1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE! 3597 time; and being engrossed, it was accordingly read the third time, and tion, of New York, for the passage of Senate bill No. 52-to the Com­ passed; there being on a division-aY.es 66, noes 3. mittee on Indian Affairs. Mr. DIBBLE moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill was By Mr. WHEELER: Petition of John W. McGuire, of Lauderdale passed; and also moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the County, Alabama, asking that his claim be referred to the Court of table. · Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. The latter motion was agreed to. By Mr. WILSON: Petition of J a.cob C. Harper, of Randolph County, ORDER OF BUSINESS. West Virginia, asking that his war claim be referred .to the Court of Claims-to the same committee. Mr. HAMMOND. I move that the House do now adjourn. The following petitions, praying Congress for the enactment of a law 1\Ir. DIBBLE. I will state that these are all the bills which I have requiring scientific temperance instruction in the public schools of the been instructed by the committee to report. Dismct of Columbia, in the Tei.Titories, and in the Military and Naval The motion of Mr. H~IDIOND was then agreed to; and accordingly .Academies, the Indian and colored schools supported wholly or in part (at 4 o'clock p. m.) the House adjourned. by money from the national Treasury, were presented and severally referred to the Committee on Education: PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. FINDLAY: Of citizens of State of Maryland• . 'l'he following petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows: By Mr. BARKSDALE: Petition of Elias Unger, praying for the ref­ erence of his claim to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War SENATE. Claims. By Mr. BRADY: Petition of Lettie Myers, of Prince George County, MONDAY, April 19, 1880. Virginia, asking to be paid for property taken and destroyed by the Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. United States Army during the late war-to the same committee. The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was rend and approved. Also, peti.tion of citizens of Petersburg, Va., of Prince George and Dinwiddie Counties, Virginia, for road to be built froiu the city of Pe­ HOUSE BILL REFERRED. tersburg, Va., to Poplar Grove National Cemetery-to the Committee The bill (H. R. 4007) to adn.tit fre~ of duty a certain set of altars for on ~iii ta.ry Affairs. • the Catholic church of Saint John the Evangelist, in the parish of La . By Mr. J. ll. CAMPBELL: Petition of citizens of Blair County,. Fayette, Louisiana; was read twice by its title, and referred to the Com- Pennsylvania, asking for such laws and appropriations as will enable mittee on Finance. , · the National Board of Health to employ all the powers of the Govern­ ment in the prevention of epidemics and to prosecute investigations . EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION. tending to improve and preserve the public health-to the Committee The PRESIDENT p1·o tempore laid before the Senate a COIIlDlnnication on Commerce. from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response to a resolution of By 1\Ir. CLARDY: Petition of citizens of Graniteville, 1\Io., to open January 27, 1886, a report of the Adjutant-General as to the organiza­ Oklahoma Territory-to the Committee on the Territories. tion and maintenance of the bands of the United States Army; which .Also, petition of Knights of Labor of Festus, Mo., and Saint Louis, .was read. ;Mo., aga~t the free-ship bill-to the Select Committee on .American The PRESIDENT p'ro tempore. The communication, with the accom­ Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. panying report,_will be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs .Also, petition of the citizens_of Jefferson County, Missouri, in favor and printed if there be no objection. · of opening Oklahoma Territory-to the Committee on the Territories. Mr. PLUMB. I should be glad to have the report lie upon the table By Mr. EVERHART: Petition of citizens of Chester County, Penn­ until I can examine it with a view of making some statement to the sylvania, praying for a commission to inquire into the effects of alcoholic Senate concerning it. liquor traffic-to the Select Committee on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. The PRESIDENT pro ternpo-'l'e. If there be no objection the order By Mr. D. B. HENDERSON: Petition of J. E. Eldredge and 67 oth­ to refer will not be made. The Senator from Kansas moves that the ers, c~tizens of Delaware County, Io:yva, urging legislation to tax bogus communication lie on the table. butter-to the Committee on Agriculture. The motion was agreed to. By Mr. HEPBURN: PetitionofNancy J. Cline, of Centerville, Iowa, praying that a pension be gran ted to her; also of 200 citizens of Center­ PETITIONS AND 1\IDIORI.A.LS. ville, asking for the same-to the Committee on,Invalid Pensions. