ISTORY OF THE GRAND NEST Honorable Order of the Blue Goose, International 2012– 2013 107th GRAND NEST CONVENTION Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac Quebec City. Quebec, Canada July 9-12. 2013 MLGG Guy Charron Prepared by PMLGG John C. Bishop What’s Inside 1. Grand Nest Executive P 3 2. Convention Report P 4-10 3. Rush for Goslings P 10 4. Grand Nest Committees P 10 5. Grand Nest Officers 2012-2013 P 11 6. PMLGG`s and Spouse P 12 7. MLGG Report P 13-14 8. Newly Elected MLGG Speech P 15-16 9. GKGGE Acceptance Speech P 17 10. GKGGE Biography P 18 11. Judge Advocate Report P 19 12. Report on MLGG Term p 20 13. Quebec Pond History P 21-23 14. A bit about Quebec City P 23 15. Statistically Speaking and Award Winners P 24 16. Photo Gallery P 25 & 28 2 Honourable Order of the Blue Goose, international Grand Nest Executive 2012-2013 MLGG Guy Charron Grand Keeper Grand Supervisor Linda Meik John Paris Grand Custodian Grand Wielder Bill Olson Terrance M. Maloney Judge Advocate Grand Guardian Robert Tayloe Ross Randy Wilson Grand Nest Historian Jerry Hale 3 Blue Goose Holds 107th Grand Nest Convention in Quebec City, Quebec July 9-12, 2013, Fairmont Le Chateau Frontenac 185 Ganders, spouses and guests, Our group was set up outside un- Our speaker was Le Chateau including 10 children from der a tent, and everything was Frontenac’s Stephane Cote across the US and Canada jour- just perfect. We had a choice of who congratulated Blue neyed to Quebec City to attend duck, pork, salmon or tilapia for Goose on its longevity and the 107th Blue Goose Grand our entrees, and the dinners were welcomed us. Nest Convention from July 9-12, cooked to order on outdoor grills. 2013. The convention has held at Music and dancing followed din- Grand Custodian Bill Olson, the spectacular Fairmont Le Cha- ner, and it was a great way to dressed as Francis Scott Key, teau Frontenac in the heart of old catch up with old friends and gave us a history behind the Quebec-within easy walking dis- start the convention. Canadian flag and national tance of hundreds of shops, res- anthem. He took some histori- taurants, and attractions. cal liberties as he stretched Wednesday July 10,2013 the truth by weaving in some Tuesday July 9, 2013 little known Blue Goose con- nections along the way. After a full breakfast, the 107th The Convention kicked off with Grand Nest Meeting was opened MLGG Charron introduced a short walk down Rue Saint- by MLGG Guy Charron as he the Quebec Convention Com- Louis for a spectacular Welcome introduced the head table, Grand mittee and Grand Wielder Party at the Quebec Garrison Nest officers, Convention Chair Terry Maloney welcomed us Club. Jacque Cuierrier, the Grand Nest (en francaise) and congratu- wives, and the Honourable Or- lated the Quebec Pond on its The Garrison Club was estab- der’s PMLGGs. 100th anniversary. lished by the Canadian militia officers back in 1879. It’s a pri- A marching band named “Les Grand Nest Historian Jerry vate club for meetings and get- Eclairs de Quebec” showed great Hale pointed out an omission togethers of military and social showmanship as they entered the in the introduction of the groups. The military origins of room playing the theme from Grand Nest Officers and the Club are represented on its Rocky, before presiding over the called up Bob Partridge and grounds by pyramids of cannon presentation of the colors and the Kevin Brady of the Hartford balls and an old cannon. U.S. and Canadian anthems. Pond to receive their Grand They exited the room playing Nest Bartender symbols of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” office. The invocation was given by Fr. The Convention’s Memorial Denis Belanger of the Notre Service was conducted by Dame de Quebec Parish. He fol- Lorena Kohlruss, Lynne Faw- lowed with a talk on the spiritual cett, and Isabel McNab of the history of Quebec and told us that Alberta Pond. As piano music the parish was celebrating its softly played in the back- 350th anniversary. We all recited ground, the name of each a prayer together signifying spiri- (Continued on page 5) tual growth. 