Lancelot 1 2 Lancelot Lancelot 3 4 Lancelot EDITORIAL CONTENTS “Treat the Earth well. It was not a Editorial ............................................................... 5 gift to you from your parents, it is on Readers’ Letters ..............................................6-12 The Crowning of the Beauty Queens ................ 14 loan to you from your children.” Property Guide ................................................. 15 Kenyan proverb Round the Island by Car ...............................16-21 César “Lanzarote” Manrique History of the Lanzarote Camels ...................22-27 World Sustainable Tourism Conference Luis Morales Biography ................................28-29 Recommended Dining Out ...........................30-31 Traditional Palm Honey Dish ............................. 31 Health Odontology – Smile With Us ................ 33 Annual Crafts Fair Mancha Blanca ................34-35 The 7 Tourist Centres ...................................38-39 Lanzarotto Malocello ....................................40-41 Insular and Regional News ...........................42-63 Cabildo Tourism Promotion and Centres ......42-46 Visual Music Festival .......................................... 47 Canarian Government Campaigns ................48-49 Tias District – Puerto del Carmen .................50-52 Yaiza District and Playa Blanca ......................53-55 Arrecife and San Ginés Lagoon .....................56-58 Teguise District and Costa Teguise ................59-61 Haria Countryside and Beaches ....................62-63 Lanzarote is hosting World Sustainable Day in PhotoNews Reports ......................................64-70 October mainly due to the creations of César Man- British Ambassador to Spain .............................. 65 rique and his respect for the environment. When Tourist Information ........................................... 71 the first issue of Lancelot was published over three Bridge and Simple Crossword ............................ 72 decades ago, it coincided with a visit to Lanzarote by King Hussein of Jordan who asked César Manri- General Crossword – Local Organisations ......... 73 que to design a house for him at Costa Teguise. The Concerts and Cultural Events ............................ 74 monarch later made a gift of his home to King Juan Geopark Chinijo Archipelago ............................. 76 Carlos of Spain who spent several holidays on the is- land with his family, including his son Prince Felipe, who has since succeeded him on the throne. In the 1990s, the Tate Gallery, London, for the first time in its history, organised tours led by a mu- seum curator of 10 of the world’s leading cultural President: Antonio Coll destinations: the Pharoahs of Egypt, the Palaces of Lancelot Medios General Manager: Javier Betancort Venice, the Germany of Johann Sebastian Bach and Director Lancelot TV: Jorge Coll the Lanzarote of César Manrique, among others. Larry Yaskiel At the inauguration of the Cactus Garden in Honorary Editor: March 1990, the last tourist centre he was to design Advertising and Layout: Liz Yaskiel for his native island, the Island Council Cabildo Graphic Design: Betty Romero President Nicolás de Paíz, declared that the artist Photographer: Jesús Betancort should be called César “Lanzarote” Manrique. Avda. Mancomunidad s/n (Arrecife Gran Hotel) Enjoy your holiday, adios until December. 35500 Arrecife - Lanzarote Tel: 928 51 20 26 e-mail: [email protected] Whilst every attempt is made to ensure that ar- Published quarterly: 1 March, 1 June, 1 September, ticles and advertisements are factually correct, the 1 December. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or publishers and printers cannot be held responsible broadcast without the written consent of the Publisher. for any errors or omissions. Intending purchasers Copyright LANCELOT. Depósito Legal GC 846-2014 must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise Distibution: Totaldis - Printed by Minerva, Lanzarote of each of their statements. No. 142, 2017 http://www.lancelot.es/prensa.php e-mail:[email protected] Lancelot 5 LETTERS TO LANCELOT from the Balearics to the Canaries, in the exit negotiations. We want an along the Costas and in Madrid, agreement that provides citizens with and our consular teams have met greater certainty about their future. many more. Last week, we held constructive I know from those conversations and substantive discussions with the that there has been uncertainty for European Commission on the bulk many of you. My teams and I have of the issues underpinning our res- listened to your concerns about the pective positions on citizens’ rights. British future, including about your resi- Together we have taken a big step Ambassador dency status in Spain, the level of forward. There is a much clearer un- Dear Sir, your UK pensions, and your access derstanding on the detail of the po- Kindly bring the to Spanish health and other social sitions on both sides and significant following letter to the attention of services, and have noted the ques- convergence on the key issues that your readers: tions you have about tax, inheri- really matter