_____ ________________ and foreign born, that citizenship carries with it responsibility “on the PILOT AND BACKER OF NORTH STAR If the Stands Don’t Agree On undisputed theory that you get SMITH BACK ON nothing in this world for nothing” GIANTS and the that one SPLIT expressed opinion —— —9 £ Decision Rule of the principal responsibilities was Change It, Umps the exercise of the franchise. Saying that it was surprising to WITH In Annual Game of JOB AHER TWO know how many people were so in- ROBINS; Wealthy Boys different to their citizenship that they would not take the trouble to he scored the man who CHICAGO, July 5.—<j5*>—'There is Forest to Chicago each work day at vote, “goes off on a picnic on election day, using a cardinal distinction between pro- 8 a. m. 4TH it as a sort of week-end for enter- and the TALKS ON REDS fessional umpiring umpiring WINNERS For three these years Eight tainment.” of the annual amateur game in Lake the Forest. In the big leagues the um- O'clockers have been mopping up often makes his mind what diamond with all at the Nominee Cardinals and Cubs pire up opposition Democratic Sub Test Course Is decision the fans want, then makes annual Independence Day ball game. Divide Two Wild one the opposite. In Lake Forest Most of the Eight O’clockers learn- Defends Tammany, Near Maine the ayes have it. To-wit: ed their baseball at Yale or Prince- Sought Re- Tells l ew Citizens Games; Yanks After The Eight O’clock boys were play- ton. Names like Trowbridge. ing the Market Squares in the North vell, Washburne were in the lineup, Of Constitution PORTSMOUTH. N. H„ (/P)—A new New Record Sh-re suburb yesterday. The Eight to say nothing of Mayor Albert B. submarine trial course, i .arer to O'clock boys are those who catch the Dick Jr., and Art Tuttle, who whack- the Kittery navy yard than the old ‘‘Millionaire's from Lake ed mean at old Eli. NEW YORK, course off is By WILLIAM T. CHIPMAN Special” two-baggers July 5.—{JP)—Gover- Provincetown, Mass., Henry A. Rumsey, board of trade nor Smith turned his face toward the being surveyed off the coast of (Aaaociat d Presa Sports Writer) member, was the umpire. Going into state capitol at Albany again today Maine. a after two A theory exists that th' teams the ninth, the score was tie, with Independance Day address- The United States coast and geo- the Market at bat. Ed es in which he told what he in the lead on the Fourth of July Square boys thought detic survey is in charge of the pro- Fashion Straws Baldwin whammed the first ball of the constitution, citizenship, and to determine the of •Iso will be on in late ject suitability top Sep- million dol- and took a at SCHALK QUITS pitched through several Tammany Hall, sly dig a trial course off Boon is and. tember or early October at the close lars worth of ball The ball congress. players. The area is being dragged to a a and Baldwin arrived at the home In each of these addresses he made take of the major league pennant cam- depth of 316 feet, said to be the plunge passing allusion to his recent nom- paigns. If this were 100 per cent plate simultaneously. greatest yet attempted by this “You’re out,” bellowed Umpire ination but on the whole steered true, the Yankees and the Cardinals HEAD method. If no pinnacle rocks that AS SOX clear of DOWNWARD • Rumsey. politics. could save much trouble for all would endanger a submarine are “Yip! Kill the umpire. Safe by He said at the Independence Day concerned the world ” found, it is expected that the course by starting a mile roared the stands. address at Tammany Hall that he had to series but tie j will be approved for trial -uns and Down went McGinty immediately, theory Coach For "Beg your said Umpire heard a great deal of criticism of Blackburne, pardon,” | tests for the sumersibles. the bottom of the sea— arouses skepticism in some quarters Rumsey, bowing to the bleacherites. Tammany but expressed the opinion Since the Kittery navy yard is —chiefly in the National eague. New Leader “The ayes seem to have it. The that nothing that was not all right and down goes every Years, now used as a submarine construc- John J. McGraw, for one, recalls runner is safe.” could have continued its existence in [ tion and repair plant, it is consid- straw in the store. that the Giants were running away Of Chicago Team “This is a democracy,” the um- this country, as the Society of Tam- ered that a trial course nearer than with a fourth straight pennant on pire explained after arriving many has done, for 139 years. You have a long stretch safely that off Cod is needed. 