April 10, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2357 year and kept from running an addic- As we mourn his passing today, we The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tion treatment program for veterans. remember the great impact Fritz Hol- objection, it is so ordered. It happens that Brandon’s only ‘‘mis- lings had both in the Senate and in his VENEZUELA take’’ was to point out poor treatment home State of South Carolina, where Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, last year of suicidal veterans. Eventually, after he served as Governor, as Lieutenant I made my first trip to Venezuela just a concerted effort by my office, Sen- Governor, as a member of the State 1 month before a Presidential election ator JOHNSON’s office, and the Office of legislature, and so forth. From 1966 to that by all accounts was about to be Special Counsel, Brandon was provided 2005, which was nearly four decades, he rigged by the incumbent, Maduro. His a new position within the VA’s Office also represented South Carolina in criminal regime was increasingly iso- of Accountability and Whistleblower Washington—right here in this body. lated by its neighbors in the world. Protection. That is how it should be Born and raised in Charleston, SC, The Venezuelan people are suffering done. Fritz Hollings was a distinguished horribly—malnutrition, hyperinflation, Without the protections established graduate of the Citadel and served as levels of disease seen only in war zones by the Whistleblower Protection Act, an Army artillery officer during World around the world. As a result, 3 million Brandon’s story might have turned out War II, for which he was awarded, Venezuelans have fled the country. very differently. Without these protec- among other things, the Bronze Star. Neighbors in Colombia and Ecuador For 36 years, Fritz Hollings served tions, who knows how many other in- showed and continue to show incredible alongside Strom Thurmond in the Sen- stances of waste, fraud, and abuse that compassion to the hundreds of thou- ate, whom the Presiding Officer will re- we have been able to find and repair sands of desperate Venezuelans who are member. He was the junior Senator of thanks to whistleblowers would be con- pouring across their borders. In fact, tinuing now unabated? his State for six terms, which made him the longest serving junior Senator my staff was just in Cucuta, Colombia, Now, make no mistake, we still have on the Venezuelan border, and my staff a ways to go to ensure that whistle- in the history of the Senate. Through- out his tenure, Fritz served as a senior saw firsthand the humanity and pa- blowers are valued as they should be tience of the Colombian people helping valued and supported as they should be member of the Appropriations Com- mittee, where I served with him. He their Venezuelan brothers and sisters supported. I still hear from far too showing up desperate for food and safe- many whistleblowers who have done was also the chairman of the Budget Committee and the chairman of the ty, all amid the stark cruelty of barri- the right thing only to experience re- caded bridges deliberately blocking aid taliation from their Agencies as a re- Commerce Committee. He was a skilled legislator and statesman. trucks. sult. I might just add parenthetically— We in Congress, including this Sen- In terms of influential policy, Fritz what a sharp contrast: the suffering in ator, shouldn’t be hearing those things made quite a mark. He was instru- Venezuela and the people in Colombia, at all. That is why continued oversight mental in the creation of the National their neighbors who are trying to help, by Congress is so very important. Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- and what we are doing on our southern Whistleblowers depend on us—you and tion, which we know as NOAA. When border when it comes to those who are me. All of our colleagues in this body he was chairman of the Commerce suffering in Honduras and El Salvador ought to be listening to them. We Committee, he also helped to enact and Guatemala. What a contrast. ought to be supporting them and hon- laws to alleviate childhood hunger and During my visit to Venezuela last oring them by following up on their to expand competition in telecommuni- year, I told Maduro that if he went concerns and taking action to fix seri- cations during the early stages of the ahead with his stolen election, he ous problems when they bring them to internet. He may have spent nearly 39 years in would find himself isolated in the eyes our attention. I thank the whistleblowers who the Senate, but his time in Washington of the world, and the Venezuelan peo- worked with my office over the years. was not all that made up his career. ple would suffer even greater hardship. Fritz Hollings served three terms in They are truly patriots willing to put I told him that in Washington both po- the South Carolina House of Represent- their job on the line, willing to put litical parties don’t agree on much, but atives. He won his first election in 1948 their profession on the line. We have they do on Venezuela. at the age of 26. He went on to serve as Tragically, he ignored me and pro- come a long way since the Whistle- South Carolina’s Lieutenant Governor blower Protection Act first passed in ceeded with this discredited election. and then as its Governor at the age of As a result, when the region’s gov- 1989. We owe it to them to build on the 36. In 1984, while he was a sitting Sen- progress we made and to continue to ernments on both the left and the right ator here, he ran for President of the decided to recognize the Venezuelan improve upon our whistleblower laws United States. He was a true public for years to come. National Assembly President Juan servant. He devoted his entire life to Guaido as the country’s interim Presi- You can rest assured that I will be the betterment of his country, to his part of those ongoing efforts on this dent, as provided for under the coun- State, and to his people. try’s Constitution, I promptly agreed. important anniversary of the Whistle- As we honor his lasting impact and blower Protection Act. I encourage my In fact, I called Guaido immediately, achievements throughout his career, spoke to him personally, and came to colleagues to reflect on the important we are reminded that Fritz was what role whistleblowers play in our govern- the floor of the Senate to offer my sup- we would call a southern gentleman. port for his ascendency as the leader of ment and to renew their commitment With a distinguished Charlestonian to the same. Venezuela. southern drawl and a quick wit, Fritz I had met him in Caracas last year at I yield the floor. was courteous and well mannered. He a dinner that was kind of a secret din- I suggest the absence of a quorum. built his seniority with patience and ner since he was in the opposition, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The respect. clerk will call the roll. I am grateful for his friendship and I remember at that dinner that five The legislative clerk proceeded to camaraderie over the last 40 years. An- members of the National Assembly call the roll. nette and I join his family as we mourn said: If you come back here in 2019 and Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I ask his passing and celebrate his life and look for the five of us, two of us will be unanimous consent that the order for the legacy he leaves behind in the U.S. exiled, two will be in prison, and one the quorum call be rescinded. Senate. will disappear. That is what happened The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without I yield the floor. in Venezuela. objection, it is so ordered. I suggest the absence of a quorum. The courage they showed at that REMEMBERING FRITZ HOLLINGS The PRESIDING OFFICER. The meeting and afterward should not be Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I rise clerk will call the roll. ignored by the American people. this afternoon in honor of my good The legislative clerk proceeded to As President Trump made his case friend from South Carolina, the late call the roll. that the world needed to act in Ven- Senator Fritz Hollings, who spent Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask ezuela, in part because of the horrible many, many years right here in this unanimous consent that the order for situation and danger the Venezuelan Chamber. the quorum call be rescinded. people found themselves in, I joined in VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:31 Apr 11, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10AP6.017 S10APPT1.
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