/! ^ f Ilfirtwl Ilfralh X. •*The Bright One TWELVE PAGES ■ ^ WEEKEND INSIDE ^ ^ MANCHESTER, CONN-i SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1976 - VQL. XCV,|io. 175 PRICE) FIFTEEN CENTS FitzGerald moves News summary to end vandalism ^ Compiled from United Press International ___ at Wickham Park State to Udall, whose hopes in the Bv SOL R. COHEN When Edith Whitcomb died in 1960, primary lie in unifying liberal the park and buildings, plus I Herald Reporter n^ajntajning them, was left HARTFORD (UPI) - A voters. In an effort to combat vandalism ________ Connecticut lawmaker has and other forms of lawlessness in Manchester and East Hartford. The called for a legislative in­ National “ am Park, Judge of Proba e fyag has a balance of about $4 million ^ ' if vestigation of the firings of two . Wil iam FitzGerald IS takmg steps to administered by the # WASHINGTON (U P I)-T he natural gas company workers make the park safe for the public^ Manchester Probate Court. ^ f who charged their employer Air Force has admonished He has called a meeting for 9 a.m. vandalism, harrass- another nine officers and the with improper business prac­ Wednesday in his office in he ^jher incidents, the park W/ ¥ / t- tices. retired commander of its space Mumcipai Building, to discuss the vehicular traffic V ' / y 'f:- Rep. Russell Reynolds, D- program for accepting enter- situation and to make tentative plans earlier this year. Now it is open from ' West Haven, Friday urged the taihment from defense con­ for enforcing rules there. Invited to ^ to g p.m only, at a time when legislative Regulated Ac­ tractors. a tend are officials of the Hartford security personnel is on the job, but tivities Committee to in­ Lt. Gen. Kenneth W. Schultz, National Bank and Truest (^0., problems have persisted and retired commander of the vestigate the matter. The panel trustees for the park, and the po c become increasingly more dif- . ,/m is in charge of writing laws on Space and Missile Systems chiefs of Manchester and East Hart- . , „„n,rni # utilities. Organization, Was rebuked for ‘ F w'' M HHi*’ Judge FitzGerald said a similar George Dunleavy of West going to a hunting lodge owned Jud°ge F ttz ^ rd d 1 dSec iy in- fuation existed in the earlier 60s but Haven and Raymond Fields of by Rockwell Corp., which is juoge riizueraiu is uiietiiy m problems this spring “are the Ladder trUck back Durham were fired by building the space shuttle for Southern Connecticut Gas Co. the Air Force and the National oMhtlaTeTorLe and'^^^^ 'The"’oark"’’' said Judge Manchester Fire after testifying during a Aeronautics and Space Ad­ comb, who ieft the property in trust *" Department is back in service, equipped with a new diesel Regulated Activities public ministration (NASA). for the use of the people of the two Manchester and East Hartford - to engine. Looking over the new engine are three firemen, froin hearing two months ago. NEW YORK (UPI) - New towns, IS entirely within Manchester be enjoyed and to be used peacefully, left, Bobby Barker, Deputy Fire Chief William Griffin, and York State Democrats have re­ boundaries. It’s my intention to see that they Thomas Raimondo. The truck was put out of service when its old HARTFORD (UPI) - The elected their embattled chair­ National Labor Relations man, Patrick J. Cunningham, W eltsLv mVetinrwill be'private ‘‘ Peacefully and that the laws engine broke down. (Herald photo by Bevins) board plans a July 26 hearing to a second two-year term, r subsequ'enrmeetinrh^^^ ^ "" n "d ’’ into its 12-count complaint despite a current grand jury time and place to be announced will He added,'"Whether the problem _ _ „ against the Hartford Sheraton probe into charges that Cun­ Hotel for alleged illegal ac­ ningham had sold judgeships. P&WA shifts structure tivities against its striking About 80 per cent of the more trolling what he says is a very dif- of . , , a 1 , . r ■ a r m a employes. than 300 persons attending a ficult situation. , , i don’t know. I ^ P'au f° reorganize and restruc- stage for a new period of growth and The complaint Friday state Democratic committee Horace Whitcomb died in 1945 and ^nlv sav it’s going to stop and fu^e Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, the deveiopment for our people, our charged the hotel, owned by meeting Friday in the New left the property (about 200 acres) means^ to make it la r g e s t d iv isio n of U n ited products, and our customers. It wiU International Telegram and York Hilton rose from their for use by his wife in her lifetime. .. Technologies and the world’s prin- enable us to more readily and effec- Telegraph Co., threatened to seats to elect the Bronx