1V10-AGIS nssi 41332 KY GREEN HAZEL H70 ACA) GREEN HAZEL SEPI ELCHANAN C A000209 REGRO 031 HAZE301 BCAO i1413?? introduction her 202, thaneverbefore in d high fidelity. So it may surprise you to learn how good Baxandall controls, though they're more the 202's AM section is. expensive than the simple attenuators most Sensitivity? 10 microvolts. Selectivity? 44 low-priced (and many high-priced) receivers dB. Image rejection? 40 dB. use,are a much better way of boosting or cut- Sounds more like FM than AM specifica- ting back bass and treble. tions, right? That's exactly what we had in mind. Besides bass and treble controls, the 202 Even on the 202, our lowest -priced AM / FM has an illuminated computer -type function stereo receiver, AM sounds almost as good as switch (AM, FM, phono, and two auxiliary func- FM mono. tions), a volume control, balance control, 100 watts is a lot of power for $249.95. speaker selector switch. And there's a loudness contour switch, FM muting switch, stereo/mono Technology has brought us a long way. We switch and a tape -monitor switch. can remember (and it wasn't so long ago) when In the back are jacks for almost every func- even the top receivers made didn't have as tion conceivable. much power as the new $249.95 Fisher 202. Power is important, not just to blast the The appearance. neighbors, but to drive today's watt -eating Some people think the new Fisher 202 is speakers at any volume level without strain. the most beautiful component Fisher has ever And it takes power to drive, not just one, produced, regardless of price. but two pairs of speakers (main and remote) at Now we're not casting aspersions on the concert levels. rest of the Fisher line, which has been widely 100 watts (or 25 watts per channel r m s ) imitated. is a lot of power. But the 202, with its black -out panel and Of course, power is useless without low lighted dial pointer, has a certain simplicity distortion. And the Fisher 202 has only 0.8% about it. (We think it's gorgeous, but perhaps harmonic distortion at rated output. That's we're biased.) clean! Technology defeats inflation. IM distortion is a low 1.2%. As prices rise, it's become more important And the power bandwidth includes every- for hi-fi companies to spend time and money on thing humans are capable of hearing: 25 to research. Because only research will provide 20,000 Hz. less expensive ways to achieve good sound in All of which merely proves that the 202's the home. power isusablepower. The Fisher 202 is the best example of this The controls. we know. This is an area in which Fisher has always excelled. Our receivers all include Baxandall tone controls, and the 202 is no exception. The Fisher CIRCLE NO. 26 ON READER SERVICE CARD Now, with the of the FE $249.95 buysmore the historyc In an inflationary economy, technological Years ago only the best tuners around had progress is the sole remaining antidote to ris- a sensitivity rating as low as the new Fisher's ing prices. 2.5 microvolts. (That's sensitive enough to pull Your dollar buys less meat, bread or coffee in those weak, distant signals, and make them than ever before-but more penicillin and more sound like strong, local stations.) airplane miles. Also, luckily for you, more high Only the most expensive equipment had a fidelity. selectivity figure as good as the new Fisher's We sincerely believe that the new Fisher 42 dB's. (It will pull in that weak, distant sta- 202 stereo receiver represents a particularly tion, even if it happens to be located right next significant milestone in this deflationary evolu- to a powerful, local station on the dial.) tion of technology. Never has so much high - It's not only important for a receiver to quality electronics been packed into such a bring in a weak station, adjacent to a strong complete package for so little money. The signal, it's also important to be able to reject a search for low-cost solid-state performance has weak signal when it turns up at the same point finally paid off in a big way. on the dial as a strong one. The figure that mea- sures this is capture ratio. And in the 202, it's The Fisher 202 has an incredibly good only 3 dB. (The lower the number, the better.) FM tuner section. Signal-to-noise ratio is 60 dB. Not many Modern technology has permitted tremen- receivers under $30C have a figure like that. dous improvements in FM reception, even in a (For all practical purposes, the figure, 60 dB, low-priced receiver like the Fisher 202. means that you can't hear any hum, noise, etc. omi mime= No on the tuner itself might generate.) Mail this coupon Now, a word about image rejection. for your free copy of Remember how in a lot of the old-fashioned The Fisher Handbook, 1970 edition. This reference guide equipment you heard the same station at sev- to hi-fi and stereo also eral different points on the FM dial? Well, the I includes detailed information Fisher 202 has eliminated that problem.