“DEFEND YOUB AGAINST THREAT’ IWO TIME FOR PANIC, SAYS DR. DADOO JOHANNESBURG.—The proclamation of group areas in Johannesburg’s western town­ ships is no time for panic. Indians must stand united and resolute to defend their homes, Vol. 2, No. 43. Registered at G.P.O. ai a Newspapei their properties and their livelihoods. They must not go to Lenasia or any other group areas set aside for Indians. NORTHERN EDITION THlJKiiDAY, AUGUST 23, 1956 PRICET 3d. This is the call issued to the Indian people by Dr. Y. M. Dadoo following the proclamation of the first large group areas in the country in areas where Indians—and Coloureds and Africans—face in ju r e d ruin within one or two years. 2 KILLED. 10 ; Dr. Dadoo's call appeared in this city on the eve of the all-in conference on group areas convened by the Transvaal Indian Con­ gress for this week-end, August 25 and 26. IN BEERHALL CLASHi Dr. Dadoo's statement says: accomplished fact. What more does JOHANNESBURG.—Once again what started as a slight incid^t In time of crisis there are in­ it want! Once we have moved our at the Western Native Township Beerhall last week turned intota variably timid, faint-hearted people homes from existing localities it clash between Africans and police in which two Africans were shot who panic and, like a drowning will then be mere child’s play for dead, two European and three Non-European police injured and live man, clutch at any straw. the Strijdom Government to close Africans injured by bullets. down our shops, businesses and all We, too, have such people in our legitimate avenues of making a The Western Native Township A later press version contra­ midst. The proclamation of group decent and honourable living. Advisory Board met urgently the dicted this. It said the trouble areas in the Weste’-n suburbs has evening after the trouble to demand started when a police constable took sent them running helter-skelter in Those who hope to “negotiate a judicial commission of inquiry his brother-in-law near the beerhall all directions shouting: “Accept with the Government for the preser­ into the police conduct at the beer­ and the Africans tried to rob him residential segregation”; “Accept vation of trading rights” are living hall. The Board said in a public of a suitcase he was carrying. He Lenasia,” and in the words of a in a fool's paradise. The aim of the statement that the African people then fired six shots, killing one Afri­ certain rich Indian landlord: protest strongly against the use of can. “We have no alternative but to Dr. Dadoo. firearms at random not warranted But an eye-witness who was him­ accept Lenasia as a residential in the last two disturbances which self injured in the beerhall denies township and to trust that the We must seek the co-operation of took place at this beerhall. The this too. He says a European accom­ all men of goodwill and of all Government will deal fairly and Map And democratic organisations in forming trouble in both cases was between panied by a policeman went into honestly with us in regard to the the police and the African people the heerhall to sell soft goods. An preservation of trading rights.” local and regional vigilance com­ which “has c'aused us great con­ argument started over prices. One mittees for the purpose of defend­ cern.” patron, probably drunk, grabbed With the proclamation of group Further ing the legitimate rights and oppor­ Because of the loss of life and one of the articles in the suitcase. areas there is no doubt that our tunities of all sections of the people injuries to people, “we demand a On> of the men took out a revolver people face a very critical siuation. irrespective of race, colour or creed. judicial commission of enqiiiiy' into and started shooting, and a general WHAT ARE WE TO DO? Details On the conduct of the police and the coibrtMtion and fight ensued. cause of the deterioration in race The police riot squad arrived What arc we to do? Accept the SUPPORT relations which has become acute from Newlands. Yhe police asked cowardly advice of those who say We must enlist the support of the and is becoming worse day by day.” no questions but started shooting. “accept residential segregation first Page 4 Chambers of Commerce and Indus­ First reports said the trouble was Some passers-by, not involved in and negotiate with the Government try and trade union organisations in started by Africans attacking a the fracas inside the beerhall, were for the preservation of trading a mighty campaign to prevent the passing policeman off duty as he hit by stray bullets. One in hospital rights and means of livelihood?” country's economic progress and passed the