*r* ' • ■■ i S' : - f r - iS >* ' • ■ ..' ' ' f- ■ - - ■ ^ ' ■ -■W B. ■ 'k WEDMESeiAY, JAmiART I. 1 M \ h '/ L\\ \jyfL -»* IRatt^Ir»atnr Utmtittff IjgriJii ? The Wsstksr Average Dally Nat Praas Rua rerMBBl Bf O. S, WBalhar aei up rw Maui Bf D*whw, istt ’• riu* BMtl bM*«inlna «.sM*r tkit 9,664 xf(«ri<a(i««: fair *wr«i.tirr tnaighk aMi Fri-lry. CUy of Village Charm (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS (CtaBBlIM ASvertMag an rsfa 14) MANCHESTER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1949’ \ VOL. LXVIU., Jio* W \ • - GtaVaadBoyk* DRESSES . Coat and L eg g ^ Sets SoJ^e of Blizzard : Prertdeht Addresses Congress Chinese Co: G W Sets 1 yr. to 6x—B oysN ^ 8 to 8 jwu, \ r*iOiie" CircNip at ^ $5*00 Reg. $9.58 Values . ..V . .Nowr $ ft.0 0 V ictiMs Rescued; V * One Group at $6.00 Reg. $15.98 and $16.98 " / V a lu ea . *..i.. P low $13.00 Aid Sent Others V Oto - Group at , $8.00 on Reg. $18.98 and $19.98 B ig g e s t E vacu a- Bill to Boost ^ ' V a l n e i .................... llfo w $16*00 b y R e d * One Gro>up at » 9 tio n ' Turn Deaf Ear to Na­ C ross •’W h ic h Droppeil Safely Reg. $22.98 ValuM ,.. Steel Output Council Order tionalist Peace Pleas * One Group at $11 1^ P ic k s u t 6 0 0 * " 'w . ■». 'i $19.00 Eneircletl ArMies gl H a l f , S ta rved R e fu - To Cease Fire Looming Now . l*oint Southwest of g e e s at -T h r e e lints * One Group at 1 Suchow Also Under I* SnowSuits 0*Mahoney and Muhray To Be Obeyed Giris* Sixes 2 .to 6x— Boys’ Sixes 6 to 10 yts. Denver, Jan. 6.— (/P) Fire After Vocal Bar­ Expected to .Sponsor * Chut Group at $15.00 ^ SoMe o f the 8,000 peraoni rages Fail to Induce Marooned in the Coloradcv Measure to Give Tru* Reliable Report Israeli N o w f Siirreniler of Units $8-00 'WyoMing blizzard enJoyed Power Sought Cabinet Has Deriileil Regnlarfy P ric^ I8.9B to $19.98 warMth and wholesoMe food N ow today for the first tiMe since To Accept; Observers J Nanking, .Ian. 6.— $ 1 1.00 Washtogton, Jan. 6—( l ^ A bUl J CoMMunist troops, turning a AB a Jw Waal ■ S»eoa< H o ^ Sunday, while efforts to save to gW^Prealdent IriiMan the. Will • Set TiMing others were pushed by /, deaf oar to Nationalist peace .N o w power he aaked to boost the out­ I pfea.«. tonight reiwrtedly $9 .0 0 ground and air< put of acar^ateel with govern­ Tel Aviv, Israel. Jan. 6- - .A*) — Storlea of lateeae SuSerlag The Security Council order of Dec. Itoiirt'd sliot and .sliell into be- Hundre<ls of Btorles of intenao Ment Money may be offered to the Senate within vMk. PresMent TruMan delivers kh "Htato of the Union’' Message before « Joint soMlon of Congress. Seated 29 for a.n IMMediate cease fire ih ! sieged TleJitsin in the north CMts and Toppen .N o w $12-00 Bufferinr were toM by victlma of and into encircled govern­ the atorM aa they were reacued Democratic InfMManU who aak­ behind the chief executive are Senator aennetb McKeOar (D.. Tenn.) (left), president pro tern of the 1 gouthem Palestine May be honofred Reg. 79c ABC Sanfori»ecl Fart Color froM ainaU roadside vlUace*, d rl^ ed anonymity re)>ortod today that Senate and Houae Speaker SaM Rayburn (D., Tex.) (AP wirephoto)________________________________ soon. ment ArMie.* southwest of Senators O 'M abon^ (D., Wyo.) ;. locked autoMobile* and iaolated J The Israeli cabinet Met last ' Suchow. -farM houaea.-' and Murray (D., Mont.) are ex­ Break* two Week*' Lull TOPPERS - ■ N ow pected to sponsor tb ^ Measure. I nigni. A usually reliable private $13-00 The biggeat Maaa evacuation : source said the Ministers, whose The firing broke a two weeks SAFE-T^ waa' Made by a Red Croaa train Murray already bsa nrg^goveM - Welfare Plans Drive Opened I lull. Peace overturto. including a Ment entry Into tbe steel Justness troops have wound iip a three-day that plck^ up about 600 half* News Tidbits • invasion strike into Egypt, dccid- Message froM President dltang R^. $16.98 Values. .Now $ 1 4 * 00 starved refugees froM Rockport, If Milder Measures falL OTiULtoneJK ' Kai-Shek at year's end offering to beads the Senate-House Eco^Mlc • Cullad From (/P) Wires To Pass Bulk I cd to accept the Order. *u*- negotiste "if the CoMMuniat* \ Nunn and Lone Tree in Colorado. Both Feared It was understood the accept­ I .Mirhael Lirk (above). 