AM STATIONS I-rFM STATIONS-c WABC . 770 WINS ..1010 WOR 710WFUV 90.7 WEVD-FM .97.9 THE NEW YORK TIMES NEWS BULLETINS WEN/ . 970 WLIB 1190 WOV ..1280WHOM-FM 92.3 WHLI-FM 98.3 WEEK'S RADIO PROGRAMS WAAT .1380 WAWA 570 WPAT . 930 WNYC-FM 93.9 WBAI 99.5 Every Hour on St Now, WQX1 (AM-1560; Int-913) WCBS940 WM014.1050 WQXR .1560WAAT-114 .94.7 WCBS-FM 101.1 Weekdays, 7 A. 14. to' Midnight WEVD .1330 WNEW .1130 WRCA. 660WABC-11,4 .95.5 WONT _101.9 WHLI .1100 WINE .1430 WVNI . 620WQXR-FM .96.3 WHJR-FM .102.7 Today, S A. M. to Midnight (Except at 4 and 10?. IL) (* Denotes Programs of Unusual Interest) WHOM .1480 WNYC . 830 %WEL .1600WIICA-FM .97.1 WWRL-FM 105.1 TODAY,SUNDAY, JULY31 TODAY, SUNDAY, JULY 31 4:15WaR: The Book Hunter *WABC: Town Meeting WC8S: Church of the Air: MORNING 4:30WOR: NIck Carter *WCBS:- Our Miss Brooks Rev. Dr. Robert 3. - 8:OO*WRCA: Monitor: Continuous LEADINQEVENTS ON RADIO TODAY . WNYC: The Lively Artli WQXR: N. V. Times News Lomont, Pastor ci First 8:OS*WQXR: Symphony Hall Program of News. Sports, Presbyterian Church of With Gilbert Seldes Weather. Music, Enter- Pittsburgh, Pa. 5:0OWRCA: Monitor 8:30WaR: Voice of Prophecy tainment and Remote 8 A. M.-12 Mid.Monitor:Continuous program5 :05-5 :30"Dlsaster ! ""OperationSnowbound." *WCBS: Gary Crosby Show WNYC: Ruby MercerOpera - WOR: Rin.Tin-Tin Pick-Ups From All Parts 1949 blizzards; Raymond Naumburg Memorial 10:45WOR: Faith in Our Times of news, sports, specialevents and variety Red Cross drama of WABC: News Reports *WNYC: of the World (To Concert, from Central 11:00WOR:News Reports entertainment.Featuredtoday will be pick- Edward Johnson, narrator(WABC). *WCBS: News; On a Stieday Midnight) AfternoonMusic: Lucille Park Mall WOR: Wings of Healing WABC: Music; U. S. Marine ups from backstageat -the Berkshire Music6-6:30-Meet the Press:Reporters question Rep. WABC: Radio Bible Class Band, Camp Pendleton Festival at Tangiewood,from Hollywood, for Joseph W. Martin Jr.(WRCA). Norman, Others 9:00WOR: Keep Healthy *WCBS: Salt Lake *WNVC: Randolph Concert WABC: Paul Harvey, News WCBS: News Reports an interview with RoyRogers, and from City OpenInvitational WQXR: N. V. Times News *WCBS: Music Hail WNYC: Gumdrop Playhouse Tabernacle Choir and Ashland, Ky., for avisit to a prison for 7-7 :30Golf:Rubber WQXR: N. V. Times News Organ Concert juveniledelinquents. Participants include Tournament, at Akron,Ohio(WOR). 5:05*WABC: Disaster ,WQXR: N. Y. Times News WQXR: N. V. Times News panelists rate the *WQXR: Concert Hall 9:05*WQXR: Opera House: S:OSWQXR: Breakfast SymphonyII:O5WQXR: N. V. Society for Fay Emerson, Bob andRay, Leon Pearson,7-8--Juke Box Jury: Guest 5:30*WOR:Boot HillWestern Mozart's Cosi Fan Tutte &15WCB5: Man About the Ethical Culture Lecture Clifton Fadiman, others(WRCA). records, with Peter Potter(WCBS). Drumun House Church in the Home 9:15WOR: Robert Hurieigh 11:15WOR: Travel Guide 11:30A. M.