(Image I on all Fisher components. rejection: 50 dB.) Fisher Radio I11-33 46th Avenue As for stereo separation, the 202's 35 dB Long Island City, N.Y. 11101 is about as good as it is possible to achieve on FM, no matter how much you pay. IName And to eliminate between -station noise IAddress while tuning, there's in FM muting switch. IICity State Zip 0200701 Now, for the AM section. IM ME 1.1 11111 NM Mi MI NMI For years, AM sections, even when they OVERSEAS AND CANADIAN RESIDENTS PLEASE WRITE TO FISHER RADIO INTERNATIONAL, LONG ISLAND CITY, N.Y. 11101. were part of expensive receivers, got short PRICES SLIGHTLY HIGHER IN THE FAR WEST. shrift. Vinyl -covered wood cabinet, $14.95. Fisher is pleased toannounce the revaluation of the dollar. THE FISNEll 'NON() *1 202 A1JA, 1 With two exceptions-the Mode Selector As a result the caliber of the 1219's performance which lowers the tonearm base for single play, and is very exclusive indeed. the arm's true gimbal suspension -you'll find a lot of Some of the 1219's features are highlighted features like the 1219's on one automatic turntable below. You should be able to make any comparisons or another. you like very easily. After all, every turntable has to rotate records, These and other features are described much and every tonearm has to track them more fully in our literature. It's yours for the asking, But all the features of the 1219 are quite together with complete reprints of test reports from different than those you'll find on any other independent laboratories. turntable. They're engineered to finer tolerances, United Audio Products, Inc., function with greater accuracy and do precisely 120 So. Columbus Ave., Mount Vernon, what they're supposed to do. New York, 10553 Dual Not all of these Dual 1219 featuresare exclusive. But thewaythey perform is. One-piece spindle rotates with Counterbalance with hundredth - platter; doesn't need record to gram click stops makes turn it. And the multiple -play adjustment easier. Foster too. spindle doesn't have to come out Tonearm centered and balanced Especially when interchanging when the records come off; saves within concentric rings of gimbal cartridges of different weights. wear and tear on the owner too. suspension. All four suspension points have identical low - friction bearings. Platter isn't just 12 inches wide and 7 pounds heavy. It's Stylus force is applied around dynamically balanced too. the pivot by a small fraction of a 83/4" tonearm is the longest of long coiled spring. Arm remains any automatic and its tracking balanced in every plone. error is the lowest. Motor provides high starting Unique Mode Selector provides torque plus synchronous speed 15° stylus tracking in both single - constancy. Drive system adds play and multiple -play modes. 6% pitch control. Anti -skating control is calibrated separately and differently for elliptical and conical styli. Naturally, since each type skates differently. Cue -control needs only light touch. Tonearm movement is damped in both direc- tions. And slow descent functions during all automotic starts as well. $175.00 CIRCLE NO. 12 ON READER SERVICE CARD STEREO REVIEW StereoFORMERLY MI FI/STEREO REVIEW eview AUGUST 1970 VOLUME 25 NUMBER 2 THE MUSIC THE BASIC REPERTOIRE Haydn's Symphony No. 88 MARTIN BOOKSPAN 49 INTRODUCING JOHN DENVER A gifted singer -songwriter of unaffected simplicity NOEL COPPAGE 60 STEREO REVIEW TALKS TO RENATA SCOTTO Continuing a series of interviews with recording artists WILLIAM LIVINGSTONE 70 WHAT LOUIS ARMSTRONG AND JAZZ ARE ALL ABOUT A birthday tribute to an influential artist HENRY PLEASANTS 98 WHALES CAN'T SING, SILLY! Is the humpback whale nature's newest "singing" sensation? PAUL KRESH 100 THE EQUIPMENT. NEW PRODUCTS A roundup of the latest high-fidelity equipment 18 AUDIO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Advice on readers' technical problems LARRY KLEIN 22 AUDIO BASICS The Ear }I.\ \ S H. FANTEI 26 EQUIPMENT TEST REPORTS Hirsch -Houck laboratory reports on the Marantz 22 'stereo FM receiver, the James B. Lansing SE 460 stereo power amplifier, the Astio«nn Marluxillodel407 tape deck, and the Perpetuum-Ebner PE 2038 and 2040 automatic turntables JULIAN D. HIRSCH 29 AUDIO TOKYO Akihabara-a paradise for the bargain -conscious stereophile TOBY SMITH 46 HOW HIRSCH-HOUCK LABORATORIES TESTS LOUDSPEAKERS Which factors are measured and how the data is interpreted JULIAN D.
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