to citizens. You can read Given the success of the Spanish tance, right to work and the im- this technical note which compares State Visit to the UK at the begin- plications of applying for Spanish the UK and EU positions on these ning of July, which, among other nationality. issues here. It is clear both sides want things, highlighted the importance At our meetings, on our social to move towards an agreement. of people to people links between media and in interviews, I have also As you know, on 26 June, the Pri- our two countries, I thought it ti- pledged to keep you up to date as ne- me Minister outlined to Parliament mely to return to the subject of gotiations on our exit from the Eu- an offer to protect the rights of EU citizens’ rights in the negotiations ropean Union continue. So, let me citizens in the UK. We are entering on our departure from and future update you on where matters stand the negotiations with the European partnership with the EU. now, in light of the latest negotiation Commission and the other 27 EU In the year since the EU referen- round in Brussels last week. Member States constructively and dum, I’ve had the pleasure of mee- The UK Government has been we therefore hope that the EU27 ting many of you across the country, clear that citizens are our top priority will offer reciprocal treatment for 6 Lancelot LETTERS TO LANCELOT British nationals resident in the can continue to live and work here Spain access healthcare through the other Member States. in Spain as you always have done. S1 form. This means the UK reim- Many of you will have seen press After the UK’s exit from the EU, burses Spain the cost of providing me- reports of our 26 June offer, whe- we are proposing a reciprocal deal dical treatment. After the UK leaves ther in the UK or Spanish media. I that would protect the right of UK the EU, we want to continue your hope you will also have read the de- nationals already in the EU to con- healthcare entitlements on the same tailed proposals which are set out in tinue to live and work in the EU. basis. Healthcare in Spain was indeed “Safeguarding the position of EU We hope that the European Com- one of the case studies cited in the de- citizens in the UK and UK nationals mission and the 27 other Member tailed proposals made by the British in the EU” (https://www.gov.uk/ States will agree to this. Government on 26 June (see link). government/policies/brexit) and I The second key element is health- Subject to negotiations, we want would encourage you to sign-up for care, pensions, education and access to continue participating in the Eu- email alerts (you can do so on the to benefits. It is our intention to treat ropean Health Insurance Card sche- Home Office gov.uk page) to recei- EU citizens with settled status in the me meaning EHIC holders continue ve updates, to ensure that you are UK in the same way as if they were to benefit from free, or reduced- receiving information and guidance UK citizens for the purposes of access cost, needs-arising healthcare while from official sources. to education, benefits and pensions. on a temporary stay in the EU — The first key element of the new For you, the Government has and vice versa for EU EHIC holders proposal is residence status and announced that the UK will conti- visiting the UK. We hope the Euro- working rights. Until the UK’s exit, nue to export and uprate the UK pean Commission will agree to this. EU citizens in the UK will continue State Pension and provide associa- The British Government has to enjoy all the rights they currently ted healthcare cover within the EU, repeatedly said that, until exit ne- have under EU law; they can conti- issues which I know from my con- gotiations are concluded, the UK nue to live and work in the UK just versations over the last year were remains a full member of the Eu- as they do now. important to many of you. ropean Union and all the rights The same rights also apply to At the moment, those of you who and obligations of EU membership you, British residents in Spain. You are UK pensioners and resident in Lancelot 7 LETTERS TO LANCELOT remain in force. You can continue I cannot believe how many new GUINEVERE Dorothy Perez travelling throughout the EU on interesting and exciting places and was our first contact in San An- your UK passport, without any visa attractions places have been added tonio when we were seeking to requirements. You can continue to since I was there. And, to think they establish whether there were any access Spanish healthcare and draw played Handel’s Water Music at a Canary Descendents there whose your UK pension. If you have any concert on the Charco de San Gines. ancestors came from Lanzarote li- difficulties accessing those rights, What a memorable experience that ved in the city. And we were very do please let our Consulates know must have been! fortunate that she herself hailed I will continue to engage with I was delighted to read that Te- from this island and at that time you and listen to you, as will my guise, the home town of my direct was the president of the Canary consular teams across Spain.
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