1 July 4, 1914, with the humble CHICAGO, July B.—(IP)—As the home. “T majority should rule.” Tammany, he said, cared not Cape of Summer left in which Braves in the cellar as usua1. It j Chicago White Sox sped eastward t«i- Which explains how the Eight whether a man was rich or poor or what to wear a new straw so happened that the youny men of day, Russell “Lena” Blackburne, Sox O’clock boys lost their first game [ his religious beliefs might be -I the clan McGraw enjoyed the ensu- coach since 1926, stepped into his in four years yesterday. so long as he was a lover of America. I and you have here the j I ing world series from ringside seats new post as manager of the club, Scores Congress choice of the choicest at In his second address of the ■ as the Braves sailed into the mighty succeeding the veteran Raymond H. RIDES STEER day, 1 I delivered from the of handsome discounts off Athletic* for four itraight victories. “Cracker” Schalk, whose resignation steps the City Hall to several thousand new a Now McGraw is in accord with was the surprise of the Fourth of LIVINGSTON. Mont.. S.-(JP) voters, very reasonable first July i he likened the the Declaration of In- any move designed to limit the July holiday at Comiskey park. —Hartley Dodge, Jr., of New York, price. Schalk’s was I dependence to a political platform Cardinals to a purely literary inter- resignation effective nephew of John D. Rockefeller, after the dou- land said that the whole thought of est in the next world series, as he immediately holiday thrilled spectators at Livingston’s bleheader. He remained at home to- it was contained in the one sentence Sailor in the himself was limited fourteen aut- rodeo yesterday when rode a wila Any store, day as his teammates for the last that holds that all men are created umns ago. steer "to a finish.” He is 19 years I Old Father Hub- sixteen years headed into their sec- equal, that life, liberty and the pur- Dobbs ... $1.95 Alth the Giants now have old and a student a* Princeton except ough are bard strode to the ond eastern trip. suit of happiness their inalien- _ lost one game fewer than the Card- university. His father, wl o is head Immediately after receiving rights, and that to secure these cupboard, inals the fact remains that, playing of the Remington Arms company, able All Schalk’s letter of resignation. Pres- I rights governments are formed and Bent Dobbs $5 •astern trailers, the New York team and mother are also in the party upon having ident Charles A. Comiskey announc- secure their power from the govern- has b«en unable to overhaul its visiting from New York City. ed. »smoke, Sailors.. $3.95 ed the appointment of Blackburne as western rival, which *et admittedly But when he got the “Cracker’s” successor. Of the constitution he said that no there tougher foe* in the sunset sec- SEE RESERVE SHIP matter how much we he cried in Schalk, recognized as one of the may quarrel K^\vV Choice lot of Soft tion. ourselves — “the y Mrs. James A. Stillman, backer of Thea Rasche's proposed transatlantic greatest ball players who ever wore I among politically despair, Body The Giant* closed out their intra- HOUSTON, July 5.—b*V-The U. I senate and house of v' Tm flight attempt, snapped with the German aviatrix beside their plane, the mask, said in his letter of res- representatives out of Tom Hats to sectional at the Polo S. S. Mahan, ad estroyed nverted can talk themselves to (values campaign the North Star, at Curtiss Field, L. I., awaiting favorable weather for ignation that he was "stepping out j death, and Moores—what a Ground* Wednesday by dividing a into a light mine layer, was in port sometimes it looks to the American bloke!” a take-off. Mrs. Stillman has planned accompanying the girl flyer as as manager in the hopes it $6).$3.95 double header with Brooklyn. in Houston today, being inspected public as though they were attempt- far as Old Orchard. Me. Mrs. Stillman on left. will be helpful to the club.” j a thousands of on can Parry Vance snapped giant “The team has been going bad, by workers holiday. ing it”—nobody interfere as long streak at eight straight by rolling the results have not been satisfac- The Mahan is the shin which will as it remains with the privileges its the home 8 3 take members of the Dallas Naval enactment entry, to in the open- tory: so I step out,” was the way guaranteed.
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