H11336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 9, 2007 field and redid the field so that kids simple, gentle people. You could ask 73.3 percent for the first quarter, and led by could continue to play athletics as he him to do anything, and he would stop as many as 18 points in the second quarter; did in Warsaw. what he was doing and help you. He and He is actually from Atwood. His par- was one of those people that I trusted Whereas the city of Phoenix joins the Phoenix Mercury owner, Robert Sarver, in ents are Gary and Linda. He has a with everything. I could go to him with taking enormous pride in the accomplish- brother, Steve, and a sister, Ann. a problem. I could go to him with an ment of this outstanding team: Now, there- Atwood is a very small town, not issue, and he would always come fore, be it that Warsaw is all that big, in the big through.’’ Resolved, That the House of Representa- scheme of things, but Atwood is a very Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- tives congratulates the Phoenix Mercury and small town, similar to the one I grew ance of my time. Coach Paul Westhead for winning the 2007 up in, probably about 500 people or Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- Women’s National Basketball Association thereabouts, between 500 and 1,000, at er, I urge the passage of this legislation Championship. most. It is on U.S. 30. Many people may and yield back the balance of our time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- go by it. Be careful if you do, there is The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ant to the rule, the gentleman from Il- usually often a policeman there who question is on the motion offered by linois (Mr. DAVIS) and the gentleman tries to catch people in a speed trap. the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. from Indiana (Mr. SOUDER) each will The town is just a little ways away. DAVIS) that the House suspend the control 20 minutes. But this is a big moment for Atwood. rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3308. The Chair recognizes the gentleman One of their stars that came out went The question was taken; and (two- from Illinois. to Warsaw High School; and even thirds being in the affirmative) the GENERAL LEAVE though he went to Warsaw High rules were suspended and the bill was Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- School, he was known as an Atwood passed. er, I ask unanimous consent that all boy. Warsaw is a large consolidated A motion to reconsider was laid on Members may have 5 legislative days high school in the area, and all the the table. in which to revise and extend their re- small towns know their individuals f marks. there. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Vicky Romine, the postmaster in At- CONGRATULATING THE PHOENIX objection to the request of the gen- wood, requested this from our office MERCURY FOR WINNING THE 2007 tleman from Illinois? and said, because he was an Atwood WNBA CHAMPIONSHIP There was no objection. boy, they wanted to name their post of- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- fice after him. The three county com- er, I move to suspend the rules and er, I yield myself such time as I might missioners in Kosciusko County, Brad agree to the resolution (H. Res. 654) consume. Jackson, Ronald Truex and Bob congratulating the Phoenix Mercury Madam Speaker, as a member of the Conley, all sent letters of support to for winning the 2007 Women’s National House Committee on Oversight and rename this post office after Lance Basketball Association (WNBA) Cham- Government Reform, I am pleased to Corporal David Fribley. pionship. join my colleague in the consideration He graduated from high school in The Clerk read the title of the resolu- of H. Res. 654, a bill that congratulates 1996, where he was an all-conference tion. the Phoenix Mercury basketball team football player and a track and field The text of the resolution is as fol- for winning the 2007 Women’s National star. He was on the track and field lows: Basketball Association Championship. team at Indiana State from 1996 to 1998 H. RES. 654 H. Res. 654, which has 53 cosponsors, and placed sixth in the shot put at the Whereas, on September 16, 2007, the Phoe- was introduced by Representative ED 1998 Missouri Valley Conference Indoor nix Mercury won the 2007 Women’s National PASTOR on September 17, 2007. H. Res. and Outdoor Championships. He went Basketball Association (WNBA) Champion- 654 was reported from the Oversight on to graduate with a bachelor’s degree ship after cruising to victory over the de- Committee on October 4, 2007, by voice in recreational-business administra- fending champion Detroit Shock with a vote. tion from Indiana State University. strong final score