THE GLENGARRY NEWS VOL. XLII—No. 30 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., Friday, July 20th, 1934. $2.00 A YEAN High School Entrance Results Estimable Resident S.D. i C. Righlanders lo Islanders Row To Tocals East Tribute Paid Tield Day and Seed Passes M St. Raphaels IrainAIRarrietielii in August In TxRMIon Came To Chrislopher AlcOanell Grain Demnnstralion County of Glengarry On Monday, July 9th, 1934, there We are indebted to the Officer Com- Close to 1500 enthusiastic fans crowd- The funeral of the late Christopher Since the I3th of July a series of passed away at the 'home of hU son, manding the 154th Stormont, Dundas ed the stands at Chisholm Park, last McDonell took place from the old home- Field Days and Seed Grain Demonstra- Mr. Rod. McDoanld, St. Raphaels, a and Glengarry Highlanders, Lt., Col. Saiturdab' night and cheered tlieir fav- stead, 10-5th Lancaster, on July lOtl, tions have been operated undér the aus- NORTH LANCASTER CENTRE Tlie following results for the High pioneer resident of that place, in the W. J. Franklin for an advance copy orites on to an exciting 10—9 victory to St. Margaret’s Church and cemetery, pices of the Ontario Crop Improvement Bourgon, Dora; Baker, Mary; Bath- School Biiitrance Examinations in person of Mr. Roderick B. McDonald. covering the proposed prograjnme of over Cornwall Island Indians. The Glen Nevis. T'he lairge cortege of cars Committee and it is most gratifying to urst, Marguerite (Honours); Oholette, Glengarry County have been issued by The deceased who was a great-grancl training this crack regiment will under- night;,-though a little 'warm for th^' and carriages was evidence locfl' the be told that without execution they are. Lucille * Cadieux, Laura; Jardin, Alex -the Publie School Inspector’e Office. nephew, of the late Rev. Roderick Mac- go at Ba'ftrifield Camp, Kingston, the players, was ideal for the spectators high esteem in which he was held, attracting many spectators and others ander, (Honours); Lefebv-re, Marie; The highest marks in the County were Donald, pioneer Missionary Priest, of several companies leaving their respec- V.lio saw twQ fighting teams struggle ^ass was celebrated by Rt. Rev. Msgr. primarily interested. McDonald, Margaret Catherine; Mac- Obtained by Mary MacLeod of .Alex- St. Regis, and fi'i'st Priest of the Dio- tive headquarters on the morning of for sixtivi minutes with each alternat- D. R. Macdonald and in the sanctuary It was our pleasure in last issue of andria Public School. The medai award- Donald, Huntly; Macdonell, Norma August 5th Au(j returning liome a week ing in taking the lead until the last were Rev. Fathers Ranald Macdonald, this paper to make special reference (Honours) ; MacDonald, Anna Louise • cese of Kingston, was ^the last sur* ed by Inspector Edwards to the public vivor of a family of seven. later. period when -Alexandria secured a 4 D. A. Campbell, Corbett McRae, C. F. to the Glengarry Field Day, slated McDonald, Walter; McDonald, Alexan- •■echool student secufring the highest The late Mr. McDonald was born in A .perusal of same gives evidence goal advantage which was just too big Gauthier, Jas Wylie and Ronald J. for Monday, July I6th, on the farm of der W.; McLeod, Allan; Maheu, Flori- standing in the County on the High | Cumberland, county Prescott, on May of time and thought having been de- for their opponents to overcome. The Macdonald. The pallbearers were Dr. D. R McCormick, Lome, and in doing School Entrance examinations goes to da; Major, Graziella; Maville, Mar- ISfhi, 1846. Early in life he leaimed the voted to its preparation and when ■we game was more or less a personal tri- Archie L. Macdonald, John A. Mac so to enlarge thereon, that readers in- garet- O^Brien, Monica (Honours), this pupil who had a total of, 673 note that but one day -will be devoted umph for the Dalbec brothers, Jock donald, Aircihie J. McDonell, Alex J terested might book the engagement Bozon, Victorin; Seguin, Jeannette. blacksmith trade and some fiftly years marks. ago established himself at St. Ra- to squad, platoon and company drill and Rose who 'with the help of their team McRae, James A. Macdonald, and and be present. Coming as it did at a ALEXANDEIA GRANTED CERTIFICATE UNDER phaels. wo can appreciate the excellent pre- maites succeeded in counting 7 of oua* 10 Arch’d J. Macdonald. busy season, haying being at its heig*ht, Brunet, Alexina; Chisholm, Alex. J. j REGULATION 11 (5) The deceased enjoyed good .health liminary braining that was carried OR goals. Jock tallied four and assisted in Floral offerings were received from the writer found that while the attend- .