GLOBAL REPORT ON RESULTS 2011 Contents FOREWORD BY CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD 4 1 INTRODUCTION 5 1.1 CONCENTRATED GROWTH FOR PROGRAM QUALITY 6 1.2 RESULTS AND ACCOUNTABILITY 7 1.3 NCA COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE AS A FAITH-BASED CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATION (CSO) 8 1.4 FUTURE CHALLENGES 9 2. REGIONAL OVERVIEW 11 2.1 AFRICA 11 2.2 ASIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST 13 2.3 LATIN AMERICA, THE CARIBBEAN AND EUROPE 16 3. STRENGTHENING CIVIL SOCIETY 18 3.1 PRIORITIES AND STATUS 18 3.2 MAIN AchIEVEMENTS AND SELECTED RESULTS 18 3.2.1 Working globally with the ACT Alliance for an effective civil society 18 3.2.2 Strengthening Local Civil Society through Country Programs 19 3.2.3 Deviations and Lessons Learned 23 4. NCA GLOBAL PROGRAMS 24 4.1 INTRODUCTION 24 4.2 THE RIGHT TO PEACE AND SECURITY 26 4.2.1 Women, Peace and Security (WPS) 28 4.2.2 Community Violence and Small Arms Control (CVSAC) 30 4.2.3 Faith Communities and Peace Building (FC&PB) 32 4.3 GENDER JUSTICE 36 4.3.1 Gender-based Violence (GBV) 36 4.3.2 Women in Governance (WIG) 40 4.4 ECONOMIC JUSTICE 44 4.4.1 Livelihood and Trade (L&T) 44 4.4.2 Resources and Finance (R&F) 48 4.5 CLIMATE JUSTICE 51 4.5.1 Climate Change Mitigation (CCM) 54 4.5.2 Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) 56 4.6 THE RIGHT TO WATER AND HEALTH 59 4.6.1 Social Mitigation of HIV and AIDS 60 4.6.2 Access to Quality Health Care 64 4.6.3 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) 66 4.7 MAINSTREAMING DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES 69 5. NCA INTEGRATED APPROACH 70 5.1 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE 70 5.1.1 Main priorities and status 70 5.1.2 Selected results 71 5.2 GLOBAL ADVOCACY 75 5.2.1 Main priorities and Status 75 GLOBAL REPORT ON RESULTS 2011 5.2.2 Selected Results 75 5.3 MOBILIZATION OF PEOPLE AND RESOURCES IN NORWAY 78 5.3.1 integrated Brand-building and mobilization 78 6. SECURITY MANAGEMENT 80 7. EVALUATIONS 81 8. FINANCIAL SUMMARY 83 9. ANNEXES 84 FRONTPAGE PHOTO: We have faith - Act Now for Climate WORK AGAINST CORRUPTION 84 Justice. Across Africa, people were mobilized up to COP17 in Durban, South Africa. INCIDENT REPORT (IR) 85 Photo: Ida Thomassen/Norwegian Church Aid STATEMENT OF AcqUISITION & USE OF FUNDS AND BALANCE SHEET 86 NORWEGIAN CHURCH AID’s CounCIL & BOARD 87 TM Layout and print: GRØSET HUMAN RESOURCES GLOBALLY 88 NORWEGIAN CHURCH AID'S ORGANIZATION CHART AS OF 1.6.2012 89 AUDITORS OPINION 90 2 Global Report on Results 2011 Global Report on Results 2011 3 u CHAPTER 1 FOREWORD BY CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD In 2011, we have in special ways been military conflict is imminent. It is a reminder that many reminded of our vulnerability, both with different factors affect people’s lives. When something regards to the terrible terrorist events in goes wrong, the poor are always the ones first affected. Norwegian Church Aid is therefore firm in its conviction 1 INTRODUCTION Norway on 22 July and in connection with that aid and long-term assistance must be tied to advo- Norwegian Church Aid’s work. cacy, also in our own country. Everything is connected, The focus of this report is on the results from Norwe- In 2011 NCA spent a net of NOK 732 million (2010: 696 both the processes which lead to injustice and suffering, gian Church Aid’s (NCA) international work, as it relates million) for our international programs. Among the Vulnerability is the focus in two of Norwegian Church but also the efforts to uphold justice and human dignity. to the organization’s Global Strategy for 2011–2015. The largest contributors were Norad with NOK 217 mil- Aid’s program areas. One is connected with random Norwegian Church Aid wants to play a role together with report covers all NCA activities, regardless of funding lion (2010: 207 million) and the Norwegian Ministry of acts of violence. Consequently, Norwegian Church Aid many others in the fight to create a better world. source, and aims to give a comprehensive picture of Foreign Affairs with NOK 209 million (2010: 238 million). has assumed a leading role in an ecumenical initiative what the organization has achieved with the total re- Other donors contributed with NOK 175 million with aiming to limit the trade in small arms through interna- The bomb blast that hit the government buildings in Oslo sources we have managed to mobilize in 2011. Norad key donors such as United Nations and ACT Alliance. tional treaties, Ecumenical Campaign for a Strong and on July 22 also shook Norwegian Church Aid’s offices. remains one of our single largest donors and this report Fundraising from private individuals, congregations and Effective Arms Trade Treaty, coordinated by the World During the following days messages trickled in convey- also constitutes the formal