ceoF6 J€R14Y'S AUSTR,ALIhTT IIISTRUM€NTAL NEWSL€TT€R EDMON #7 _ NOVEMBER 2OO5 RITURN OF THf SURT GUITAR _ trMPIRI HOTf,L. 6 OCTOBIR wlai a briniant birthday bash'!l Friends Gery O'Rorke and' Ben Nestr€ll accompanied m€ up to Sydney where we were met by Bryce crainger (photograph€r / chautreur) snd Te.ry Robins for a completely vocal-liee weekend. Kim Humph€ys and his band of helpers, including'th€ two Phils'aod Jan and Jeffc.ipps, should be prcud ofthe final result. The veme was the Ernpire Hot€I, Crr. Parmnatta Road & Johnston Street, Aniandalq Sydney. Proc€€dings v,/erc staned at 3pm by ex pat Soutl African guitarist MAX PATON, who l€d The (ShadovJy) Outcasts io Rhodesia during th€ early 60's. Tony Ho{ftnan's Shadsfax magazine recently placed Max in a small elit€ goup ofplayers able to faithftlly replicare the eady Shado*G souid, and his claim lras not ill founded! ROTSG is the first gig ol this nature to be ever held in Sydney. and expectatiods were high. Mr. Palon selflessly offered to take on xhe daunting task of being the opening act. lnt€rspers€d with his tumorous patter, Max and red his Strat, accompanied by backing tracks (which had a very tull sound through the venu€'s superb PA) playei Mf Ren$an e Is Lov, Sone Arc Loneq, Kon-Tik, Sofih Of The Boder, Albatoss (introduced as "Albert Ross"). nrcne Fot you g I e6 (aka 'Theme lor Old l,o'"1rs"), Gercnimo, Cosy a'ld Tlp S6'age. Almost like "shadoz In Sydney"!! The ALOHAS represented the young brigade and it w?s fantastic to se€ the number ofunder 30s that this gig attracted. Tim a.k.a. Klux (Drums), Chris ak.a. Rissole (Guitar), Jordan a.k.a. R-ay Sjaniti (Gritar), Pete a-k.a. Lou Sjaniti (Bass) put thejr Fender Jaguar, Precision Bass and white Jazzmasts through their pac€s on m&irly original nuftbers - Go1, Lmslagna, Dale's Dick, Headhnte\ lbnlin Fatak, Moryueshotd, Stom In A D-Cltp, Dagmbit, Go T.nAo!, Joffney, Greasenonler, El Kabong! and nE ne Part 2.Mog,ly uptempo, mostly loud, mostly exciting but VERY enjoyable!l More Shadows follow€d with The SHADES, Ied by Sydney Shadows Club 'el presidente Addan Browne on lead .ed Strat, who reformed his 60's outfit for a special one ofperfo.mance. Fellow club nenbers h the ardience were heard to comrnent tbat ther leader had called on the 'big guns' to help him out. On acoustic rhlthm guitar was Bruce Craml€y, in everyday life a virtuoso Classical and Ch€t Atkins style guitarist- Bass player Phil Cole is a much sought aft€r country player in the mould ofAlbert Lee while drumme. Jeff Cripps (ex 01' 55) currently runs a recording studio and has Foduced er€ryone from The Atlantics through to pop darlings The Vines. Ite also played drums on Kim Humpkeys "Brave New Wave" album from way back in 1980. Ifthat was not enougq Jetr currently does FOH for The Atlantics and leads his orul blues ban4 Mississippi Shakedowi! as l€d vocalist and slide guitarist. The Shades present& Apache, Shindig, Fool Ta1ryer, Wonturful Lawl Midtight, The Stftnge4 Aflafih, Dan:e On, Sleeryalk, Tlpne For fouig Lo'v/s, Gelo ino, Peace Pipe, Tp Slrwge, Little B $d The Rise And Fall Of Flingel BxnL b<tlen]f-ly well played, and a marvellous sound. Jetrs dnrm solo in Little B was a highligtu and probably owed more to Gnger Bake.'s Toad solo, a lingering legacy of his rcce Aip to rhe Old Dan for the Cream reumon concert Sydney certai y has it's fair share ofdevot€d Shaddicts, gven the guitars, amps ard ccho units on shovr bere, no expense ha-s been spared €ith€r. Interesting to note that both Adrian aid Max Paton both use ihe much plied, and now out of productioq Atlantis echo unit to help then achiev€ their Hank Ma..vin sound. Maybe we should change "Shadoz" to 'Ventoz" or "Duaneoz" in ftturel I The DENURMEN had not played together for 40 years, so it was a 'coup'for Kim to get t*1J ofthe originals, Les creen {Lead) and Tex lhasz (Ri}tllm) tog€ther with Angelo Varelos (Bass) and Peter Sutton (Dmms) for a short but nosta.lgic set. Despite pleas from Te& Les 'ditched' his original Gibson (as used on all ofthe bands hit records and depicted on the 1963 LP cover) for a white Stratocaster. The p.ized Gibson was stolen a few ye3rs back and although rccovere4 now pernan€rtly rcsides under lock and key.Du€ to the fact that the gilys live quite a distance from e{ch othe. th€y otly maiaged one brief rehearsal the evening before the gig but it was obvious they had all done their homework and hit their stride from the word