THE BYRON SHIRE Volume 23 #33 Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 [email protected] [email protected] www.echo.net.au seven 21,000 copies every week THE FRESH NEWS PEOPLE p20-28 Mullum Woolies go-ahead draws fl ak Th e NSW Department of Planning’s Environmental Review. Th ese have when the flood comes?Why don’t Byron Shire Council said it was dis- 25 customers using the public toilets approval on January 12 of modifi ca- been kept a secret from community they choose a better site? appointed with the approval. Coun- on a daily basis. Th is is obviously of tions to the Woolworths supermarket and we have seen nothing for seven ‘Th is crisis is an opportunity for us cil’s Director of Planning, Develop- concern. planned for Mullumbimby has drawn months, since the public exhibition to get more creative as a community. ment and Environment Services, Ray ‘We acknowledge that Woolworths fl ak from Byron Shire Council and of the proposal on June 23, 2008. Th ey On February 2 there is a public meet- Darney, said Council has fought hard will be seeking to connect to the Mullumbimby Community Action are not even on the Department of ing on Station Street land between to voice the concerns of the commu- Brunswick Valley Sewage Treatment Network (MCAN). Th e fi rst Council Planning’s website. Council and the preschool at 3.30pm. nity and ensure planning regulations Plant (STP) upon the STP’s comple- heard of the approval was when Th e ‘We do not know what they and Council suggests aff ordable housing are enforced. tion, however this will take at least Echo sent over the government press Woolworths have in store for us. We and other community and commer- ‘This has been a long battle and two years. In the meantime they will release. have been silenced by the Department cial uses and they want suggestions once again it’s disappointing to see be transporting excess effl uent from MCAN said it was ‘appalled that of Planning’s lack of transparency. from us all. the NSW state government ignor- the site during wet periods, which is the state government has ignored By- ‘As a community we can come ‘How about a food co-op/farmers ing Council’s recommendations,’ Mr against Council policy. ron Shire Council’s condemnation of together and let Woolworths know market/local products outlet as an Darney said. ‘Th e effl uent disposal is ‘Likewise the stated water allow- the proposal as “unacceptable”, the loud and clear that we object to their alternative to the industrial growth understated and the water cleaning ance of only 730 litres to clean the non-endorsement of the plans by pigheadedness in going ahead with monster? We need to come together usage is illogical and raises concerns premises raises concerns about the Whitehead Associates Environmen- proposals that our Council says won’t and work with each other and our lo- about hygiene. cleaning process despite Woolworths tal Consultants and the passionate work. Why don’t they wait for the cal shops to create resilience so we are ‘Th e approved development has al- claiming all meat preparation, bakery, voice of the people. However, we have new STP like everyone else has to? not shattered by a big box imposed lowed for only 250 litres of public ef- fresh seafood and chicken cooking not seen the plans, documents and Who will clear up their sewage mess upon our town.’ fl uent disposal which equates to only continued on page 7 An early start on Australia Day Retirement village of 105 units planned for Ocean Shores Plans for a retirement village of 105 for active people over 55 living in a units at Ocean Shores have been ‘serviced self-care’ village. Th e village lodged with Byron Shire Council. would have an onsite manager, 24 Th e village would be built on a thin hour emergency care and a private strip of four lots between Kulgun bus service. Court and Brunswick Valley Way, the Th e parcel of land is variously zoned former Pacifi c Highway. for residential, environmental habitat, Queensland-based applicants and for investigation. Green Gray Villages Seniors Project The development application Pty Ltd say the development of one- 10.2008.757.1 is on public exhibition to three-bedroom units would be until February 20. Council takes ‘neutral’ stance on Splendour court case Byron Shire Council has chosen not ‘adopting a neutral position. If issues to actively involve itself in the Land come up that Council needs to resolve and Environment Court legal chal- perhaps we may need to change our lenge brought by the Conservation position.’ of North Ocean Shores (CONOS) Mr Darney also said that defending against Council’s approval to hold the this type of case would be ‘inordi- 2009 Splendour in the Grass festival nately expensive’. at Yelgun. Th e Environmental Defender’s Of- At home among the gum trees and little blue fl ags, fi rst timers to the extraordinary celebration that is Australia Day Council will instead maintain a fi ce (EDO) is representing CONOS at Brunswick Heads, the Tyzack family Rosie, Holly and Terry, enjoyed a snag and a song in the Housie tent along ‘watching brief’ on the Splendour in its challenge against Council’s ap- with hundreds of others who munched on a splendid breakfast made by the Lions and joined in Aussie tunes led by case and will submit to the fi ndings proval of the trial festival, and it is set Tracey Devine. As the day fell on The Echo’s production deadline, we had no time to make it to other events, but will of the Court. According to acting gen- down to be heard in the L&E Court report on the citizen awards next week. Photo Eve Jeff ery. eral manager Ray Darney, Council is continued on page 2 Local News NEW Fire brigade seeking new recruits STOCK Story & photo Lou Beaumont The Bangalow and Mul- ARRIVALS lumbimby Fire Brigades are holding Recruitment Informa- tion Days on Saturday Febru- ary 7 at their respective fire stations to inform interested locals of the benefi ts of becom- ing a fi rie. Bangalow Captain Andrew Hill told Th e Echo, ‘We cover fires, rescue, hazardous ma- terials and medical emergen- FURNITURE cies. No other service is like made to order us. People should know that being part of the brigade is not just about putting the wet stuff on the red stuff – we are very diverse in what we do.’ the essence In fact, about 70% of the bri- of home.. gades’ callouts are for rescues NSW Fire Brigade’s Bangalow Captain Andrew Hill, left, with his colleagues Michael Firth and the colours or traffi c accidents, including John Curtis (with the Jaws of Life). of summer. overturned trucks carrying hazardous materials. Captain sits us down for a debriefi ng. have the utmost confi dence in bers have part-time jobs as re- 3 ti-tree plce. arts & industrial estate byron bay 66855714 Hill puts it down to being so We all fi nd that very helpful. our skills.’ tained fi re fi ghters and are paid close to the highway. If there are any outstanding is- NSW Fire Brigade skills to complete their initial and ‘When we attend the scene sues, counselling is always avail- training focuses fi rstly on basic ongoing training where they of an accident, it is all about able to members, but rarely is fi refi ghting, use of the breath- acquire new skills. Members putting the intensive training there a need for it.’ ing apparatus and Advanced are also paid an hourly rate into play. We become entirely Fellow Bangalow brigade First Aid. Vehicle rescue skills when fulfi lling callout duties. objective in order to get the member Michael Firth said, and the use of hydraulic equip- Information days will be job done. Somehow it would ‘Th e training is fantastic and ment such as the Jaws of Life held at Bangalow and Mul- be more distressing witnessing refresher training is par- and obtaining a Medium Rigid lumbimby fi re stations on Sat- the scene as an onlooker, but ticularly important. It is very License (to drive the pumper) urday February 7 from 9am for us it is a rescue and we just hands-on and it really gives us all follow. to11am. Equipment use will get the job done.’ confi dence in using the equip- The NSW Fire Brigade is be demonstrated, including the Rookie recruit John Curtis ment and attending scenes as looking for men and women Jaws of Life which will be used WE ARE (who joined the Bangalow fi r- we do not get called out every who live locally and who have to cut up cars at both stations. ies just last year) said, ‘Aft er at- day so it is vital that we have some daytime availability to Application forms will be avail- MOVING! tending an accident the Captain periodic updated training to join their team. Brigade mem- able at each station. Earth ‘n’ Sea Byron Bay is MOVING location Splendour case and our new restaurant on the corner of Fletcher Feedback sought on housing design From front page and Byron Streets should be opening early in 2009. Until then we pizzaholics can’t stand Byron Shire Council has set Station Street project is in the overseeing the development of on February 16, 17 and 18.
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