The Quarterly Journal of the Fleet Air Arm Association of Australia Inc. Volume12 Number2 April2001 I:--. lt) O') ....... e"' cl -0 ~ i "1::l ~-~"' :0 Cl ~ CJ ~ ~ Cl) 805 SQUADRON RE-COMMISSIONED 28 FEBRUARY2001 With Kaman 'Super Sea Sprite' helicopters 'We wish them all the very best' Photo courtesy BANAS Photographic Section Publishedby the FleetAir ArmAssociation of Australia Inc PrintPost Approved -PP201494/00022 Editor:John Arnold -PO Box662 , NOWRANSW 2541 , Australia. Phone/Fax(02) 4423 2412 -Mobile 0402 264 494 - [email protected] ::r­ SHELF ro1so.111 CW2-C Slipstream ~ -------------- FOREWORD by CAPTAINTW BARRETT As the incoming Commanding Officer at HMAS ALBATROSS, I thank you for the opportunity to contribute to Slipstream. I note, with considerable satisfaction, the detail presented by the Chief of the Defence Force, Chief of Navy, Maritime Commander and Commander, Australian Naval Aviation Group in previous editions of Slipstream. The picture they were able to present demonstrates the significant enhancements currently being made to the Fleet Air Arm - in terms of equipment and facilities. We are indeed fortunate to have such an expansion of capabilities in /" 0 "" I C2I a time of relative constraint elsewhere in Defence. I would like to focus my comments on the personnel aspects of this expansion , for without the right people, new equipment and facilities are useless . I have to say we are being challenged at the moment to find and retain people for our demanding profession. This is a reflection of the changes in our society. At a recent conference I heard the Warrant Officer of the Navy describe the contemporary sailor. Amongst his or her attributes, the modern sailor is likely to have matriculated from high school, holds or has traded shares on the stockmarket, is computer literate and owns the latest communication technology, will probably have held a job before joining up and will expect to hold others after a stint in the Service. Importantly, he or she will likely comprehend and have a considered opinion on all the social issues seen in the newspaper and practiced on the street today and will expect to be able to discuss them freely. In short, the new sailor (and officer for that matter) is different from his or her forebears. Our challenge today, therefore, is to align our existing ethos and values with these contemporary attitudes without losing focus on our goal - to defend Australia. We are fortunate in the Fleet Air Arm to have the opportunity to meet these new expectations with ideals that have not changed substantially with time. We still offer challenging careers, with responsibility given early on, and with the opportunity to work on new and innovative equipment. Furthermore, in today's embarked helicopter Flights, where each individual is a critical member in the team, the sailor can draw satisfaction from seeing his or her direct contribution to this tight-knit group. When ably led these Flights show all the hallmarks of the Fleet Air Arm's heritage - professionalism, pride and success. We must encourage this in the newest members of the Fleet Air Arm. Thus, the Fleet Air Arm Association has an important role to play here. Just as the Association is bound by an esprit de corps forged in earlier days, we need to share that spirit and demonstrate its advantages to the contemporary Fleet Air Arm sailor and officer. I encourage existing members of the Association to engage the younger members of the Fleet Air Arm when the opportunity arises and welcome them to the ranks of the Association. 2 Slipstream CAPTTW BARRETTRAN EDITOR'S BIOGRAPHY CaptainTim Barrettis currentlythe CommandingOfficer of HMAS CORNER Albatrossat Nowra.He is responsiblefor the administrationof the NavalAir Stationand for the provisionof operationalsupport to Onceagain I wouldlike to thankthe many the numerouslodger units on site. people who have been in contact by all mannerof means.Your input and support Captain Barrett was a Junior Entry cadet midshipmanto RANCin 1976. He completedseaman training in HMA Ships is so very important,not onlyto Slipstream, butthe FleetAir ArmAssociation in general. Melbourneand Perth,before gaining his BridgeWatch-keeping Certificatein HMSOrkney with the RN in 1982. It is goodto see that 805 Squadronhas once againrisen 'Phoenix-like' from the ashes.I havea specialaffinity with 805 Consolidationtraining was conductedin HMASBrisbane in havingtwice been a partof its commissioning,and paying-off. 1983/4.He subsequentlyqualified as aircrew(Observer) in 1984. He then servedin HS 817 Sea Kings until 1989 as operations I mustadmit though, that with the new 805 havingaircraft officer, HMAS StalwartFlight Commanderand as a simulator that rise vertically,instead of taking a 'run and jump' to get instructor. airborne,takes