rm :;: FRIDAY, OCTOBER *0, IM l Averagft Dally N«t Preas Ron Th« Waathar iKattrlffBtpr lEv^nfttg Hrrath Vor the WMk E a M ' Oetolwr 14. IM l fbreeM t ef D. a WeeftMe Bi Miss Georgia Potterton of 171 A ft; - rw^ ' Memb«Hi o( Loyal OnuttA Lawton Rd., has been chosm lit­ eting of show, will have two perform, Members of Zion Kvangelloal Bolton, is a freshman At M t Ida OlMtay todey e*d Might, lit. Junior OoUege, Newton Centre, Avery S t is amdng M University tie temperature ifteuge tedag, i A u f u i t 1 o w n erary editor of the ."Portico,” Keeney PTA will be held at' the sthces at 4 and 7 pjn. today at Lutheran Church wW attend the 13,389 Orsng^ Hall tcmight at T:30 and yearbook for Bay Path Junior Col. school on Tuesday at S p.m. A Ted Trudon Inc., Volkswagen anhual pbsenmnce of the reform­ Mass. She plans to major in tha of Connecticut students who will cooler tMaght. Ihrmarrow gsHiy proceed:e^ to the mimes--------- Funeral---------- lege in Longmeadow, Mass. She is business meeting and open house dealer at ToUand Tuke., Rt. 83, ation through Dr. Martin Luther executive secretarial course. begin six-week praetloe teaching Member of the Audit cloudy aad BtUo AxXkKKV- D. Luyaochlno. ion of Home,___ne, 400 Main 8t„ to pay re­ a member of tpe senior class. will be held. Parents may visit Manchester-Vemon town line; on Sunday at 4 p.m., at ths First assignments in some 30 secondary Buieea et Otaealetlea chmnge. MM. Uutr lAipacelilao, 153 Chest- spects to John Ritchie, who was a Miss Ellenmary Fogarty, daugta- the teachers and classrooms. Lutheran Ohuroh, Franklin Sq., The Jden’a Dfague of the Salva­ schools in the state Oct. Sft.' Miss HoMiehenUir^A City of Village Charm W t it. MK tu t nlflit fty Jet from member of the lodge. ter of Mr. and Mrs. B erhanlM . •The VFW Auxiliary wiU sponsor New Britain. tion Army will meet Saturday at Potterton will do her practice MMirtM InteniAtionAl A ii^ rt for Fogarty. 2B1 Porter gt., has been Internationally famous George a public card party tonight at 8 7:30 p.m. at the church. A flhn teaching at Southbury High School. ilte n r. AnatxmllA. H« wUl visit Miss Donna McNeil, daughter of elected treasurer of be: senior Creegan in "Sir George and the at the post home at Manchester Miss Dorothy Brondolo, daughter will be shown by MaJ. B. Walter She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. VOL. LX3KI, NO. 18 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CON^., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1961 ^ (ClaeMfled Adverttelug on Pege 19) PRICE FIVE CENTS fticiiM «uout« in Loa Angeles, class at Bay Path. Dragon,’* traveling puppet wagon Green. tdmie. V George Potterton. CWIt, ABi ttortolulu, HawAii. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McNeil, 6 of Mr. and Mrs. OuUlo Brondolo of v 3 UN Sure To Back "„plNeedle Filled Midas N H R R Called Vital J Blast Bid To State Economy I Main St., Manehestar— Ml 3-4123 United Nations, N. Y., Oct. 21 A call for the Soviet Hartford, Oct. 21 (^P)—-The Launched into Space BOYS' FALL AND WINTER I Union to abandon its blan to rehabilitation of the bankrupt explode a 60-megaton nuqlear New Haven Railroad has been OPEfsl 6 DAYS ALWAYS. bomb seemed assured today termed essential to the future JACKETS of U.N. approval. Few nations prosperity of Connecticut, are expected to oppose the ap­ New York and New Jersey. 9:30 A.M. to 5:45 P-M. AMPLE Ihla la the consensus of mem­ To Spread left: SUBURBAN STYLE peal to Premier Khrushchev bers of the Tri-State Tranaporta- OPEN THURSDAYS placed before the 101-nation tlon Committee, which held Ita FREE U.N. Political Committee by first meeting here yesterday. The Blanket of 8 to 12 15.94 __ the six countries on the fringe group was formed recently by the 9:30 A M . to 9.-00 P.M. governors of the three states to 2 PARKING of Russia's test area and none work on solutions to commuting 14 to 20 1 7 . 9 4 has done so as yet. and freight-handling problems in Refleetors 2 rear of our store But an Aalan-Afrlcan , group the area. • loden green or charcoal sought to widen the resoultlon In­ Dr. William-J. Ronan. executive to an appeal for a moratorium on secretary to New York’s Governor Point Arguello, Calif., Oct. • full zipper all teats. Nelson A. RockefeUer and commit­ 21 </P)—A Midas missile- • detachable hood India objected to the sponsor’a tee chairman, aald the members alarm rocket shot aloft today ft liile lined with warm woOl outer shell demand that it be given t(9 prior­ consider the continued operation of with a controversial cargo: ity. and Guinea said it would not the railroad, their "most critical take part in the vote on grounda and pressing problem.” 