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair presents a preamble and · By Mr. J. T. JONES: Petition of Local Assembly No. 4033, Knight:Q resolutions of the United Labor League of .Am ·ca, tendering their of Labor, at Whistler, .Ala., asking for the passage of the Blair educa­ thanks to Mr. Gladstone for his home-rule measure to Ireland. and ask­ tional bill-to the Committee on Education. ing the Senate to pass a vote of thanks to him for the measure; also By Mr. MITCHELL: Petition of the Woman's National Indian As­ asking that the preamble and resolutions be published in the RECORD sociation of New Haven, Conn.-to the Committee on'Indian .Affairs. for the intbrmation of the Senate. The preamble and resolutions will ByMr.NELSON: ResolutionsofFarmers' .AllianceofGrantCounty, be referred to the Committee on Education and Labor if there be no Minnesota-to the Committee on Commerce. objection. By 1\Ir. OSBORNE: Protest of John Ray aga.inst House bill No. The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a joint resolution of the Gen­ 4941-to the Committee on Private Land Claims. eral .Assembly of the State of Ohio; which was referred to the Com­ Also, resolution of the Board of Trade and Transportation of Cin­ mittee on the Library, and ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as fol­ cinnati, Ohio, protesting against the construction of a bridge over the lows: Ohio River-to the Committee on Commerce. Joint resolution relative to the building of a memorial structure at l\Iarietta, By Mr. PEEL: Petition of 60 citizens of Baxter County, Arkansas, . Ohio. asking for the passage of the Blair edueational bill-to the Committee Whereas the acquisition of the territory northwest of the Ohio River, by con­ quest from the British Crown, was an object of great national itnportance to the on Education. United States; and By Mr. PETERS: Petition of Knights of Labor of Dodge City, Kans., Whereas this acquisition was effect.ed by the wisdom and patriotism of the favoring construction of harbor of refuge at Rockport, Mass.-to the Continental Congress in conducting the affairs of the Confederacy through the memorable Revolutionary struggle, and also to the valm;, endurance, and Sa<lri­ Committee on Rivers and Harbors. fice of the army; and Also, petition of same, opposing the passage of the free-ship bill­ Whereas the Congress representing the old thirteen States, comprising the to the Select Committee on .American Ship- uilding and Ship-owning Confederacy, succeeded in quieting all claims to adverse titles to this territory, so that it became common property to be used a.nd disposed of for our common Interests. benefit; and . Also, petition of Knights of Labor of Harper, Kans., opposing the Whereas by the laws ·and ordinances of that Con~Uess the blessings of civil and free-ship bill-to the same committee. religious liberty, with full guarantees of personal freedom, and personal rights, have been forever secured to posterity; and By Mr. PRICE: Memorial of board of supervisors of Hammond, Wis., 'Vhereas the first settlement of the territory of the northwest was made at in favor of theinterstate-commerce bill-to the Committee on Commerce. Marietta, Ohio, in April, 1788, where it is nowpropo~edtoholdacentennialcele­ By Mr. ST. MARTIN: Resolution of the Chamber of Commerce of bration, April 7, 1888, in commemoration of that historic event, and regarding this as an appropriate occasion for the nation to express its gratitude for the New Orleans, La., in favor of a bankrupt law-to the Committee on the services rendered, both by the Continental Congress and the army nnderitscon­ Judiciary. trol : Therefore, Also, resolution of the same in favor of aid to American steamship B~ it resolved by the Geneml .Assembly of the State of Ohio, That our Senators in Congress be instructed, and our Representatives requested, to use their efforts lines-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. to obtain an appropriation for the erection of a suitable monumental structure By Ur. SENEY: Joint resolution of the General .Assembly of Ohio, at said city of Marietta, Ohio, to commemorate this historic event. asking an appropriation to erect a monument at Marietta, Ohio-to the Resolved, second, That the governor be 1·equested to transmit a copy of these resolutions to our Senators, and to each member of the House of llepresenta­ Committee on Military Affairs. th·es of Congress of the United States from Ohio. By J\'Ir. STEPHENSON: Petition of 77 citizens of Surry and 49 ci ti­ JOHN C.
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