January 19, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S57 The principal contractor will be Northrop 10. A determination has been made that Twenty-two (22) T700–GE 701D Engines. Grumman, Rolling Meadows, IL. There are Egypt can provide substantially the same de- Thirty-six (36) Remanufactured T700–GE no known offset agreements proposed in con- gree of protection for the sensitive tech- 701D Engines. nection with this potential sale. nology being released as the U.S. Govern- Twenty-seven (27) AN/AAR–57 Counter Mis- Implementation of this proposed sale will ment. This sale is necessary in furtherance sile Warning Systems (CMWS). require the assignment of one U.S. con- of the U.S. foreign policy and national secu- Eighteen (18) Embedded Global Position tractor representative in an advisory role to rity objective outlined in the Policy Jus- Systems with Inertial Navigation (EGI) with Egypt for one base year with two option tification. Multi-Mode Receiver (MMR). years to support operator/maintenance sys- 11. All defense articles and service listed in Thirty-six (36) Remanufactured EGIs with tem orientation and original equipment this transmittal have been authorized for re- MMR. manufacturer factory support. lease and export to Egypt. Eight (8) AN/ASQ–170(V) Modernized Tar- There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- get Acquisition and Designation Sight/AN/ fense readiness as a result of this proposed f AAQ–11 Pilot Night Vision Sensor (MTADS/ sale. ARMS SALES NOTIFICATION PNVS). TRANSMITTAL NO. 20–55 Seventeen (17) AN/APG–78 Longbow Fire Mr. RISCH. Madam President, sec- Control Radars (FCR) with Radar Elec- Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of tion 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Offer, Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the tronics Units (REU). Seventeen (17) APR–48B Modernized Radar Arms Export Control Act Act requires that Congress receive Frequency Interferometers (M-RFI). Annex Item No. vii prior notification of certain proposed arms sales as defined by that statute. Eighteen (l8) M299 AGM–114 Hellfire Mis- (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: sile Launchers. 1. The AN/AAQ–24(V)N LAIRCM system is Upon such notification, the Congress Four (4) Remanufactured Hydra 70 (70mm) a self-contained, directed-energy counter- has 30 calendar days during which the 2.75 Inch Rocket M260 Rocket Launchers. measures system designed to protect aircraft sale may be reviewed. The provision Nine (9) M230El 30mm Chain Gun Ml39 Area from infrared-guided surface-to-air missiles. stipulates that, in the Senate, the noti- Weapons System (AWS) Guns. The LAIRCM system features digital tech- fication of proposed sales shall be sent Two (2) Remanufactured M230E1 30mm nology micro-miniature solid-state elec- to the chairman of the Senate Foreign Chain Gun M139 AWS Guns. tronics. The system operates in all condi- One (1) Longbow Crew Trainers (LCT). tions, detecting incoming missiles and jam- Relations Committee. One (1) Remanufactured LCT. ming infrared-seeker equipped missiles with In keeping with the committee’s in- Non-MDE: Also included are fifty-four (54) aimed bursts of laser energy. The LAIRCM tention to see that relevant informa- AN/ARC–201 non-COMSEC Very-High Fre- system consists of the Guardian Laser tion is available to the full Senate, I quency/Frequency Modulation (VHF/FM) Ra- Transmitter Assembly (GLTA), LAIRCM ask unanimous consent to have printed dios; fifty-four (54) Ultra-High Frequency System Processor Replacement (LSPR), in the RECORD the notifications which (UHF) Radios (AN/ARC 231 or MXF 4027); multiple Missile Warning Sensors, the Con- have been received. If the cover letter twenty-eight (28) Identify Friend or Foe trol Interface Unit Replacement (CIUR), and references a classified annex, then such Transponders (APX 123 or APX 119); twenty- the Classified Memory Card User Data Mod- seven (27) IDM 401 (Improved Data Modem); ule. The AN/PYQ–10 Simple Key Loader is annex is available to all Senators in twenty-seven (27) Link 16 Datalinks; twenty- also a necessary device. the Office of the Foreign Relations seven (27) AN/APR–39D (V)2 Radar Warning 2. The Guardian Laser Transmitter Assem- Committee, room SD 423. Receivers; twenty-seven (27) AN/AVR–2 Laser bly (GLTA) is a laser transmitter pointer/ There being no objection, the mate- Warning Receivers; twenty-seven (27) Infra- tracker subsystem designed to track the in- rial was ordered to be printed in the red Countermeasures Dispensers (2 flares, 1 bound threat missile and point the laser jam RECORD as follows: chaff); nine (9) ASN–157 Doppler Radar Veloc- source at the missile’s seeker. The GLTA ity Sensors; nine (9) AN/ARN–149 (V)3 Auto- DEFENSE SECURITY automatically deploys the countermeasure. matic Direction Finders (ADF); sixteen (16) COOPERATION AGENCY, 3. The LAIRCM System Processor Replace- remanufactured AN/ARN–149 (V)3 ADFs; nine Arlington, VA. ment (LSPR) analyzes the data from each (9) AN/APN–209 Radar Altimeters; twenty- Hon. JAMES E. RISCH, Missile Warning Senor and automatically de- seven (27) AN/ARN–153 Tactical Airborne Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, ploys