-12 M.Invltatlonto Learning: "The8-9--America's Town Meeting:"The Outlook for WABC: WABC: Quincy Howe 8:28WQXR: 'Weather Report 1t:30WRCA: Comic Weekly Man Collected Poems ofRobert Frost"Charles Our China Policy"Chih-MaiChen, minister- V/CBS: Scores; On a Sunday 8:30WOR: The Globetrotter WOR: Comic Weekly Man counselor of the ChineseEmbassy in Wash- AfternoonMusic :3OWOR: London Stsdio WABC: Marines in Review WABC: News;Christians Poore and Eric Larrabee,guests; Dr. Lyman WQXR: Broadway Music Melodies WCBS: Garden Gate in Action, Rev. Laurence Bryson , moderator(WCBS). ingtofl, Herbert Feisand Paul M. A. Line-5:55V/NYC: News Reports WABC: Sammy Kaye's WNYC: Organ Recital C. McHugh, S. J. barger are guésts(WABC). Serenade Room WQXR: Breakfast Symphony 12:05-12:30The LeadingQuestion:' An Ap- EVENING 9:55WABC: News Reports *WCSS: Invitation to praisal of Geneva: WhereDo We Go From8-8:30Our Miss Brooks:Situation comedy, with Fibber and Molly g:45WOR: Frank and Ernest Learning:Dr. Lyman Eve Arden and others(WCBS). 6:0O*WRCA: Monitor: Meet thelO:0OWRCA WCS: News Reports Bryson, - Moderator Here?"Senators J.W. Fulbright and Wil- WOR: Hoar of Decision With Sammy Davis Press V/ABC: Overseas Report 9:OOWRCA: Monitor: The 11am F. Krtowland, guests(WCBS). 8:30-9--Gary Crosby Show: WOR: Public Prosecutor Baptist Hour -- AFTERNOON WCBS: News Reports 12:30-1The Eternal Light:"Words We Live Jr. and Norman Alden,guests(WCBS). WABC: Morning Headlines 10:05*WCBS: Face the Nation WOR: News Reports 12:QOWRCA: Tilonitor Hebrew Prophets, with WEBS: Gene Autry Show WABC: Dr. Donald By," dialogues on the p6-10-Music HallVariety:Mitch Miller is host l0:15WRCAMonitor WOR: John T. Flynn Maurice Samuel, Markvan Doren(WRCA). to Richard Todd, BettyMadigass and Dizzy WNYC: FoiksOng Festival *WABC: The Deadly Sins: BarohouseTalk WABC: C. 1. 0. Viewpoint WQXR: N. V. Times News - WCBS: News Round-Up WCBS: News Reports Orchestra conducted Gillespie(WCBS). Contemporary 1-2What's New in Music: 6:05WQXR DInner Concert Religious Counseling WNYC: Masterwork Hour *WNVC: French Music byVictorYoung;EllaFitzgerald, Don9:30-10--Reports On theLabor Front: "Labor 6:iSWABC Paul Hawey WQXR: N. V. Times News Dean .James A. Pike, WQXR: N. Y. Times News Cherry, the Chordettesand Gloria Lane are Unions' Health andWelfare Funds"Adoiph 6:28WQXR: Weather Report Rev. Howard A. Johnson, 9:O5WQXR: Breakfast Symphony12:OS*WCBS: Leading Question 6:30-.WRCA: Monitor 9:15WRCA; Monitor WQXR: Musical Varieties guests(WCBS) - Held and Dr. BenjaminFine, guests; Joseph Ralph Hartwig WOR: Bob considine lO:30*WRCA: Monitor: American WOR: To Be Announced 12:15WaR: The Men's Corner 1:35-2Pilgrimage: "WhatShall I Do With My Tuvim is moderatorWEVD). WABE: The 'Evening Comes WCBS: The Music Roam: WABC: It's Your Business Forum LifeEducation forA)l"Mrs. George Elli-10:05-10:80FacetheNation: Newsmen quiz *WCBS: Summer in St. WOR: Back to God William Masselos, pianist12:30-*WRCA: Monitor: The son, speaker(WABC). National Corn- LouisMusic, With 9:3OWOR: Sunday Chapel Eternal Light Leonard W. Hall, Republican WABC: Revival Time mittee Chairman, on"The Administration's Eiise Rhodes, Soprano; WEBS: SportsJohn Dcrr WABC: Voice of Phophecy WOR: News Reports 1:55Baseball: Yankeresvs. Athletics (2 games) Chris Robinson;Baritone *WCBS: E. Power Biggo, Accomplishments andLack of Accomplish- *WNYC: Keyboard Masters WABC; Herald of Truth (WINS);2:55podgersvs.Cardinals- 'JINYC: Song Classics Maria Luisa Faini, Plapist Organist WCBS: Wend Affairs (WMGM); 3:25Giantsvs. Braves(WMCA). ments"(WCBS). *WQXR: Dinner Concert 9:45WRCA: Monitor: Art of 12:45WaR: Here's to Vets 10:45WCBS U. N. Report 3-3 :30Campus Press Conference:"Mr. Repub-10:30-11American Forum:"Has theSenate 6:45WOR: AII.Star Sports: 10:55WNYC News (FM to 3) Living,Dr.Robert J. '/CBS: Washington Week WNYC: Harry Wismer McCracken 1:OO*WRCA: Monitor lican, Tom Curran, AnswersDeSapio"Mar- Supported the President'sProgram?"Sena- 11:0OWRCA Monitor WNYC: Weather and News WOR, WABC: News 9:55WCBS: Robert Trout, News WOR: World Traveler yin Sleeper is moderator(WNYC). tors Russell B. Longand Thomas H. Kuchel, 7:O0*WRCA: Monitor: Fuye lfl:OOWRCA: Monitor:National - WABC: Dr. William Ward guests(WRCA). EmeruonInterVieWs WCBS: News; Comment RadiD Pulpit, Dr. Edmund AyerTalk 4-4:30-Ways of Mankind:"Case of the Sea Lion WQXR: N. V. Times News Flippers," documentaryon the ethical values10:30-10:45Report FromWashington:Rep. (to 10) ii:OSWABC: Moods in Melody A. Steimle, Speaker *WCBS: What's New in *WOR: Rubber City Open WOR: News Reports Music of the Yurok Indians(WNYC). Emanuel Celler (Recorded)(WMCA). ll:O7*WQXRMusic for Orchestra Golf Tournament, Akron, ll:15WOR: Ruby Mercer Show WABC: News; Message of *WNYC: New Recordings Ohio Israel, Rabbi Frederick WQXR: N. V. Times News V/CBS: Caters Drake *WNYC: Campus Press VOeWS and Remote Pick. WABC: News; String Music Weather; Music .1. Rypins, speaker O:05WQXR: Vienna Melodies 2:O0WRCA: Monitor:Catholic Guests *WCBS: Jake Box Jury 11:30WON: WCBS: Church of the Air: 1:15WOR: Talk: How Christian Hour: Science and Reli. *WQx R: Pop Concert Conference ups from all parts of the WABE: Dr.Biliy Graham WQXR: N. V. Times News world (to midnight) *WNYC: Matter.Vork Hour WCBS: The Spotlighters Right Rev. Henry H. Science Heals gionAnton C. Pegis, on2:30WRCA: Monitor:Clifton WQXR: N. Y. Times News Daniels, Bishop of Epis- I:30*WOR: Opera: Giordano's the Need for Philosophy Fadiman Presides (to:30) 3:05*WQXR: Sunday Symphony WOR: Basil Heatter 1l:45WCBS Nut Herth Trio 7:0S*WQXR: Gilbert and 12:OOWRCA, WOR, WCBS: News copal Diocese of Montana Andrea Chenier WABC: Or. Oral Roberts WABC: Wings of Healing WABC: The Revival Hoar Sullivan Concert WQXR: N. V. Times News 3:25*WMCA: Baseball WABE:Recorded Music WABC: News Reports WCBS: News Reports *WCBS: World Music *WCBS: Rhythm on the 7:15WABE: Gsorg E. Sokoisky 1O:OSWQXR: Book Concert Festival 3:30V/ABC: Dr. Billy Graham WQXR:N. V. Times New5 WNYC: British News *WNVC: Brooklyn Museum Road:ElliotLawrence 7:30WOR: News; In the Mood 10:15WOR: Magic of Believing Review Program *WQ X R:Concert:Artur *WNYC: Chamber Music l2:05*WRCA Music You Want Concert 3:45WOR: The Globatrsttnrs Orchestra;BettyMadi WABC: News; Songs by WOR: Dance Meoic 1O:30WRCA: Children's Hour *WQXR: Ballet Stage WQXR: N. V. Times News Schsabel, pianist Valentino WOR: Showers of Blessings 4:0O*WRCA: Monitor: News, gun, guest; Bob Dixon, WCBS: Dance Music 1:35*WABC: Pilgrimage 2:05V/CBS: Kathy Godfrey 2:55*-WMGM: Basehall Host 7:45WABC: Travel Talk WABC: News; Wiley Colleget:45WNYC: Weather and News 3:0OWABC: Dr. James Weather, Sports, Music, *WQXR: Worid of Music Show: Stephen Douglass SpecialFeatures,Inter- *WNYC; Ways of Mankind 8:00WOR: Lutheran Hour Choir Concert I:55*WIPJS: Baseball (2 Games) and Shannon Bolts, McGinleyTalk MONDAY, AUGUST '1 MONDAY,AUGUST 1 WABC: Edward P.
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