison 01606 892151 Andrew Dunkley 01565 777367 Carol Bunn 01606 891692 Jackie Graty 01606 892958 Chris Wright 07779 722661 Helen Metcalfe 07740 862902 Clerk Simon Palmer, 1 Merryfall Cottages, Goosebrook Lane, Warrington WA4 4PT 01606 891462 email: [email protected]. Agendas and draft minutes can be found on the website Antrobus.info. 17/01666/FUL Land At Knutsford Road - Erection of 15 Dwellings Please note an amendment has been made to this planning application and the public are welcome to give their comments at 7:15pm at the 11 Dec 2017 meeting. !5 - PARISH COUNCIL - TRIBUTE TO ROGER SUTTON, CHAIRMAN 2016-17 With great sadness the Chairman Roger Sutton passed away on 14 Nov 2017. He was the 3rd generation of the Sutton family serving on the Parish Council and part of the 4th generation living in the village. He served for just over 7 years, although the family have served for 70 years. At the start he has helped fight off the horticultural planning application, Applejacks extensions and a wind turbine, and seen road drain improvements after the floods, 50mph on the A559, the Queens Jubilee Celebration, a new defibrillator. As Chairman since May 2016, he has overseen a response to the 15 Dwellings planning application, the license for extended visitor capacity at Arley and legal issues for Manley Close, and helped with the Queen’s Birthday Celebrations. Long standing projects were completed – the Playground extension, 30mph signs at Frandley, and the repainting of the 14 black and white signposts. The latter was started by Roger and it seems fitting for it to complete this month as he had put in a lot of effort to see the village ‘pointing in the right direction’. He served as a councillor with his usual generosity and pleasantness. He was one of life’s true gentlemen. Those who attended the Chairman’s Ball last year will recall a very sociable evening, and his pleasure in raising a record £3,250 for charity. To The Residents of Antrobus, Re: Planning Application - 17/01666/FUL - Land off Knutsford Road, Antrobus We are writing to inform the residents of Antrobus of progress on the above planning application. Following extensive negotiations with Cheshire West & Chester Council, amended plans have been posted on the Council’s website and are available for comment for 21 days (from 23rd November). Afordable Homes has been working closely with the Planning Officer and Housing Officer at Cheshire West & Chester Council to agree the mix of homes that could be supported by the Council. The results of our independent Housing Needs Survey, the Council’s own Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) and the Expressions of Interest from the public consultation event, have demonstrated a clear need for affordable housing in Antrobus. Since the original planning application was submitted, Afordable Homes has submitted evidence to the Council to prove that those who have expressed interest have a local connection and could afford to buy an affordable home, but are unable to afford an open market home in the village. The Council has suggested a revised mix which they could support in planning terms:- • 9 x 2-bed affordable homes (originally 5, including two bungalows) • 2 x 3-bed affordable homes (originally 6) • The two bungalows have been replaced with a pair of 2-bed semis • There are still 15 homes in total (11 affordable & 4 open market) • There are still 4 x open market detached properties (3 with detached garages, 1 with an integral garage (originally two of each) The layout is very similar to the original planning layout and there has been no change to the number of homes.
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