4 (Continued from page 4) next. Gretzky, perhaps the greatest Pond was shown on a screen, and players of his generation. Finn then announced, as members of The Ontario Pond marched in spoke eloquently on the nature that Pond stood in unison. If a Pond dressed in their 1970’s finest. We of superstardom (magnetism lost a member during the year, the saw a nod to Billy Preston’s tower- and humility) and challenged us name was displayed on a screen ing Afro, to John Travolta’s Satur- to realize that “all of you repre- with a blue sky, white clouds, and day Night Fever white suit, and all sent Wayne Gretzky to some- images of geese in flight. manner of paisleys, sparkles, plat- body.” form shoes, miniskirts, and bell bot- Three PMLGGs were eulogized. toms. There was even a disco ball. After the Luncheon, the re- PMLGG George Harwood eulo- Musical breaks during the ritual gional meetings were held be- gized PMLGG Cliff Needham included songs by KC and the Sun- tween 2:30 and 3:30, followed (1994) as “an ambassador of the shine Band, Sister Sledge, and Kool by several Grand Nest Special Order in word and deed.” Grand and the Gang. Twelve “super cool” Committee Meetings between Custodian Bill Olson eulogized goslings were initiated as they 3:30 and 4:30. PMLGG Dave White (1985) who changed from “jive turkeys” to The evening’s Family Night incurred a significant personal debt Blue Goose. Dinner was held at Espace to fund the convention during his 400e, and the venue was terri- MLGG year. The National Capital fic. It’s a multi-level facility, Pond started an annual golf outing with a large upper dining area, to repay that expense. Penn Pond a lower section that acted as a MLG Frank Marx eulogized bar and place for gaming tables, MLGG Joseph W. Knowlan a large area under a canopy, (1971), who at the time of his pass- and a perimeter deck area that ing was the Order’s oldest living gave you a gorgeous view of PMLGG. the harbour and the 10:00 PM laser/multimedia show that was The Memorial Service closed with projected on the side of the the singing of the Blue Goose hymn and a screen of remembrance with alternating poetic verses of The All Industry Luncheon featured French and English as geese flew a charismatic address by ex NHLer, off into the horizon. business consultant and motiva- tional speaker Steven Finn. He The Ontario Pond conducted a played 12 seasons in the National “1970’s discotheque” themed Hockey League (most of them as a building. George V Catering Model Initiation ceremony that was Captain or Assistant Captain) with provided the food, and it was preceded by a crowd-pleasing in- the Tampa Bay Lightening, Los wonderful from start to finish. troduction in the form of a French Angeles Kings, and Quebec The large buffet stations in- lesson. Our language instructor was Nordiques. Some of the themes he cluded shrimp, scallops, sliders, Christine Fortier, who in a star- covered were keeping an open steak, noodles, croquettes, the making performance played her mind, confidence and mental tough- variety was endless everything role with equal parts of naughty ness, the power of visualization, was scrumptious, and the pres- schoolteacher and dominatrix. She and seeking out and learning from entation was incredibly crea- led a rousing crowd participation the extraordinary visionaries you tive. lesson on English to French trans- encounter through life. Finn was lations using words from the Blue well qualified to give that last piece Thursday July 11, 2013 Goose ritual as examples. Her final of advice, seeing that at some point MLGG Guy Charron called word was discotheque-and it was a in his career he played alongside clever transition to what happened Mario Lemieux and Wayne (Continued on page 6) 5 (Continued from page 5) St. Louis, Hartford, Edmonton, Thursday's meeting to order, He also exulted that “the South is National Capital, Nova Scotia, thanked the regional officers for back”, and acknowledged the ac- New York City, and Alberta. meeting yesterday and asked them complishments of Linda Meik, to present their minutes as soon as George Harwood, and Larry Lewer Grand Historian Jerry Hale possible. Next, Guy introduced the for revitalizing several Ponds. He gave his report, thanked the Deputy Most Loyal Grand Ganders closed by thanking his fellow Grand Grand Nest for their support from all the regions, and introduced Nest officers and Terry Maloney. and said how honoured he was Grand Wielder Terry Maloney for He was happy to have served as to serve as Historian. He said the roll call of delegates. Terry MLGG, and spoke fondly of Blue that we had a sad and uplifting asked the first timers to stand and Goose’s family oriented focus and year; we lost 3 PMLGGs, but be recognized. Terry called the the core beliefs present in our three we also saw growth spurts and Ponds in alphabetical order, as the precepts. renewed interest in Florida, delegates from Alabama to Wis- Georgia, Ohio, Charlotte, and consin checked in. Grand Wielder Maloney’s report Providence. He reminded the praised the Southern Region for Ponds of their obligation to Grand Supervisor John Paris intro- their “fine job in setting up strong write and record their history, duced MLGG Guy Charron to re- pockets of membership throughout update their websites, and send port on his year in office.
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