Physica A 314 (2002) 1–14 www.elsevier.com/locate/physa The physical modelling ofsociety: a historical perspective Philip Ball Nature, 4-6 Crinan St, London N1 9XW, UK Abstract By seeking to uncover the rules ofcollective human activities, today’s statistical physicists are aiming to return to their roots. Statistics originated in the study ofsocial numbers in the 17th century, and the discovery ofstatistical invariants in data on births and deaths, crimes and marriages led some scientists and philosophers to conclude that society was governed by immutable “natural” laws beyond the reach ofgovernments, ofwhich the Gaussian “error curve” became regarded as the leitmotif. While statistics .ourished as a mathematical tool of all the sciences in the 19th century, it provoked passionate responses from philosophers, novelists and social commentators. Social statistics also guided Maxwell and Boltzmann towards the utilization ofprobability distributions in the development ofthe kinetic theory ofgases, the foundationof statistical mechanics. c 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Statistics; History ofphysics; Statistical mechanics; Social science; Gaussian 1. Introduction The introduction ofprobability into the fundamentalnature ofthe quantum world by Bohr, Born and Schr8odinger in the 1920s famously scandalized some scholars ofscience’s philosophical foundations.But arguments about chance, probability and determinism were no less heated in the mid-19th century, when statistical ideas entered classical physics. James Clerk Maxwell (1878) let probabilistic physics bring him to the verge of mysticism: “it is the peculiar function of physical science to lead us to the conÿnes of the incomprehensible, and to bid us behold and receive it in faith, till such time as the E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Ball). 0378-4371/02/$ - see front matter c 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0378-4371(02)01042-7 2 P.Ball / Physica A 314 (2002) 1–14 mystery shall open” [1]. Few scientiÿc issues besides Darwinism (itselfmade statistical by Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton) attracted such debate in the salons, parlours and periodicals ofthe 19th century. Yet it was not physicists who began this debate, but social scientists. They found that chance and randomness in the world of people and politics, far from banish- ing predictability and making social science oxymoronic, seemed to have laws of their own. This appeared to challenge the notion of free will itself—to widespread dismay. Contemporary eGorts to apply the concepts and methods ofstatistical physics to social phenomena ranging from economics to traHc .ow, pedestrian motion, decision making, voting and contact networks are therefore essentially completing a circle whose trajectory commenced centuries previously. Work on social statistics in the 19th century had a direct in.uence on the founders of statistical physics, who found within it the conÿdence to abandon a strict Newtonian determinism and instead to trust to a “law oflarge numbers” in dealing with innumerable particles whose individual behaviours were wholly inscrutable. 2. Why are we so predictable? Modern physics-based models ofsocial, economic and political behaviour invoke ide- alizations ofhuman behaviour that might make sociologists blanch. In economics there is, ofcourse, a long history ofmaking mathematical models tractable by gross simpli- ÿcation ofhuman tendencies, leading to the notorious omniscient rational maximizers known as Homo economicus. But sociology, while aspiring to become a recognizably scientiÿc discipline, has been loath to abandon a more complex psychological picture ofthe individual, embedded in a cultural matrix in which behaviour is governed by many diverse in.uences: custom, religion, economic circumstances, peer pressures and so forth. Evolutionary biologists and sociobiologists such as E.O. Wilson are now call- ing for behavioural models to be grounded in evolutionary models that assume a strong genetic basis for modes of behaviour [2]. At face value, there might seem to be little room left for statistical physics to make a realistic contribution. But ifthere is one message that emerges clearly fromthis discipline, it is that sometimes the details do not matter. That, in a nutshell, is what is meant by universality. It does not matter that the Ising model is a ridiculously crude description ofa real .uid; they both have the same behaviour at the critical point because in that circumstance only the broad-brush features of the system, such as the dimensionality and range ofparticle interactions, determine the behaviour. This is a way ofsaying that collective behaviour tends to be robust, and shared by many apparently diGerent systems. In systems ofcomponents that have a tendency both to attract and to repel—to come together or to stay apart—phase transitions are ubiquitous. Models ofcrime and marriage in which individuals are assumed to gather into certain “camps” according to certain interaction rules [3–5] show classic examples ofboth ÿrst-order and critical phase transitions (Fig. 1). A model ofalliance formation preceding the Second World War [6] displays a spinodal point at which a metastable P.Ball / Physica A 314 (2002) 1–14 3 Proportion of population married Strength of social attitu e entiv Criminal percentage of population ied des Economic inc (a)Severity of criminal justice system (b) to stay marr Fig. 1. (a) First-order phase transition between states ofhigh- and low-crime rate as a functionofthe severity ofthe criminal justice system. (b) The relation between marriage rates, economic incentives and social pressures. The analogy with the P–V –T surface of a .uid is clear. Both ÿgures are derived from the models in Refs. [4,5]. “energy minimum” vanishes. Europe apparently passed through such a point some time between 1937 and 1938, after which the partitioning of nations into Allied and Axis powers became inevitable. Before this time, an alternative partitioning in which most states allied against the Soviet Union appears also possible, although less likely than that ofthe eventual historical outcome. Given the ubiquity ofphase transitions in physical science, we can hardly be sur- prised that they may become manifest in social science. Yet evolutionary biological models ofsocial science failto anticipate such collective behaviour because they ig- nore the nonlinearities that interactions can produce. On the whole, such evolutionary models assume that mass human behaviour is a straightforward extrapolation of that of individuals. In this distinction lies the essence ofwhat statistical physics has to oGer social science. The political scientist Michael Lind has recently expressed this in an elegant manner: A friend of mine who raises dogs tells me that you cannot understand them unless you have halfa dozen or more. The behaviour ofdogs, when assembled in suHcient numbers, undergoes an astonishing change. They instinctively form a disciplined pack. Traditional political philosophers have been in the position of students ofcanine behaviour who have observed only individual pet dogs [7]. The jettisoning ofa great deal ofpsychological subtlety in physics-based models need not be seen as a na8Qve step that ignores human complexity. Rather, it may simply re.ect the fact that in many social situations our choices are extremely limited. The psychology of vehicle drivers is no doubt a fertile topic for exploration, but it does not alter the fact that most drivers end up trying to drive on the correct side of the road at a comfortable speed while avoiding collisions. In many social situations it is not a bad approximation to assume that we will tend to do what other people are doing. We make our choices for all sorts of reasons that might be subconsciously motivated statements about how we like to see ourselves—but in the end we have to face the simple decision: PC or Mac? 4 P.Ball / Physica A 314 (2002) 1–14 3. The collective Leviathan Physics-based social modelling is often perceived as a new idea, but in fact it pre- dates Newton. In some sense a mechanistic view ofthe world began with the Clas- sical Greek philosophers. It becomes contiguous with modern science from the early 17th century: the time ofDescartes, Pierre Gassendi, Francis Bacon and Galileo. The Cartesian mechanistic philosophy can be encapsulated in two principles: all phenomena can be understood on the basis ofparticles ofmatter in motion, and these motions can be changed only by direct interaction with other particles [8]. Galileo and Newton un- covered the laws that dictated these motions, although ofcourse Newton’s mechanics are not exactly Cartesian. Applied to living creatures, the mechanistic philosophy looks crude today. But the devices used as analogies for the human body in the 17th century—clocks, pumps, water mills and so forth—were the height of technology in their time. It was no greater insult to Nature for Descartes to say that the body is “a machine made by the hands ofGod” than it is to regard the human brain now as a fantasticallycomplex computer. The ÿrst person to try to deduce what the mechanical model ofthe universe meant for human society was the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) (Fig. 2). Fig. 2. Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679). P.Ball / Physica A 314 (2002) 1–14 5 In the 1630s Hobbes became a part ofthe group ofFrench mechanical empiricists centred around Marin Mersenne, and he travelled to Italy to meet Galileo. During the 1640s he set out to construct a political theory based on Galileo’s precept that, as Hobbes saw it, all bodies seek to remain in motion. The result was ÿrst De Cive, published in 1642, and then his major work Leviathan, which appeared shortly after the English Civil War in 1651. Leviathan seeks to explain how people can escape the anarchic “State ofNature” in which each person exploits their neighbours and life is “solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short”. Hobbes’s answer is that all people must elect a ruler and then relinquish to him all power: basically to create a dictatorship by democratic election.
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