Magazine «Orh Chaim Ve Moshe» N° 6 TICHRI 5766 • SEPTEMBER 2005 MAGAZINE OFFERED GRACEFULLY BY ASSOCIATIONS PINTO CONTENTSContents THE GREAT INAUGURATION.........................................................3 SHALHEVET MORDECHAI DISTRIBUTING THOUSANDS OF MEALS FOR PASSOVER ................................................................9 THE HILLOULA OF RABBI HAIM PINTO ZATZAL........................ 11 SHALOM BAYIT – PEACE IN THE HOME.....................................19 NOT SIMPLY A WISH, A DUTY......................................................19 THE IMPORTANCE OF ELUL........................................................23 EMPIRE OF THORA ......................................................................27 THE WEDDING OF SARAH RUBY AÏSSA.....................................31 TO BE A JEW ................................................................................35 THE MIRACULOUS STONES OF MOUNT SINAI ..........................40 LETTERS FROM OUR READERS.................................................41 UNDER AEGIS OF RABBI DAVID HANANIA PINTO CHLITA PARIS - ORH HAIM VEMOSHE 11, RUE DU PLATEAU - 75019 PARIS • FRANCE TEL: 331 48 03 53 89 - FAX: 331 42 08 50 85 LYON - HEVRAT PINTO 20 BIS, RUE DES MÛRIERS - 69100 VILLEURBANNE • FRANCE TEL: 334 78 03 89 14 - FAX: 334 78 68 68 45 U.S.A - CHEVRAT PINTO 8 MORRIS ROAD - SPRING VALLEY • NY 10977 • U.S.A TEL: 1 845 426 1276 • FAX: 1 845 426 1149 ISRAEL - ASHDOD “OROT HAÏM OU MOSHE” REHOV HA-ADMOUR MI-BELZ 41/6 • ASHDOD • ISRAËL TEL: 972 88 566 233 • FAX: 972 88 521 527 ISRAEL - JERUSALEM KOLLEL “OROTH HAIM OU MOSHE” KOLLEL “MISHKAN BETSALEL” YÉCHIVAT “NEFESH HAIM” REHOV BAYIT VAGAN 97 • JERUSALEM • ISRAEL TEL: 972 26 433 605 • FAX: 972 26 413 945 - 972 26 433 570 Web Site: www.hevratpinto.orgwww.hevratpinto.org 5 THE GREAT INAUGURATION Thousands of people participated in the opening ceremony for the inauguration of the Orot Haim OuMoshe institution in Ashdod, the Nefesh Haim yeshiva and the Mishkan Betzalel kollel in Jerusalem, all under the auspices of Rabbi David Hanania Pinto Shlita. Also inaugurated in this ceremony were four Sifrei Torah. Among the participants were great Jewish figures such as Rebbes, Roshei Yeshivot, Rabbis from Ashdod, and Roshei Yeshivot and Roshei Kollelim from Jerusalem and their students During a magnificent ceremony Thousands of people arrived in holiday attire and heading in filled with the joy of Torah, thousands in Ashdod from all across Israel, one direction – the inauguration of people, with leading Torah as well as from numerous other ceremony. figures at their head, celebrated countries, to participate in this To- This great ceremony began in the inauguration of the Orot Haim rah celebration. By that afternoon a trailer that, even today, is a fo- OuMoshe edifice in Ashdod, which all the roads leading to Ashdod cal point for spiritual activities by is directed by the tzaddik Rabbi (especially the city’s Gimel dis- organizations in Ashdod. It began David Hanania Pinto Shlita. Also trict) were already darkened by with the completion of four new inaugurated were four Sifrei Torah crowds. The simplest of people Sifrei Torah, specifically written and the Nefesh Haim yeshiva and mixed with great talmidei cha- for the occasion, by the inscrip- Mishkan Betzalel kollel in Jerusalem. chamim, with everyone dressed tion of their final letters and the stitching of their parchments. The final inscription of the letters was assigned to the following ga- onim: Rabbi David Yossef Shlita (the Rav of the Har Nof district of Jerusalem and the director of the city’s Yichave Da’at Beit Midrash), Rabbi Messod ben Shimon Shli- ta, Rabbanim from the Ramat El- chanan district of Bnei Brak, and to public figures and donors from around the world who contributed to the writing of the Sifrei Torah and the construction of the edifice being inaugurated. The last letter was written by the main party in- volved in the celebration, Rabbi David Hanania Pinto Shlita, who 5 wrote it with a sense of great joy the city of Ashdod, are proud of gogue, one under the direction of and holiness. the so very important activities of the tzaddik Rabbi David Hanania Immediately after praying Min- the tzaddik Rabbi David Hanania Pinto, the son of the holy Rabbi cha, which a great number of Pinto Shlita, who thanks to his Moshe Aaron, may his merit pro- tect us, and going back further, people participated in, the pro- continual travels throughout the a descendant of Rabbi Yehoshi- cession of the Sifrei Torah began. world to serve the people, brings us great strength.” yahu Pinto, may his merit protect Amidst singing and dancing, all us, the “Rif on Ein Yaakov.” the participants felt great emo- The Blessing of Rav Pinto The gaon Rabbi David Yossef tion before the impressive sight Shlita (the Rav of Har Nof and the of four new Sifrei Torah being The gaon Rabbi Saadia Aribi director of the Yichave Da’at Beit inaugurated together. When this Shlita (the Rosh Yeshiva of Yig- Midrash) began his discourse by transmitting the blessing of our teacher the Rishon Letzion Shlita. He then spoke about the passag- es dealing with the offerings, the subject of the previous parshiot. “Over these past few years, I’ve had the chance of getting to know the tzaddik Rabbi Da- vid Pinto. He has succeeded in building a magnificent ‘miniature Temple.’ I don’t know if anything like it exists elsewhere, but I want to add that with Rabbi David, it’s not only on the outside, but on the inside that he is imbued with Torah and the fear of Heaven – a love for Hashem both ‘inside and out.’ Rabbi David’s reputation precedes him. He brings many people to Torah, guiding our dis- immense procession arrived be- dal Torah and Rav of the city’s tant brothers closer to our Father fore the new edifice, people could Ezor Beit) began the divrei Torah in Heaven and bringing them un- hear the music of Rabbi Israel and blessings. He noted that we der the wings of the Shechinah all Parnass’ special band, which per- were very fortunate to participate around the world. He establishes formed during the entire evening in the inauguration of this syna- Torah institutions, yeshivot, and and did a superb job of entertain- ing everyone. As soon as the Si- frei Torah were inaugurated, the celebration began, with a host of great Torah figures in attendance making the event shine. A person normally begins a speech by praising the one whom he is introducing, which is exactly what the Mayor of Ashdod, Zvi Zilker, did. In the name of all the city’s residents, he expressed his great joy at the inauguration of one of the most beautiful build- ings in Israel, one in which activi- ties have been planned for every day of the year and every hour of the day. “We, the residents of 6 7 al yemei melech tosif burst out among the crowd, and even the most distinguished rabbis began to dance for the Torah and the great men of Torah for many long minutes. The Rav began by the verse Mizmor shir chanukat habayit le- David (“A psalm, a song for the inauguration of the house, by David” – Psalms 30:1), explaining it by the words of the Sages. He continued by speaking of the fact that the Holy One, blessed be He, considers good intentions along with deeds. “ ‘The Torah of Your mouth is better for me than thousands in gold and silver’ [Psalms 119:72]. Among those gathered here is a kollelim, which is a blessing for The gaon Rabbi Yedidia As- Jew who has given me tremen- the Jewish people. By his merit, saraf Shlita, the Rosh Kollel in dous help, and in his humility he numerous Jews have come clos- Lyon, described the numerous is seated among the crowd. Each er to Judaism. I would like, in the activities of the Rav, who has person has his own particularly brought many people under the name of my father and my teach- way of coming closer to the Holy wings of the Shechinah. His com- er Shlita, to bestow upon him the One, blessed be He, and this Jew munity comprises some 30,000 blessing of being able to continue began to draw closer by the merit people, most of whom are mitzvot his noble activities in the service of his deeds. He had often heard observant. All this has come as a of the Torah until the coming of people speaking of the different result of the Rav’s activities. Mashiach, may he come speedily Torah courses being given in and in our days.” In Honor of the Torah and the various places, yet he never took The gaon Rabbi Yosef Sheinin Great Men of Torah the time to come and participate. Shlita, the Rav of Ashdod, spoke Deep feelings of emotion were When he did come and hear what of the Torah’s great joy for the in- felt when the tzaddik Rabbi David was being said, he understood auguration of a synagogue and a Hanania Pinto Shlita was called that up to that point he had fol- Beit Midrash, as well as for the upon to speak. The song Yamim lowed a path of vanity, and so he inauguration of four Sifrei Torah that would rejoin Hashem’s Ark. The gaon Rabbi Reuven El- baz Shlita, the Rosh Yeshiva of Ohr HaChaim in Jerusalem, continued with the recitation of Shecheyanu in honor of this day’s celebration for the Rav, “one close to Hashem and the Torah, the Sages, and all the community of Israel. The Rav is a gaon and tzaddik of noble lineage, whose ancestors supported and spread the holy Torah among Sephardic Jewry. From the eminent Pinto family, the gaon Rabbi David Pinto Shlita spreads the light of Torah throughout the world with unstinting devotion.” 6 7 began to draw closer to his Father in Heaven.
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