RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME VII.. NO. 12. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1884. $1.50 PER TEAR. ORGANIZING FOR BLAINE. PERSONAL. OBITUARY, NEWS FROM MIDDLETOWN, AN INTERESTING YAOHT RACE. IN AND OUT OP TOWN. FROM THE COPHTY 8KAT, William J. Crane, general agent for Danitl A. Walling. The HadtUna Take* Flnt Honey In Sbort and Imtereatlac lttmt trom Bed Bank and Vlclaltr. FORMATION OF THE BLAINE Chickering & Sons, was in town several Daniel A. Walling, of Keyport, a INTERESTING ITEMS FROM BE- Lut Satarda)r>* Regatta. A BUDCET OP INTIRUTINO AND LOOAN CLUB. days last week. young man 27 years of age, died at that YOND THE SHREWSBURY. The number of boats in the regatta on , A Butler and West campaign club NEWS FBOIS FltKEHOLP. Miss Lottie Udell, of Elizabeth, is on place on Saturday, September 6th. He BaptUm ml a Plenle-A Colored Elo. he South Shrewsbury last Saturday will be organized in Red Bank next Eighty-Six Hembors EnroU Their week. Hn»l« ••ring *atr Wack-VMSM* Nanus—OIan Booms to be Located ^Yiftit to her sister, lire. Goo. H. Wild, waa the oldest Bon of Jonathan B. and cutloQlst--Kvaporating Peachea and was far short of what was expected. Bvak* and a Watch Stal«B~a |Bk In tlcndrlckaon*' New Bulldlns- Kathrine Walling, and was a native cf Oilier Frail-Concert at Hlddletown There were but three to start in the race, The West End Hotel at Long Branch •war ~ *lt*t*riom». awaih - MM of Wallace street. -A Well-Patraulzcd Hall. *. Vl*oron« Compalgn to be Prose- George Mackey, of Keyport, was re- Keyport. For three or four years past the stiff breeze preventing others from is reported to have cleared $55,000 this Killed hi a Loe<»»llT«. ent*d In lhl» Towmhlp. The New York Sun of a week or so cently run over by his meat wagon he had been suffering from pulmonary putting in an appearance. The Madeline season. The Freehold people were treated to ago contained the following, and every Ever since the nomination of Blaine and considerably injured. disorders, which finally daveloped into' and Mascot t were promptly at the start- The Women's Christian Temperance all sorts of music during the past wash. one will agree that the moral pointed is and Logan the Republicans of Ked Bank Milo Sagaes, of this place, left town consumption and caused his death. ing point, and an hour and ahalf was con- Union will hold a meeting to-morrow At night one could hear Allstrom'i Bed - a good one: have been considering the formation of last-week for Emporia, Kansas, where be sumed-waiting for the Wave to arrive, afternoon. Bank orchestra on Taylor's porch; the George Blocutu, one of the oldest resi- Atlantic Highlands was on Wednes- a campaign club. Last night a number expects to engage In business. whioh she finally did, and thereby made The sloop Native, of Keyport, Capt. Freehold brass band tooted away on the dents of Ocean township, died at his day last the scene of one of the most ex- of persons having this end in view met' Mr. and Mrs. Finklo, of Maple avenue, enough to start the race. The cat-boat I CalBb Post, was recently struck by light- court house green; and last, bat, by no homo at Long Branch on Monday after- traordinary church picnics on record. in the office of Justice Theodore F. lave returned home after a two weeks' race had but twoentries, the Kitty B. and ning and badly damaged. means least, the Salvation Army added noon of last week. The cause of hiB A large Methodist church hired a steam- White, on Front street. After some in- sojourn in the Catskill mountains. Lark. The Lark had no chance to win in It is reported that the Columbia Ho- heir quota to the general confusion formal discussion the meeting was called death was an affection of the kidneys, boat and took nearly 2,000 persons to Henry Hack man, of Long Branch, who sucliawiml, she being only sixteen feet in tel at Eutontown has been purchased by which prevailed. The members of the to order by J. A. Tbrockinorton, who with which he had been Buffering nearly the grove, one of the chief attractions has been on a two-months' visit to his length, The Kitty B., therefore, won a Red Bank party for $6,500. army took up their position in the street stated the object of the meeting. •• A. S. wo years. being the announcement that twenty or parents in Germany, returned home laat the race very easily. The little boat, Oliver Doud Byron's play of " Across a the central part of the town, and Parker was made temporary chairman Mrs. Mary Styles, relict of Henry thirty infants were to