Annual Progress Report to businesses in Norway contributed with NOK 172 mil- Council of Churches. The other concerns the conse- ing concern and solidarity from cooperation partners Norad under agreement QZA-10/0953. lion. We extend our sincere thanks to all those who con- quences of climate change. Norwegian Church Aid was around the world. Normally such messages are sent in tributed financially to NCA’s work in 2011. actively involved at the Durban Climate Change Con- the opposite direction when events take place dramatic ference, COP 17, and was a main actor organizing the on other continents. This time tragedy struck at home Climate Caravan, which in particular mobilized youth in and we were on the receiving end of compassion. the effort to reach responsible political agreements. This experience says two important things about Nor- Both in the fight for improved security and for climate wegian Church Aid and the work in which we are in- Total Income NCA 2011, NOK 819 million justice, being a part of a credible and competent net- volved. Firstly, we are bound together in a global net- work is critical. Norwegian Church Aid’s identity as a work of mutual commitment and care. We are joined faith-based organization prepares the ground for good together with other good forces in the fight to create a NCA fundraising collaborative relationships; knowing that we share basic safer and more just world. Secondly, it shows that we own funds values and goals facilitates the sharing of resources in are all vulnerable and that we need each other. earmarked our common efforts. 4 % NCA fundraising The cooperation within the ACT Alliance is a good exam- own funds non- MFA strategic earmarked ple of this, enabling targeted and effective efforts. This agreements and 17 % applies both when facing acute need of aid, like after embassy the tsunami in Japan and following the civil war in Libya. 7 % However, it especially applies with regard to long-term Norad frame crises like the one on the Horn of Africa where hun- agreement dreds of thousands of people are affected by drought 24 % and political unrest. MFA hum One of the great events in 2011 was the creation of 20 % South Sudan as an independent state. This is an area where Norwegian Church Aid has been involved for dec- Other international ades – with many disappointments, which sometimes and Norwegian gave rise to questions about the usefulness of our ef- UN organisations forts. Now we see that much of what was sown bears 6 % 14 % Norad other fruits. Many of those who today are in leading positions Chairman of the Board Kjell Nordstokke. Photo: Henriette Bjerke/Norwegian Church Aid 5 % responsible for the formation of the new nation are for- mer Norwegian Church Aid employees. Competency Global Fund has been built and a vision of what is possible to achieve 0 % Other Norwegian by joining forces. Therefore it is both natural and neces- government Business sector sary for Norwegian Church Aid to continue to be actively funding 1 % involved in South Sudan in the years to come. 2 % Kjell Nordstokke News reports from South Sudan show that the coun- Chairman try still faces enormous challenges and that the risk of 4 Global Report on Results 2011 Global Report on Results 2011 5 u CHAPTER 1.1 1.1 CONCENTRATED GROWTH FOR PROGRAM 1.2 RESULTS AND ACCOUNTABILITY QUALITY In recent years NCA has experienced growing demands tion of documentary evidence, interviews with staff both for better documentation of results and higher expecta- at head office and at a selected program site, interviews 2011 was the first year in implementing the NCA Global funds, but has actively facilitated participation of jour- tions for accountability, especially to the rights-holders, with rights-holders and partners and direct observa- Strategy 2011–2015 (GLS), which lays out 5 strategic nalists and other civil society representatives in regional which we aim to assist. tion of common practices. NCA was audited against the priorities for the organization: peace and reconciliation networks and arenas. NCA will 2010 HAP Standard in Accountability and Quality Man- continue to support a limited number of such initiatives agement in Oslo, Norway (head office) in August 2011 • Right to Peace and Security throughout the period. In addition, we will seek to trans- Selected Output Indicators and in Nairobi, Kenya (program site) in September 2011. • Gender Justice fer other of these interventions to relevant members of During this strategy period, NCA will endeavour to de- After this rigorous quality assurance process, NCA was • Economic Justice the ACT Alliance and anticipate that the overall number velop and report on one global indicator for each of the the first CSO globally to achieve certification against the • Climate Justice of countries here will also be reduced within 2015.
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