of 108 to 92 in the fifth and On September 16, 2007, the Phoenix After college he moved to Fort deciding game of the series; Mercury beat the Detroit Shock 108–92 Myers, Florida, where he began orga- Whereas this is the Mercury’s first WNBA to win the Women’s National Basket- Championship since the team’s formation in nizing activities for retirees at the 1997 as one of the WNBA’s original 8 teams; ball Association Championship. This Shell Point Retirement Community Whereas the Mercury is the first team to was the first national championship for until September 11, 2001. Right after 9/ win the WNBA Championship on the road; the Phoenix Mercury basketball team. 11, he joined the Marine Corps, saying, Whereas, after only 2 seasons as head The Phoenix Mercury team was led ‘‘The greatest gift one can give another coach, the superb leadership and up-tempo by three aggressive players, Ms. Cappie is the gift of service. The following is style of Coach Paul Westhead guided the Pondexter, Ms. Penny Taylor and Ms. my gift to you and others. With all the Mercury to this Championship; Diana Taurasi, who scored 73 points of strength of my fellow marines, we shall Whereas, after only 2 years in the WNBA, the team’s 108 points to dominate the Cappie Pondexter scored 26 points in the always provide you with the com- final game of the series and was chosen as Detroit Shock team. forting feeling of safety that you have the Most Valuable Player for the WNBA I commend my colleague, Represent- each day.’’ Finals; ative PASTOR, for congratulating the He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, Whereas Cappie Pondexter was ably as- Phoenix Mercury basketball team for 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Ex- sisted by Penny Taylor, who scored 30 points, winning the 2007 Women’s National peditionary Brigade, Camp Lejeune, and Diana Taurasi, who scored 17 points, in Basketball Association Championship. North Carolina. In 2003, he was de- addition to outstanding efforts from team- I urge swift passage of this legislation ployed in support of Operation Iraqi mates Tangela Smith, Kelly Miller, Kelly and would just like to extend personal Mazzante, Kelly Schumacher, Belinda Snell, Freedom. On March 23, 2003, he died Olympia Scott, Jennifer Derevjanik, and congratulations to Ms. Cappie during a battle near Nasiriyah. He be- Jennifer Lacy; Pondexter, who lived in the community came the first Hoosier killed in action Whereas this impressive win makes Coach where I lived, attended school there, in support of Iraqi Operation Freedom. Paul Westhead the first coach in history to and, of course, went on to become a Corporal Fribley was always ready to capture both the NBA Championship and great female basketball player. pitch in, friends and family say. When WNBA Championship; Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- an uncle took sick, he mowed his Whereas the Mercury entered the WNBA ance of my time. aunt’s lawn. When a cousin wanted to Playoffs with their best record in franchise Mr. SOUDER. Madam Speaker, I history at 23–11 and after 6 years of having yield myself such time as I may con- attend Indiana State, he took her to missed inclusion in the Playoffs; the sprawling campus, showed her Whereas there was no doubt who was tak- sume. shortcuts and introduced her around. ing control of the final game as the Mercury I rise in strong support of the resolu- One of his fraternity brothers at Indi- led by as many as 14 points in the first quar- tion to congratulate the Phoenix Mer- ana State said: ‘‘David was one of those ter, posted an impressive record by shooting cury for bringing the first professional VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:56 Oct 10, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K09OC7.032 H09OCPT1 cnoel on PRODPC60 with HOUSE_CN October 9, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H11337 basketball title ever to the Valley of that are truly deserving of recognition. There- ASTM International that the Commission has the Sun. fore, I am very proud of to have sponsored determined that such revision does not carry out The Mercury became the first team this resolution honoring the Phoenix Mercury, the purposes of subsection (b). in WNBA history to clinch the league (e) IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS.—Section 553 a superb team that has combined hard-work, of title 5, United States Code, shall apply with title on the road when it defeated the sportsmanship, raw talent, and a will to win respect to the issuance of any regulations by the Detroit Shock in Detroit on September into a modern day success story—a success Consumer Product Safety Commission to imple- 16 to win the championship series 3–2.
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