ANNALES ANNALES TURKUENSIS UNIVERSITATIS AI 595 AI Johannes Nokkala QUANTUM COMPLEX NETWORKS Johannes Nokkala Grano Oy, Turku , Finland 2018 , Finland Turku Oy, Grano ISBN 978-951-29-7467-2 (PRINT) TURUN YLIOPISTON JULKAISUJA – ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS TURKUENSIS ISBN 978-951-29-7468-9 (PDF) SARJA - SER. AI OSA - TOM. 595 | ASTRONOMICA - CHEMICA - PHYSICA - MATHEMATICA | TURKU 2018 ISSN 0082-7002 (Print) ISSN 2343-3175 (Online) 30934012_Turun_yliopisto_Vaitoskirja_Johannes_Nokkala_Luonn_tiet_ja_tekniikan_kansi_18_10_29.indd 1 29.10.2018 11.37.41 QUANTUM COMPLEX NETWORKS Johannes Nokkala TURUN YLIOPISTON JULKAISUJA – ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS TURKUENSIS SARJA - SER. AI OSA - TOM. 595 | ASTRONOMICA - CHEMICA - PHYSICA - MATHEMATICA | TURKU 2018 University of Turku Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Physics and Astronomy Supervised by Sabrina Maniscalco Jyrki Piilo Department of Physics and Astronomy Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Turku University of Turku Finland Finland Reviewed by Ginestra Bianconi Marco Genoni School of Mathematical Sciences Department of Physics Queen Mary University of London University of Milan United Kingdom Italy Opponent Sougato Bose Department of Physics and Astronomy University College London United Kingdom The originality of this thesis has been checked in accordance with the University of Turku quality assurance system using the Turnitin Originality Check service. ISBN 978-951-29-7467-2 (PRINT) ISBN 978-951-29-7468-9 (PDF) ISSN 0082-7002 (Print) ISSN 2343-3175 (Online) Grano Oy - Turku, Finland 2018 Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisors Jyrki and Sabrina for being my guides on my journey towards thesis defense. Your foresight and experience, the many ideas and discussions, and your continuous sup- port have been invaluable. I am also deeply greatful for the considerable freedom I’ve had to pursue my interests, and how even in the busiest of times, you’ve always had time for me. I count myself lucky to have been a part of such a warm and friendly work community. In particular, I am grateful for having great office mates throughout my thesis project. When I started in 2014, I was welcomed with open arms and big smiles by the senior PhD students, which immediately made me feel at home and accepted. As years went by and office mates changed, the room I was in eventually became known as "the quiet room", as the occupants all quietly focused on their work. I greatly appreciated this distraction-free atmosphere. I also wish to thank the many people from outside of my home university that I’ve had the honor to meet and work with during the thesis project. In particular, I want to thank Bassano, Fernando, Francesco, Giacomo, Guillermo, Nicolas, Rebecca, Roberta, and Valentina. Each of you made important contributions to this thesis project, and I am very proud of how it turned out. I hope our paths will cross again in the future! While perhaps having little impact on the Thesis contents, the project itself could not have been possible without financial support from Jenny and Antti Wihuri foundation for the first three years, for which I am grateful. I also wish to thank the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Turku for employing me for the final year, during which this Thesis was written. Throughout my life, my family has been a source of support, encou- ragement and inspiration. Although I didn’t have many opportunities to interact with him directly, what I heard of my grandfather Hokee Minn (cosmology) inspired me to pursue a career in physics. Further sources of 3 inspiration came from my grandmother Eeva Kangasmaa-Minn (linguis- tics) and my father Seppo and mother Christina (both genetics). Thanks to the biology department moving to Quantum, the trip to a coffee break with my parents has been short and I’ve enjoyed many a cup of coffee while discussing science, my thesis project, and life in general. These occasions have been important to me. Finally, I wish to thank the brightest star in my life, Nina. Your love and support have kept me going. Contents Acknowledgements 3 Abstract 7 Tiivistelmä 9 List of publications 11 1 Introduction 13 2 Motivation for quantum networks 17 2.1 Graph theory .......................... 18 2.2Networktheory......................... 21 2.3 Quantum networks ....................... 24 3 Networks of quantum harmonic oscillators 29 3.1 On notation and conventions ................. 29 3.2 Definition of the quantum network .............. 30 3.3 Gaussian quantum dynamics ................. 33 3.4 Open quantum systems theory ................ 38 4 Quantum networks as environments 43 4.1 Network spectral density .................... 43 4.2 Engineering of spectral density ................ 