3Vr> PRINTS InfiMts Giat Sets and Snowsuitt^ The train puUed into Denver last coMMittee. tained burned hands before he wa* really sr- sincere," hadr4 flooded the Hie president. In his State of ance might announced today. With feet In the leggings. Pastel colors. ^ ^ night with 400 paaaengers, includ* Transfer of the Korean aid pro­ The timing dnd other, details ap­ dropped to safety from a second- {country. Reg. $22.98 Values .... Now $20.00 ing two expectant Mother* in *eii- Union Message yesterday, as And Favored O f Program story fa rM h o u se window at Phoe- ‘ The latest was Made by the Pei- / oua condition. Some in need of for authority to lend construction gram from the U. S. Army to the i parently would be 6xed by ITnifed nixville. Pa., during ■ Are In which ping City Council which voted to Economic Cooperation adMinis-' Nations truce observerO. 5 9 c YARD Reg. $5.98 Valuek .. Now ^ ^ .4 9 . Medical attention had left the train funds to stsel corporstiona if Oon- ------------- I five peMon* were killed. <AP ask CoMMunists surrounding that at Oreeley. Other* were taken to greas derides that the industry's tration cloaea one of the major AiH*>a r h a r t 1 Egypt cabled her acceptance to wirephoto). I city for-terMs. The aiortfi China Extra fln* quality prlnta, aanforlzed ahrunk, la unuatul pattera* Cheyenne, Wyo. own expansion plans are inade­ Mh^gled Reception Giv- phases In Army’s three year oc- , 1 rliM a n AiatfB V A iun L*ke Success Tueadav, subject to ----------------- :----- ' coMMander. Gen. Fii Tso-Yl, gave cupation of Korea. Soviet and color*. Reg. $35.00 Values . .. .Now ' $30.00 Oiep Feed aad Blanfcets quate. en^niMan*s Proposals S w ift Action; SbniCi* "Ite decision from Israel. Egyp- perMission for an air drop of the Reg. $9.98 Values . .. .n N ow $3*00 Military.aad ctvlUan plane* Sew U that doesn’t do th* job, Mr. Army hints in print Uiat Russia i s . “ t* Iiratli troops have been Peiping peace plea. He has been ' over the stricken area, dropping TruMan said.. Congress should au- In \lnnufl Message; May follow the saMe policy In O n K e p u b h e a n L r ie s j ^^^htlng in the Negeb desert and Expect Budget ruMored seeking a separate settle­ food and blanket* for the ocen* tboriss the government to build GerMany as in Korea and uith- Ment of the north China war. Reg. $11.98 Values . >N ow pants of atalled autoMobile* and steel Mills itself. Congi^s Battle Seen draw Occupation force* earlier Regarding ‘Socialioiii’ "I strip '' off and on since Mid-October. | Nanking sources heard that Red $9 .00 than western Allies.,... Philippince Cannon I Reg. 99e A neiitex Cravat A tratna. Snowplow* bucked drtfu Wont Increase la Capacity ! . ■* . 1 .Announce* Thrust Into Egypt 1 To Be Largest troops coMMenced shelling G-n. 20 to 30 feet deep in an effort to AdMinistration offlclala have Consul General Mariano Er^lata Washington, Jan. 6— —pern- governMent spokesMan . last Tu LI-Ming’s surrounded arMie* Washington.X Jan. 6—(A’;—Min­ annoiuices 500 displaced White reach theM.':.* said they want an increase of ! ocratic leaders shrugged off R e-; night snnounced the Israeli thrust' southwest of Suchow from two A new group of atranded travel­ about 10,000,006 tons a year in gled fear and fWor was the gen­ Rntalans will leave for temporary sides after voi-al barrages from Sport and Dress Coats eral congressionaK reaction today haven at GuluSn, P. J., within a publican cries of "Socialisoi^’ today 1 into Egypt- He said Jewish troops, In Peacetime ,, A.. ' / . , Entire Stock of SocJks er* came to fight 'today—busload basic Ingot capacity. Tho indus­ loudspeakers failed to persuade atii.i.rrtS""""jnACi;^o SPUN RAYON Plain colors and assorted stripes. of paaaengarB at a ranchhouse try, well advanced on a |2,000,- to President TruM ^a social wel­ week,u , as they opened a drive to rush; "I" ‘’Of. I _ _ , • the Nationalist.* to surrender. .1 '• ••ven MtlM east of Joes, Colo.. In 000,000 post-war expansion pro­ fare proposals In his Annual Mes­ U.’s. Air Force rescue squadron I the bulk of Prestdefit TruMan's t '’nf i • n i.* HiMdred* Deserting Tu SHEETS and CASES PRINTS Reg. $24.98 Values ... .Now $ 2 2 .0 0 th* extreM* eastern edge of the graM, now has a capacity rated at sage to the new Congi lunaI«‘to?*MSi;a*^;'ir^^^ ‘ P«>8raM 1 th. Medtlerr^Tean coari > Education, H e a lth , The independent Nanking Peo- Reg. 39c Pair . 3 P r . state. The State Highway de- More than 95,000,000. tons. On the basia of coMibent froM fiun /] 98e iwitMent sild three eSbwplowa Mraon* abM?d^ ■ Sovlri ' , 30 Mile* below the Palestine front-^ Housing P r O g r a M 8 .
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