•Currier, Janet; Dore, Mary Florence; until a few weeks before his déath and at company h.adquarters, that -will per- two others while Bose got 3 with 1 as- Zeller’s Ltd., Misses Ruth and Evelyn ance ivas noit overly large, it was very Dumouchel, Laurier; Hambleton, James McLeod, Archibald. ^ his peaceful passing caused profound mit the regiment proceeding with ad- sist, the three remaining local counters representative and from the close at- A.; Hurtubise, Balj'mond; Joannette, McLeod Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. LANCASTER CENTRE regret to a loving family and a wide vanced training covering company in being registered by Marotte, W. Mac- tention throughout, t/lie series of ques- ■Sylva; Kennedy, Douglas; Lalonde, McDermid, Glen Boy; Mr. and Mrs. Caron, Ignatius; Deriry, Gerald; He- circle of friends. This was fittinglv attack and defence, muSiketry, Lewis donell ajid P. Pilon, the latter also help- tions put to the apealkers and the hearty Hector j Lalonde, Paul E.; Legault, Allan E. McDonell, Williamstown; and bert, Laurette (Honours) Hebert, Ro- s'hown by the la^e number of Mass, Gun instruction, etc. ing on two, 'endorsation of the scheme, Monday’s Fernande, Legroulx, Lawrence (Hon Mr. and Mrs. Archie J. McDonell, land; Hogsden, Allan; Kennedy, Irene: spiritual and floral offerings received Fridaÿ.% August lOth in the forenoon, Alt-hougli the game was only an ex- attraction will expand and increase in •ours); MacCrmmon, Noirman; Mac- Bridge End. Lapierre, Clementina • Laskauskis, Ste- as well as telegrams and kind letters the Highlanders will be inspected by hibition one with the result having no popularity in succeeding jiears. •Cuaig, *Cassie (Honours) ; MacDonald, Telegrams were received from Dan phen (Honours); Leger, Dorila; Mac- of sympathy. the District Officer Commanding and bearing on the league standing botli This Seed Grain Demonstration was Evangeline; MiacDonell, Barbaraj Mae- J. and Alex. M-cDonell of Duluth, Donald, Lloyd; MacGUlis, Gr.a.ce; Mac- the afternoon will be devoted to tacti- teams were out to win and fought de- conducted by the local office of the Donell, John Leo; MacKinnon, Cam- H-e leaves to mourn his loss six sons,. Minn.; Mrs. Ira A. Beddow, Mt. Plea- Bae, Milton; McGregor, Beilyl; McKie, cal exercise. Saturday morning they terminedly to come out on top. The. Department of Agriculture and. the Seed eron* MacKinnon, Hug^ Allan; Mac- Rod. and Angus, St. Raphaels; John A., sant, Mich.; Archie McDonald, Sag* Ruth* McLaren, Mildired (Honours): will enter the Canadian Infantry Asso- visitors numbered only 10 men but Branch, Otfpwa, with the co-operation Kinnon, Marjorie; MacLeod, Mary Ef- Banff, Alta.; Alex, L., Winnipeg, inaw, Mich.; Members of Dougal Mc- Wair, Mabel E. (Honours); Morrison, ciation Competition and th-é afternoon those were the pick of their squad and of the local Junior Farmers. fie (Honours) ; Mona E. MacLeod James R., Redvers, Sask., and Fred J., Donell family, Edward and Lawrence Ross; Pipi^y, Thomas ; Pippy, William will be given up to aports. the absence of 3 seemed to make lit (Honours) ; MacMillan, Bachelmary of Edmonton, Alta. O’Brien, of Sudbuiry. Cards of sympa- Samples of wheat, oats and barley, G.; Samson, Leonide; Whyte, Fran- Offeers, N.C.O.’s and men are look- tic- difference in their playing. mostly shown at the last seed fair, (Honours); MaePheOy Norma (Hon- The funeral which was^ largely at ing forward.with keen anticipation to The goal^coring was erratic with thy firom Rev. C. F. Gauthier, Apple ces. tended took place on Wednesday morn- lure, were used to seed the plots and ours); McBain, Annie; McDonald, their six day outing at Barriefield each team seeming to take its turn at Hill; Rev. Sr. M. Jerome, Madoc; Mr. ing ,11th inst., to St. Raphaels Church, the laying out of plots, and subsequ- Agatha; MdDwnald, Cameron; McDon- GRANTED CERTIFICATE UNDER Camp and are prepared to put in strenu- registering a few. The visitors got the and Mrs. James Helps, M» and -Mr.s. w'here Requiem Mass was celebrated by ent sowing was done under the super- ald, Eileen Cecilia • McDonald, Flor- REGULATION U (5) ^ ous work to gain the trequired efficien first two in the opening frame, the Arnold FowLr Mrs. Broad'ont of the pastor, Rev. D. A. Campbell. Pre- Detroit J Mr. ar.r. f rs. T. >S. Chapman visdon of the Department, two rows ence; McDonald, Mary Catherine; Me cy that will win for thm the approval Alexs. completing the scoring in this Fournier, Mathias P.; McBean, Wil sent in the sanctuary were Revs. A. L. and family, Mrs. Edith Macdonald. were alloftted to each contestant. Pro- Donald, Stuart; McDouell, Evelyn; Me of the Commandant and staff of M.D. period b^■ running in three in a trow. Donell, Mary Margaret (Honours) Mc- liam A. * Sauve, Vienna. MacDonald, Williamstown; C. F. Gau- Misses Teresa Kennedy, D-o'-ircs Mc- vidence contributed such growing wea- N 0. 3 Kingston as well as that of their Islanders blanked the locals in the se- Gregor, Boy (Honours) McKinnon.
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