46 4.3 Network non-Markovianity .................. 49 5 Probing of quantum networks 53 5.1 Minimal access probing . ................. 54 5.2 Full access probing ....................... 58 5.3 On network discrimination ................... 60 5 6 Network mediated transport and routing 63 6.1 Transport of quantum information .............. 63 6.2Theroutingproblem...................... 67 6.3Networkroutingcapacity................... 69 7 Experimental implementation of quantum networks 73 7.1 Implementation generalities .................. 73 7.2 Reconfigurable implementation of quantum complex networks 76 8 Conclusions 83 Bibliography 87 Original publications 97 6 Abstract This Thesis focuses on networks of interacting quantum harmonic oscil- lators and in particular, on them as environments for an open quantum system, their probing via the open system, their transport properties, and their experimental implementation. Exact Gaussian dynamics of such net- works is considered throughout the Thesis. Networks of interacting quantum systems have been used to model structured environments before, but most studies have considered either small or non-complex networks. Here this problem is addressed by inves- tigating what kind of environments complex networks of quantum systems are, with specific attention paid on the presence or absence of memory ef- fects (non-Markovianity) of the reduced open system dynamics. The prob- ing of complex networks is considered in two different scenarios: when the probe can be coupled to any system in the network, and when it can be coupled to just one. It is shown that for identical oscillators and uniform interaction strengths between them, much can be said about the network also in the latter case. The problem of discriminating between two networks is also discussed. While state transfer between two sites in a (typically non-complex) net- work is a well-known problem, this Thesis considers a more general setting where multiple parties send and receive quantum information simultane- ously through a quantum network. It is discussed what properties would make a network suited for efficient routing, and what is needed for a system- atic search and ranking of such networks. Finding such networks complex enough to be resilient to random node or link failures would be ideal. The merit and applicability of the work described so far depends cru- cially on the ability to implement networks of both reasonable size and complex structure, which is something the previous proposals lack. The ability to implement several different networks with a fixed experimental setup is also highly desirable. In this Thesis the problem is solved with a proposal of a fully reconfigurable experimental realization, based on map- 7 ping the network dynamics to a multimode optical platform. 8 Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy vuorovaikuttavien kvanttimekaanisten harmo- nisten oskillaattorien muodostamiin verkkoihin ja erityisesti niihin ympäris- töinä avoimelle kvanttisysteemille, niiden luotaamisen avoimen systeemin kautta, niiden siirto-ominaisuuksiin, ja niiden kokeelliseen toteutukseen. Väitöskirjassa käsitellään näiden verkkojen eksaktia Gaussista dynamiik- kaa. Vuorovaikuttavien kvanttisysteemien verkkoja on käytetty rakenteel- listen ympäristöjen malleina aikaisemmin, mutta usein on käsitelty joko pieniä tai ei-kompleksisia verkkoja. Tässä väitöskirjassa tähän ongelmaan vastataan tutkimalla millaisia ympäristöjä kvanttisysteemien muodostamat kompleksiset verkot ovat, kiinnittäen erityistä huomiota mahdollisiin muis- tiefekteihin (ei-Markovisuuteen) avoimen systeemin redusoidussa dynamii- kassa. Kompleksisten verkkojen luotausta tarkastellaan kahdessa eri ta- pauksessa: kun luotaimen voi kytkeä mihin tahansa verkon osaan, ja kun sen voi kytkeä vain yhteen. Tullaan näkemään että identtisille oskillaat- toreille ja vakiokytkentävoimakkuudelle niiden välillä myös jälkimmäisessä tapauksessa verkosta voi oppia paljon. Lyhyesti tarkastellaan myös ongle- maa jossa tutkitaan ovatko kaksi annettua verkkoa samat vai ei. Tilan siirto verkon kahden osan välillä on tunnettu ongelma. Tässä väi- töskirjassa tarkastellaan yleisempää ongelmaa missä useat osapuolet lähet- tävät ja vastaanottavat kvantti-informaatiota samanaikaisesti kvanttiver- kon kautta. Väitöskirjassa pohditaan mitkä ominaisuudet tekisivät verkos- ta sopivan tämän tehtävän tehokkaaseen toteuttamiseen, ja mitä tarvitaan jotta voitaisiin järjestelmällisesti etsiä ja luokitella verkkoja tätä tarkoitusta varten. Olisi ihanteellista löytää soveliaita verkkoja jotka olisivat riittävän kompleksisia sietääkseen satunnaisia osan tai linkin menetyksiä. Tähän asti kuvatun työn tärkeys ja soveltuvuus riippuu merkittävällä tavalla kyvystä toteuttaa kokeellisesti verkkoja jotka ovat sekä melko
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