be baptized. The week. however, remained in the race until the the Continent" will be given in Allen's carried on their meetings regardless of of the meeting and Wm. T. Corlies tem- Styles, of Long Branch, died of paralysis infants' were present according to Edmund Wilson, of Shrewsbury, has finish. Theater next Wednesday evening. their surroundings. It was a hard mat- porary secretary. ou Sunday night of lost week. She was contract, most of them being babies been selected by the Republican State A number of the Salvationists of Key- ter to tell which of the three shows at- in her 50th year. in arms, but some being from four to The Bloop yachts crossed the line in Nominations for president of the club Committee as one of* the campaign port became dissatisfied with the old iracted the greatest number of people. thirteen years of age. The baptismal the following order; Madeline, 3:42:38; were called for aud Henry 3. White was speakers. management, and havo started a little Capt. C. D. Emson, of New Egypt, son An Ill-Advlsed Arrest. services were held in the open air audi- Maseott, 8:43:14; Wave, 8:4.3:57, All the unanimously elected. On taking the Miss Jennie Strong, daughter of Con- circus of their own under the name of of the Hon. E. P. Erasen, had his pocket Several of the boys around town who torium, where an immense crowd was boats started with a single reefed main- chair be made a brief speech in which stable Ohas. E. Strong, of Colt's Neck, Evangelists. picked while on a visit to this place on are fond of bicycling make frequent ex- iHsembled. The picnic element of hilar- sail and full jib, except the Maseott, lie spoke of the favorable outlook for the JIB returned to the State Normal School Thursday last. The thieves took his cursions up Broad street, The boys are ity prevaded the place and the people to which was single reefed all around. It Wm. H, Grant advertises that he will election of 'the Republican nominees. at Trenton. pocket book, which contained notes, in the habit of skylarking with the flag- such an extent as to take away the sol- was a very pretty sight aa the boats led take horses to board for the winter, with He stated that in his opinion not only Mrs. Holmes Scott, of Matawan, while checks and other securities to the amount man at the railroad crossing. On Mon- emnity of the sacred ordinance, and to off before the wind, their big jibs doing good stabling, and meadows for sore- would both New York and New Jersey canning tomatoes a few days ago, was of $700. The theft was committed day two of II. H. Curtis'a boys and a eon reduce it to the level of a rare spectacu- some hard pulling. The first flag was footed horseB. go Republican in November but that badly scalded by the bursting of several either on the train or at the fair, pre- of Joseph T. Hurrowes rode up Broad lar performance. As the children were reached in safety and nicely turned, and John Abbott Worthley is about to bo- Blaine would carry every Northern state. of the cans. sumably at the latter. The greater por- street on their bicycles. When they paBsed up to the minister to be sprinkled then commenced one of the finest and gin the erection of a two-story brick T. Odell, a graduate of the Connecti- tion of the securities were not negotia- The permanent organization was then reached the crossing the flagman was with baptismal water, semi-jocose re- most interesting races evor sailed on the building on the vacant lot adjoining cut Normal School, has been engnged as ble, and Mr. Emson has offered a reward proeedeed with aud the following officers iibotit to (lag the train. He waved the marks were uttered, not at all calcula- South Shrewsbury river. The boatB Cullington & Son's cigar store. [irincipal of St. James's school aud or- of ten dollars, together with some $20 in were elected : President, H. 8. White; Hag at the boys, but they rode on. As ted to impress the ungodly. The opin- were ably handled and went down the The ladies interested in the Knights of ganist of the church, cash which was in the book, for its re- vice-president, H. M, Nevius; secretary, they were crossing the track he pushed ion was expressed by most of the dis- river like race horses. The Madeline Pythias fair are requested to meet at turn and no questions asked. H. C. Terhune; assistant secretary, E. L. Miss Susie Hendricksou, a graduate of the flag-pole toward them, and Fred creet persons who witnessed the show was the first to put on all Bail, after Mrs.
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