IT-TLETTAX-IL LEĠIŻLATURA P.L. 4526 Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 303 tat-2 ta’ Marzu 2020 mill-Ministru għal Għawdex. ___________________________ Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra GĦAWDEX - IN-NADUR – PROĠETT TA' MULTI MODAL HUB F’TA' XĦAJMA *12923. L-ONOR. CHRIS SAID staqsa lill-Ministru għal Għawdex: B'referenza għat- tweġiba għall-mistoqsija parlamentari 11753 li ngħatat fil-28 ta' Ottubru 2019: a. jista’ l-Ministru jgħid x'sar iktar fuq il-proġett ta' Multi Modal Hub ġewwa Ta' Xħajma fin- Nadur Għawdex; b. jista’ jgħid jekk l-istudji ġeotekniċi tlestewx u jpoġġi kopja tagħhom fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra; c. jista' jgħid f'dawn il-ġranet u ġimgħat kemm hemm ħaddiema jaħdmu fuq dan il-proġett u x'tip ta' xogħol infrastrutturali qed isir fil-preżent; u d. jista’ jgħid jekk dan il-proġett hux ħa jkun lest minn kollox sal-aħħar tas-sena 2020 hekk kif kien intqal fit-tweġiba għall- mistoqsijia parlamentari 11753? 06/02/2020 ONOR. CLINT CAMILLERI: Ninforma lill-Onor. Interpellant li qegħdin nistennew li jinkisbu l-permessi meħtieġa u għalhekk bħalissa mhux isir xogħol fuq il-Multi Modal Hub ġewwa ta’ Xħajma. L-istudji ġeotekniċi tlestew u r-rapport qed jitpoġġa fuq il-Mejda tal- Kamra. Id-data tat-tlestija tal-proġett qiegħda tiġi riveduta. Seduta Numru 303 02/03/2020 1 REF: MGOZ/MPU T 34/2019 PROPOSED PARK & RIDE FACILITY AT TA' XHAJMA AREA WITHIN THE LIMITS OF XEWKIJA, GOZO GEOLOGICAL SUB-SURFACE INVESTIGATION J a n u a r y 2020 2 DOCUMENT CONTROL PROJECT NAME : Proposed Park & Ride Facility at Ta' Xhajma Area, Within The Limits Of Xewkija, Gozo DOCUMENT TITLE : Geological Sub-surface Investigation Report DOCUMENT No. : TERR19/MGO001/J3570 DOCUMENT ISSUE ORIGINAL Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Date: Saviour Scerri Name: Name: 21st January 2019 Rodney Xerri Alfred Xerri BSc. (Hons) London Signature: Signature: Signature: Distribution: Ministry for Gozo REVISIONS REVISION 0 Name: Name: Name: Date: Signature: Signature: Signature: Site Investigation at Ta’Xhajma l/o Xewkija Gozo 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS DOCUMENT CONTROL ......................................................................................................................... 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... 3 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Terms of Reference ............................................................................................................. 2 1.3 SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY OF WORKS ............................................................................ 2 1.4 STANDARDS AND GUIDANCE ............................................................................................... 3 1.5 Descrption of the SITE ......................................................................................................... 3 1.6 SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY OF WORKS ............................................................................ 3 1.7 GEOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.7.1 GEOLOGY OF the Maltese Islands ............................................................................... 1 1.8 GEOLOGY OF THE SITE ......................................................................................................... 2 2 FIELD WORK ................................................................................................................................. 3 3 RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION .................................................................................................. 5 3.1 LITHOLOGY .......................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 ROCK QUALITY ..................................................................................................................... 5 3.3 Remark ................................................................................................................................. 8 3.4 FRACTURE FREQUENCTY ..................................................................................................... 8 4 LABORATORY RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION ........................................................................... 9 4.1 ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY ....................................................................................... 10 4.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................. 10 5 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 11 6 Appendix 1 Drilling Logs ............................................................................................................ 12 Site Investigation at Ta’Xhajma l/o Xewkija Gozo 4 Apendix 2- sample Photographs ........................................................................................................ 16 Appendix 3: Borehole logs ................................................................................................................. 23 APPENDIX 4 – LABORATORY TEST CERTIFICATES .............................................................................. 40 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Google Image indicating site location in the l/o Xewkija Gozo, Gozo. ................................ 1 Figure 2: Photograph showing the present ground conditions at the site. The soil seen as dark grey in the photograph is actually reddish and is a mixture o f Blue Clay and brown soil ......................... 1 Figure 3: Google image showing the boundary of the site and details of the extent of the original landfill .................................................................................................................................................. 1 Figure 4: NW-SE oriented cross-section across the original landfill now consisting of a deep pit ..... 2 Figure 5: NNE-SSW oriented cross-section across the original landfill now consisting of a deep pit) 2 Figure 6: Lithostratigraphy of the Maltese Islands ............................................................................. 1 Figure 7: Geological map of the Nuffara area, l/o Xewkija, Gozo where the site is located. The map shows thin section of Blue Clay overlying Upper Globigerina Limestone . ........................................ 2 Figure 8: Site plan showing location of boreholes at ta’Xhajma. Contours shown refer to the original landfill ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 9: Description of Rock Quality Designation Index .................................................................... 6 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Borehole drilling and sampling summary. (U70: Undisturbed sample using Shelby soil samplers). Depths are measured from the existing ground level ....................................................... 3 Table 2: Terms for classification of discontinuity state ....................................................................... 6 Table 3: Rock core sample recovery (Rec%), Solid Core Recovery(SCR%) and Rock Quality Designation (RQD%) ............................................................................................................................ 8 Table 4: Laboratory test results – unconfined compressive strength ................................................ 9 Site Investigation at Ta’Xhajma l/o Xewkija Gozo 5 FOREWARD The recommendations made and opinions expressed in this report are based on the ground conditions revealed by the site works, together with an assessment of the site and of laboratory test results. Whilst opinions may be expressed relating to sub-soil conditions in parts of the site not investigated, for example away from the location of the borehole drilled, these are only for guidance and no liability can be accepted for their accuracy. The rocks and soils encountered and the samples retained represent a limited amount of the material present in the subsurface at the site. Although the investigation recovered representative samples of the rocks present, some material present on the site may not have been examined. Should significantly different rocks or soils be determined during site works, then further investigation may prove necessary. Unless otherwise stated in this report, drilling is undertaken using rotary techniques. This method is regarded as being one of the most reliable. Boring and sampling procedures are undertaken in accordance with: • BS 5930: 1999; Code of practice for geological site investigations; • BS-EN 1997:2004 Geotechnical design- PART 1 General rules; • BS EN 1997 - 2: 2007 Geotechnical Design – Part 2 : Ground investigation and testing ; Likewise laboratory testing complies with ISRM Suggested Method 1999. Site Investigation at Ta’Xhajma l/o Xewkija Gozo 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL Terracore Limited was commissioned by The Ministry For Gozo to undertake a site investigation at the proposed site for the Park and Ride facility at ta‘Xhajma limits of Xewkija, Gozo (Figure 1). Works included drilling of 8boreholes identified as BH1, BH2, BH3, BH4, BH5, BH6, BH7 and BH8,
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