350 million tiny copper nee­ right: CORDUROY GOAL COAT It waa a cold war item. But most ’The meeting, described as a dles to be spread ih a radio-re­ of the neutrals indicated privately "working” session, was held behind flective belt around the earth. , they would support the move. closed doors. It was the first of if successful the experiment will 8 to 12 13.94 Rusaia kept allent during yea- a series of conferences the com­ place In space a five-mile-wide terday'a debate on the appeal put mittee will hold with local offlelala band of hair-like reflectorg which forth by Canada, Denmark, in the three states. scientists can use to bounce radia 14 to 20 1 5 . 9 4 Listen to Kathy Sweden, Japan Iceland and Nor­ Among those who attended as waves half way around the world. way. Diplomats speculated, how­ members of a "local cooperating Some astronomers have opposed e quilted lining Godfrey WINF- ever, that the Soviets might reject committee” for Connecticut were the experiment on the grounds that CBS, Manchester, it on grounda that the teats con­ Hartford's city manager, Carleton If the needles go awry in space boys’ wear e loden green F. Sharpe,, and Mayor Samuel J. they could interfere with optical main floor e shawl collar 1:10 p.m. Monday cerned only Uta Soviet Union. thru Saturday. "Thatl’h p l ) ^ (he only way they Tedesco of Bridgeport. and radio observations of the stare. could oppesett, ygiid one delegate. Ronan said the committee even­ Or even damage satellites. Contest Every Ohe spons(Mr«ai||d foY top prior­ tually will extend its activities to Despite the controversy, approval Day. ity on the appall 'fo get it to other transportation problems, and for the test wm given earlier this Khrushchev before Rusaia goes will seek to solve them in connec­ month by President Kennedy’s PURITAN through with plana ^ for the 50- tion with urban renewal and rede­ scientific adviser. Dr. Jerome B. megaton blast scheduled by Oct velopment planning. Wlesner. 31. The committee plans to open an Word on whether the Midas FIREPLACE SETS fabrics A group of Aslan-Alrican nations, offide in New York with a perma­ satellite achieved orbit, and wheth­ men 8 wear Including Ethiopia, Ghana, Sudan nent staff, he aald. * er It then properly ejected Its lower store level and Nepal la behind the move to N l>ackage of needles, was expected main floor broaden the resolution into an ap­ Lobbyist Make S16S.000 :wo or more hours after lunch. pear to all atomic powers to re' Hartford, Oct. 21 (yp)—Tha Sec­ The tiny needles, each 7-10 of sn train from tests. retary of State’s office reports Inch long and one-third the thick­ 2 7 . 9 4 Some delegates opposed widen' Bashir Ahmad, Pakiatani camd driver who Is visiting the U.S. as that lobbyists collected at least ness of a human hair, were In « AtEN’S WOOL AND CASHMERE Ing the 8C(q>e of the resolution to a guest of 'Vice President Ljmdon B. Johnson, smiles broadly 5163,000 in pay for their activities six-by-20-inch cylinder In th« tail if bought separately— 46.00 embrace all tests for fear It would during yesterday’s sightseeing trip In New York. Empire State at the Capitol during the 1961 Leg­ Explosions Destroy Chemical Factory section of the sd-foot long Midas. lose Its impact. Others felt it would building la in background. (AP Photofax). islative session. The secretary’s of­ The 98-foot AUas-Agena combina­ * solid brass or wrought iron and brass remove the sUng from the o r i^ a l Flames and smoke shoot skyward from the Weetem Pennsylvania Chemical Co. plant, destroyed to­ tion roared upward at 5:88 a.m. draft and lessen chances of Com­ fice said yesterday 270 lobbyists day by fire of unknown ori^n and a series of explosions. Only'smoldering ruins remained of the (PST). Ground observers lost It munist opposition. registered during the session, 700-foot long plant, 10 miles south of Pittsburgh. At least six persons were injured. (AP Photo­ seconds later In the 600-foot over­ TOPCOATS * set includes draw curtain screen, andirons and working for or against certain I fax). FASHION SEW-HOWI C a n a a n Foreign Minister bills. About so per em t of the lob­ cast. 4-piece fireplace tool sets fireplace sets Howard Green said Ms office had byists said they received no fees The firing was a spectacular one tried to deliver a protest against Bashir Sums Up- as the missile’s flames rsflaoted lower store level beyond regular salaries from their | 0 • other sets to 79.99 (regular to 119.95) tha blaat plan to the Soviet Embas- employes.
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