go.The band's set compris€d Denvemen originals and a selection of Shado\i* favo.Ates I|rc Bols, Ihe Rehel, Gutt v Bngie, Blue Ma'nains, Atwlon Stonp, Apache (wirh Tex on LEad), Il'ene Fot rol'ng Lovets werc followed by the h.Jge hlt Surfside. I had rvaited over forq' years to see th€ Denve.men live, and I certainly was not disappointedl In the ardienc€ giving the lads mo.al support and a bit of a ge€ up was Kenny Kramer, bass player for th€ sow, cica 1965/66. Organiser KIM HUMPHREYS showcased pad of his fabulous guitar collection, and broke his set (a1so using backing rracks) into sequences as follows - "Oi the famous Maton llrbyrd": Recuess Eleballi ' (Blue Heelets Thene) &om Kimk new EP "Guitaflille", lkrond Ihe Bea!,h fron his sti tobe finished surf album featuring a special guest Ruth Eye Candy' wells on sax, Lost Guitat - Kjm's ve$ion of the Marksm€n hit - "Tamwo:thy Tel€caster Tvft g": Moonshot, Foot Tapper, Mercedes - lion Big Twalg Theory, Nashri e Erpress from Guitarville - The Cnel Sea (o Fendet 12 Stna) - K.lhma "Slide guitar emulaling pedal steel on the Renegade s' oi'g,inal", Paisienne Walkwqr- "Ibanez Roadstar for thal G"ry Moorc overdriven blues sound" "Surfin'Stratocaster":ClrlOfTherhldCoose,SkRu.Goof!Footandwat OlThe'.nlels-"aquanetofoz'classics'originalybyTheStrangen,Echomen,MidnightersandAtlanticsrespectivety". Kim s appearance prompted comments from some of the uinitiat€d such as "I thougJ-t you were ihe stage nanager. didnt ncfuist realise you played rhe I***n guitar male" and man, are you ?hil Enmanuel's younger brother?" Haviog seen Kim piay a few times in rccent years (mainly ax "Shadoz") I can confidently state that his playing continues to reach new heights with age and experience. He always seems to come up with irteresting 'new' ihings to add his magic to. The booked 'MC', Clenn A. Baker, did not show up to the gig; so it wal to Kim's 6edit that he 'filied in' with onstage conments etg showing much improved confidence. oh and his playing was mighty fine 1oo!! Australian surf legends Tlle ATLANTICS were on next. Martin Cilia and Jim Skiathitis (Lead,Rh}thm), Bosco Bosanac (Bass) and ?eter Hood @rums) pleased the crowd wilh a selectior of older and more recent tlassics', using the gig to officially launch their "THE ATLANTICS TI{E BEST OF' CD whil€ not quite tuming the area in front olthe stage into a mosh pit, th€ energy ofthe group's performance certarnly entic€d some ofthe exuberant younger punters to let loose with a display of Fenzied and uninhibited dance moves. The Adantics' all too sho't set featved I'oba Zerc, Gi.tut, Piwline, Mituge, B'g S\a,ell, Runble An l lkit. Night Sta\ 'Ihe CrusheL Cha/1erb6, Hat'rlti Fiw-', Flight Of I7E Sutf C'uitqr, Trqns.nlafiic. Wary 5 and. of cowse, Bon o/.l. Very professional (as always) and the guys were gracious enough to a[ow me to have tbeir photo taken with thenl A couple of years ago, I bought a CD called "The Golden Tones Ol The wetsuits" and rvas impressed that a younger band would choose some ofthe more obscwe TV rhemes to rerord (much like the much lauded Vibratos have done more recently). The WETSLITS - Clyde Brar ey (ex Hoodoo Gurus, Gu'tar), Jon Schofield (from Paul Kelly & The Coloured cirls, Bass), Marcus Schirtler (lrom w€ddings, ?arties, Anithing - Drums) and ih€ d€liglttul Ka1 Amiss (Ieyboards) (a LEGEND in her wordsl) includ€d the lo owing selections, nany of which werc fron the CD: Zl,e Munne^, Man Ol Mlstery, Out OJ Linirs, James Bond thene, flight Plan, Dr Who, Danger Man, Get Sna , Space Doabt, I he Avengers, Ihe Ssint, Shot In The Dark, Batnan aIJd Ca an. lt's especially thrilling fo. an old guy like me to see and hear the 'younger set keeping iNtrumentah to the fore in a mainly vocal world. So endeth the first ROTSG. A geat day, with lots of var;ety, complete professionalisrq lots of atmospherq friendship and -- those schoon€rsll Unfofiurately, due to a prior booking, Kim's origital plan to have rhe "Godfather Ol Aust aliar Rock & Roll Gultar" Dave Bridge co'nplete the pedect "Instro Icon T.ifecta" didnl eventuate, which was the only disappoirfment for me. However, t have been assued that the man has faiihfirlly promised to perfotm at ROTSC2. It was g.eat to catch up with some old friends, and make some new ones. Apart from those nentione4 author Stephen Mc?arlan4 lan Hanis, Bryan Browne, Mark Lapin, Alex Palmer, Jacqui Bosanac.
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