County cipal manufacturer of aircraft gas lively anticipate and respond to all fire, blacklist and take leader. ___ turbine engines, was announced customer needs and requirements.” reprisais against employes if 1 ^ g / 1 today by Harry J. Gray, chairman Following Gray’s statement on the WASHINGTON (U P I)-T he they went on strike, and , and president of United. reorganization, Torell announced the Agriculture Department ten­ 1 J I’ 1 J ITfl lY I g^ FI gj demoted some union-involved Under the restructuring, a Pratt & ap p o in tm en t of four sen io r tatively predicts another workers. m I Whitney Aircraft Group will be es- executives of P&WA to top manage- record corn crop for the 1976-77 ^ 1 O g a F | i g l ^ i n g ^ tabUshed and will be headed by menl positions in tbe new organiza- HARTFORD (UPI) - season. But it says wheat -k V J . i C-1. J. 1 .1 . V y Bruce N. Torell as group president, tion. They are Richard J. Coar, vice le production may be off by about Legislation allowing Water- ^ • Torell is currently president of the president, engineering, named as bury, which (aces an $11- 75 million bushels and exports of wheat this year won’t reach -I- ■ «-| g -^ T T I O g * f’catt & Whitney Aircraft division group executive • vic^e president, making million budget deficit, to float 1 . 1. Vy V y t y and group vice president - propulsion technology and strategic planning; the previously predicted total J. J. J. c l J. vF JL i 1 J. a bond issue to meet the cash , of United Technologies. The new David J. Hines, executive vice presi- shortage has been approved by of 1.3 billion. The Connecticut Public Expen- department retiuesl and on the ^yjil consist of four principal dent, as president, Commercial the House of Representatives. In its first projection of crops ditures Council has recommended revenue collected up to midyear. units: Commercial Products Divi- Products Division; Edmund V. The lower chamber Friday to be harvested in the coming that Manchester create a depart- One suggestion calls for creating sion. Government Products Division.Marshall, vice president and general also gave its approval to season, the department said ment of finance under a director ap- a position of budget analyst within Manufacturing Division, and the m anager of P&WA’s F lorida measures that would allow the Friday the increased corn pointed by the manager as a means I'le managers oflice or the con- ppgspuHy operating Pratt & Whitney Research and Development Center, sale of liquor in certain acreage being planted this year of improving budget operation. troller’s office to review and revise g[ Canada. Each will have as president of the Government bowling aileys and expand the could result in a crop of 6.38 The recommendation is one of budget estim ates as the year jts own line and staff functions. Pratt Products Division; and Donald powers of state auditors. billion bushels, up from last several contained in a report sub- progresses. The council tound the ^ Whitney Aircraft of Canada will Nigro, vice president, production, as year’s record harvest of 5.76 mitted to the Board of Directors by review is now done by department pQutinue to serve the generai avia- president of the Manufacturing Divi- HARTFORD (UPI) - Lob­ billion bushels. the council after a study it undertook heads and is cursory. tion market with small aircraft gas sion. Each will report to Torell who byists were thrown out of at the town’s request. ' 'n one operation, the council con- turbine engines. said that additional announcements Spllecki Senate Democratic caucuses Another recommendation calls for a eluded that the town has a good gpowth and expansion of of new assignm ents will be because the small meeting International system of reporting which makes it budget program — cash now p^\y ^ 5jp,p.g ,{5 founding 50 year^ forthcoming in the weeks ahead, room was becoming over­ easy to distinguish between the management. ago,” Gray said, "represents a kweather crowded, Senate Majority PARIS (UPI) — Leaders of a budget as originally approved by the The council report said, 1 he town re m a rk a b le ach ie v e m e n t in Stem Leader Joseph I. Lieberman student protest rally have directors at the start of a fiscal year appears to be adequately lorecasting American industry, one in which all I l l O l U C I w U Q y said Friday. denied responsibility for and as changed during the year’s ils cash flow needs, thus obtaining company take great . „ „ n Taddei The Connecticut Citizen Ac­ violent demonstrations by budget operation. the best use of its funds, earning in pp^p Our new organization clearly Area news .
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