a heckof a lot of gettingused to . Nevertheless, it's goodto see the squadronactive again . My wishis that the He completedflight test training on the RAF Aerosystems squadroncontinues to enjoy the camaraderieand esprit de Coursein the UK in 1989/90,receiving the HumphreyGold Medal corpsthat was shared by thosewho went before. for gainingfirst placeon course. I have been asked to produceinformation regarding the He subsequentlyposted to the SeahawkIntroduction and growthof the Airframes/EnginesBranch from 1948onwards. TransitionUnit, firstly as a trialsofficer then as FlightCommander The material requested can include types of courses, to HMA Ships Adelaide and Canberra,the latter including environment,anecdotes and so on. If you can helpme with this deploymentto the NorthRed Sea on DAMASK6. projectit wouldbe verymuch appreciated . He attendedRAN Staff Coursein 1993,graduating in first The City/Country membership get-together at place,then joined the AircraftMaintenance and FlightTrials Unit Campbelltownon Saturday,26 May,is lookingvery promising. as the Officerin Charge. If you are attending,bring some of your photographswith you This was followedby a posting to HS 817 Squadronas so that namesand faces can be put together. Furtherdetails of CommandingOfficer in 1996. thisevent are in the NSWDivision Report. On promotionto Commanderin early1997 he becameDeputy Finally, pleasekeep those letters rolling in. DirectorAir Warfare Developmentin the Force Development Be kindto eachother.Ed Branchof ADHQ.Subsequent reorganisation within Headquarters sawthe positionbecome Deputy Director Maritime Aviation under CORRECTION! the DG AerospaceDevelopment , responsiblefor both Naval Aviationand RAAFP3 capabilitydevelopment. CommanderBarrett then posted into RANTEAAas the Withreference to the articleentitled 'Heart Spam ' in the previous inauguralHelicopter Operational Test Director,responsible for co­ edition. I am indebtedto Dr Fred Lane for sendingme the ordinatingthe operationaltest and evaluationof ProjectsSEA clippingfrom ModernMaturity, which refutes the advicegiven in 1405 (1 & 2) - Seahawk FUR & ESM modification,SEA the HeartSpam article. 1411 - SeaspriteAcquisition, and SEA 1414 - PenguinASM Theclipping , authoredby JudithDencott, reads as follows: Acquisition. 'Internethealth advice can be deadly. Gettingmedical advice On promotion to Captain, he assumed command of from the Web is like winninga trip from a telemarketer:You HMASAlbatross on 26 February2001 . shouldbe wary. Captain Barrett is married to Jenny and has two young Considera recent E-mailthat's circulatingthe Internet:If daughters.He maintainshis own homeat HyamsBeach on Jervis you're alone and having a heart attack, breathedeeply and Bay. He holds a BA in history and politics and a Masterof cough- repeatedlyand vigorously- to helpreturn your heart to DefenceStudies, both conferred by the UNSW. a normalrhythm. Soundsgreat. But the Rochester,New York , hospitalcited in the e-mail denies ever endorsingthe treatment, and the Pl8AS8 ...weAn yoM (iLAssesl AmericanHeart Association has issueda warningabout ' cough CPR'. Recentadvice from a veteransgroup stronglyrecommends True,a handfulof medicalstudies have shown that coughing thatveterans on anytype of medicationshould wear their glasses may help heart attack victims in controlled medical when selectingtheir medication.They quote the case of a environments. But if you thinkyou 're havinga heartattack, it's veteranwho accidentally ingested drain cleaner tablets instead of still best to call 000, take an Aspirin,sit or lie down,or ask a Viagra,which resulted in himbeing hospitalised. friendto driveyou to thenearest emergency room.' Unfortunately,at the sametime as he tookhis 'medication'he [I can't rememberwho sent me the originalarticle, but if flushedhis Viagratablets down the 'loo'. Apartfrom his medical you'rereading this, pleaseadvise anyone else you may have bills,he now has a hugebill from his plumberas the Viagratook forwardedit to. Ed] all the 'S' bendsout of his plumbing. 3 Slipstream ~ ---------------- DearEd of the first 40 yearsof the RANFleet Air Armw as somethingto be I was recentlyreading 'Letters to the Editor' cherished,and that it forgedman y strongfriendsh ips andalliances in Slipstreamand it brought back many whichhave stood us all in good stead since we left the Service. memoriesof HMS Heron(1947-'48), when L--1.JL..l.~:l::l::l..~_J Thereis alsono doubtthat the lessonswe learnedin that Service the RANclass of Armourerswas on course hasstood us all in goodstead i n our endeavoursin civilianlife. I just there. have to look at the manyex-FAA members who havetaken up I wasRN at thetime doing Airframes Part II training. Believe leadingroles i n the life
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