beerhall. The constable has a shoulder wound. Angry Voluntarily and willingly go to Group Areas Act is clear for all to welfare being disrupted by the was attacked by 18 Africans, said drinkers pushed and fought their Lenasia now? see. The report of the inter-depart- application of the Group Areas Act a police statement. He drew his re­ way out of the beerhall. mental committees appointed by and the apartheid policy of the volver and fired six shots. He was The day after the trouble police This would be tantamount to pre- the Nationalist Governrnent in Government. injured by his attackers. patrolled the area strongly. senfing the Government with an 1948, which forms the basis of the Group Areas Act, states in clear and We must take our full and right­ unambiguous language: ful place in the mounting campaign against every facet of apartheid As Lionet Morrison Goes To Joil, His Mother Protests.. ‘The fundamental theme of the throughout the country. WhaC evidence throughout the years has happens in a year or two years’ been and still is: repatriation or, time will be determined by how failing which, compulsory segrega­ effectiyely and courageously we dis­ "MY SON IS NOT A THIEE OR tion . .’ charge now the tasks enumerated AN ILLUSION above. MURDERER. WHAT HE WROTE W. Thus to hope for negotiation is an illusion. Harbouring such nebu­ ft lous notions can only lead to vacil- Calholics Against THE TRUTH laton anid confusion among the people. It can only have the disas­ The Bomb JOHANNESBURG. prisonment for painting Freedom will be suffering to preserve hi trous effect of weakening and dis­ LONDON. SPHERE were moving scenes out- Charter slogans on buildings in dignities,” he said. rupting the so-far successful, united ^ side Marshall Square as mem­ Cape Town. One of the slogans A group of members of the stand of the community against the Two Catholic journalists. Dorothy bers of the Congress Movement and which read “Let us black folks in,” gress Movement, waiting to see Group Areas Act. Day. the editor of the New York his family watched Lionel Morri­ was painted on the House of Parlia­ off, congregated at the Congress City “Catholic Worker.” and Am­ son being taken into custody by the ment and stressed the chapter of office and sang freedom songs Anv weakening of our stand or mon Hennacy, a writer for the same police following the failure of his the Freedom Charter which says during the quarter of an hour ne­ anv sign of panic on our part will paper, are planning to_ protest appeal against his conviction for “The People Shall Govern.” gotiations went on between his law­ serve as a source of encouragement atrainst the new “Mock Air Raids” slogan painting. Morrison’s mother The threat of imprisonment has yer and the police commandant. to the Government to proclaim this year, just as they did on a pre­ uttered courageous words at a fare­ been hanging over their heads for He was finally taken to Marshall further group areas and press on vious occasion. Instead of going well party arranged for him at his the past twelve months. Last week Square after the police had con­ with its policy of apartheid. into the underground shelter when home. She said “My son is not a the Appeal Court refused the two sulted the Special Branch at Grays the shens start blowing they will men leave to appeal. The critical situation calls for remain outside. Both were arrested thief or a murderer. What he wrote Building. vigorous and energetic measures. last year for a similar demonstration or said is the truth.” In his message Morrison called and they are again deliberately Morrison’s sentence was a symbol upon the young people of all races We must not go to Lenasia or courting arrest to underline their not to be discouraged but rather in­ IN CAPE TOWN anv other group areas set aside for of the full participation of the Col­ spired by his prison sentence and opposition to these periodic re­ oured people in the struggle for our neonle. We must forge a strong hearsals for war. liberation, said speakers at the fare­ to realise that freedom was within At the time of going to press, bond of solidarity between land­ their reach. lords and tenants in the common Their protest is part of a growing well gathering. Abdurahman Hurzuk had not yet demand by organised United States Lionel Morrison, together with “My sentence of four months is received notice from the clerk of stniggle for existence, by calling unon Indian landlords to cease Catholics for the banning of the Abdurahman Hurzuk, was convicted a mere drop in the ocean of .sacri­ the court to surrender himself to atom and hydrogen bombs.
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