the appropriate countermeasure via Navigation (TACAN) systems; sixteen (16) U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. the GLTA. The LSPR contains Built-in-Test Manned-Unmanned Teaming International DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- (BIT) circuitry. (MUM-Ti) (UPR) Air to Air to Ground Data porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of 4. The AN/PYQ–10 Simple Key Loader is a Link Systems; twenty-four (24) MUM-Ti the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, portable, hand-held device used for securely (Ground) Air to Air to Ground Data Link we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. receiving, storing, and transferring data be- Systems; twenty-four (24) 100 gallon Internal 20–19 concerning the Army’s proposed Let- tween compatible cryptographic and commu- Auxiliary Fuel Systems (IAFS); twenty-four ter(s) of Offer and Acceptance to the Govern- nications equipment. (24) 125 gallon Reduced Capacity Crash- ment of Kuwait for defense articles and serv- 5. The missile Warning Sensors detect and worthy External Fuel Systems (RCEFS); two ices estimated to cost $4.0 billion. After this declare threat missiles. The sensors are (2) IAFS Spares; two (2) IAFS Publications; letter is delivered to your office, we plan to mounted on the aircraft exterior to provide six (6) IAFS Ground Support Equipment issue, a news release to notify the public of omni-directional protection. The sensors de- (GSE) Apache Magazine and Auxiliary Tank this proposed sale. tect the rocket plume of missiles and send Transfer Systems (AMATTS); five (5) IDM Sincerely, appropriate data signals to the LSPR for Software Loader Verifiers (SLV); training HEIDI H. GRANT, processing. devices; helmets; simulators; generators; 6. The Control Interface Unit Replacement Director. transportation; wheeled vehicles and organi- (CIUR) displays the incoming threat for the Enclosures. zational equipment; spare and repair parts; pilot to take appropriate action. The CIUR TRANSMITTAL NO. 20–19 support equipment; tools and test equip- also provides operator interface to program Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of ment; technical data and publications; per- the LAIRCM system to initiate built-in-test Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the sonnel training and training equipment; U.S. (BIT), to display system status, and to pro- Arms Export Control Act, as amended government and contractor engineering, vide the crew with bearing to threat missile technical, and logistics support services; and launch. (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of 7. The Classified Memory Card User Data Kuwait. other related elements of logistics support. (iv) Military Department: Army (KU–B– Module contains the laser jam codes. The (ii) Total Estimated Value: UXF). Classified Memory Card User Data Module is Major Defense Equipment* $2.0 billion. (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: KU–B–UKS. loaded into the LSPR prior to flight; when Other $2.0 billion. Total $4.0 billion. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Of- not in use, the Classified Memory Card User fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. Data Module is removed from the LSPR and (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- tities of Articles or Services under Consider- (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained put in secure storage. in the Defense Article or Defense Services 8. The highest level of classification of in- ation for Purchase: The Government of Ku- wait has requested to buy eight (8) AH–64E Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex. formation included in this potential sale is (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: Apache Longbow Attack Helicopters and re- SECRET. December 28, 2020. 9. If a technologically advanced adversary manufacture sixteen (16) of their AH–64D * As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms were to obtain knowledge of the specific Apache Longbow Attack Helicopters to the Export Control Act. hardware and software elements, the infor- AH–64E configuration. mation could be used to develop counter- Major Defense Equipment (MDE): POLICY JUSTIFICATION measures that might reduce weapon system Eight (8) AH–64E Apache Helicopters (new Kuwait—AH–64E Apache Helicopter effectiveness or be used in the development procurement). The Government of Kuwait has requested of a system with similar or advanced capa- Sixteen (l6) AH–64E Apache Helicopters to buy eight (8) AH–64EApache Longbow At- bilities. (remanufacture). tack Helicopters and remanufacture sixteen VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:35 Jan 20, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19JA6.025 S19JAPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S58 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 19, 2021 (16) of their AH–64D Apache Longbow Attack The proposed sale of this equipment and tical Digital Information Link-Joint Helicopters to the AH–64E configuration con- support will not alter the basic military bal- (TADIL–J).
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